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What Happy People Know: How the New Science of Happiness Can Change Your Life for the Better

di Dan Baker, Cameron Stauth (Autore)

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2362118,171 (3.61)1
What Happy People Know Dr. Dan Baker, director of the Life Enhancement Program at Canyon Ranch, has devoted his life to teaching people how to be happy. And apparently, most of us could use a little tutoring. Research has shown that the root of unhappiness--fear--lies in the oldest, reptilian part of our brains, and negative reactions are often dictated by primal instincts. We're literally "hardwired for hard times." In What Happy People Know, Dr. Baker uses evidence from the new science of happiness to show us how we can overcome this genetic predisposition toward negative reactions and lead a truly rich, happy, and healthy life. Maybe you're wishing for more--more money, more friends, more status--thinking that "more" itself will insulate you from fear, making you feel safer and therefore happier. But Dr. Baker's clinics have been filled with VIPs who are just as unhappy as the next guy--some even more so. In What Happy People Know, Dr. Baker shares the program that has revolutionized the lives of countless unhappy people, VIPs and regular Joes and Janes alike. First, you'll learn the only two issues that ever cause unhappiness and devise your plan to overcome both of them. Then, Dr. Baker teaches you how to spot the happiness traps, the five doomed ways we try to make ourselves happy, only to dig ourselves further into misery. Finally, he shares his happiness tools, the six simple skills that, when practiced consistently, will inevitably lead to greater optimism, courage, good humor, and fulfillment--in short, to happiness.… (altro)
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an interesting book about the psychology of happiness and what you need to know to be happy. The author spends way too much time bashing conventional psychology and psychotherapy for my taste, but there's some good material here.
  Ealasaid | Oct 29, 2009 |
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Baker, DanAutoreautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Stauth, CameronAutoreautore principaletutte le edizioniconfermato
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"Happiness is the whole aim and end of human existence."
Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
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For my wife, Amy—my inspiration, grounding force, and love my life. For my children—the manifestation of family, meaning, and purpose. For my grandchildren—the personification of possibilities and hope. And for my mother, whose nurturance and encouragement laid the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life.
—Dan Baker
For Norm and Peggy Levine, poets of living.
—Cameron Stauth
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What Happy People Know Dr. Dan Baker, director of the Life Enhancement Program at Canyon Ranch, has devoted his life to teaching people how to be happy. And apparently, most of us could use a little tutoring. Research has shown that the root of unhappiness--fear--lies in the oldest, reptilian part of our brains, and negative reactions are often dictated by primal instincts. We're literally "hardwired for hard times." In What Happy People Know, Dr. Baker uses evidence from the new science of happiness to show us how we can overcome this genetic predisposition toward negative reactions and lead a truly rich, happy, and healthy life. Maybe you're wishing for more--more money, more friends, more status--thinking that "more" itself will insulate you from fear, making you feel safer and therefore happier. But Dr. Baker's clinics have been filled with VIPs who are just as unhappy as the next guy--some even more so. In What Happy People Know, Dr. Baker shares the program that has revolutionized the lives of countless unhappy people, VIPs and regular Joes and Janes alike. First, you'll learn the only two issues that ever cause unhappiness and devise your plan to overcome both of them. Then, Dr. Baker teaches you how to spot the happiness traps, the five doomed ways we try to make ourselves happy, only to dig ourselves further into misery. Finally, he shares his happiness tools, the six simple skills that, when practiced consistently, will inevitably lead to greater optimism, courage, good humor, and fulfillment--in short, to happiness.

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