Unable to Mark Not Received

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Unable to Mark Not Received

Mag 15, 3:16 am

The only books I have not reviewed are ones I have not received, but the option to mark them not received has been missing from my wins list for a while. Does anyone else have this problem and/or know what to do about it?

Mag 15, 9:23 am

>1 nbmars: Sorry to hear you've run into this issue! There are a couple of reasons you might be unable to mark a book as Not Received.

The first would be that the book was won too recently (in the last two monthly batches, for paper copies).

The second would be that the book was a digital copy, where the download link was sent via onsite LibraryThing message. Starting last month, LibraryThing itself is sending these messages with the link. Given that we know the winner received what they should, members will no longer be able to mark those giveaways as Not Received.

If you've already marked a book as Received, you cannot automatically then mark it as Not Received. This is to prevent "winners' remorse," where people change their mind about reading something, even though they've received it. If there is a genuine mistake, in this regard, the member can reach out to me for help.

In any case, please do let me know if your situation falls outside any of the above. You can reach out to me via onsite LibraryThing message, or email me at: abigailadams@librarything.com