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Control (2011)

di Charlotte Stein

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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

"If this is your first time crossing the line into the Dark Side of kinky sex and BDSM, then I recommend this book!" —Night Owl Reviews, 5 stars, Reviewer Top Pick

Will she choose control or just let go?

When Madison Morris wanted to hire a shop assistant for her naughty little bookstore, she never dreamed she'd have two handsome men vying for the position—and a whole lot more. Does she choose dark and dangerous Andy with his sexy tattoos? Or quiet, serious Gabriel, whose lean physique and gentle touch tempt her more than she thought possible?

She loves the way Andy takes charge when it comes to sex. But the turmoil in Gabe's eyes hints at a deep well of complicated emotions locked inside. When the fun and games are over, only one man can have control of her heart.

What readers are saying:

"Forget Fifty Shades of Grey...take a look at this and see how long you can stay in control!"

"This is honest to God, hands down, the best erotic fiction I've ever read."

"Highly addictive!"

… (altro)
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4.5 stars.Charlotte Stein's Control is a delectably naughty erotic romance that hits all the right spots. Plenty of steamy, lust-filled sex scenes perfectly compliment the surprisingly emotional storyline and the resulting story is sizzling, funny and poignant. An absolute must read for readers who enjoy a novel that is not afraid to tread into forbidden sexual territory.

Bookstore owner Madison Morris is in a quandary about which applicant to hire as her assistant. Ãœber sexy Andy Yarrow with the deliciously yummy tattoos and a penchant for taking control in the bedroom? Or shy, quiet, inhibited Gabriel with the tempting voyeuristic tendencies? No matter which man Madison chooses, her control is going to be sorely tested!

Madison is not afraid to take a walk on the sexual wild side and there is not a fantasy she is not willing to try. With the right man, she is more than willing to unleash her dominant side. But Madison is also comfortable taking the submissive role as well. She also likes some dirty talking-both as the talker and the listener. I think Madison is the perfect heroine because she is willing to do what we'd all like to do: embrace and explore our sexuality without limits.

Of the two heroes, Gabriel is the one who pretty much stole my heart. He is gentle, charming and sexually inexperienced with just the right amount of vulnerability. Madison's dominance is something he craves and although he is embarrassed about some of his desires, he is up for just about anything she commands. But the most compelling scenes between these two are the ones where Gabriel reveals information about his past. Their emotional connection is just as strong as their sexual one but it takes them both a while to realize it.

Ah, I just love a bad boy and Andy fits that role perfectly. In real life he is pretty laidback but in the bedroom? He prefers calling the shots. Andy completely dominates Madison and he makes an intriguing third in Madison and Gabriel's ménage explorations. He is a bit of a wanker (I just love that word!!!) but he manages to surprise me with his unexpected insight into Madison and Gabriel's relationship.

The sex scenes are scorching hot and plentiful. Despite the dominant and submissive roles, it is not a BDSM novel and although there are a couple of ménages, it is not a true ménage either. It is a sexually adventurous book that defies categorization and I think that's why I liked it so much.

Control is written in first person from Madison's perspective. There is a stream of consciousness feel to her inner monologue but once I got used to it, I really enjoyed it. It is a little confusing for the first chapter but by the second chapter, the story flows very smoothly. The humor is well-timed and laugh out loud funny. The characters and overall plot have depth and substance and in between bouts of incendiary sex, a true romance develops. I think it is safe to say that Charlotte Stein is now on my auto-buy list and I have been eagerly purchasing her backlist! ( )
  kbranfield | Feb 3, 2020 |
Review to come. I truly loved this story. Just the right kind of power, dominance, and submission. ( )
  ChannellingCloretta | Mar 9, 2014 |
Raw, gritty and scorching do-not-read-in-public-hot, at its heart, Control is a sweet romance between two damaged people. And it is filled with dirty talk.

A first-person, almost stream-of-consciousness, narrative allows the reader to form a visceral connection with Madison our (anti)heroine. Unashamed of her sexuality, but unsure of her "feelings", Madison makes mistakes, lies to herself and is possibly the worst(or best, depending on ones proclivities) boss ever. Not-quite-torn between Gabe the submissive and Andy the aggressive, Madison explores the many aspects of control: taking it, losing it, and perhaps most pivotally relinquishing it. In agonizingly, pearl-clutchingly, sordid, graphic detail. I often find menage unbelievable, but in this novel the encounters with Madison, Gabe and Adam aren't an end unto themselves, they serve as a real catalyst for character/relationship development.

More D/s than BDSM, Control focuses on the emotional impacts rather than the commercial trappings of a "lifestyle", which was refreshing. Also refreshing, a dominant woman with real sexual agency.

Control is Madison's fumbling journey towards ecstasy and the resulting Happily Ever After, stripped of saccharine, was so rewarding. I loved it. ( )
  ShariSlade | Feb 28, 2014 |
The virgin hero and fem Dom and a threesome, all in one story. I dislike threesome, I can imagine the appeal but I don't like reading about them, maybe because I believe in only one soul mate, well at least in my romance. That being said, I didn't mind the third wheel here. Gabriel and Maddie brought Andy in like a toy to spice up things and Andy was only invited when Gabriel and Maddie had solid feelings for each other. But the threesome and kinky sex was not the point of the book, a lot of sex was included, but that was not the main point. Two people coming together and discovering their sexuality and healing each other, was at the heart of the story. Neither Gabriel or Maddie knew what they wanted sexually and were mostly unsatisfied, with damaged childhoods. Then they found each other and started to discover what really turned them on. The most fun was watching Gabriel unwind. Very enjoyable. ( )
  saturnnalia | Nov 22, 2013 |
I might have found another author as kinky—or even kinkier (but probably not)—than the Queen of Kink herself, Tiffany Reisz. CONTROL features some lovely erotic spankings, humiliating cross-dressing, hot domination and submission and much more! If any of these things make you shudder (and not in a good way), I would recommend you turn around now. If you're curious of all things naughty, welcome aboard the kinky train!

So there really wasn't many characters in the 200 plus pages of this book. Andy is the cliche'd bad boy. He's tattooed, dominate, but a regular asshole (when he's not giving Maddie screaming orgasms, that is).

Gabe is beautiful, buttoned-up, and lives to take orders. He's the clean freak to Maddie's unorganized self. He's madly attracted to Maddie, but has a hard time telling her what he wants. He's great at taking orders—hell, he loves it—but he's terrible at telling her what he wants.

Maddie is the slutty owner of a slutty bookstore and she wants Gabe. She might be screwing a tattooed god, but she'd rather have Gabe bent over her bed, obeying her every order.

There is nothing in this book that I have read before. I described this book to a friend as "literary erotica mixed with dirty, dirty sex." I know I will never read another other book like CONTROL, and I can't wait to read more Charlotte Stein originals.


Many thanks to NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book. ( )
  Sarah_Hearts_Books | Oct 30, 2013 |
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Erotic Literature. Fiction. Romance. HTML:

"If this is your first time crossing the line into the Dark Side of kinky sex and BDSM, then I recommend this book!" —Night Owl Reviews, 5 stars, Reviewer Top Pick

Will she choose control or just let go?

When Madison Morris wanted to hire a shop assistant for her naughty little bookstore, she never dreamed she'd have two handsome men vying for the position—and a whole lot more. Does she choose dark and dangerous Andy with his sexy tattoos? Or quiet, serious Gabriel, whose lean physique and gentle touch tempt her more than she thought possible?

She loves the way Andy takes charge when it comes to sex. But the turmoil in Gabe's eyes hints at a deep well of complicated emotions locked inside. When the fun and games are over, only one man can have control of her heart.

What readers are saying:

"Forget Fifty Shades of Grey...take a look at this and see how long you can stay in control!"

"This is honest to God, hands down, the best erotic fiction I've ever read."

"Highly addictive!"


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