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Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn?: Timeless Lessons on Love, Power, and Style

di Pamela Keogh

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A fun and fabulous guide to modern-retro sophistication, celebrating two iconic American women who define timeless style. Are you the Blonde Bombshell or the Brainy Brunette? It's an enigma women have pondered for ages-will you get more out of life as the good girl or the seductress, or is it better to channel a little of both? On the surface, these legendary American women were opposites, but they had at least one thing in common- mystery. That, and impeccable style. Praise for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? 'The life and style of Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis are at the centrepiece of Keogh's whimsical Book.' Harpers Bazaar 'Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Explores this concept in impressive detail, helping you figure out which fal-camp you allegedly belong to. You might be surprised- Not every sexy blonde is a Marilyn and not every brainy brunette is a Jackie.' Self 'I love this book! Jackie's and Marilyn's timeless fashion aesthetics extend beyond generation-the fact that their styles inspire us is a testament to their originalities.' Jason Wu, fashion designer 'Figuring out whether you are a Jackie or a Marilyn will revolutionize your closest and transform your love life. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a bit . . . but it's still a fantastic read!!!' Simon Doonan, author of Eccentric Glamour… (altro)
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This sexpot versus good girl competing for the attention of the most powerful man in the world dichotomy has sparked intrigue for more than a generation.

Ms. Keogh does not attempt to fuel the speculation of a torrid affair between Ms. Monroe and President Kennedy, she instead just compares the traits of the two women and evaluates how they handle different situations. What I like about this book is that it is well researched – their respective childhoods, their marriages, their education and careers, their philosophies, their styles, their values, their friendships - but the material is presented in a light, playful way as is appropriate for the subject matter and the target audience.

The book begins with a quiz to see how much you know about the subjects and which one of them you are most like. It doesn’t judge which is better, and without giving it away, it’s hard to imagine that anyone isn’t a little bit of both.

Bottom Line: I found it to be a nice reprieve from the heavily lifting I was doing at the office at the time. It was cute, yet heady enough to display the effort the author put into the work. ( )
  ShavonJones | Nov 12, 2012 |
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A fun and fabulous guide to modern-retro sophistication, celebrating two iconic American women who define timeless style. Are you the Blonde Bombshell or the Brainy Brunette? It's an enigma women have pondered for ages-will you get more out of life as the good girl or the seductress, or is it better to channel a little of both? On the surface, these legendary American women were opposites, but they had at least one thing in common- mystery. That, and impeccable style. Praise for Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? 'The life and style of Marilyn Monroe and Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis are at the centrepiece of Keogh's whimsical Book.' Harpers Bazaar 'Are You a Jackie or a Marilyn? Explores this concept in impressive detail, helping you figure out which fal-camp you allegedly belong to. You might be surprised- Not every sexy blonde is a Marilyn and not every brainy brunette is a Jackie.' Self 'I love this book! Jackie's and Marilyn's timeless fashion aesthetics extend beyond generation-the fact that their styles inspire us is a testament to their originalities.' Jason Wu, fashion designer 'Figuring out whether you are a Jackie or a Marilyn will revolutionize your closest and transform your love life. Okay, so I'm exaggerating a bit . . . but it's still a fantastic read!!!' Simon Doonan, author of Eccentric Glamour

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