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Fascinating Facts, Mysteries and Myths About U.S. Coins

di Robert R. Van Ryzin

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Who were the models for the Indian Head nickel? Why is it called the Orphan Annie? What is the King of American Coins? Fascinating Facts, Myths and Mysteries about U.S. Coinsis a compilation of some of the more intriguing stories in the history of U.S. Mint coinage. Some are based on facts. Others are hobby myths. All of them make for entertaining reading. Read about: The five-known 1913 Liberty head nickels Augustus Staint-Gaudens and his famed gold $20 The short-lived 20-cent piece The $1 million coin exhibit The reason for the Liberty cover-up on the Standing Liberty quarter… (altro)
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A fine collection of coin and medal stories and history. I did not know many of the stories in this book which made it well worth the low price (I bought this book at a discount website). If you are a collector, or someone interested in United States history, this is a fun book for you! ( )
  Chris177 | Jan 4, 2013 |
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Who were the models for the Indian Head nickel? Why is it called the Orphan Annie? What is the King of American Coins? Fascinating Facts, Myths and Mysteries about U.S. Coinsis a compilation of some of the more intriguing stories in the history of U.S. Mint coinage. Some are based on facts. Others are hobby myths. All of them make for entertaining reading. Read about: The five-known 1913 Liberty head nickels Augustus Staint-Gaudens and his famed gold $20 The short-lived 20-cent piece The $1 million coin exhibit The reason for the Liberty cover-up on the Standing Liberty quarter

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