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Caliban and the Witch: Women, the Body, and Primitive Accumulation (2004)

di Silvia Federici

Altri autori: Vedi la sezione altri autori.

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1,0051621,163 (4.26)4
A history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and the conflict between body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization.… (altro)
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» Vedi le 4 citazioni

Makes a compelling case for the Witch Hunt as key to the destruction of social solidarity and resistance to development of capitalism. Places women front and centre and redresses the weaknesses in Marx’s account. ( )
  P1g5purt | Mar 26, 2024 |
Fascinating and incredibly important book. Covers the history of the end of feudalism, the rise of capitalism, the rise of current patriarchal forms, colonialism, witch hunts and more. Makes it clear that capitalism was founded on the oppression of women and with massive resistance every step of the way. Shows the importance of reproductive control. Talks about the oppressive elements of philosophy from the time. Covers so much that it skips some historical detail but it doesn't matter. An essential book for correcting the male centred perspectives of today as well as linking social rebellion of now to the past. Read this if you're at all interested in feminism or anti-capitalism.

edit: i feel obliged to somewhat temper what i said above 18 months later. I've read fragments about problems with historiography in the book, particularly and reading bits and pieces people who've immersed themselves in the witchhunt literature have said. from what i understand, much of the problem is that a lot more information and research has come out in the last 30-40 years that gives a very different understanding of the political, sociological and legal aspects of it - see the problem is this book focuses on older sources (and has the problem of not always citing properly) which means it uses some inaccurate information and has only a limited perspective simply because the information wasn't widely available or understood at the time the book was written (probably). as someone who's not read other witch hunt stuff i can't comment in detail and I've not seen a more comprehensive criticism, i just think it's important to note and to make sure you don't take all the history as gospel. that's not to smear the book and i still stand by it being a very interesting and important book politically and it's still full of useful history. just wanted to put up some new information ( )
1 vota tombomp | Oct 31, 2023 |
A fantastic read that shows that the subjugation of women via the witch trial was part of a process of 'capitalismisation' that started with enclosures and continues via slavery and colonisation to the globalised world of today. ( )
  elahrairah | Oct 18, 2023 |
Tradução realizada pelo Coletivo Sycorax ( )
  HelioKonishi | Mar 6, 2022 |
harrowing ( )
1 vota icedtati | Sep 7, 2021 |
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» Aggiungi altri autori (10 potenziali)

Nome dell'autoreRuoloTipo di autoreOpera?Stato
Federici, Silviaautore primariotutte le edizioniconfermato
Bondone, Giotti diImmagine di copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Harkey, Sally AnnProgetto della copertinaautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
Pera Cucurell, MartaTraduttoreautore secondarioalcune edizioniconfermato
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All the world must suffer a big jolt.There will be such a game thT the
ungodLy will be thrown off their seats, and the downtrodden will rise.
-Thomas Muntzer
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A history of the body in the transition to capitalism. Moving from the peasant revolts of the late Middle Ages to the witch-hunts and the rise of mechanical philosophy, Federici investigates the capitalist rationalization of social reproduction. She shows how the battle against the rebel body and the conflict between body and mind are essential conditions for the development of labor power and self-ownership, two central principles of modern social organization.

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