Washington - Seattle - Ravenna Third Place Books

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Washington - Seattle - Ravenna Third Place Books

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Mar 20, 2007, 12:59 am

Not as big as Elliott Bay, but they are open late (10 pm M-Thurs, 11 pm Fri-Sat, 7 pm Sun) and have a good selection of new and used.

I see from the website that they have a pub now, and the Honey Bear bakery is DEFINITELY worth a visit. Seattle has plenty of hills for walking off the calories!


Gen 5, 2009, 1:34 pm

I also like Third Place Books in Ravenna.

Just an update, a new restaurant has replaced Honey Bear Bakery...I haven't tried it yet so can't comment on it.

Also, another cool thing at this bookstore is on the last monday of the month, in the pub, Science on Tap meets. There is a short lecture (30 minutes or so)by a scientist and then after a break a chance for Q&A. I have heard several great speakers on a wide range of topics from the brain to weather to designing medical equipment for 3rd world environs. Warning, this is very popular so try to arrive early if you want to be able to sit down!