
ConversazioniBook Discussion : Hellburner by Clive Cussler and Mike Maden

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Apr 13, 4:26 pm

Why, or how, would Linc be blind? Did you think it would be permanent?

Apr 13, 6:30 pm

Don’t know what the technology would involve to make this happen. Some type of laser, maybe? I’m hoping the effects will only be temporary. I know the authors haven’t shrunk from killing off characters throughout the series, but I don’t like it when they do.

Modificato: Apr 13, 7:17 pm

I went to Wikipedia and apparently there are lots of these type of weapons. Here's one:

A dazzler is a directed-energy weapon intended to temporarily blind or disorient its target with intense directed radiation. Targets can include sensors or human vision. Dazzlers emit infrared or invisible light against various electronic sensors, and visible light against humans, when they are intended to cause no long-term damage to eyes. The emitters are usually lasers, making what is termed a laser dazzler. Most of the contemporary systems are man-portable, and operate in either the red (a laser diode) or green (a diode-pumped solid-state laser, DPSS) areas of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Initially developed for military use, non-military products are becoming available for use in law enforcement and security.

I hope Linc will be okay.

Apr 13, 7:32 pm

I think that Linc will be temporarily blinded.

Apr 15, 4:45 am

>3 Olivermagnus: What a horrible weapon. This series certainly informs one about the level of technology now available for hostilities of all sorts.

Linc is a key member of the team and hopefully will recover.