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The Sword and the Stallion : Michael…
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The Sword and the Stallion : Michael Moorcock (originale 1973; edizione 1981)

di Michael Moorcock (Autore)

Serie: Corum (6), The Eternal Champion (Corum novel 6)

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There is a sword, forged by the master swordsmith Goffanon the Dwarf, imbued with powerfully magical properties. But this magic can only be wielded by one man. And there is a stalliona fierce animal that allows only those pure of heart to ride it. The only man worthy of taking up this sword, and climbing into this saddle, is Prince Corumthe Eternal Champion. The struggle for dominion between the races of good and evil is reaching an epic crescendo, and the formidable Gods of Limbo threaten to deliver unending Chaos to the world. Corum's most desperate quest yet will see treachery, betrayal, wizards, dragons and brutal battle, all of which will decide the fate of the Earth, and of Corum himself.… (altro)
Titolo:The Sword and the Stallion : Michael Moorcock
Autori:Michael Moorcock (Autore)
Info:Mayflower / Granada (1981), Edition: New Ed, 176 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca, In lettura, Da leggere

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The Sword and the Stallion di Michael Moorcock (1973)

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Dayum. So bleak, but SO perfect. ( )
  KateSherrod | Aug 1, 2016 |
Amergin the Archdruid is restored. The Mabden are assembled. The attacked must be pressed because in a war of attrition, the Fhoi Myore will prevail. But Amergin is not confident in the Mabden ability to defeat the Fhoi Myore alone. And he is not the only one who lacks confidence.

As the Mabden set out for their assault, Amergin asks that Corum visit the isle of Yvys Scaith, the Isle of Shadows, to see if any who dwell there would be willing to lend their aid to the Mabden cause. Goffanon believes this to be foolishness, and for good reason - he has been to that island before and barely escaped. But courage bests wisdom, and Corum and Ilbrec go to see if they can acquire more help.

While there, they meet the masters of the isle - a self-centered, callous, pitiless people who are masters of magic and illusion. These people will have nothing to do with Corum and Ilbrec, but do mention that they have an ally on his way - someone who can give them what they want. Of course, this ally is Calatin who has managed to get Goffanon back under his power.

To cut to the chase, Calatin is killed and Jhary, Goffanon, Ilbrec and Corum manage to make it back to the Mabden with the sorcerous aid they sought. This turns the tide against the Fhoi Myore who are banished back to their natural plane.

It is only then that Corum discovers why he should fear harp, beauty and brother. Harp has turned Beauty against him, and brother (his old corpse under Cremm Crioch) is now a weapon used to slay him. And thus, finally, are all magic and all demigods banished from the earth. ( )
  helver | Aug 28, 2012 |
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Gould, RobertImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Grant, MelvynImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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There is a sword, forged by the master swordsmith Goffanon the Dwarf, imbued with powerfully magical properties. But this magic can only be wielded by one man. And there is a stalliona fierce animal that allows only those pure of heart to ride it. The only man worthy of taking up this sword, and climbing into this saddle, is Prince Corumthe Eternal Champion. The struggle for dominion between the races of good and evil is reaching an epic crescendo, and the formidable Gods of Limbo threaten to deliver unending Chaos to the world. Corum's most desperate quest yet will see treachery, betrayal, wizards, dragons and brutal battle, all of which will decide the fate of the Earth, and of Corum himself.

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