Would like your help for a small project about Austin


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Would like your help for a small project about Austin

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Mar 1, 2007, 11:56 pm


I'm working on a project and would like to enlist your help and get some feedback from all you Austinites. Is there a place in Austin that is sorely overrated and, if so, why? I'd also like to know if there's an alternative that you might suggest. Something like xxx is really overrated because...but if you go here XXX or even XXX you'll like it better because.....

The place can be a restaurant, an attraction, a historical site or whatever.

Thanks for any help you can offer....


Mar 2, 2007, 4:37 am

Could you give a real-life example please?

My wife and I go to XXX often, and we're never disappointed.

Mar 2, 2007, 7:45 pm

Well, maybe you think Threadgills is overrated since it's touted as the original home to singers like Janis Joplin, Jimmie Dale Gilmore and the Outlaw Country movement of the 70s. Today it only offers a strata of local music. Maybe try Stubbs Barbeque for goodTexas food and nationally famous (top talent) live music as well.

My project is travel-related. I'd like to see if there are any places in Austin that the locals consider overrated and would suggest a different places to friends of theirs who came in to town to see the sights.

Does that help? (I'll cross XXX off my list now, thanks.)

Mar 7, 2007, 1:38 pm

Sorry, I'm coming up blank. I don't pay any attention to ratings, and I tend to avoid going into Austin if I can help it, so I can't really come up with anything that might be helpful to you. Okay, ~any~ Starbucks, anywhere -- Their coffee is skunk-water. I kind of doubt that'll be helpful to you, but that's all I can think of. TGI Friday is pretty disappionting too, but I don't know how they're rated.

Good luck with your project.

Mar 11, 2007, 8:07 pm

For books, I'd say BookPeople is overrated; I just don't see what makes them better than Borders (which has an inventory that's searchable online).

For restaurants, you might have better luck getting a response if you ask around at http://www.chowhound.com/boards/61. Here's one post which has a link to some good and recent threads: http://www.chowhound.com/topics/379039#2370135

6atlaswinks Primo messaggio
Mar 19, 2007, 8:58 am

I can't think of any place that is sorely overrated, but it just seems that the "Austin" is being diluted out of some of the places you think of as Austin. We were suprised to find a new for us place on St. Pat's evening, It is a little unassuming place called Ross'. It is up on N. Lamarr and it was a blast! The food was what I think of as Amercian --- Similar to the Threaqdgill's menu. They had local musicians and the owner or owners son got up and sang a hilarious spoof on Elvis.

Apr 6, 2007, 1:38 am

I can't believe anyone would find Book People overrated. I could spend my whole life there. Their selection is much better than boarders. The staff knows all kinds of stuff and they have recomendations, they have authors come all the time and give lectures. The coffee is great. It isn't corporate. The kids section has foreign authors.

I would say Stubb's is great to see a concert but the food is overrated.

6th Street is overrated in guidebooks, unless you count Red River with it, their are just so many frat boys etc

Jovita's is mentioned a lot, while they may have good music the food is terrible and way too over-priced.

Apr 6, 2007, 8:58 am

Spaghetti Warehouse on 4th. How that place stays in business, I cannot understand. Any other Italian restaurant would be an improvement. Vespaio, Taverna, Carmelo's, La Traviata, Enoteca Vespaio, Portabla --- there are a lot of other Italian restaurants and cafes in the same area that might be a bit more, but are much higher quality. If you don't mind the drive from downtown, check out Siena @ the corner of 2222 & Capitol of Texas highway. It is our favorite Italian restaurant at the moment.

These aren't quite what you may be looking for, but here are two other thoughts.

Oasis - yes it is worth the view, but the food is overpriced. Does anyone know a place on the lake that the food is not a disappointment for what you pay for it?

Salt Lick 360 - it is NOT Salt Lick. It is good and I actually love a few things on the menu, but it is a more upscale and pricey menu and the bbq is just not quite a good as the original. Go ahead and make the time to drive out to Driftwood and eat at the original Salt Lick - nothing else compares. (And don't forget your cooler of beer.)

Apr 6, 2007, 11:43 am

The food is good at The Hula Hut but it is a little pricey and the view isn't as good as the Oasis.

The Oasis for drinks is fine but not a meal.

Feb 19, 2008, 8:51 pm

Iron Works. I don't care if Jay Leno likes it, I think their brisket is hideous, and their chicken worse. And whatever they do to their beans must involve infant sacrifice, 'cos I can't think how else to get that much of Teh Evil into one pot.

Mar 13, 2008, 12:14 pm

I think Chuy's is overrated. One could try Mesa Rosa, El Mercardo or Serrano's instead.