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Special recommendation...

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Nov 14, 2008, 5:07 pm

I wonder if anybody can recommend a book which needs to fit quite tight description.

I have to analyse a literary text (or several texts) for an essay. Initially, I thought about comparing some of the novels of the Brontë sisters with each other, especially Wuthering Heights
and The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, both of which I love and show several similarities (issues of gender, etc.). However, I am now thinking that if I want to write about questions of sex and gender, it might be more to the point to compare one of these two books to another one of a British male author from the same period, which might yield some more interesting contrasts. Of course, a novel dealing with a similar topic would be great. Any suggestions, anyone?


Nov 27, 2008, 7:31 pm

Wilkie Collins' The Woman in White (1859, so a decade after WH/TToWH) explores similar themes - gender, marriage, family secrets etc. - and you could compare the ways in which the Brontes/Collins borrow from the Gothic tradition/structure their narratives. Scope for an interesting essay and it's a cracking read.