Looking for new Bond-like novel to read

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Looking for new Bond-like novel to read

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Mag 3, 2009, 9:41 am

I loved the Bond novels, but am itching to read something new. Looking for a Bond-like novel, set in the current day.

Any recommendations?

Lug 14, 2009, 4:33 pm

Check out this essay by a devotee of Ian Fleming. Most of the authors listed are contemporary.


Lug 14, 2009, 4:57 pm

A great article toolroomtrustee, thanks for posting it!
There are a couple of the authors he mentions I have read (wilbur smith, desmond bagley, jack higgins and alistair maclean) and while their stories are very good they lack something ian fleming had ... I don't know what though.
The bond books were more than just thrillers, I love the descriptions of bond's travels, clothes, cars, food, his drinks and how many cigarettes he smokes (a great opening line in casino royale I think it is where we get introduced to bond with the words; "...bond smoked his 60th cigarette of the day..." or words to that effect :)
I'll certainly look out for some of the writers mentioned in the article but I fear (I hope I'm wrong) they'll lack that 'fleming touch'.
Like deane_barker above I'd love to hear any recommendations of books people have read where they thought; "this could have been written by fleming ..."

Lug 15, 2009, 5:10 pm

I read that one of Hugh Hefner's motivations in creating *Playboy* was to provide a manual for men like himself, a native of the American Midwest with Puritanical parents, totally clueless about how to navigate through the post-WWII prosperity and choose the right clothes and wine. The brand name-dropping and the vivid descriptions of overseas travel suggest Fleming too wrote for such men. *Playboy*, of course, did publish one or two Bond short stories in the early sixties.

Lug 15, 2009, 5:20 pm

well he ceratinly never thought of his bond books as 'literature', he described the stories as; “James Bond is the feverish dreams of the author of what he might have been--bang, bang, bang, kiss, kiss, that sort of stuff. It’s what you would expect of an adolescent mind--which I happen to possess.”