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Glee: The Beginning: An Original Novel (Glee Original Novels)

di Sophia Lowell

Serie: Glee (1)

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1185239,340 (2.82)3
Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:Calling all Gleeks!
Get more of your favorite characters in this official Glee prequel!

All great performances deserve a warm-up! Enroll early at McKinley High—before New Directions was even a glimmer in Mr. Schuester's eye. When did Rachel first decide Finn was more than just a jock? When did Puck and Quinn start their secret romance? And how did the fledgling Glee Club function without a fearless leader? Hint: It wasn't exactly a perfect melody.
Break out the gold stars and refill the slushies: It's time to find out what happened to all your favorite characters before the show-mance began.

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Basic writing and contained everything I hate about Glee then magnified it - I can't bloody stand Rachel, Quinn, or Finn and yet there they are with the book's focus firmly on them; as usual, the minority characters are more after thoughts - they don't even get to be on the front cover or on any of the giveaway posters! Plus, everything in the book contradicts how the Glee Club actually started as seen in the pilot - and last time I checked, the pilot was still bloody canon. Even the most hardcore Glee fans would do best to read this with lowered expectations. I will certainly not be reading the follow up books to this. ( )
  sarahlh | Mar 6, 2021 |
I am a total "Gleek," and I have been in love with the show since the very first episode. I'll spare you the details. But of course, I had to read the Glee book that answers my burning questions about what happened before the t.v. show kicked off, such as what grades the main characters are in, and how did Puck and Quinn wind up in bed together? I have a life, just not on Tuesdays.
Anyways, the book is true to form, right down to Sue Sylvester's hilariously-vile comments, Finn's adorable naivety, Rachel's incredibly self-involved attitude, and Kurt's sense of style. I also appreciated that the book helped me to better appreciate Artie's and Tina's characters, as I got to see how they interacted with each other and the thoughts that went through their heads. Tina apparently has an artistic side that comes out in the novel. I also got to see more of the difficulty that Artie deals with daily using a wheelchair. All of the other familiar characters make appearances, as well, such as Miss Emma Pillsbury, Will Schuester, and even sweaty Jacob.
The only thing I was really missing while reading the novel was the lack of music and singing. The characters did "sing" and "dance" to particular songs, but it helps to take advantage of Youtube if you want to have the full experience. ( )
  JacobsBeloved | Jul 10, 2011 |
This book was pretty good. I thought I would really enjoy it because I love the tv show. I think the story gets better when more students join the glee club. Right now only 5 people are in the club and they are constantly being made fun of. I guess I would consider reading the second book. ( )
  MaWa0404 | Jan 31, 2011 |
If you are desperate for a Glee fix during the off-season and the CDs and DVDs from the first season aren't cutting it, this book might be a guilty pleasure. If you are not a Glee fan, this mediocre "prequel" to the series will not win you over. ( )
  umachan | Sep 24, 2010 |
I'm still struggling on how to describe this venture from the screen to the page. There is some good stuff in this book and stuff really not so good stuff. But overall I'm glad I read it.

In this book we get more of everything from the characters, Rachel is more annoying, Finn is a little more dumb, Quinn is meaner. I sort of wish they hadn't been. But I think this comes from being inside of the characters head instead of being a spectator. I did like seeing how Quinn and Puck got together and how Rachel and Finn first bonded, stuff like that.

The book speculates that Mercedes, Kurt, Tina, and Artie were all in Glee Club before Mr. Schuester takes over (with Rachel joining in the book). I re-watched the pilot to see how they match up and I can't say I'm fully on board with them already all being in the Glee Club. Of course someone had to be in the Glee Club before, the old memebers wouldn't just all drop out when the old teacher was fired but still, something doesn't sit right with me. Why did they all have to audition for Mr. Schuester and it didn't seem like they really knew each other let alone had already performed as a Glee Club already.

A few horrible unforgivable NO moments I came across included Puck being referred to as Puck Puckerman, when in fact his real name is Noah. And the word Gleeks being uttered in the book. hell no! But besides that it was a fun book and I'm glad I read it. It does have some flaws but I'll live with it. Will be interesting to see where in time the next book, Glee: Foreign Exchange takes place. ( )
  mint910 | Aug 19, 2010 |
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Juvenile Fiction. Juvenile Literature. HTML:Calling all Gleeks!
Get more of your favorite characters in this official Glee prequel!

All great performances deserve a warm-up! Enroll early at McKinley High—before New Directions was even a glimmer in Mr. Schuester's eye. When did Rachel first decide Finn was more than just a jock? When did Puck and Quinn start their secret romance? And how did the fledgling Glee Club function without a fearless leader? Hint: It wasn't exactly a perfect melody.
Break out the gold stars and refill the slushies: It's time to find out what happened to all your favorite characters before the show-mance began.

Find out more at


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