page counts?

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page counts?

Mag 21, 4:47 pm

Hi, I'm still trying to get used to the site after moving my collection to be primarily here last year.

Is there an easy place to find the number of pages a book has on the work details page? I can't seem to find it.


Mag 21, 4:50 pm

>1 purpleiris: Our works are a collection of all editions of the book - in all formats and languages. Because of that number of pages is not really feasible on the work level - would you want the number of pages of the English first edition or the Russian 3rd edition or the Large Print German one? They are all valid values inside of this work page.

The number of pages of your own books are inside of the book data - there is a whole section for that and they are also usually in the Publication field (depending on the source you used).

Mag 21, 6:02 pm

Yes, as suggested, you want 'book details', not work details. When you're on a work page, it will show even without opening that if it's included in publication field, as that shows below the title in 'Your book information'.

If you're viewing your catalogue as a whole (Your Library), you just need to put 'pages' column in one of your viewing styles. You can define 5 different ones. I no longer remember what those styles A-E show by default, by you can customize each to show what you want. Just click the settings button next to the styles and drag and drop from numerous fields on the right. 'Pages' is under 'physical' section. Don't forget to save before exiting.

Mag 21, 6:58 pm

Hm. Ok. Thanks. I appreciate the answers, but sometimes I want/need to know the number of pages before adding to my own shelves (like if I'm considering teaching a work, I want a general idea of how long it is). Maybe I could check out the book on someone else's shelf for that? I'm assuming that's the only way to access individual editions if I haven't shelved them myself?

Mag 21, 7:07 pm

>4 purpleiris: Yep - LT just does not have the value you want anywhere. You can go to someone's catalog (if they have the pages added to their copy - the field is not mandatory) or go to one of the external sources linked on the work page (Amazon, Worldcat/OCLC and so on). You can configure your Quick Links any way you want them so they are always handy for them (the module is on the right column of a work page or at the bottom in the mobile view). The editing page is

Mag 22, 8:14 am

Thanks. I appreciate the tip about Quick Links. I never noticed that before. I'll try that.

Modificato: Mag 22, 9:05 am

>4 purpleiris: Either on someone else's shelf, or perhaps it's quicker to use a quick link on the right to WorldCat, Goodreads, Google books or something else that will open a particular edition, so you'll see pages. You can edit what appears in quick links and put whatever is the most useful source to have there: Either way you need to see a specific edition to see pages. LT only shows specific editions in individual catalogues as they are catalogued. Work level data only shows what's common to all editions.

Edit: Basically repeated AnnieMod. I my defense, I'm still sleepy :)

Mag 22, 9:30 am

No worries! :) I appreciate it! And that does seem to be the best solution, so thanks.