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Leaf Man di Lois Ehlert
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Leaf Man (originale 2005; edizione 2005)

di Lois Ehlert (Autore)

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1,58011411,810 (3.95)2
A man made of leaves blows away, traveling wherever the wind may take him. On die-cut pages.
Titolo:Leaf Man
Autori:Lois Ehlert (Autore)
Info:Harcourt (2005), Edition: First, 40 pages
Collezioni:La tua biblioteca

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Leaf Man di Lois Ehlert (2005)

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Picture books for children
Big and bold
Voyages and travels
  kmgerbig | Apr 6, 2023 |
This book is about a journey of a man made of leaves. It depicts the journey of a leaf though seasons. This would be a good book for science classes talking about what happens when seasons change. ( )
  Rmg052 | Apr 26, 2021 |
I love this book; I feel like this is a very versatile book. I love how the illustrations were made up of different types of leaves. This book speculated about where a leaf my travel and all the things it may see. It can be used in so many ways in the classroom. First off, all children are familiar with leaves and overall this is an engaging read for children. This book is about a “leaf man” that takes a journey when the fall rolls around. The man is composed of leaves that are formed together to shape a man. He goes where the wind blows. I would use this book in a unit that talks about seasons, the fall or leaves. A fun activity I planned in a lesson plan to accompany this book was taking the class on a nature walk to collect leaves, then you have your students create their own leaf man! ( )
  krichard | Apr 29, 2020 |
I love this book for the unique illustration style using leaves to create animals and the way that the pages are cut to create a mountain and forest scene. ( )
  JenniferSprinkle | Aug 8, 2019 |
Leaf Man is a combination of a science book and a narrative books. The illustrations are all leaf collages, and the story line tells about how the leaf blows where the wind take it. There is a section in the back that illustrates various leaves. The sentence structure is very simple as is the vocabulary. There are direction words such as , north, south, east, and west, as well as words that describe physical features such as marsh, field, orchard, prairie, meadows. Other Tier II words might be gliding, lonesome, and rustle. The book lends itself to a range of leaf activities, sorting by shape or color, making a paper bag back pack and collecting leaves, leaf rubbings, leaf drying or putting between sheets of wax paper, and leaf collages. The book uses the repeated phrase A leaf man's gotta go where the wind blows. ( )
  cbdonnelly | Jul 13, 2019 |
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Leaf Man used to live near me, in a pile of leaves.
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A Leaf Man’s got to go where the wind blows.
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A man made of leaves blows away, traveling wherever the wind may take him. On die-cut pages.

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Media: (3.95)
2 10
2.5 1
3 32
3.5 10
4 47
4.5 2
5 50

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