
ConversazioniBook Discussion : Cold as the Grave by James Oswald

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Mag 11, 6:40 am

What is your impression of Sheila Begbie? What have you made of her interactions with Tony? Can she read his thoughts?

Mag 11, 8:17 am

I think Sheila Begbie is using the House of Refugees as a cover up for trafficking immigrants. I’m not sure she reads his thoughts but she knows what the police are thinking.

Mag 11, 9:24 am

She is a woman with a dislike for police, for some reason especially Tony. Agree with >2 EadieB: on reading Tony's thoughts.

Mag 11, 10:32 am

She's diffidently a part of the trafficking ring. I'm not sure about the "reading Tony's thoughts" part. Wouldn't that be both useful if you could do it and scary at the same time. You'd have to be careful about what you were thinking:)

Mag 11, 3:51 pm

I got the impression she was, at the very least, attuned to McLean, she’s probably good at reading people.
I’ve not yet seen anything that makes me think she’s a trafficker. I think she’s wary of the police, probably with good cause, if her refugees are at risk of being detained by them - not every cop will be as liberal as Tony.

Mag 12, 5:39 am

I agree that her wary attitude could simply be concern for her clients and an understandable distrust of authority. Can she read his thoughts? I do not think so.

Mag 12, 4:20 pm

>5 Sergeirocks: I’d agree, at this point it doesn’t feel as if she is part of the trafficking ring, but I could be wrong about this. There definitely seems a connection between her and Tony. I’m watching this link closely.