
ConversazioniBook Discussion : Hellburner by Clive Cussler and Mike Maden

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Apr 13, 4:24 pm

Was Juan right to set fire to the Meth when they had planned to use them to track the Pipeline?

Apr 13, 5:36 pm

It was a sort of happening and Juan did what he had to at the moment.

Apr 13, 6:13 pm

Juan’s analysis of the situation was correct, their plan to track the drugs was compromised now the prisoners had been rescued and dead guards were lying about the place. I’m sure other means will be found re tracing the Pipeline.

Modificato: Apr 13, 7:03 pm

I agree with >3 Sergeirocks:. Plus, the book is only half over so it's too soon to find the end of the Pipeline.

Apr 15, 4:39 am

I think this comes back to Juan's strong moral sense. Even if this is not part of his remit the thought of this horrible stuff leading to addictions and deaths on a large scale makes it impossible for him to leave the meth untouched.