ConversazioniAny RP

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Apr 13, 12:10 am

Guy A and Guy B are on in the same, friends since childhood and more recently boyfriends. They do everything together, minus going to the bathroom. Well...in school most of the time anyways. Everyone knows these boys, yet nearly no one likes them. They call them faggots, queer freaks of nature. Honestly, individually, they don't mind the comments on them. But when someone makes fun of the other, that's when they get pissed. And they aren't freaks. Just in love. But that love is soon going to be torn.

Guy A makes a grave mistake, getting drunk one night at a party, that Guy B didn't go to for reasons, and ends up sleeping with some girl from out of town. People see this and take pictures. Putting them all around the school for everyone to see. For Guy B to see. He is mortified. Guy A tries to apologize, but Guy B will hear none of if, breaking off their relationship. Breaking off their friendship. Now, the two have to try to survive without on another. But can one really, truly survive without a part of themselves?

I don't really have anything that I need to other person to do, just a few.
1. Details. I don't mean writing 10 paragraphs per post, unless wanted, but at least a paragraph of at least 4 sentences. It makes it more enjoyable for the both of us.
2. Please, if you get bored with the RP, just let me no instead of just not replying. It will upset me more if you don't reply then if you just don't want to do it anymore.
3. It doesn't really matter to me if we already have a few RPs, the more the merrier in my eyes

Apr 13, 12:11 am

Guy A is a 17 year old boy who discovers he is gay, but his parents are stricly against homosexuals. Guy B is a really flirty, cocky sort of person that likes to have a lot of men in bed. Guy C is Guy B's best friend, and he's a sweetheart, but is a bit of a jerk to his mother and Guy A sometimes. Guy D is a really sweet, older man that thinks love is more important than f*cking. Guy E is a tall, openly gay man that, while he loves men in bed, he is a hopeless romantic. Guy b and Guy C have been best friend since High School, and have been friends with Guy D and E since they met each other at a club years back. Guy D has a crush on Guy C, but he will never let him knock. Plus, Guy C is in love with Guy B. And Guy E is just a single guy that gives advice and support for those in a relationship. Guy C does not like Guy A because of his relationship, if you can call it that, towards Guy B.


Guy A ventures into the gay part of town one night and just so happens to be taken home with Guy B. Guy B has his way with him, but Guy A develops feelings for him. Guy B shrugs him off however, which makes Guy A upset and sort of begin to stalk him. Guy C is furious at this, while Guy B and Guy D just shrug it off and Guy E actually talks with him sometimes, along with Guy C's mother. After some things happen, Guy A ends up moving in with Guy B, which causes a lot of issues. Guy C gets jealous of their 'relationship', which makes Guy D upset as well at Guy C's mother, who doesn't like Guy B, and makes Guy E have to console everyone who comes to talk to him. Guy A loves Guy B, but Guy B will never say the same, even though his feelings start to develop after some time.

Many issues could arise:

- Guy A could be getting bullied in school, which makes Guy B, Guy C's mom and Guy E help him sometimes with the issue, while Guy C shakes his head at them.

- There could be gay protests, while Guy A, Guy C's mother and Guy E will happily try to stop, while Guy C's mom is made at him for not joining and Guy B is doing his usual business.

- Guy A could be in an accident and lose part of his memory, causing Guy B to worry about him, but try not to show it, getting consoled by Guy E eventually.

Pretty much there is a lot of drama going on in everyone's lives.

Apr 13, 12:12 am

Guy A is very submissive and feminine while guy B is a bit more dominant and masculine. Guy A is an online celebrity on youtube, having three million subscribers to his sketches, rants and vlogs. He has had a hard life and struggled with sever social anxiety and rarely talks to people in real life. He meets guy B through a dating site that matched them up. They video chat and stuff a lot until guy A needs a place to stay and guy B offers his place to guy A.

Guy B would have to be willing to deal and/or help with a lot of mental and/or physical issues with guy A.

Apr 13, 12:14 am

Guy A is a very girlish person, short and pretty skinny. Guy B is a tall guy that has a bit of a cold atmosphere to him, but he's not mean to everyone. Just blunt and likes to say what's on his mind. Guy A transfers to an all boys boarding school and ends up rooming with Guy B. While going to school, a lot of the other guys make fun of him for his appearance and even try to say that he is a girl. Guy B, however, protects him a lot, always denying the possibility of him being a girl. They start being in an awkward sort of friendship since they honestly don't really talk very much. They also share a bed sometimes, since Guy A likes to sleepwalk sometimes and has a lot of bad dreams. Pretty much, Guy B becomes like a brother figure to Guy A, though Guy B secretly loves Guy A. Them having a relationship however, is an issue because they could get separated and Guy B could get kicked off the track team.

There is a different possibility to this story:

It could turn out that, while Guy A is not a girl, he is a hermaphrodite. He has very small breasts. Guy B figures this out shortly after he moves in, but he never tells Guy A that he knows. When they start becoming close to one another however, Guy B comes in when Guy A is changing. Guy A begs him not to tell anyone and Guy B agrees, saying that he's actually known from the beginning anyways. Then throughout the RP, Guy A could almost get exposed a few times by the other guys, but Guy B always saves him.

Apr 13, 12:14 am

Guy A is a person that grew up in a household with a homophobic father and a mother that tries to hold onto him too much. Well, he ventures into the 'gay' part of town one night, trying to get some excitement in his life. There, he meets Guy B, who pretty much screws anything that moves. Guy B takes a liking to Guy A and takes him home, 'doing' him multiple times. The next morning, Guy A wants to stay, but Guy B tells him that he is nothing to him, just a f*ck. This upsets Guy A and he starts to leave, where he runs into Guy C, Guy B's best friend and he also has a mega crush on Guy B for a long time, but never told anyone. Later that night, Guy B and Guy C are hanging out and Guy A is having a fight with his father, who apparently caught him kissing Guy B outside a gay bar. Guy A storms out off the house and runs back to Guy B's apartment, begging him to let him stay with him. After a while, Guy B accepts and Guy C is not happy about this at all, not even liking Guy A for that matter. And then we go from there. There'll be some 'cheating', (Guy A's words anyway...) could be some tragedies, maybe Guy A's father could try to call the police on Guy B for being a pedophile. (P.S: Guy A is around 16 or 17, Guy B is around 28 or 29 and Guy C is just a few months older than Guy B)

Apr 13, 12:14 am

Guy A and Guy B are lovers, each having there own individual girlfriends. Both of there families are rich, so they need to keep there love a complete secrete and not let anyone else know but themselves or else there and there parents reputation will be destroyed. They spend nearly every night together in bed, saying to each other that this is not love, simply filling in for there desire's. Truth be told though, Guy A and Guy B have fallen for each other, but they will not admit it to each other. In fact, Guy A won't even admit it to himself. He's the stubborn type of character, but easily falls for anything Guy B says or does to him. Different problems and situations will arise throughout the roleplay like people almost figuring it out, them having weird, stupid fights, some tragedy could happen.

Apr 13, 12:30 am

A, B and C are best friends, been that way since they first entered High School. They always help one another will any problem, no matter what it might be. One day however, a tragedy hits the school, one of the students hold A C hostage, B being outside of the school. B gets in through a window and sets the other students free, however the shooter finds them nearly right away. The student didn't want to hold anyone hostage and B tries to talk to the shooter, trying to get them to put the gun down. The shooter does, but one of the ones that were help hostage attacks him, causing them to accidentally shoot the gun in the process and kill B. A and C are devastated and somehow have to survive without their friend. However A can't handle it and begins to do drugs all the time and talk to people that A normally wouldn't. So C, on top of dealing with B's death, has to try and get A back to normal.

This can turn into a romance, or it can stay a friendship ^^

Apr 13, 12:47 am

Guy A is a teen with a major case of Schizophrenia. He can't use medication, because the doses he needs he could easily kill himself with. He's attempted suicide multiple times, and almost killed others many more times. He's currently living in a mental institution, doped up on anesthesics to mellow him out. He has a main person he talks about (possibly another character), who tells him what to do and drives him to insanity. He truly wants to be rid of his visions, but he can't do it on his own. Guy B is the person who is assigned to help Guy A. He is from out of town, and he is known for being good with patients with bad cases. This would be his toughest, though, as the person Guy A sees is stubborn and isn't letting him let go.

Apr 13, 12:49 am

Boy A has 'died' long ago, and hasn't been seen in about four to five years. Boy B and Boy A have been in a relationship before Boy A died, and upon the death of A, B gets depressed and starts going out with C. However after five long years, A returns with no memory of B. It was like.. A reborn person with the same appearance but no memory. B goes back with A, trying to get him to remember. However, almost giving up once, B forcefully kisses A to get him to remember. A instead pushes him away and actually starts going out with C, who was seen to be supportive. C is actually after B's heart and wants A out the picture. So this time, C will win over A's heart and then when A is unsuspecting, make A's death look like an accident. But B has a feeling something bad will happen...

Apr 13, 11:07 am

Guy A have been tortured all his life. Given up by his family when he was 2 years old, he's lived in a cage, fed nearly rotting food and have been abused in every possible way starting at age 5. Hitting. Cutting. Raping. Chained up. Everything possibly imaginable. He is now 17 years old, living as an animal in his cage still, never speaking and always terrified. Guy B is a police officer, looking into the case of this lost boy for 6 years now, only recently getting a lead. They go into the house, though the one that was doing the torturing got away. Guy B found Guy A downstairs in his cage, taking him and getting him to the hospital. It was clear after a few hours of examination that this teenager barely even knew how to live like an actual human being, more minimalistic then human. He didn't like being touched, didn't like sharp things, didn't sit like a human, more like a dog, and didn't really know what clothes were either. After finding out that his parents are now deceased, Guy B decides to take him in and try to 'fix' him, though he quickly realizes how much he is like the man that took him in the first place. He feels like a wants to touch the teenager, kiss him and hold him close against himself. Now, he's a relatively young officer, but that doesn't make it right to him. What will he do?

Apr 13, 11:09 am

Guy A is in an abusive relationship. He has been with Guy B for 5 years now and things have begun to get violent with him 2 years ago when Guy A tried to break it off with him. Buy B just won't let go of him, holding on with everything that he's got. He does love Guy A, he just does things in the wrong way. Guy A is a model and gets a job with does some shoots with a few people in California, where as the couple lives in New York. Guy A decides to take the year job, without Guy B's permission. He goes, telling Guy B it's only a few months. Once there, he meets Guy C, who is very handsome and kind. Immediately, Guy A feels an attraction towards him, but he tries to hide it and go one with business. But really, how long can he? And what about Guy B, who's been lied to?

Apr 13, 11:10 am

Guy A and Guy B have a strange relationship. They cuddle, kiss and hold hands, but all in secret. Guy B is actually dating Guy C, who is Guy A's best friend. Guy A is also Guy B's childhood friend and they do everything a stable couple does, in secret, but they have never dated, even though Guy B always says that he wants to. Guy A begins to get depressed and then Guy D transfers to the school, joining the swim team, which Guy A is also on. They begin to get pretty close of friend, Guy D asks Guy A out after a bit who, without thinking, says yes. After a few dates and kisses, they begin to date. However, Guy B is not happy about this.
Guy C is more of a side character, though a character profile will still need to be made.

Apr 13, 11:11 am

Guy A remembers nothing. He wakes up in a hospital, hooked up to multiple machines and with many scars throughout his body. The doctors explain to him that he was attacked by a wild animal, judging by the scars and where he was found. Guy B, who is someone he knew in school, decides to come and pick him up, helping him to his house and staying with him as he gets use to it. They were never very close in High School, since Guy A was very shut off, but Guy B generally liked him. Guy A begins to see things, things that other people can't. He does not tell Guy B about this, afraid that the only person that he knows will leave him. But the things, spirits as Guy A thinks they are, begin to get violent with him. Attacking him. Trying to kill him. Guy B is then forced to believe him, seeing him get attacked with his own eyes by something that was not there, and he wants to try to help him. But how can they fight what they can't see?

Apr 13, 11:12 am

Guy A is a complete nerd. He's smart, gets the top grades in his grade, and is said to be a genius. Guy B is the complete opposite. He gets bad grades, isn't very bright, and is known for his attitude. But one day, Guy A stays after class to tutor another student due to his teacher's request. Thinking it was someone in a younger grade, he feels comfortable with it at first. But then he sees its Guy B, someone with a bad reputation and is known around the entire school. Guy A is nervous, but finds out Guy B is really struggling, so he offers for him to come over so he can help tutor him more often. Accepting, Guy B is excited. But how will this relationship turn out?

Apr 13, 11:20 am

In the world of acting and modeling and stardom, really, rumors can start and spread like wildfire. When Guy A starts into this business, he's prepared for it, and embraces the paparazzi, keeping careful with what he does in front of them. He even goes as far as hiring many more body guards than necessary to keep them away when he needs peace and to let loose. Guy A is doing great so far, and gets hired to do a movie with Guy B, a newbie to the business, but actually really good. The movie's main leads are love interests, meaning a lot of time spend close and a lot of rumors start up. But it also means a lot of attention to the movie. What will they choose, their career or the truth? But what if the rumors start to become the truth?

Apr 13, 11:21 am

Single father of a hot-headed teen boy, Guy A doesn't know how he's going to afford living after losing his job. He has a small amount of a financial back up, but it was the money he was hoping to save for his son's college. He desperately searches for a new job, but it all seems pretty hopeless. He runs into Guy B on this job hunt, and Guy A's so upset at this point, he goes on to tell Guy B all about his problems. Guy B agrees to help, even though he can't hire him. Guy A is confused, and when he asks why, he comes to find that Guy B is in love with him, and has been since high school, and he can't let it interfere. Will Guy A let Guy B into his life after the confession? (This has the possibility of a side story with the son.)

Apr 13, 11:22 am

Love knows no bounds when step-brothers Guy A and Guy B find they have quite the interest in one another. But Guy A already has a relationship with Guy C, who isn't too happy when he walks in on A and B fooling around one day. He doesn't want to leave Guy A, but how is he supposed to get over that? So he sets out to find Guy B a different person to like, setting him up on blind dates and eventually, a seemingly perfect match comes along with Guy D. But wait, isn't that Guy C's ex? In confusing love triangles, life takes a turn for these four boys.

Apr 13, 11:27 am

Guy A and Guy B are on in the same, friends since childhood and more recently boyfriends. They do everything together, minus going to the bathroom. Well...in school most of the time anyways. Everyone knows these boys, yet nearly no one likes them. They call them faggots, queer freaks of nature. Honestly, individually, they don't mind the comments on them. But when someone makes fun of the other, that's when they get pissed. And they aren't freaks. Just in love. But that love is soon going to be torn.

Guy A makes a grave mistake, getting drunk one night at a party, that Guy B didn't go to for reasons, and ends up sleeping with some girl from out of town. People see this and take pictures. Putting them all around the school for everyone to see. For Guy B to see. He is mortified. Guy A tries to apologize, but Guy B will hear none of if, breaking off their relationship. Breaking off their friendship. Now, the two have to try to survive without on another. But can one really, truly survive without a part of themselves?

Apr 13, 11:27 am

Boy A is a psycho. He was kept under surveillance for a while by the police. Boy B is a unique case. A psychic. The police gave him the task of accompanying A, knowing his every thought. B and A soon fell in a strange kind of love. Until one day, A escaped and ran away. B's task is to find A, either for love, or for the safety of people or else A will be shot on sight. They say that B is the only one who can track down A, due to mind reading. How will it work out?

Apr 13, 11:29 am

Guy A has always wanted to be a girl. So he dresses up as one and is actually thought to be one. But one day he was suddenly attacked by some members of the football team, and his secret was revealed. He then moved away and was sent to a different highschool, where he was registered as a female student. He one day accidentally walks into a male restroom at the new school and is found by Guy B, who is a little freaked out by this. Guy A confesses out of nervousness and begs Guy B to keep his secret. So he does. But will Guy A and Guy B become more than friends? Or will Guy A's secret be revealed again and have to move?

Apr 13, 11:31 am

Guy A is a flirt, always checking some guys out, and knowing just how to get them...'excited'. But he is not at all what he seems. He is actually very insecure, his 3 relationships previously ending badly, since he gave the men everything, but they gave him nothing back. He is not confident all the time, just a scared little boy. Guy A is a straight man, having just ended his first marriage, due to her wanting children and him not wanting them at all.

Guy A just broke up his his boyfriend of a year, wanting to get out of the office work, so he instead became a firefighter, getting partnered with Guy B, who was also one. Guy A falls for the straight man right away, trying to convert him. Guy B tells him that he isn't gay, though he is not disgusted by Guy A's advances on him. He finds it enjoyable and likes his company. But that changes when Guy B begins to actually feel deep attraction towards the small, flirty man. Will they be together, or will Guy B refuse to believe that a guy like him is gay. And will they be able to keep each other safe on the job?

Apr 13, 11:31 am

It's a classic teenager party at Boy A's house. He's a well known popular guy with a great sense of humour and very sporty. Boy B is the type that rarely misses out parties, as he has to help with the decorations and sound systems, the soundtracks, etc. Boy A isn't heterosexual(straight), he's gay. But no one knows that. Boy B on the other hand is pretty certain he's heterosexual. Back to the party.
Things get wild, people crowd around and they play a game of spin the bottle. This time, there are rules. Whoever the bottle points at, the spinner must kiss the person on the lips for a full two minutes. It doesn't matter if same genders kiss. The rules state they must.
A and B end up having to kiss and things get really awkward from there. First, people have recorded them kissing and showed it around the school and A's popularity status is risky. B is kicked out of the normal ranked popular people and instantly is moved to the outcasts and 'emo' section.
One problem. A and B have a high tension between them ever since the kiss. A appears to have developed feelings for B. B isn't very sure of his sexuality anymore.

Apr 13, 11:33 am

Guy A is blind, he has been this way for a very long time, about 6 years old. It was from a chemical accident. He has learned to live his life fairly well, despite how he is. Guy B goes to Guy A's school, and he has always thought the fragile boy was adorable. They began dating when Guy B made a move on him, Guy A falling in love with his personality right away. But Guy B is actually cheating on Guy A with a few other guys, always giving them looks and touches that Guy A cannot see. In comes Guy C, who is new to the school and openly homosexual. He falls for Guy A as well, but hates how Guy B treats him. Getting close to Guy A, Guy C hopes to have him know what is going on. Will the truth be revealed, or with Guy A lash out at Guy C for his 'accusing'?

Apr 13, 11:33 am

Guy A is blind, he has been this way for a very long time, about 6 years old. It was from a chemical accident. He has learned to live his life fairly well, despite how he is. Guy B goes to Guy A's school, and he has always thought the fragile boy was adorable. But Guy A does not know how he feels about Guy B, he had always just seem him as a friend. They do cuddle and share secrets with one another, but it is very hard for Guy A to fall in love or have a crush because he does not want to burden the person he dates. Guy B is willing to give Guy A everything, but will Guy A be able to see this?

Apr 13, 11:41 am

Pirate X FormerRivalWhoIsNowPrisoner {Sorry about that, I had no idea how to write it out}
A is a major pirate known as the Terror of the Southlands. He loots, pillages, destroys, murders, basically everything that makes one seem evil. He has a rival and they have been enemies since the start. One day, their ships clash and a fight breaks out. B, the rival, stands ground and courageously duels A, but is overpowered and taken as prisoner, hauled into A's ship and locked up. A's main point is to use B to destroy B's supporters and gain full control of the title of being the Terror. And afterwards, he plans to dump B somewhere in the ocean to leave him to die. Yet somehow, A can't get himself to throw B off when the time comes..

Apr 13, 11:50 am

Guy A is a man set on hunting aliens. He is purely convinced that a UFO landed near his flat and has forever been set on finding it. He lives in a small town with only the gangs causing trouble. Guy A believes aliens to be 'creatures who have sinned' and basically wants to discover at least a UFO. Guy B is the alien. But wait! His form is like any regular human. And he lives in the flat above Guy B's. He mysteriously appeared at midnight, the night after the UFO landed. Instantly suspicious, A keeps close watch on B, even stalking him. Until finally, A corners B and pressures him continuously, non too nicely, until the truth is out. Before B can escape, A imprisons him in one of his alien-catching inventions and starts experimenting on him. However, after about five hundred different and painful experiments, A starts to wonder if aliens.. aren't so bad after all?

Apr 13, 11:51 am

Guy A - fae
Guy B - knight
Guy C - runaway

Guy A is a fae who lives in the Kingdom where all the magical creatures belong in. He is the protector and very well known to all. B is a Knight in training who has growing curiosities about the strange and magical kingdom. One day, B sneaks into the kingdom and comes face to face with A by accident. A had no words to say as he stared at B. Both fell in love almost instantly. They grew up with B sneaking into the kingdom illegally just to talk with A until the day came when B was promoted to the level of highly trained Assassin. And the King of B's side wants A dead. So having no choice, B is forced to hunt A down but finally, he takes A's most precious belonging and present it to the King. When A wakes, he is devastated and shocked, full of pain. He never trusted anyone after that. And then suddenly A bumps into a runaway from B's side who astonishingly resembles B. Things develop after that~

Apr 13, 11:52 am

Guy A is a magician, part of a group called The Four Emblems. He and that group travel around, performing at mini theatres and cafes, gradually building up their fame. However, their acts and tricks are hoaxes and scams to the police forces' ears and eyes. The Four Emblems become a worldwide hit for being wanted and as well as their demand for more performances. A is the guy with the quick and witty mind, also cocky, slightly aggravating, and has skills with cards, light finger stealing, and aiming. He isn't the main act, but is pretty popular among the girls and guys, as well as with the police. Guy B is a cop who's been given the task to capture and arrest the four magicians, manages to grab A one night when A goes backstage for a time out. The Four Emblems became the Three Emblems, once A is taken to the police station where he is questioned relentlessly. Of course, A gets on everyone's nerves, takes quite a number of beatings and persuasive techniques, but he doesn't break. Until Guy B does something.. special.

Apr 13, 11:53 am

The year is 2019 and the world has basically gone to hell. The world starts to take its revenge against the human beings that inhabit it and start taking away the water supplies and making the vegetation dry up and die. Life became harder until the BL/ind (BLi) took control and started out controlling the human’s lives by taking out the humanity in things. Even the prostitutes have been changed into drones. They take away the humanity in things and control your lives so you can be safe from what the world is doing to itself. You are fed, given water, and forced to work your life out in a series of schedules that make it very hard for you to ever make your life the way you’d want it to be because every decision you could make has been changed or made for you.
That’s how it’s like in the BL/ind sectors of the world, and on the outer parts of it lays small little towns that hold the rebels, the ones that fight against any of the power the BLi have. These rebels are called The Fabulous Killjoys. They fight against the colorless world by showing their true colors. Their hair dyed unnatural colors, their clothing all different patterns, but still are stylish. Their guns that are even painted different colors to show off the holder’s personality.
The BLi know that they’re out there and they fight as well, sending out their people that the second they put on the mask become puppets. The Draculoids are the most controlled, not as big of a threat as the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S. When you see a Drac, you hide and shoot on sight, but if there is a S/C/A/R/E, you hide your bodies, as they will kill you without a seconds thought. The S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W/S are like the leaders of the BLi and they have the most thoughts of all of the soldiers. They are lethal.
We will be playing as the Killjoys, the ones that are fighting the BL/ind for our freedom. We hide out in the middle of the desert and live our daily life. We are the rebels, and we are complete trouble makers, and we love every second of it!
(This will be written in FxM but can be done in MxM as well.)
Guy A is a mechanic, someone that the killjoys can’t live without, him knowing everything there is to know about weapons, vehicles, and electricity. He knows how to create gear that should give the killjoys a hand up on the BLi.
Through this whole thing, he doesn’t really leave the garage unless it’s a huge meeting, large battle, or they really want to get him outside. He could go crazy in there all alone!
There are quite a few killjoys, but not as much as the BLi, obviously. Girl A is a great soldier. She’s always out getting supplies or in a battle, she doesn’t stay still for long, that is, until she’s seriously hurt.
She gets shot in the side and they think they’re going to lose her until they give her to Guy A who is also great at medical, which isn’t surprising. Anything he can do with his hands is usually something he’s good at. He starts to help her heal, but she can’t go outside and fight for awhile, so she’s stuck in the same place as Guy A. They start chatting and start falling for each other.

What could happen in this world? What happens if Girl A gets shot again but this time she isn’t so lucky? What if the BLi find them? The possibilities are endless.

Apr 13, 11:54 am

You’ve been together for a year now, planning your future and having a great time doing it. You are very much in love. Guy A and Guy B have known each other since middle school, and they hit it off then by being friends. Of course, when both of you come out as gay, you also confess your love for each other and it’s worked out perfectly. You can’t imagine your life with anyone else. Sure, Guy A had a lot of problems with being a bit too crazy, and had ran into some trouble with his mental health, but Guy B had always been there, wishing he could save him. And he did.
There’s another problem, Guy A loves motorcycles and Guy B is terrified of them, thinking he’s going to get hurt on it. And what happens when that fear comes true, and Guy B is the only one on the emergency contact? Will that create problems? Or only bring them closer? The choice is up to them.

Apr 13, 11:56 am

Guy A and Guy B have been friends since childhood, and have recently figured out that they both have feelings for each other. Now that they are together instead of friends, how will it work out for them? Are they really compatible? Or is it the opposite, they're the ones? (The one you choose can be either dominant or submissive. I don't care.)

Apr 13, 11:56 am

Guy A is a college student. But one day he sends half-naked selfies to an unnamed contact in his phone, which happens to be a friend of one of his friends. So basically they have a friend in common. ANYWAYS! Guy B texts back, and the two start to hit it off badly, but it eventually progresses into a relationship. The two, after a while, finally meet, and it all goes downhill from there, seeing as how Guy A is a person who most people don't talk to, and Guy B is constantly flirting with him.

Apr 13, 11:57 am

The year is 2080. The world has went through a large technological advance and the world is mostly all technology. All of the buildings have gone through all of the construction. That doesn't mean that they are all good though. Some of them were duds and are falling apart. These are the slums. Where the bot fights are.... And I don't mean small bots. They're huge, about the size of a small house. They look like animals, at least most of them do. The fights are illegal, well, in the large city they are. In the slums they're fine. No one really lives there, at least not anyone important.

Only smart people, the ones that are robot technitians can build these things since you can't buy them off of the market, not even in the black market. They're all built by the people who are fighting with them.

This is a romance type thing, but also goes with the daily life of the people that live in the area. This is not all the romance, but there still is some.

Apr 13, 11:58 am

Guy A is a internet addict who barely ever leaves the house, and is a shy and easily-frightened person, since they're inside all day. But, one day, he's tired of eating leftovers and take-out, so he forces himself to go out of the house to do some major shopping with the money he got for his birthday a while ago.

So, Guy A goes to the nearest store and tries to avoid literally everyone, including the cashier. Then, he accidentally bumps into one person... one particular person that really did change his life; and that person is Guy B.

Since Guy A is a shy person, he says sorry multiple times as inaudibly as he could, and Guy B is a nice person, and says it was just his fault, and that he wasn't paying attention.

So, both of them are hitting it off pretty well, and they get to know each other. Guy B wants Guy A to see the whole world, and what he's missing, but Guy A says he can just see it with the marvelous power of the internet, but Guy B says that Guy A actually really needs to see the world with his own eyes, instead of pictures and videos.

And well, their relationship goes from complete strangers to 'practically-a-married-couple-but-not-actually-one' relationship throughout this RP.

Apr 13, 11:58 am

Muse A has lived in a town their whole life, and they used to have a childhood friend that moved away years ago (around 8). They finally move back and surprise you, and you find out that they're even better looking now than before! The two of you start to get back on track with talking and such, hanging out, and just getting back to how you were. You find out how you changed through the years, but now there are feelings you hadn't noticed before. The two of them start falling for each other.

Apr 13, 11:59 am

High school can be tough, not only with relationships, people, evil teachers, or the school food.... But with grades as well. Muse A can't seem to get math under their belt, always one step behind and ending up getting a bad grade. They're sick of it, and when they go up to the teacher, they never help. So Muse A starts to give up hope until Muse B comes up, offering to tutor them.

The two of them meet twice a week, Monday and Wednesday after school at the public library. The two of them start falling for each other, though there is a bit of problems with it. Another person has been aiming for Muse A, it just happening to be Muse B's best friend. Muse C (best friend) starts becoming cold towards Muse B and trying to cozy up with Muse A.

Will Muse B stand up for who they are falling for and tell Muse A how they feel? Or let Muse C take over?

This can be any pairing, FxF, MxM, and MxF.

Apr 13, 12:00 pm

Guy A and Guy B have been going out for quite a long time now. Since there Sophomore year of high school, and now they are about to graduate. Guy C is someone that they went to middle school together, and has always had a crush on Guy B. Guy B is aware of this, but he had to tell him no, because of his like for Guy A. Guy C took it fine and well, but now, as he is about to graduate, he gets sucked into the world of pot, weed and alcohol. Guy B and C have never been what you would call 'close', but Guy B still cares about him as a person, so he tries to help. But Guy A is none to happy about this. He is also aware that Guy C likes Guy B and he tries to convince Guy B to stop trying to help him, but Guy B is persistent and keeps on. Throughout the way, Guy C and Guy B really do develop a close friendship with one another and soon enough, Guy B starts to have feelings for him. Will he stay with Guy A or will he instead by sucked in by Guy C?

Apr 13, 12:00 pm

Guy A lives with his EXTREMELY religious father who wants to control everything that his son does. To keep his father off of his back, he doesn't say much to anyone in that family. He talks outside of his family though, letting those people know his true colors. Well, not all of it. He doesn't show that he likes guys. Not even his best friend knows it, because his best friend is who he is in love with. He doesn't want to come out, because when he does, he's scared that he will confess to him.

Guy B is his best friend, he is already out of the closet. His best friend knows this, but neither of them talks about it, because his sexuality isn't who he is.

After Guy A confesses, and the two end up together, they feel as if they got over their biggest challenge. Though they might feel that way, they know there is something bigger. There's Guy A's family that they have to deal with. What will happen when Guy A's father finds out? Will they be ripped apart? Are they strong enough to actually hold onto the one they love?

Apr 13, 12:03 pm

Muse A is a young man who has suffered from severe emotional trauma. He found his boyfriend, Muse B, dead in his apartment. This caused Muse A to have to go through therapy and such. But what if Muse B wasn't techinically gone? Muse B has become a demon, and moves in next door to Muse A and his family, though he looks different than he did when he was alive. But the problem is, once Muse B came around, Muse A was able to see and talk to ghosts and spirits. Because of this Muse A's family thinks he has something wrong with him, as he looks like he's talking to himself. This causes Muse A, on his 18th birthday, moves out and moves into his own apartment. Though Muse B follows him, having become attached to him. Now the two live together and have to live with the difficulties of demons coming after Muse A to possess him, and avoiding exorcists who are after Muse B.

Apr 13, 12:04 pm

Guy A just moved in next door to an adorable girl, a girl who totally has a thing for him. She watches him when he mows the lawn and tries everything just to get him to notice her. She often talks to her best friend, Guy B, about how much she likes him. He pushes her forward with another friend to do something that will totally get his attention then to invite him to watch their garage band they can't seem to get people to listen to. When the guy finally gets his attention caught, he goes over and listens to them play. Guy A can't keep his eyes off of Guy B.

After the song as the girl goes to write her number down for him, he walks up to Guy B, handing him his number and asking him to call him someday. Guy B looks at his best friend, freaking out for a second.

What happens when Guy A shows up to Guy B more in school and really lays on with the flirts? And what happens when Guy B ends up falling for him but tries to stay strong for his best chick friend? Will she tell him to go for it? Or let jealousy get ahold of her?

Apr 13, 12:05 pm

A male vampire buys a slave from the market. He is cunning and swift but also very fragile which the slave soon learns, feeling the need to protect him and keep him safe.

Apr 13, 12:05 pm

A male teacher is assigned to tutor his young student. He was married once before but lost his wife to an accident, he claims he is strait but is constantly perused to have "relations." with his young, very manipulative student.

Apr 13, 12:06 pm

Guy A and Guy B have both been sent to a conversion camp after their parents find out they are gay. They do not know each other before they come to the camp, but they grow close once they meet one another. Despite the harsh conditions of the camp, the two of them start to fall for each other. It is strictly forbidden at the camp, but they cannot help how they feel.

Apr 13, 12:07 pm

Boy A is the son of Alice Liddell or better known as Alice in wonderland. He moved in with his Aunt (Alice's sister shown in the beginning and the end of the book) Because his mother one day went mad and was sent away to a mental institute. One day at his Aunts manor he sees a rabbit with a waistcoat. Not able to ignore his curiosity he follows the rabbit. He sees the rabbit jump down a hole only just large enough to fit himself down. When he reaches the bottom of the hole he sees he has been transported to wonderland where he meets Boy B. This is a very vague part. Boy B could be another human or the son of one of the main characters such as the mad hatter, Cheshire cat or even the Queen of hearts.

Apr 13, 12:08 pm

Y/c is the new kid at school. You heard rumors about a kid that is always picking fights. You go around asking people about it, and they all seem to tell a different story. No one knows for sure if he actually fights anyone since it's never been seen at school, but just him walking down the hall was enough to make people tremble and even run. You, are the first person to talk to him and try to make friends with him. Everyone thinks you're crazy but respect you. Even when he doesn't talk to you or even acknowledge that you are there, you don't stop trying to be friends and get him to talk. Soon enough you fall for him and try everything you can to make him feel the same way.

Apr 13, 12:09 pm

As heir to the throne, the prince had much responsibility on his shoulders, and as a man of many worries, he needed a way to destress. Being the age he is and with his looks, he found himself turning to satisfy his desire as a distraction. Before he knew it, he asked his handmade to sleep with him on a desperate night. One night led to another, which in turn led to a week, and before they knew it they were doing it for a few months now. It wasn't because they had feelings between them or anything, the prince just asked her and because she's so loyal to him, she agreed. The young prince didn’t think it would lead to this, but he knew deep down she had been the reason he was still sane. With the kingdom's pressure, his father constantly on him, and feeling watched by everyone, the prince can only handle so much. But with the news of an arranged marriage that is meant to save his kingdom, the prince now worries about the only thing he cares about- maybe more than he would like to admit -his handmaid. Torn between his heart and mind, and what was right and wrong, he had known he had to make a decision eventually.

Apr 13, 12:09 pm


As heir to the throne, the prince had much responsibility on his shoulders, and as a man of many worries, he needed a way to destress. Being the age he is and with his looks, he found himself turning to satisfy his desire as a distraction. Before he knew it, he asked his handmade to sleep with him on a desperate night. One night led to another, which in turn led to a week, and before they knew it they were doing it for a few months now. It wasn't because they had feelings between them or anything, the prince just asked her and because she's so loyal to him, she agreed. The young prince didn’t think it would lead to this, but he knew deep down she had been the reason he was still sane. With the kingdom's pressure, his father constantly on him, and feeling watched by everyone, the prince can only handle so much. But with the news of an arranged marriage that is meant to save his kingdom, the prince now worries about the only thing he cares about- maybe more than he would like to admit -his handmaid. Torn between his heart and mind, and what was right and wrong, he had known he had to make a decision eventually.

Apr 13, 12:10 pm

reckless guy x responsible girl

Guy A just got kicked out of his apartment for not paying his rent, and now he has no place to go. He can’t crash with his best friend because she lives with her boyfriend, who already isn’t a fan of Guy A. But she tells him of a friend that is looking for a roommate to share the payment for the apartment. He takes the offer and moves in, only to find out that they’re total opposites, to say the least. Girl A is quiet and neat with a decent job and a schedule running her day. Guy A is loud and messy, bringing his drama, reckless personality, and girls at late times in the night with him. While girl Girl A is the responsible type, and Guy A can’t take care of a goldfish to save his life. Girl A likes their privacy and Guy A, of course, is happily walking around the apartment half-naked and entering their roommate’s space without knocking without a care in the world. But despite this, Guy A has the intention of changing for the better, even if he’s struggling with doing that. Being at a low point in his life, Guy A finally decides to turn his life around with this second chance but always finds himself falling short. It doesn't help that they argue every day about anything, clashing about the simplest stuff. But they have to put up with each other because the apartment is all they have. Maybe things will change the longer they live together. Or maybe they’ll leave each other’s lives.

Apr 13, 12:11 pm

vampire x new girl

Living for many years, Guy A was very accustomed to his new lifestyle as a vampire. Taken in by the people that changed him, he was taught how to become the best version of himself, even if it meant losing what made him human. From killing and feeding to blending in with the humans, Guy A became the prodigy son that his so-called family forced onto him. Now in modern times, Guy A and his family became more cautious with hiding their identity, which in turn meant he had to go back to school to seem like an ordinary student. Even with that, he is still known to be the guy who you should stay away from at school, his cold glare enough to scare away even the bravest of hearts. In the middle of the year, Girl A transfers to the school. One day the two find themselves partnered up despite Guy A's effort not to be partnered at all. Guy A despises her cheerful personality, but Girl A doesn't let his gloomy attitude get to her. Forced to work on the project together, Guy A tries his best to avoid her getting too close to him and his secret. But when things don't go as planned, his family tells him to just make her his next victim to avoid all trouble. What does he do when he realizes he doesn't have the heart to do it?

Apr 13, 12:11 pm

prince x blind girl

Muse A is the prince of the kingdom. Every day, he leaves the castle to explore a fake identity. He doesn’t always like the attention of a royal, and he takes pleasure in the ordinary civilian that he becomes outside the castle walls. One day, on a shortcut that Muse A takes for the first time, he crosses paths with Muse B, a blind farmer girl. Finding out that she couldn’t see him, the prince couldn’t help but enjoy the thought that there was no chance she would recognize him as the royal prince. He knew he was deceiving her into thinking he is a common boy, but for the first time, he didn’t have to worry about someone treating him differently because of his status. It was the only way he can be himself for once and have a real friend. With that, the two found themselves crossing paths more often, and from it, the two grew close. Time passes and things happen that lead Muse B to find herself a job as a servant in the castle. Questions start to rise when she finds Muse A there, and things get even more complicated with time. Yet the prince still plays along, afraid to lose the only friend he has. But what happens when one-day secrets are exposed? How would he explain himself and what does he do when he realizes he has feelings for her?

Apr 13, 12:12 pm

insecure guy x caring girl
*** trigger: broken home, sexual abuse, naked photos threat

Guy A grew up in a broken home and became insecure and doubtful in life. But when he crosses paths with Girl A in an ice cream shop, he’s quick to learn that with her, everything seems okay. With just a few meetups and a few more smiles, the two kicked it off to a great start. As time passed, the two learned to work through any bumps they have, such as facing Guy A’s insecurities or dealing with Girl A’s busy life. One day, when Girl A went to drop off a paycheck to a close friend of hers, everything went downhill. That friend, Guy B, managed to convince her into celebrating what a great job they were doing at work only to get her drunk and have sex with her, all the while taking pictures of her and holding them against her to take advantage of her as he pleases. After trying to hide it from Guy A and trying to fix the problem on her own, she was finally found with hickeys that he didn't make. Letting his emotions and insecurities get the best of him, he immediately broke up with Girl A without letting her explain. Months later he's with another girl to try and help him forget about Girl A, and everything seems to be okay for the moment. Yet things start to go downhill when Girl A was invited to her friend, Girl B, birthday party, only to find out her new boyfriend is Guy A.

Apr 13, 12:14 pm

damaged swimmer x cursed mermaid

Guy A had everything going great for him in life. Raised by his loving parents, he grew up kind, bubbly, and full of energy ready to take on any task. After graduating high school with a sports scholarship to continue his passion for swimming, Guy A was ready to follow his dreams of going to the nationals. However, things take a turn when he gets into an accident in one of his competitions, resulting in his being taken to the hospital immediately. He was said to be declared quadriplegic, but a change in his position and what was to be believed a miracle had left him only with fractured bones and no nerve damage. Yet he didn’t think he was saved, because the trauma of that event never left him. Time has passed from that day, and what was now a distant memory, he was always reminded of its betrayal by the stiffness in his back. It had been a year after the accident and since then the title of ‘swim regional champion’ was long gone. His parents tried to get him back into competitions, to train again and build up what he’d lost. But it didn’t feel right. His back would cramp when in contact with water and his arms would heave as if carrying bricks. He felt like his life was put on pause now that his passion was lost. Girl A on the other hand was cursed in her own special way, quite literally. At the age of 10, after moving into the same special town, she took her chance to check out their new swimming pool while her parents were out. As long as she stayed at the edges, nothing would happen. But when she lost her grip and found herself drowning, something mysteriously started to happen. The rumored curse that was said about the town manifested itself within her at that moment. Before she knew it, her legs were gone and she was breathing underwater. Unlike others who’ve whispered about this curse that changes you into a monster, she’s thankful for it because it saved her life, and she enjoys this new part of her. Her only problem was that no one could know her secret. Years later, Girl A graduates high school and goes on to start her life, all the while being careful that no one finds out that she's a mermaid. So what happens when a damaged former swimmer bumps into the cursed mermaid and the two actually enjoy each other’s company? Does one help the other overcome their own problems and secrets or do they pull and push, torn by the tension but held back by their fear?

Apr 13, 12:16 pm

Muse A was turned back in the early 1600's, the time of the New World and a turn over of old times. He meets Muse B, a human working for a Cobbler in the small village on the coast of England and the two are entrapped in a secretive whirlwind of a romance. Muse B was not aware of Muse A's vampiric status, as two men in love was dangerous enough without the knowledge of a Vampire partner. The two would spend a short but passionate time together before tragedy struck leading to Muse B's early death which sent Muse A into a dark state.

Fast forward to a few hundred years, Muse A bumps into a similar face, the one he had loved so much all those years ago. The difference? He was not that man. But they shared a face. Muse A had never believed in reincarnation but here Muse B was, living, breathing, full of life. It was hard not to fall all over again. Muse A and Muse B would fall into their old ways, Muse A charming Muse B as he did all that time ago, and they would live a few happy years again together, Muse B none the wiser he was reliving his past lives' own story, still unaware of the man's true nature. As if almost cursed to be broken over and over, Muse B is killed in what seems another fateful tragedy, leaving Muse A to once again wander the Earth alone and wondering what went wrong.

This happened again. Then again. He realized his love would appear every few lifetimes, so he would spend his time searching the world for where he would be next. Always finding him but knowing he should stay away as surely he was cursed to lose that he loved most. Yet he never could. He kept coming back, kept meeting that man he could not part from and they would fall into their same patterns. Living each new time, each new century together. Blissful years together before a cruel departure. It had become almost unbearable, soon he slowed his search, Muse A's heart far too heavy to handle the loss of one more. So he stopped searching. He settled down (in the location we would begin) and he never looked again. Years went by, centuries. Modern day was upon him, bustling cities and concrete. Cars and train systems. He had grown into the new world once more but roamed it as an empty man. He had grown cold, hating the world he had been forced to live alone for eternity within. He had turned to dark ways to fill the voids within him.

One fateful day Muse A had been perusing an old art museum, admiring work from the time he was just a boy and reminiscing when a familiar laugh rang through the large ornate halls of the building. He turned to come to view the same man he had dared not dream about all those years, standing in front of a small exhibit of modern twists of old works, the man a painter himself and passionately telling of his endeavors. He had not searched for him, yet he still found him and the tell tale race of his heart and sinking of the stone in his gut proved he had not lost that love for him, yet the fear remained. Was he cursed? Did he dare even attempt to enter this young man's life in fear of his early demise? Did cold, lonely centuries go by only to be tempted by what he wanted most? How cruel the world to be to have this man standing mere feet from him, radiating with that light he had learned to cherish so, so many times.

Apr 13, 12:16 pm

Muse A was a college student, living at home with their parents. Muse B's father was a friend of Muse A's family. Since Muse B's father was always busy, Muse B was off getting into fights. Causing Muse B's father to send them to stay with Muse A's family. Muse A doesn't seem to like Muse B and is always yelling at him or bullying him. It's hard for Muse B to stay calm since he's always fighting and it's not what he's used to. One day Muse B made Muse A mad so he was about to hit him. When Muse B shielded his face with his arms, that's When Muse A felt something. They felt their feelings for Muse A change.

Apr 13, 12:17 pm

Muse A grew up in a very sheltered quiet life, knowing nothing of evil or bloodshed. Their father made sure of it, he had taken the child from a busy social life, etiquette classes and things of that nature after the child's mother passed on due to an illness. For a while, they lived in England's countryside, but after Muse A trying to leave a couple of times to begin a life of their own, their father decided that it was time to leave, where he could truly protect his child, or in Muse A's opinion control them better. They arrived in St. Lucia in the night and eventually Muse A got comfortable in their new life, their father had hired servants to take care of them and of the estate, although they could care less of that. They truly would have just been happier and more content by themself. But late one night, when Muse A's father had left the island on business that seemed to be about Muse A, but they weren't sure, all they knew was that they would get some time to themself. After a few days of their father being gone, they decided to dismiss the servants allow them to enjoy the holiday that would be celebrated on the island. On the night before the holiday, an unfamiliar ship pulled into the harbor and began to fire a volley at the sleepy port. People were awakened from their sleep as pirates ran through the streets, destroying and killing anyone in their sight.

Muse B, was the captain of the ship, they too grew up in a wealthy family, but being the youngest of three children, was given nothing as their inheritance, and was extremely hurt by their late father's actions, that they decided to go against their parent's wishes and hopes for them and joined the business of privateering, soon they grew bored with that and decided to do something much more interesting and rewarding. They began to pirate islands and would sell the loot, occasionally keeping some of the things for themself and for their crew, but nothing truly satisfied them. For some reason they decided to loot Marigot Bay, it was very off course, but something drew them to it. As the ship docked at the port Muse B noticed a large manor off in the distance. They called some of their men with them to go loot the home, it looked as though it had many riches there. As they entered the home he noted all the treasures inside and their men immediately began to take everything inside. They made their way up the stairs of the home and ran into Muse A who had been trying to flee the home. Noting that Muse A was worth much more than what could be found in the house. They decided to take Muse A prisoner on the ship, perhaps for ransom, or for whatever they could be sold for. But what happens if the two fall for each other, or if Muse A is rescued?

Apr 13, 12:18 pm

You're walking back home from a long day of work, unlock the front door and pause hearing soft music playing throughout your house. You close the door thinking that maybe you left some music playing from before you left for work that day. But you don't exactly recognize the song, and then you look down. In front of you is a small pink candle, followed by more leading somewhere in your home. At first, you panic, thinking that someone had broken into your house, but as you look around you realize that there is no sign of a break-in as far as you can see. So, against your better judgement follow the trail of candles which eventually lead to your bedroom. The door to your room is closed, and you gently push it open, pale with worry as to what's behind it. That's when you see it, a small pink rose on your bed as the song that was playing begins to skip, playing "tonight you belong to me," over and over, before fading out. You glance around trying to see if someone was there in your room, but again, no sign of a break-in or even a footprint. You tried to find out who left the rose there, but well, you never did quite realize how the ghost of the house felt about you.

This one is a romance between a ghost and well a human.

Muse A purchased the house wanting to just move as far away from their family due to a divorce and just wanted to start a new life, and since they bought the cheapest house they could find they didn't exactly realize that there could be more than just a few surface projects the house needed.

Muse B had grown up in the house and well had died there when their lover killed them. Having been trapped there for eternity, all they are looking for is love. Since the house is rumored to be haunted -due to some poorly timed pranks by Muse B to keep themself entertained- there has been only a couple of owners of the house after Muse B's passing, but to Muse B, there is something special about Muse A, that Muse B can't get enough of.

Apr 13, 12:19 pm

A young witch/wizard unaware of their powers manages to summon a demonic familiar that follows them from a distance throughout their childhood in the form of a stray cat.
That is until the parents catch wind of this and in an attempt to remove evil witchcraft from their family purity, they convince the witch/wizard that the bad happenings(death/abuse/misfortunes) are caused by their bad omen aka Stray cat that followed them all their life.
This leads to the wizard/witch making an effort to reject or kill the familiar as they near their 21st birthday.
If the witch/wizard doesn't acknowledge the familiar as their own by then, the familiar dies, and the wizard's power will be forever dormant. The familiar is forced to take drastic measures and take a human form (which reduces their lifespan faster) trying to convince the witch to realize their own power before it's too late

Apr 13, 12:19 pm

So, it's basically set in the '70s in a small town out in the midwest, where like most small towns, everyone knows each other and also knows all everyone else's business. During the summer a man and his son move in from California, and well, the son seems to be what everyone thinks a beatnik(hippie) would like. Muse B has the long hair, tanned skin, and just what the town thinks is the typical behavior of that type of person. And well, as he starts to get to know the other boys from the town, and even joins the football team, he gets dubbed the nickname, "Sunshine". As time goes on during the summer, and the practices continue, a rumor goes around of him being gay. After all, the long hair and everything seemed to be what made everyone think that about him. And eventually, Muse B gets tired of it, so he tries something to sort of prove that even if he was, it didn't even matter. So after practice and all of the boys are in the locker room having fun and just singing along to some music, Muse B goes up to Muse A and kisses him square on the lips.

Muse A was the captain of the football team, and well the one who had started the rumors about Muse B. To be quite honest he was rather attracted to the other man, and he was trying to project his feelings and turn them into hate. The hate that he had for himself for the feeling of one day letting down his family and even the town scared him. But when Muse B came up to him that day and kissed him, his first instinct was to fight him off, which he did, although he got beat in the fight by the other boy. That well sort of silenced the teasing of Muse B being gay for a while since the "gay" boy beat the football captain in a fight. But as the school year progresses, the two boys eventually grow close to each other, forgetting about the bullying and such and becoming friends, and slowly becoming more than that -at least to Muse A. He hasn't explained to Muse B how he truly feels about the other boy yet, and although he wants to, he is also scared that the other doesn't have feelings for him like that. But well, the year is ending, and Muse A just really wants Muse B to be a part of his life, at least one day. He's given up on caring about what his family thinks and everything, but well, he doesn't even know if the other is interested in him. Muse B though, does want Muse A to be a part of his future, although, he's never exactly come out to the other.

Apr 13, 12:21 pm


Paradise is many things to many people. To those inside of it, Paradise is God's one true place and plan. To those outside of it, it exists as a cult with extreme control over each of its members. Shunning, isolation, child labor, and abuse abound in this closed society and leaving is almost unheard of. Life in this community is very difficult; no modern convivences, strict rules for behavior, dress, and even thoughts, and constant threat of punishment.


Muse A was born into Paradise and despite the horrible treatment they endured growing up, they remained loyal to the community. That was, up until a few months before their 17th birthday. This is when they were accused of blasphemy when they were caught doing something not allowed and was beaten within an inch of their life. They was left unconscious in a field only to be discovered by Muse B.

Muse B is a cop/was formerly in the military and happens across the brutalized teen. they quickly jump into action to render aid and care for the innocent teen.


We can work together on the specifics, but the main thing I see in this plot is of course lots of comforting/ caring between the two, but eventually romantic feelings. If it makes you uncomfortable I can also change the age to make Muse A 18 instead of almost 17. To make it different, we could have Muse B also be someone who escaped from another cult at some point. There are a lot of options I could see with this; Muse A's family could come looking for him, the two of them could try and go back into the community to help a sibling escape of to get some important item, Muse A could have a change of heart and run back to Paradise temporarily, ect. I am excited to work with someone on this!

Apr 13, 12:21 pm

Muse A is the type to be possessive. It's not on purpose they just weren't in their last relationship, causing their lover to cheat. Muse B is a part-time worker at a cafe that Muse A visits every day before and after work. Sometimes even during. Today was the first day Muse A had ever seen Muse B and he already wanted to make Muse B theirs. Muse A's possessive side was already kicking in. If they get together and what happens for them to get together or anything after is up to the flow of our rp.

Apr 13, 12:22 pm

The prince (Muse A) rode into town, as much as he didn't want to. But it was time for him to find someone to be his queen. As all the girls lined up to meet him, he didn't seem to have much interest. Muse B happened to be opening up shop just next door to where everyone was. They caught Muse A's eye. Though Muse B wasn't a girl and Muse A knew his family would be upset but that wouldn't stop them. Now all they had to do was win Muse B's heart and make them their king

Apr 13, 12:22 pm

Muse A is an explorer. They find a clan in China one they've never heard of before. Muse A climbs up all the stairs and was met by a huge wall filled with writing. They were taking pictures left and right. Muse A continued when they came across Muse B. They were beautiful. Muse A decided to learn the ways of this mysterious clan from Muse B. Soon enough Muse A falls in love with Muse B. Now they have to figure out how to get Muse B to love them back.

Apr 13, 12:41 pm

Muse A wasn't much of a people person, Muse B however was the complete opposite. Muse A had to change schools due to an accident. When Muse B notices Muse A, it causes Muse B to go and try to pursue them. Muse B won't stop until they get Muse A, it's a hard battle they refuse to lose.

Apr 13, 12:41 pm

Muse A was just a normal teenager. They (insert likes and interests). They were about to turn 18, the age of adulthood. They had some of their life planned out, college, work, whatever it may be.
Muse B is a creature of the night. They aren't bad as people make them out to be. Unlike most members of their species, Muse B is kind and caring, always willing to help others.
On their 18th birthday, Muse A receives a piece of jewelry as a gift. It seems like an ordinary object but after they put it on they start to see what normal people can't, spirits, demons etc... However, this only brings attention to them from unlikely creatures and their life is in danger.
Muse B finds out about Muse A from a few of their friends. They see the danger the human is in and swears to protect them. Soon, the two meet. Will Muse A trust the creature and become friends? Or will Muse A think that Muse B is just trying to trick them?

Apr 13, 12:42 pm

Character A is a young female dog who was recently abandoned in the city and wanders out into the woods. Once out in the woods, she is tracked down by a pack of wolves, the alpha being Character B. After the two tussle with each other, Character B offers Character A a place in his pack if she can survive.

Apr 13, 12:43 pm

Muse A is a Mafia boss, he has a child that he can't always take care of. He's busy with work and his wife is as well. Muse B needs a job so he takes the job on babysitting whenever they're gone. When Muse A finally realizes Muse B, Muse A is in love and will do anything to be with Muse B even if it means a secret affair.

Apr 13, 12:44 pm

Muse A was a vampire. They were always used to being in their house so they had no information on the outside world. Muse B is however a regular human. They own a multi-billion dollar company. Muse A decided to leave home for the very first time and into the city. Muse B runs into them on the way to work. Muse A is confused on what these people are doing. When Muse A and B meet again, Muse B realizes something is different about Muse A, they seem fascinated my the smallest things.

Apr 13, 12:44 pm

Muse A appears to lead a great life, at least on the surface. How could it not be fantastic with the star quarterback of the school as her boyfriend? There is only one problem: it isn't quite as perfect as it first appears to be. The first few months were great, but things quickly deteriorated and the relationship developed into one that was abusive. Muse A hides it because she wants to keep it a secret and because of the numerous threats he has made against her.
Muse b, the "heartless bad boy" of the school, has been observing from a distance. He may appear ruthless and insensitive, but it is only because he comes from a violent home and understands how things really are.
Muse A and Muse B are matched up one day for a simple school project and slowly fall for eachother.

Apr 13, 12:45 pm

So Muse A is the leader of a mafia or a gang or whatever. Muse b has been slowly but surely offing members of that mafia one by one. They have been wronged and seek out revenge. Muse b meets muse a, who doesnt not realize that muse b is the one whos been after muse a's people. Muse b joins that gang to get closer to muse a, and to eventually kill them. But what will happen when muse b catches feelings for muse a. Or if muse a finds out muse bs real motive?

Apr 13, 12:46 pm

Muse A and Muse B are newly stepsiblings much to their displeasure. When Muse A moves into the house of muse B. However Muse A does not want to be there. And against her knowledge they have to share a room, and much to both of their displeasure they have to share a bed, as their room is very small. When Muse A Wakes up, she finds Muse B's arm over her, and this happens mutiple times in a row, The plot would unfold from there. There would be a lot of slowburn.

Apr 13, 12:47 pm

Muse A is a bigshot company CEO, and he is being instructed to fire Muse B another employee, however, Muse B seduces him and they end up well, doing it. And she has to hide it, (More of a one shot)

Apr 13, 12:48 pm

Muse A and Muse B are classmates at school. Muse B is the big shot athlete While Muse A is the bookworm. And Muse B starts to like her, however, Muse A still hates him and rejects him when he asks her out.

Apr 13, 12:49 pm

Muse A is a figure skater while Muse B is a Hockey player, both hate each other however Muse A is paired with Muse B to do drills they flirt and A realizes B is nothing like how she thought he was.

Apr 13, 12:57 pm

1. Best friends: Two people, who have been friends for years start dating. Or something like that.

2. Paranormal: Any type of paranormal romance.

3. Nerd/Popular: A very unpopular kid and a popular kid start to date.

4. Used to be friends: Two people who used to be friends, meet up again and find that they have feelings for each other. Or something like that.

5. Forbidden romance: Two people who shouldn't be together are.

6. Married Couple: A married couple are trying to have a baby, but find that it's pretty much impossible. They have a one and a million chance of it happening. So they decide to adopt. or something like that.

7. Demon/Angel romance: An angel and a demon meet and despite their many difference they fall in love. The angel maybe the more rebellious type, but she is still good at heart. The demon is still evil, but may not be as bad as the others.

8. Zombie Apocalypse: We would each preferably have four characters, then minors ones specifically made to be killed off or something, I don’t know. Any how the world is ended and the dead are walking the earth. They feed on flesh and our people are just a few of the survivors. We would build on this as we go, put a few antagonists in and just wing it basically.

9. Haunted house: A couple of teens, like four or something, meaning I have two characters and so do you, go into a supposedly haunted house. They have always heard the house on the outskirts of town was hunted. The Micgallen house, it haunted and there are many stories about people going in and never coming out. The teens don’t really believe in ghosts though. So they go and check in out, wanting to see it for themselves. So they go inside planning to stay the night. Only problem is no one leaves the Micgallen house alive.

10. College: So its a large group of friends, seven or eight friends, I'm thinking they are going to be in college but they live in an apartment complex and they all live in the same building, so I was thinking four guys and four girls, and two of the girls will be dating two of the guys in the friend group. So then the other two girls and other two guys will be single, some of them party animals hooking up with different people all the time and maybe just one that's kind of not that great at talking to people, but they all hang out all the time together, and I was thinking it could take place during the summer too or during college. We don’t have to have that many characters. Though at least two each for sure.

11. Werewolf Orphan: Teenager, is found in the forest. They are in ratty clothes, and looks like they have never taken a shower before, smells like it to. With great difficulty they were able to append them. They fought and clawed at them, even growled. Later one of the guys will say that their eyes turned yellow and that their teeth were kaniny. No one will believe them though. Since the person was only sixteen and without parents, they were sent into the system. At the orphanage, they meet a person. They dont really trust them or anyone for that matter, but they try to help them get used to more humanly things. Or something like that at least.

12. Jurassic Park: Some people ((Doesn’t matter the amount)) survive a ship wreck and use their life raft to make it to a deserted island. Only it’s not just any island, it’s Isla Sorna., the island John Hammond had used to make his dinosaurs. They are running around the island free now and aching to get another taste of human flesh.

Our characters will have to survive the dinosaurs and wilderness. They’ll have to find their own food and shelter. There are some stuff the Ingen, that the name of the biological company that Hammond owns, left behind but it’ll run out eventually. They need to survive long enough to be found by a ship. If they are ever found.

13. Banshee: Girl A, let’s call her Joyce, is a banshee, only she doesn’t know it. One day on her birthday her and her friends were celebrating on the beach and she suddenly just started to scream, and then she just passed out. Later she found out one of her friends had gotten drunk and wondered of, to go to the bathroom or something. The friend and got murdered by someone. She got beaten with a bat, and it was sort of close by so they just figured Joyce saw it happen and that’s why she screamed and then pasted out.

Guy A, let’s call him Dave, is just a normal gut that moved to Timmber Valley, the town Joyce lives in. He hates it there because, well he didn’t want to move from his old town. He makes the best of it though, he makes some friends, gets good grades, though he is usually late for class or just doesn’t show up. He quickly get’s the rep of bad boy, one that he even had at his other school.

Joyce and Dave don’t really have anything in common, but Joyce has a weird feeling about Dave. She feels like she should be with him, near him at all times, despite the fact that she pretty much hates him. They get in fights all the time and they just really can’t agree on anything. All that being true though she still feels this strange connection to him, almost like something bad might happen.

Will Dave be another victim to the serial killer running around Timmber Valley, or with Joyce figure out what’s between them and save him, and herself along the way. Will they figure out who is killing the people at their high school or will the killing just never stop.

P.S. When we do the role-play you can name your person whatever you want. Oh and this is a romance so they would eventually stop the fighting and realize they have feelings for one another.


Apr 13, 12:57 pm

Girl A is a talented dancer, she has been working all her life to be the best and has one goal, to get into the world's best school of performing arts. She has the perfect boyfriend and a bright future, and when she gets accepted into the school she feels as if she is on top of the world. That is until the accident. On the way to the school she gets in a terrible car crash that kills her mother and leaves her paralyzed from the waist down and multiple scars on her once beautiful face. She will never walk again, let alone dance. And to make matters worse now that her career is over and she is damaged her boyfriend breaks up with her. She is depressed and doesn't know how to go on with her life. It is decided that she will attend a support group for teens with various illnesses and problems. This is where she meets guy A, who is there becsuse he is spending the summer helping out his uncle who owns the place. He is kind and caring and is about the only one who can see past her injuries. He is persistent with trying to get her to realize she should not give up on her dreams so easily and most importantly not to give up on herself just because of some freak accident. Will he succeed with showing her that she is still beautiful and successful? Will she ever bring herself to move on?

Apr 13, 12:59 pm

Ever see a shadow move? Ever feel like something's watching you? Or hear something behind you? Or feel something breathing on your neck?

It's the year 25,203

The Phoenix Queen Space Cruiser was the first successful launch that the humans have sent into space. It travels at the speed of light and was able to make hundreds of thousands of light years away from Earth. It's equipped with food and other resources, along with hundreds of scientists and other people who were sent to find a planet that would be able to sustain life. It was predicted that an enormous asteroid would wipe out Earth and the planets leading up to the sun in a mere twenty years and it was up to the people of the Phoenix Queen to find a planet that could sustain human life. There were a total of 3,036 people on the spaceship—the Phoenix Queen was that large. There was plenty of space for other people, too, but they only sent scientists and researchers and interns as young as 16. Resources are sent to the ship every month from cargo ships that were half the size of the Phoenix Queen.

One day, something goes horribly wrong. An entire army of aliens infiltrates the Phoenix. But they're not regular aliens. They're ruthless. They're merciless. They move in the dark. The blend with the shadows. You can't see them until they attack and their face is the last thing you see. The Phoenix is thrown into chaos as the army invades. The aliens—the monsters--goes around killing everyone they see. The humans' weapons don't work on them and it's nearly impossible to detect the silent killers. The literally move with the dark.

Person A and Person B (and Person C and D if you want doubles) are both interns on the ship, sent to the Phoenix two years ago. As soon as the aliens began their attack, they both run to the escape shuttles, but the aliens were already destroying the shuttles and they blocked the access to them, too. Lucky for them, it was the day the cargo ship arrived. Person A and Person B both begin to run for the unloading zone, where the cargo ship unloads the shipments. They escape into the cargo ship and thought they were safe there... but a dozen or so aliens got in with them. The aliens were there before Person A and Person B. When Person A and B entered the ship, they entered the control room and began picking off the two dozen people who flew the cargo ships. They picked the humans off one by one. The last one puts up a fight and ends up unlocking the cargo ship from the Phoenix, and the cargo ship was off, with the aliens and Person A and Person B.

Person A and Person B don't have anything with them, but they knew the aliens were on the ship. They had to be able to send a distress call to another space cruiser, who was also sent to find sustainable planets or planet Earth. But they can't do that. They're lost in the giant cargo ship and the aliens were chasing after them. Person A and B find supplies to keep them going—they were on a cargo ship, after all—but the rest of the supplies were cut off by the aliens. Person A and B are smart; they have to survive together and send a distress call to someone--anyone. But the only way to do that is get to the control room. But the aliens are always there, trying to pick off the two. They lurk in the darkness. The await at every corner. The two are trapped in the cargo ship with the aliens. And the cargo ship is floating aimlessly in deep space.

Run. Run as fast as you can
They will catch you

Hide where you think you're safe
They will find you

Stay away from the dark
Darkness is inevitable

Apr 13, 1:00 pm

Girl A has been on her own since a tragic car crash killed her family two years ago. Guy A lives in a huge mansion like house with his father and rebellious step sister. The step sister gets tired of living as she was and runs away one night. In a freak accident Girl A gets a head injury and falls victim of amnesia, her picture is aired on the local news and she looks exactly like guy A ' s step sister. They bring her back to the house, thinking she is her. As time progresses and Guy A is trying to help Girl A regain her memory he comes across the scary realization that he might be in love with his step sister. Will he let himself fall for the girl he still believes is his step sister? Will she ever regain her memory? What will happen when he finds out who she really is?

Apr 13, 1:02 pm

A zombie infection has plagued the world, the cause of it is still unknown. It is a virus that is not airborne, nor fungal. The only ways to contract it is if you are bitten by an infected person, get their blood into your body somehow, or their saliva. Werewolves, vampires and hybrids have been acknowledged since this epidemic 10 years ago, because they are the ones who are immune.

Girl A has woken up in a hospital, naked and with wires connected all throughout her body. She does not remember anything prior to this, other than her name, and how old she is. The hospital is abandoned, but through the entire 10 years of this, she has somehow been kept alive, even though she is very weak. Guy A is a wolf that is part of a small pack, and he is the one that finds her, saving her from an attack on from an infected. She is very weak and fragile, so he takes her to his pack, deciding to care for her there. Small memories come from Girl A over the course of a week, and it is determined that she somehow knows how this invasion came to be, so Guy A has to get her to the government officials, so they can examine her. But what will they have in store for her when they get there? What will they do to her? Is she immune as well? Or is she something else all together? Why do the supernatural officers get so tense around her?

Apr 13, 1:03 pm

Girl A suffers from a severe anxiety disorder that she learned of when she was 12. It's so bad that she will go days, even weeks without leaving her home, or even sometimes her room. Interacting with others is the worst thing she could possibly do, and it takes her a long, long time to get even a little bit comfortable around others. But there is one person who she's always comfortable with. That is Guy A. They've been friends since 6th grade and he's been with her and supported her through her hard times, her biggest support in the world. Her best friend.

One day, however, Guy A moves away suddenly because of family issues, and Girl A doesn't get to see him anymore. Until 4 years later. Now in her 20s, Girl A has become slightly more accepting and comfortable with the world around her, but her anxiety is still severe. She's found work at an editing office where she works with literature. One day, a new guy transfers in and Girl A is placed at his supervisor. That man is Guy A, Girl A's friend from long ago. What will happen to them now?

Apr 13, 1:05 pm

Guy A and Guy B are best friends, but they have supernatural powers, Guy A is a homosexual Werewolf, and Guy B is a homosexual demon, Guy A has known Guy B since they were three. Guy A gets attacked and captured by vampires and Guy B tries to save Guy A from being killed, but during all of this they are sending signals to each other that they like each other, at the end, Guy A and Guy B get married and adopt five children

Apr 13, 1:06 pm

Tнє ηιgнт ιѕ ƒυℓℓ σƒ ηαѕtу αвσмιηαtισηѕ, αη∂ ι αм σηє σƒ 'єм.

Vingold Town is small, with only an abandoned school, a wrecked asylum and a street of fifty houses next to each other, side by side. It should be no surprise of murders that happen soon enough.

Tнє ηιgнт ιѕ ƒυℓℓ σƒ ηαѕtу αвσмιηαtισηѕ, αη∂ ι αм σηє σƒ 'єм.

Although small, it is always busting with striving life, and the asylum suddenly has a loose prisoner on the run. Everyone suspects this prisoner being the suspect, but then the prisoner is found with a chunk of his head gone, and his eyes taken out. A small blade is near, and it reads:

Tнє ηιgнт ιѕ ƒυℓℓ σƒ ηαѕtу αвσмιηαtισηѕ, αη∂ ι αм σηє σƒ 'єм.

The murderer kills another each day. A woman is found with her head completely taken off, and her arms with cuts, dripping blood. She is hanging upside down, with rope tied around the bars on the school's playground. A small blade is near, and it reads:

ωну αяє ωє αℓℓ ѕσ ιη¢яє∂ιвℓє?

Although, on the next day, the asylum brings in another new person, a person completely insane and counting numbers on the walls for no reason, and singing lullabies to himself. He never comes out, never eats, and still lives. But this man is familiar, for this man is the prisoner with his head chunk taken out and eyes carved out.

ωну αяє ωє αℓℓ ѕσ... ιη¢яє∂ιвℓє?

Apr 13, 1:07 pm

Muse A is still reeling from Girl A's death. They had been best friends since second grade, but recently Muse A's choice of friends had affected Girl A greatly. On the night of the new moon, Girl A jumped off the cliffs down by the ocean.

Guy B and Muse B are newbies in the ocean town, and are siblings. They are part of a hidden society that deals in the Supernatural. They had sensed a huge use of magic in this town, and needed to check it out.

Guy B sneaks off from the hotel to do research without his younger sibling getting in the way, leaving a note that he was going to Oceanic Beach, near the cliffs. Muse B asks a local, Muse A, where the beaches are, and ends up getting a tour of the town.

At the beaches, Guy B finds something he would have never expected- Girl A, trapped as a lingering spirit. Something had prevented her from completely dying, and there was a chance she could come back. But does she want to?

Apr 13, 1:09 pm

Girl A is a wallflower. She keeps to herself and hides behind a tattered old black notebook in which she writes poems and stories that deal with her past.
Guy A is popular, and does what he has to to fit in, which often means picking on others. Others like girl A.
One day girl A loses her notebook and Guy A finds it. He reads it and before he knows it he is in love with a girl he doesn't even know. He searches for the owner of the notebook, convinced that the girl it belongs to is his soul mate. He finds out that the owner is in fact girl A, the very person he has been picking on. It doesn't bother him, he still believes that she is his soulmate, but girl A is not so easily convinced.

Apr 13, 1:12 pm

So on this trip Girl A are kidnapped by men who auction girls off as s** slaves, but first you meet a boy who's around your age and is the heir to a throne far away he and his family are too on a family trip. Guy A isnt suppose to fall for a girl like you, so he sneaks away at night to meet you, and when one night he is caught for sneaking out and you are left waiting for him some guys kidnap you and you scream for help. when Guy A hears you he runs towards your scream but you are already gone, and now he and a couple of other try and find you, when they do, your kidnappers attack them and they fight back and win, then Guy A takes you home and your parents allow you two to date, even though Guy A is heir to his family's throne.

Apr 13, 1:14 pm

There are three friends. Two boys and a girl. They're the punk kids that the neighborhood parents are glad their own kids don't hang out with. When the new girl who is shy but filthy rich, lives with her nanny as her parents work overseas, the three friends decide they can use her. Excited to fit in, she accepts their friendship, but when they find out they could get more from her ransom than her friendship, things go south.

Apr 13, 1:14 pm

Fame has a price. It's heavier for some than others. But no one ever told Girl A just what the price of fame could be. Out of nowhere she becomes a celebrity. She creates a hit YouTube series and has an overnight fanbase. She gets interviewed offered movie deals, record deals. She just instantly becomes an allover star. But the bigger the fame, the scarier it is for the star. Weeks into living the high life she begins getting death threats from an unknown person and she's pretty sure she has a stalker. What's going on? What will she do? Who is her stalker?

Apr 13, 1:15 pm

So 2 guys and a girl are all really close friends. Both guys seem really sweet but Guy A is really depressed at times. The girl has always helped him, always been honest, straight forward, and gave him whatever advice she could think of. She'd never judged him. Yet for some reason, Guy A lies to her and the lies begin building up. When Guy B finds out how many lies have been told and that the girl believes them he tells the girl the truth. The girl is really hurt and confronts Guy A, with tears down her face, and all he does is accuse her of being in the wrong. So she leaves not wanting to be accused of this crap which makes Guy A angry. A week or so later Guy A kidnaps Guy B and the girl and tortures her, hurting Guy B a little bit as well mainly out of spite to get at her. Through all this pain there is some romance between Guy B and the girl which continues to anger Guy A. Etc.

Apr 13, 1:15 pm

Essentially a slavexmaster romance except, not in the Civil War. This is in Ancient Egypt. A girl from Mesopotamia (specifically the part in modern-day Syria) is taken captive when Egypt conquers her homeland. She's made the servant of the crown prince. He's snarky, condescending, and just darn right rude to her. Worse he has a brother who has no problem beating her for not listening and yes, she is technically under his command as well. What a surprise when she falls in love with the prince?

Apr 13, 1:16 pm

Sick and tired of being alone. Sick and tired of being understimated and put down. Sick and tired being expected to be ok with all this condescension. Sick and tired of everyone treating her different the second they know. A girl with a rare mental illness that's kind of like constantly being drunk knows that she can still do great things. Her brain doesn't seem to have a filter for it's thoughts and its slow to rationalize things or think in general, but she's learned to live with it. Not that it matters to anyone in her life but her punk rock bad boy boyfriend everyone hates almost as much as they think she's stupid. They say he's a bad influence. they say he's filling her brain with lies and bad concepts. They say he's gonna get her to take drugs or get her knocked up. Ya, but they also don't know that she's vowed never to have sex before she's married and he's cool with it. They don't know that the anonymous poet currently famous on the internet is her. They don't know she is just as mature and smart as any other kid her age. One day, so sick of it all her boyfriend convinces her to run away with him. What will go on as they road trip on his motorbike across the country, always three steps of the police looking to take her home?

Apr 13, 1:16 pm

Girl gets a job as a fashion model under the she attends the designer's boarding school. Only five select girls attend. Seeing as the girl's parents just died and her options are foster care or a dream job as a model, she takes it. But then she finds the sick truth behind the deal. The boarding school doesn't teach her anything but pain and humiliation. The other four girls are all on his good will because one's his daughter, one's his neice, and the other two are sluts which he enjoys. Our girl however isn't and refuses to let him touch her the way he touches the other two he's not related to. Because of her refusal he's cruel to her. Beats her, starves her, humiliates her in class, but he has never gone so far as to completely force her to sleep with him and never will, even he has limits. But it doesn't make the pain of abuse go away and he's famous enough and her legal gaurdian that she has no way out. So, at a fashion show while makeup covers her bruises a boy notices her. He's just a journalist but he insists on talk to her at the after party. He learns her past but she can't tell him her present. Not the truth anyways. But it doesn't matter. Because chemistry flies and they fall in love. They continue to meet in secret and he's at every show. Bad publicity swarms the two, reflecting bad on the designer who keeps on breaking her and so each night is more and more painful for her. As his heart longs for her well being and she longs just to have someone left who won't hurt her, where will the story go?

Apr 13, 1:17 pm

A girl ran away from home, got in trouble with the law, dyed her hair, changed her name, and went undercover in a boarding school. She has never been the posh, entitled, has everything rich kid that she's gone undercover as and now, more than ever, she has to pretend. If she stands out too much the police might find her. She knows nothing about rich people culture. She's lost when they talk about their parents' island and the cruise ship they ride free because they own it. Somebody help her.
This boy has everything. Loving parents who respect him and want him to have his dreams, money, a yacht, perfect grades, ambition, charisma, looks. His life was perfect. He went to boarding school of his own accord because it was a straight path to an Ivy League school to become a Diplomat like his father. He's head boy when a knew girl shows up in his class. She doesn't fit in and it drives him nuts...for more reasons than how annoying her obvious questions are...

Apr 13, 1:17 pm

A young girl is abused at home by her drunken mother. She is the daughter of a middle-class family and is normally at home with just her and her mother as he father is almost always off on business. She is a daddy’s girl and is spoiled to death but he refuses to believe his wife would lay a finger on their only daughter. She suffers from Depression and self-harm, often hiding it with her school uniform. One day her last period teacher takes notice and offers her shelter at his home. He is the CEO of a major company, only teaching because he enjoys it. HE takes the small girl in, as she is too afraid to go home without her father there, as time goes on he starts to fall for her as he showers her in gifts, giving her everything she could imagine, including a safe environment.

Apr 13, 1:18 pm

After a NDE (near-death experience) Girl A can see the date of people's deaths hanging over their heads on everyone but herself. Because of this, she tries to distance herself from everyone, it's too hard for her to know the exact moment they are going to die. She does pretty good with the whole distance thing too, until guy A comes along. She tries to write him off like every other person, but he won't have it. And even more perplexing he does not have a date hanging over his head. What can be the cause of this? Is it just a coincidence or is guy A hiding something?

Apr 13, 1:19 pm

Clary has died. How? Nobody knows. The last thing Jace sees on her dead body is a rune similar to an hourglass fading from her body. Jace closes in again and Girl A arrives to the Institute, sent by someone to train and fight the demons there. She is hot-tempered, sassy and can't be controlled. At first, Jace wants nothing to do with her. But after seeing the same hourglass rune on her as he did on Clary, he suddenly seems to become interested. He starts seducing her, but only to make her tell him about the rune.

Meanwhile, the Girl A tries to figure out where she came from. She has no memories before being found by the Clave - so she also can't know that she was created by Sebastian, that she possesses demon blood and that the hourglass rune is his mark and it's counting away her life. And, the problem is, no matter how much she's denying it, she's falling desperately in love with Jace.

Apr 13, 1:20 pm

This is a tale about a young girl who is not ordinary at all. Why? Well, for one she is a wizard. And guess who her father is? The most powerful wizard of all times. Yeah, that's right, the dark lord himself. I bet nobody expected the big ol' Voldy Moldy to have a daughter. Well, he does and she must take his place in case he dies. And guess who she must team up with? Yeah, that's right, the great annoying Draco Malfoy. She must help him complete his tasks otherwise her friends will die. And nobody wants that, do they?

Apr 13, 1:22 pm

Girl A is in a bad car accident where her boyfriend is killed and she is left temporarily paralyzed. Having no one else to go to, she moves in with her distant father she hadn't seen in years, in a small town in Alabama. There, she meets a handsome cowboy who is, unfortunately, married to a woman whom his parents chose. Girl A seems to have hit it off with the cowboy, but it's a small town and rumors travel fast. So when cowboy's wife hears about this, she seeks help from an old voodoo woman who casts a spell on Girl A, one that kills anyone girl A has a relationship with. So now she must get rid of the spell or stay alone and closed in forever. But that's not easy, especially with the cowboy slowly creeping into her heart.

Apr 13, 1:23 pm

The Earth is falling apart, the ground is opening with lava pouring out, the buildings are collapsing on themselves and strange, dinosaur-like beings are coming out. It's obvious that Earth is nearing its end and about to disappear into oblivion. But the government was always prepared for this sort of thing and is now deploying shuttles with people into space. The only problem? They only send the important personnel. But Girl A, having been raised in a military base with her father in charge, knows where another shuttle, though old fashioned, can be found and journeys to it with Guy A and any other survivor she can find.

Apr 13, 1:23 pm

There is an institution to where all orphans with potential are being brought. There, they are trained to become the ultimate killers, Hitmen. When they reach the age of 18, they start getting missions alone. They must kill targets without asking questions and never get attached to anyone. But then Girl A is assigned a new target, a young and passionate soldier. But there is something about him that makes her want to know why she must kill him. And so she breaks the Hitman codex for the first time and makes herself known to the man. But then she discovers that he must be killed because he knows of a corruption that is rooted deep inside the Hitman institution and everything she knows is turned upside down.

Apr 13, 1:24 pm

Sweet Dreams
Morpheus has always been labeled as one of the weaker gods, and is known for his full heart of compassion and love. As a god of dreams he's unable to wreak havoc in his life, and receives joy in the fact he's helping others. In one particular case it became a little more than some sweet innocent dream. The young boy named Guy A had troubling beginnings with an abusive father and a neglectful mother. It was only through one of his own demigod children that he came across him. His heart struck out towards the young boy and he pulled him away from the dark nightmares that took up his sleep, and replaced them with sweet ones. When he was a teen he even began to slowly appear in his dreams as well. It was only as he reached college that Mori realized his attraction towards him. He'd grown up to be a fine looking man, but at the same time he couldn't afford to think like this, humans already got him in enough trouble.

Apr 13, 1:24 pm

Rome's Saving Grace
After a powerful and loved Roman Emperor falls to his death he leaves his land in the hands of his trusted General- which is uncommon considering he has two sons of his own blood. The General took the throne without question and promised to uphold the aging mans legacy. But this was not how things were to be. The Emperor's eldest son became enraged at the title that was taken from him, and he promised vengeance. With the many people that followed him he was able to take the kingdom back, and in the process he murdered the General's entire family, and sent the man into hiding. It was then that he became a gladiator. He stayed that way for many years, and his life was not his own. After seven years had passed he returned to the kingdom to seek his own revenge- for the death of his family and for the memory of the former Emperor. It's then that he meets the tyrant's brother. He is nothing like his older brother. He's kind, loving, and most of all he wants a better future for the people of Rome. Despite all of the odds the gladiator starts to feel himself developing feelings for the far more innocent and naive brother, but he refuses to blow his cover.

Apr 13, 1:26 pm

Vampires and Werewolves

Vampires and werewolves have secretly existed in the human world, waging a war invisible to the humans.

Girl A is a vampire. Immortality, super speed, strength and agility, enhanced hearing, better sense of smell and vision, she has it all. But she also has to feed on blood and can't get out on the sun. She was also one of the top werewolf hunters and very famous in the vampire world.

Vampires truly fall in love only once. When they see that one special person, their heart starts for a moment and their image imprints into it before it stops again.

99.9% of vampires fall for other vampires. But there is that 0.1% that falls for humans or werewolves, races that vampires are forbidden to be with.

Girl A is one of that 0.1% and she falls for a Boy A who is a human. But then the two meet a werewolf and he tries to bite the boy. But the girl sacrifices herself and he bites her. When a werewolf bites a vampire, they die. But Girl A, instead of dying, starts turning into something that never existed before, a hybrid between the two species.

Now she is chased by both species and he is as well because he is blamed for her transformation.

Apr 13, 1:26 pm

The Hunger Games

The rebellion of Panem has failed. Katniss, along with many others, has been executed. But not before giving birth to Girl A, someone who has been groomed for fighting and to be the new rebellion symbol since she was born. She, along with a few others, is put into the arena on purpose, to overthrow the Capital once and for all. But what nobody expects is Girl A meeting Boy A in the arena, who is on the side of the capital, but disguised as her friend, and falling for him.

Will she be able to convince him to switch sides? Or will he kill her first and end the rebellion?

Apr 13, 1:26 pm

Dark and Light/Bad and Good

The world has been divided into two equal parts for a long time, one where bad people live called Syn and one where good people live called Virtu. There are no mixes, everybody is either good or bad. But then a single child is born, half-bad and half-good and the world is plunged into chaos as the government tries to catch and eliminate her. But on her run, she meets a young boy, born in Syn with nothing but bad genes, but somehow, he is trying to be good and even suceeding.

Apr 13, 1:27 pm

Wild West

Everybody knows her name. Everybody fears her. Everybody thinks she's the worst kind of a criminal, shooting the politicians and important personnel. Except the people who know her and work for her. They know the truth. They know that not only is she the best shot in the west, but is also a justice bringer, killing only the conmen and those who did wrong. But now she meets her match in a form of an older man, who joins her group under the pretense of wanting to help her - but little does she know that his job is to seduce and capture her.

Apr 13, 5:47 pm

Monster Town

There is this one town when the bell rings every first Saturday in month. And that's when the monsters come out. They feast on whoever they can find and disappear 4 hours later when the bell rings again. But this time, the bell didn't ring again. And the monsters didn't disappear. So what choice do people have than to send out a boy and a girl than they can spare to go ring the bell in the center of the town, where the most monsters are?

Apr 13, 5:47 pm


It's the beginning of 18th century and the Caribbean seas are ruled by two notorious ships, Calypso's Nightmare and Devil's Greed. The captains of two ships, a man and a woman, constantly have clashes and fights. But now that the whole England fleet is after the two for causing so many fights, thefts and ruckuses, the two must unite and recruit as many pirate ships as they can to survive this war.

Apr 13, 5:48 pm

Runaway President's Daughter

Being the president's daughter is hard. You have so many responsibilities, you cannot be reckless or have fun at all, despite what everyone else thinks. And Girl A knows that because she is one. But she is tired of this overprotective, uneventful life and she decides to run away. She dyes her hair, gets some piercings and tattoos, all too seem as little like the president's daughter as she can and just drives away. But her car breaks down in the middle of nowhere and then a man drives by that she joins on his journey to freedom - but when he finds out who she is, will it destroy their friendship? And maybe even their love?

Apr 13, 5:48 pm

Hitwoman, Soldier and Corruption

One of the toughest girls you will meet, are the ones who stand behind or with a soldier.

Growing up, a child can only yearn for love and care. But for an orphan, they only need a home. When an institution takes in the homeless and provides for them, all seems well. Until it's time.

Forced to takes lives and shed blood, without questions asked, this became the life for Girl A. When her target is fixed on a young and passionate soldier, curiosity begins to strike. The need to know rises with the danger behind it. The soldier opens her eyes to the world of truth- the real truth and corruption behind the institution. With a storm of lives lost, hidden truth and forbidden romance, Girl A stood at the eye of it. All the while, it has been her descent, but now... It was time for her rising.

Apr 13, 5:49 pm

The Walking Dead

Nobody knows how it happened, but suddenly most of the human race into flesh-craving beasts.

Government created so called Safe Zones where they would put the survivors so they could lead on a normal life. But horrible things go on in there. Nobody is allowed to leave, women and children get raped and men forced to work hard.

Girl A was raised on a military base with her father being the one in charge, so once the outbreak happened, the military base shut their doors and they lived pretty normally inside. But once the base got overrun, Girl A - who was the only survivor - is taken to one of the Safe Zones. Now she must escape the base with the help of another survivor, Daryl Dixon.

Apr 13, 5:50 pm

Clock and Life

Imagine having a clock on your arm, one that counts down how much time you have to live. The time changes, depending on your life decisions, but there is no way to get it off. But then one day, the timer suddenly hits zero. Yet nothing happens. You don't die, you only feel a slight squeeze in your chest. You don't feel any different after that. But you are very different. You accidentally discovered a flaw and can now use it to your advantage, to bend the time of others. You beat the system and that's what makes you dangerous. (Girl A and Guy A are the ones who did it and are now on a run)

Apr 13, 5:51 pm

Its highschool and there is a girl who is mostly unknown even to the teachers, she passes with straight A's. She is often said to be a scene kid but hardly anybody takes the time to know her. Though nobody realizes her most vital secret, she can talk to and see ghosts(a medium). She hardly tells anybody because they make fun of her, also this girl is picked on constantly and made fun of. Her Senior year she becomes more noticed as she begins to fight back and retailate wich just makes thing's worse for her, on top of bullies and ghosts and lame classes she is refused by her parents and her grandpa is the only one who tends to her. She unexpectedly is forced by the school board to help a new student around the school and ultimately be his friend unwillingly. Soon her feelings grow after a week or so and the boy develops feelings for her as well. Unknowing of her secret being a medium The boy thinks her crazy when she finally spills. Hurt and broken-hearted the girl runs away only to be found by the boy because she ran shortly after he told the girl she was crazy, she was found in the cemetery bleeding after she slit her wrists, she is immediately taken to the hospital and the boy vowed to believe the girl completely and a romance begins.

Apr 13, 5:52 pm

Guy A can see dead people, not only that, but he can go back in time and try to save them, a second chance, so he often has spirits seeking his help. One day a mysterious spirit, Girl A, appears. Her death was logged as a suicide, but is there something more behind it? Why else would she be asking for his help? Will he be able to save her in time before her soul is lost to death forever?

Apr 13, 5:53 pm

Girl A has just moved away from a large city to a rather small, somewhat country setting. She wasn't exactly too glad of it, but not too horrified of the idea either. At school, she meets Guy A, who is everyone's dream guy, handsome, smart, perfect. But he has a girlfriend who isn't too fond of Girl A talking to her boyfriend. Then there's Guy B who is at first appearing to be a jerk, messing around with Girl A all the time. Girl A thinks she wants to be with Guy A, and everyone agrees she should get closer to him, especially after he breaks up with his girlfriend. But what about when her and Guy B start to get close, and it's clear that he likes her. Which should she go with? The dream boy, or the polite gentleman?

Apr 13, 5:53 pm

Guy A can’t speak. He lost his voice somewhere along the darkness. He has problems. He has addictions. He even often considers suicide. His parents had kicked him out, not long after he got addicted and before he lost his voice. He’s been making himself live in hell for years. He’s dark, hostile and mean but it’s all a façade. Even through all this, he’s every girls dream. The devil needs saving.
Girl B is perfection or so everyone believes. She’s beautiful. She’s a perfectionist. She lives to please her parents. She even learned sign language so she could play with her siblings, to distract them from her mother. Then all that crumbled. She developed an eating disorder and she changed almost every aspect that she could and she ran to the only place she could, college. She looked like an Angel before, but now this Angel needs saving.
Girl B is intrigued. She wants to get to know Guy A, but she didn’t know he was such an asshole. By the time she did, it was already too late, she’d caught his eye. After all, she knew sign language

Apr 13, 5:54 pm

After the fire that killed her family, Kris Hale was forced to move away and hide. She ended up in the Mcall house, them having taken her in because of the tragedy and loss of her family. But she'd been keeping a secret from them for years. After having looked for the other half of dead body in the woods with Scott and Stiles, she hid from Mr. Stilinski with Scott. And then told him to run as the Alpha chased them. She watched Scott get bitten, before the two ran for their lives and into safety.
Kris refused to tell Scott about his newfound powers until he figured it out himself. After Scott and Stiles figured out that he had been turned into a werewolf, she confronted them. What happens when the Alpha is after them?
This Roleplay is based on the TV series from MTV, Teen Wolf.

Apr 13, 5:55 pm

Being a teenager you make bad decisions you regret for the rest of your life. I made one I regretted. I fell in love with a man that was so amazing to me. Until we both got married I regretted that moment. Being with him broke me because he didn't tell me everything. Almost dying and losing my life was my only escape as I was running away to get from him. I ran from downtown New Jersey all the way to a California small town out of fear. I want to escape but he will find me soon he and his gang. I try to find someone I can be saved by to escape from all the fear. I found him though I'm so scared of putting him in danger. Even if I could protect him. I don't know how I can. Though he told me he would protect me forever that our love is a true memory. (I know this is written in first person because I didn't know what I was doing as I wrote it.)

Apr 13, 6:09 pm

Muse A has been haunted by dreams of the devil that goes by the name of Muse B. The devil is a shape changer. They have picked Muse A as a mate and will stop at nothing to get them. After a virus penetrates the world, killing most of the planet, Muse B summons Muse A to come to them, in the middle of the Grand Canyon, right outside their headquarters for their wedding night, which is under the stars, by the firelight.

Muse A has been manipulated as a slave for Muse B.

Apr 13, 6:12 pm

The knowledge that an assassin was at court was growing like a wild fire. The deaths of people day after day wasn't helping. Everyone's been on high alert but none more then the crown prince. No one had more to lose than him. Secrets are being exposed and he's doing everything in his power to hide his. His secret? His lover is his fiancées servant, what's worse? It's a male lover. However there is more to this servant than meets the eye. Everyone's seem to forget the two important rules when concerning an assassin.

1. An assassin does someone else's dirty work. So who's being the killings?

2. An assassins loyalty is to the highest bidder. Which is why you never mix business with pleasure but as it turns out, he has fallen for the target.

Apr 13, 6:13 pm

With his relationship with his wife failing, he knew a divorce was on its way. What he didn't see was an affair with one of his students. That divorce doesn't seem to be coming anytime soon but the longer it waits the more he's invested with his student. To make it worse his students father is the principal of the school. When a tip is left at the school about an indecent relationship between student and teacher, the school is under scrutiny. It soon gets harder and harder for them to be together. Will they make it through or will they be discovered?

Apr 13, 6:13 pm

He couldn't believe he was doing this. All because of a stupid dare. Staring at himself in the mirror, he decided that he made a pretty cute girl.

_______ was the most popular guy at his boarding school as well as the biggest player. When a new girl suddenly transfers, he's excited to get his grip on her. However, she's not easy to catch and slowly he finds himself slowly liking her. But things just aren't adding up with her and he's determined to find out her secret.

I dare you to pretend to be a girl at that fancy boarding school for the rest of the year!

Apr 13, 6:14 pm

______ is the biggest face in Hollywood right now. The bad boy, the play boy and unfortunately his manager hates it. Apparently his managers had enough when tabloids caught wind of an especially juicy piece of gossip. During some after party he made out with some fan and someone released some pictures.

_____ is just a normal guy trying to get though college to make a living for himself. So when some guy approaches him to pretend to be the fake boyfriend of a guy he was with, he wanted to say no but the numbers don't lie. It's a generous amount of money. Apparently the guy is some hot shot celebrity but he was too drunk to even remember the guys face. If he thinks he's going to get his way, he's got anther thing coming.

Apr 13, 6:14 pm

Two groups not known as evil but one is considered to be terribly evil by the other. The Society (Good guys) have been in a long generation of secret keepers since the wars of Italy. Keeping a book passed on for over three millennial, a book that has been attracting attention from The Immortal Gang (Bad Guys). Reasons which the book contains blue prints, letters, secrets, etc. That can put the whole entire world in danger if not protected and kept away from the wrong hands. The Society has been keeping the book safe and sound though they aren't known to be staying together for such a long period of time. But They have been the strongest protectors of all families to keep it safe and sound. The Immortal gang has never stopped searching for the book almost having it in their possession a few times but never officially. After a decade the feuds of settled down once the society has gone down. When one girl the last of societies secret keepers moves into a small town where the gang is located with her grandmother. She must stay away from a group of people her age that are the gang and that suspect her of holding the book in her possession as the society rises as she does try to find the book to keep it safe. (Not good enough but it's good enough.)

Apr 13, 6:15 pm

Guy 1 and Guy 2 are best friends. They always do everything together, but that changes when guy 1 gets into an accident causing him to lose his memory. When he wakes up in the hospital he is surrounded by people he doesn't remember. When he is realized he gets taken home by the two people who say are his parents. Even with his tragic accident they still send him to school. Now he has to deal with bullies whom he never knew and people who claim to have been his old friends even though they are not. He also starts to realize his feelings for his so-called best friend, Guy 2. Throughout this, guy 2 is devastated. He sits at the sidelines as his best friend's life starts all over. He has to sit and watch as people take his amnesia as an advantage to get him. Guy 2 is determined to get Guy 1's memory back and in the process, he starts to fall for Guy 1.

Apr 13, 6:17 pm

Different Kind of Zombie

Girl A is a zombie. But not that mindless, virus spreading thing. She has enhanced senses, physical abilities and brain capacity. But she still needs her dose of human blood or flesh every now and then and if she doesn't get it, her hunger gets the better of her and that often resulted in her killing people. As a consequence, she distanced herself from everyone as to not hurt anyone she loves ever again.

Guy A is an agent in a secret government branch called Newraska that hunts these zombies, just because they don't understand them. But then he meets Girl A and doesn't even realize that she is one of the creatures he is hunting - so he slowly falls for her. But will he be able to break the impossibly high walls that Girl A set up around her heart? And will happen to the two when they find out each others secret identities?

Apr 13, 6:17 pm


In a ruined kingdom, it's hard to know who to trust. Muse A is the leader of a group of bandits. Their goal is to recover the stolen artifacts that destroyed the kingdom and hide them, preventing anyone from causing this much destruction again. Muse B is an adventurer, and the child of the old king and queen. They are traveling the land, hoping to find the artifacts and restore peace to the land. When Muse A and Muse B meet, they are fighting over the staff that controls every artifact. Without it, none of the magic can be harnessed. However, the man who originally caused the destruction is after the staff as well, to secure his control. Muse A and Muse B find themselves forced to work together to survive and keep the staff out of the man's hands.


-Proper grammar and spelling

Apr 13, 6:19 pm

Anorexia, Bulimia, Depression

The story revolves around Girl A, a teen who was once happy, but now suffers from Bulimia, Anorexia, and depression. But since her condition only started recently, no one notices her weight loss or the cuts on her arms and she thinks nobody cares. That is until the school playboy suddenly warms up to her. But Boy A is arrogant, cocky, and drop-dead gorgeous, which is why Girl A thinks he's only pranking her. But when Boy A doesn't give up, it also becomes more likely that he'll notice the cuts.

Will Girl A give in, or completely refuse him? And are Guy A's feelings even genuine?

Apr 13, 6:19 pm

The Soldier and Assignment
A soldier is assigned to find and kill the leads to a top-secret project. When he is assigned to find and kill a woman who is strong-headed and extremely fierce he fails his mission to kill her. Now his team is hunting him and this woman to kill them. This makes him think about what his assignment is really about. They start to investigate his project together and start to fall for each other.

Apr 13, 6:20 pm


Two teenagers find out that they were switched at birth. The teenage boy is from the hood, he is a rebel. He is part of a single-parent family, his father left at a young age and never came back. He is part of the football team and he runs track The girl is part of a rich family and goes to a prestige school. As the two get to know their biological family the two get to know each other as well and slowly start to fall for each other.

Apr 13, 6:20 pm

The Music

A famous singer comes to a dead end; she can't think of any lyrics to sing. When a worker comes into her office singing his own song the girl listens and becomes intrigued. They start to talk to each other and he agrees to help her write songs. They spend almost every minute together and she soon starts to fall for him. He doesn't know what he feels for her yet though.

Apr 13, 6:20 pm

Catching Love

A female is raised in a family of proud thieves. On her first job, she tries to steal a famous diamond but fails when a young police officer catches her in the act. He doesn't see her face but follows after her as she runs from him. She manages to escape from him however the next day she runs into him at a cafe, and he doesn't recognize her from last night. She decides that it will be a good idea to befriend him to see where they are at in her case. She soon finds out that he is from a rich family and she also plans to steal from his family. They soon start to fall for each other but he doesn't know that the thief he is trying to catch is his girlfriend.

Modificato: Apr 13, 6:23 pm

"None of us know how we got here."

Girl A has woken up and found herself trapped in an Asylum. She has no idea how she has gotten there, or why she even is there. She finds several other students from her school there as well, most of them in her grade. And all of them haven't the faintest idea why they are there. But the doctors all resent them and beat them senseless every day.
"We need to escape."

The students all gather together and form an alliance to escape from the Asylum and find out why they were placed there. Girl A becomes a rebel leader, along with school jock and bad boy, Boy A. The two plan an escape plan to rid themselves of the Asylum. Boy B is jealous of Boy A, has a strong desire for Girl A. Girl A sees only something in Boy A.
"We are the Guerrilla, and we will rise from the ashes."

But what will they find when they leave and return to the school? Will it be the same? And who awaits them there, but Girl A's ultimate choice between life and death?
"But what will we find?"

•If you want to do doubles, and maybe make an evil character for Boy B, I would rather it not be doubles, but I might be able to work with it. Maybe.
•You must be active. I hate it when people abandon roleplays I'm deeply dedicated to. I require you to reply at least once every two days.
Please be nice! I hate fighting as well ^w^

Apr 13, 6:24 pm

Guy A is your average nobody. He is a complete science nerd. He loves amateurism like astronomy and whatnot. Then there is Guy B your average bad boy. Rides a motorcycle, wears a leather jacket, and seems all bad ass. Except Guy B is failing almost all his classes and to graduate he has to get a tutor. Guy A has no free time and no life, so his science teacher suggests becoming a tutor. So Guy A ends up becoming Guy B's tutor. Let's just say their first couple of sessions dont go so well... guy B picks on Guy A and Guy B acts like he doesn't care then eventually Guy A snaps at him, but surprisingly sticks up for himself... and things start to get better...kinda....

MxM rp

Apr 13, 6:25 pm

Terra Nova

Our world is dying, however, scientists have discovered a new world that is lush and fruitful. Only a few are selected to go but this includes soldiers and scientists and the scientists family. One family of a doctor is sent to Terra Nova that is the name of the new world. The doctor has a teenage daughter that is learning to become a researcher and she apprentices to the lead researcher. Because this apprenticeship means going outside the gate and into unknown territory a teenage soldier is assigned to them. Little do they know what is out there beyond the gate, is dinosaurs

Apr 13, 6:33 pm

The 5th Wave:

In this post-apocalyptic world, The Others have taken over, and they have been planning the genocide of the human race for thousands of years. Their menacing ship looms in the sky. They have constructed 5 catastrophic waves of terror, from a violent plague to imbedding themselves in the human race. You can trust no one. The Silencers look just like you and I, and you'll never see the bullet coming. The world is a different place and if you make it through this alive you'll have to put back the pieces of a broken world. 99.9 percent of the human population has been taken out. Will you be part of that .1 percent that survives? Or will you become part of the growing number of people who were?

Apr 13, 6:33 pm

Just One Day:

A shy, pushover girl goes on vacation overseas. Once there, she meets a traveling and mysterious young man who invites her to go to Paris for just one day. They embark on a romantic and touching day together. They know they both felt a spark. But the next morning....he's gone. No note, no nothing. And she has to convince herself it was never as it seemed.

Apr 13, 7:56 pm

Marauders Era Roleplay

It's 1977, and the Marauders are grown up. Their years at Hogwarts are almost over, and they know one thing; Lord Voldemort will be after all Hogwarts students, attempting to recruit them as soon as they graduate and leave Hogwarts forever.

Most witches and wizards are said to find the ones the marry at Hogwarts their sixth or seventh year; James Potter is desperately trying to go for Lily Evans, while his best friend Sirius Black is after Severus Snape's twin sister, Gwen. Remus and Peter aren't thinking about it much, Remus studying werewolves and full moons, and Peter... Thinking about joining Lord Voldemort himself.

The year is wild, as they prepare for a new beginning and things to happen that are regretted for the rest of their lives. The war has begun, and Death Eaters are on the move. You know who's on which side. But which side will the Marauders choose?

Apr 13, 7:56 pm

Girl A and her twin brother, Guy B, were separated at birth for their own safety. They’re the rightful heirs to the immortal throne. The current king is a tyrant, now Girl A and Guy B are the only ones who can over throw him because they’re the only true immortals. Guy A is everything a prince is. Arrogant, pretty, witty, twisted, spoiled and can get under Girl A’s skin like nobody else but he’s also the most beautiful guy too. Just one complication, she has no idea who she is, what her powers are and that she has a twin brother. Then again she doesn’t know she has to be part of a rebellion either. When she does find out she trains but she’s fighting her own war. A war for her beloved, only to be betrayed by Guy A when he realizes who she is and that she has a twin brother. The titans and the king attack the rebellions compounds, killing the first and only surviving oracle and taking his powers. How will Girl A ever forgive her soul mate after he made a deal with his father? The king gets Guy B and Guy A gets Girl A, as well as the entire rebellion being arrested except for one who was supposed to have died, Girl B. A shifter and Girl As best friend. How will they save the only family they’ve ever known?

Apr 13, 8:18 pm

Once Upon a Time
The Story of Goldilocks and Jack

Rayne Sierra was born to Rumplestiltskin and Milah, a couple who only had one loving the other. Her mother was usually out at the tavern drinking away her worries. Rayne was only six years younger than her older brother, Baelfire whom loved her very deeply. They shared their troubles and woes, and were each other's anchors to stay at their angered home. Rumple loved his children, and Rayne seemed the only one to love her father as her brother resented him for what he'd done in the war.
But when Rayne was seven, their mother "died" and the two children were devastated. Baelfire grew cold, and Rayne no long had anyone. So she ran. Far far away, she ran and she never looked back.
A week of running, and Rayne had been feasting off of mushrooms and plants. She was hungry, and in need of something new to eat. That's when she smelled sweet, warm porridge in a cabin near by. What she didn't know, is three bears had killed the family that had lived there that morning, and were feasting on their bodies in the basement.
Rayne ate all the porridge that was there, only to be confronted by the beasts after her feasting. A sword hung on the wall, and she snatched it, slaying the beasts at the age of seven. She took the male bears hide, stripped it from its body and turn its hide inside out and into her sword sheath.
Rayne went on her way, and continued traveling on her own. She stole food and things she need upon her way, and became a trader on the Black Market as well.
On her thieving days, she met a young man, about five years older than her. He fell deeply in love with her, but she had shielded herself from the world and she was foreign to love. Rayne couldn't help but return his feelings, but keep them hidden as she was afraid that her doings could get him hurt and ruin everything like her previous family. So she left him, and visited every once and awhile, whenever she was able.
Rayne met and befriended Snow White on her days of running away. She housed her, and helped her hide from the Evil Queen. This was soon founded out, long after Snow had left and Rayne was finally captured and imprisoned. But they could never break her spirit and she tried many times to escape.
That is until Jack came and saved her. He had bartered his last magic beans with Rumplestiltskin for a spell that would break Rayne from the prison. Jack professed his love to her, but she denied him once more, unable to let love enter her heart.
Once Snow took her throne once more, she invited Rayne to be apart of the council with Red, Granny, the Blue Fairy and many others. Including Jack. He continued to tell her of his love, but she only denied him further and further. As soon as the curse started, and the two stood in a tower together, watching the curse come their way, Rayne was close to tell him of her love towards him, but the curse washed over them and everything they knew was washed away and replaced with a false life.

Apr 13, 8:18 pm

In a world filled with super powers girl A is born without. She becomes an oddball and is constantly bullied by her peers and abused by her parents.

Soon in her town supers start to disappear. A new villain has come to town and plans on wiping out all supers. Guy A is that very villain. Also born without powers he sets out to take revenge on every super out there.

Guy A has a force field set up around his lair that kills every super that tries to pass through instantly. The government decides to try and make Girl A go through, if she does no harm no foul, right? By miracle Girl A finds herself passing through with ease.

Guy A is surprised to find her and tries to hurt her, until he realizes she is powerless like him. Soon he finds himself falling for his intruder and wanting to take care of the broken girl he sees before him.

Apr 13, 8:19 pm

As the world began to fall as Zog tried to take over our world, Batman believed the lie that he spoke. He promised himself he would find this man and destroy him, so no harm would every reach the surface of the world because of this man. So he set out to find him. After seeing footage of the battles in Meteropolis, he identified the pictures of the man as Clark Kent, a reporter. As Bruce Wayne, he pretends to be just checking around the newspaper. But then he talks to Clark and shows him the footage, and everything unravels beginning the battle of Batman vs. Superman.

Apr 13, 8:19 pm

A news reporter, Girl A, was just any other girl. That is till she gets the job to check out Arkanm City's most ruthless of prisons. Every villian turned against Batman lies there, and a great danger is at hand. While on the job, a certain Bruce Wayne comes to stay along with the reporter. Earlier that week, Girl A had a run-in with the infamous Batman, and is completely ready for her next visit with the Dark Knight. At the prison, Girl A leans against a brick, something a villian thought long ago to put there. So that every prisoner would escape a wreck havoc. What will happen next?

Apr 13, 8:20 pm

Tim Drake was like any other boy. Or so everyone thought. Girl B is the smart girl, always helping others out, absolutely beautiful and brilliant. There's nothing unordinary about her. When Tim's girlfriend has a baby and leaves him, he's heartbroken. But who would be there to help? Girl B. They two find a hopeless romance. That is.. Till all of the villains from Arkanm are released. These villains come and bite him in the back. When they take Girl B, will he be able to loose another? (Connected to Idea #2)

Apr 13, 8:20 pm

No one ever knew that Colsoun had a daughter. Not even his daughter knew. Only Nick Fury knew, and when both of them died, Girl C was completely alone. That is, till the Avengers took her in after the SHIELD accident. They turned her into one of them, and she became an Avenger. Girl C was there through it all; the building of Ultron and the destruction of the Avengers. But there was one person who she would always stick close to, and never leave.

Apr 13, 8:20 pm

Girl D is the daughter of Tony Stark and one of his infamous hookers. Two years after her sixteenth birthday, she goes to her fathers workplace. Her senior year she had won a contest to make designs for a machine, and then go get to spend a week at Tony Starks home. She resembled him so much that Pepper insured he do blood tests on her. When they came back, she was his true daughter. And they had much catching up to do. That is, until Loki of Asgard captures her in the night. As Thor had been away, he had taken over, set a barrier around Asgard so that no man could enter without his consent. If they entered without it, they would die. Loki took the crown, and needed a wife. He only took her for politics; in actuality, he was sleeping with Freya during their marriage. Not once did he bed Girl D. But he began to love her as they spent time together. Freya noticed this and then plotted to murder the child of Stark. Girl D, child of Iron Man and Queen of Asgard.

Apr 13, 8:20 pm

They met at an ice cream shop. He stole her heart with simply his smile. But when girl A went to drop off a paycheck to a close friend of hers, everything goes down hill. That friend, Guy B, managed to convince her into celebrating what a great job their doing at work and somehow got her drunk which lead to having sex. Not only that but he took a picture of her nude and holds it against her. After trying to hide it from her boyfriend, guy A, she was finally found with hickeys that he didn't make. He immediately broke up with her without letting her explain. Just two weeks later he's with another girl to try and help forget about Girl A. So when Girl A was invited to her best friends, Girl B, birthday party, she got to find out who her new boyfriend is.

Apr 13, 8:22 pm

Nearly one hundred years ago an invisible murderer swept across the nation killing all those in its wake. It cared not of your skin, gender or age it’s only cared to burn your body from the inside out. It was a plague that snatched children from parent’s tight holds and lovers from firmly clasped hands with no remorse. It took ten years for the virus to run its course and die out before the nation could rebuild the number that they once had before the plague came. To ensure that they would become the once prosperous nation they once were the remaining leaders created a set of new laws that bind their citizens to bettering the entire nation.
When each citizen reaches the prime age of eighteen they are contracted in marriage to another individual who will heritability benefit the growth of the country. The female’s after being paired would travel on Contract Day to their husband’s birth city to live with him in a home that was provide to the couple by the government. The male’s would stay in their birth city but, move out of their parent’s home and into a home that was provided to them. In some cases, the couple was transported to another state where they were more needed.

Each couple would then produce at least four children and if they were to produce more the government would compensate them for their bountifulness. If a couple could not produce the quota, they were subjected to punishment by the government. This punishment varied from each person but, they were typically never heard from again. If a spouse dies, a new one would be assign to the widow and the family would be relocated, if their quota has not already been met. It was rare but, not unheard of for such a thing to happen.

In the year 2133 it is time for Muse A to meet their spouse Muse B on Contract Day. As soon as they sign their contracts they will receive a packet on their spouse, information on their vocation, keys to their new home and a if they are a female a ticket for the train to their new home town. All the classes and schooling they’ve taken has led up to this day. Now, all that’s left is to actually meet and begin their lives.

Apr 13, 8:22 pm

I would like it to be where maybe two best friends grew close ever since they went to kindergarten together but when they hit high school everything changed. He back me popular. She became the outcast. He continuously promised he would be with her till the very end because of her depression and suicidal thoughts. But he lied. Lied again and again and again. But she paid no mind to it as she found her passion to not think of those dark thoughts was simply dancing. Contemporary to be specific. So after freshmen and sophomore year they hung out maybe twice at a party during the holidays but that's that. He dated a popular girl and it broke her heart because she loved him so much she couldn't bear to lose him any longer. But he wouldn't listen to her anymore. Calling her names like "freak", "psycho", etc... But later on after two more years went by it came to high school graduation. No good luck at your new college! No good luck in of our major in dance. Just simply bye and bye for good. But ya know the worst part was is when he found her sitting in the middle of an alleyway with drugs clearly by her side. She lost it all. Her mind went haywire. The dancing career was gone. They kicked her out because of her emotional problems. She couldn't find anywhere to live or pay the rent anymore. She was what she feared most. Homeless. Drugs came to be her solution. Heroine. Weed. Ecstasy. You name it she went for it. She even used her body to get the drugs. Pretty sick right? She didn't think so but he did. He didn't care anymore about what he lied about anymore. He took her to his place and cleaned her up in the bathroom. Giving her a nice warm bath. Giving her his clothes to borrow for the night and promising for once and forever more that,"I will be by your side forever and forever Insert Name here , don't you forget that! I made some crummy mistakes but I won't let you turn out like your brother! I'll make it up to you. And so he did. He let her live with her and helped her out with her trauma of using sex for drugs. He later married her and so on.~
I know it sounds like I just rped the whole thing into one paragraph but that's the plot and I would love to start from around middle school or high school and work our way up.

~It may be a bit gory and graphic and if you can't handle it do tell me straight way and don't lead me on! I hate to be lead on and so on.

Apr 13, 8:23 pm

The Fray - You Found Me The Fray
This girl was best friends with another (Insert Name Here) and everything was great or so you would think. But that only lasts for so long. His family was rich and she was middle class but they found a way to be friends ever since the beginning of high school. They both had problems. Both outcasts. Both got addicted to drugs or alcohol. But they found a way of fitting in. They always did until he found another group of friends and left her behind. So she was a nobody anymore. Everyone hated her and wished she was dead with always complaining about her parents arguing till they got a divorce. Her father left him when she was only sixteen and beginning her sophomore year of school. You would think she could handle this slowly but it didn’t work that way at all. She herself started losing it one day at a time. Withdrawing from school events and school itself to hang out with drug people she met on the streets. Never resorting to being around her brother or sister or even her mother. Just restoring to ways to not being at school and knowing her best friend had another group of friends. Knowing she was such a fragile girl. It only happened the end of sophomore year she changed her whole outlook. She merely told herself, “If he wants to act that way two can play at that game.”But that didn't last for long. Because in the end she needed him like a safety blanket. But he didn't come running whenever she texted him or saying she was having a urge to do drugs. But one night when she was at home without either siblings or mother around she found some alcohol and drugs and used it till early the next morning her mother found her nearly close to overdose that she took her to the hospital. She stayed there for several weeks and she didn't know how word got out at school but it did. Her best friend came rushing over and he stayed with her from here on out. But she on the other hand didn't want him to because of how she treated him. Later on though she did.

Apr 13, 8:24 pm

Genres: Action, Drama, Romance, Supernatural
!Warnings! The story will contain excessive cussing, gore, violence and depression. Some events might be triggering, so do not ask unless you can handle all that.

Celestina was the daughter of God, one who possessed immense power. But after many years of helping her beloved father, she realized that he was only using her to keep peace and did not truly love her. Outraged and hurt, Celestina starts wreaking havoc on Earth without giving second thought to the consequences of her actions. Scared of what this might lead to, God makes a deal with the devil, quite literally. He promises Satan the souls of thousand people if he sends his own son after Celestina to kill her. But nobody expects the son, Diaval,to fall in love with Celestina and decide to save her instead of kill...

Modificato: Apr 13, 8:24 pm

Girl A's Twin sister was killed over a year ago, she was the only one who witnessed it firsthand. Since that day she hasn't muttered a single word since. Even now, with the threat of her parents sending her to a mental institution, she chooses to remain silent. Guy A needs a subject for his psychology paper. He decides to study/get in the mind of the town's teenage shut-in, Girl A. All he has on his mind is getting a good grade and some days the project feels more like babysitting. But what happens when he finally gets her to talk? Will it become more than just a grade?

Apr 13, 8:25 pm

There is war raging against two different cities, City A is the light side, City B is the dark side, Girl A is on the Dark side, while Guy A is on the light side, when Guy A is caught sneaking around in the Dark City, he gets sent to the dungeon, in which Girl A is guarding, Guy A tries to find millions of ways to get the girl to talk, when ever he gets to the family topic she gets all protective and she threatens to kill him, Guy A is then realizing his one true hope of getting out is to fall for the young gaurd, but in truth he really has fallen for the young guard, he doesn't tell her until they are completely alone that he has truly fallen for her, when he tells her that she kisses him softly on the lips and then leaves, for two years he never saw Girl A again, until she winded up in the dungeon where Guy A was guarding, that was the only time they had alone. The war went on for five more years and then they were able to be together without causing havoc, they grew up to have four children, twin boys and twin girls and even two cats and a dog.

Apr 13, 8:26 pm

A was kidnapped at a young age by a guy who just needed someone to do everything for him. So in other words. A was kidnapped and forced to be this man's slave. For about 12 years, when the man finally got sick of him. He locked him up in the basement of his house and left, forever. When a neighbor called in saying that they had heard strange noises coming from the house the police were on it. When they get there they find the 17-year-old stuck in the basement, starving covered in scars from being abused, and in no mood to socialize with the outside world. That's when B comes in, One of the police officers taking sympathy for the kids, at first just trying to get him to leave, and when they can't find out anything from him. B decides to take him to his house where he will stay until they could help. Add this goes on B becomes determined to help the boy through his trauma and possibly gains feelings for him.

-B would have to be between 20 and 25 so the age gap isn't too big.
-no jumping into the relationship

Apr 13, 8:28 pm

Genre: Drama, action, romance, comedy, supernatural.
!Warnings! This will most likely contain excessive cussing, violence, gore and some possibly triggering events. Do not ask unless you can handle that. (PM MEH)

There are supernatural beings called Daemons in our world and they have been here forever. But there are a few who are evil and those are fought by Ghost Agents, humans that have the power to summon and bind demons to themselves and have them do their bidding.
After defeating a very powerful Daemon, an equally powerful Ghost Agent Girl A binds him to herself and forces him to obey. All ghost agents can force daemons into that, but since Deamon A is one of the strongest ones yet, only Girl A can control him.
But as the two spend time together, they begin to develop a very special bond that might even blossom into romance, if they are able to overcome their hate for each other of course.

Apr 13, 8:30 pm

Genre: Drama, action, romance, Sci-fi, Zombie, survival, horror.
!Warnings! This will most likely contain excessive cussing, violence, gore and some possibly triggering events. Do not join unless you can handle that.

The Mayans have told of the day when the world will end. But nobody believed them. Until the doomsday actually happened.

An explosion went off in the Pentagon, destroying and killing everything in a mile radius.

The dead were starting to wake up. The only problem - they lost their humanity and craved human flesh.

The dead have overrun NYC, leaving nothing but bodies and ruins behind.

The whole USA is overrun with the dead and barely any survivors are left. Those who have survived tried to cross to another continent, but others closed borders after they heard what happened.

The whole world is filled with walking corpses and their numbers increase with each passing day.

There was talk about safe haven on the radio. The uninhabited so-called Battleship Island in Japan was according to rumors not yet reached by the masses of the undead and the surrounding sea prevents that from happening.

Most of the survivors headed to Battleship Island in hopes of once again living a normal life.

~ Proper grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling,
~ You will write in past tense in third person,
~ Details!
~ You will post every day (and notify me of your longer absences),

Apr 13, 8:32 pm

A city girl moves into a small town named Tucklesberry due to the fact that she has recently been unable to get any sort of job! Now she gets a job in a small town in Alabama, where she knows nothing about anything.
Her neighbour however, who is a cocky and irritating man, is someone she knows about.
They annoy each other but they develop a little something.

Apr 13, 8:34 pm

Five years ago Girl A died in a tragic house fire. At least, that's what everyone believes. No one knows the real story, nor would they believe it. Her boyfriend, Guy A, was the real cause. He had always had a bit of a temper and one night after they got in a huge argument, things went bad. The next thing he knew, Girl A was lying motionless on the floor. He panicked and set the house on fire to cover it up. He hasn't been able to forget about that day since.
Now Girl A has been given a second chance at life, the only catch is she must retrieve a soul in exchange for her own. The soul she must capture, Guy A's.
But what will happen when she reconnects with him, will it be easy as she thought, or will it prove to be much more than she bargained for?

Modificato: Apr 13, 11:25 pm

Also some ideas:

Mob Leader x Police Officer
Rock Star X Florist
Pirate X FormerRivalWhoIsNowPrisoner
Nerd X Popular
Damaged Swimmer X Cursed Mermaid (Or Merman)
Insecure Guy X Caring Girl (Could be FxF, MxM, & FxM)
Prince X Blind Girl (or boy)
Vampire X New Girl (or Boy)
Reckless Guy (or girl) X Responsible Girl (or boy)
Prince X Servant
Teacher X Student
Vampire Master X Slave
Kidnapper X Victim
Cliche Loser X Popular
Werewolf X Vampire
Hero X Villain
Bully X Student
Ghost X Living
Master X Slave
Prince X Princess
Murderer X Victim
Demon X Werewolf
CEO X Assistant
Demon X Angel
Fallen Angel X Witch
Medical Examiner X Police Officer

Apr 13, 8:41 pm

This girl wasn't really widely known across school. (Could be High School or College) But she was among friends who were outcasts just like her. Everything was going so well her third year of school. She was about to ask her crush out to the dance and hoping to even date him. But after her friends helped set it up everything went so wrong one night. It was that one day that she was in school that she was bold to talk to her crush who was a some what outcast like her in the Photography Club and even did his own poems she would hear in English class but he didn't want to return her love that she so boldly wanted to say. He laughed at her. His friends did as well. This girl went out running into the midst of the forest that surrounds the school. She heard there were murders and some kids died in these parts of the forest because of dare’s or something else which she never got. It was already nearly close to five. Almost dinner time when her friends went looking for her. So she thought she heard her friends coming to find her but total opposite. It was her crush’s friends who had some kind of tool or rather tools and she tried her best to escape in time but she wasn't close when she felt something bang her over the head and after that you would never see it coming. These kids drugged her to her death and then killed her numerous times till she was dead completely. You would expect they would hide her but they didn't to leave her friends to find her which they did. It was after that incident that these kids were caught and her crush stopped hanging out with them and the incident was heard all over the news and campus. But the weirdest part was she came back alive after a day or two. She didn't know why but she knew she was a ghost. Trying to find her purpose but the only thing that kept her going was she needed to protect her crush before the rest happened. What could the rest be? Could it be he needs the protecting? Sorry it’s a bit messy. I tried to piece it together the best I can.

Apr 13, 9:14 pm

Girl A has just moved away from a large city to a rather small, somewhat country setting. She wasn't exactly too glad of it, but not too horrified of the idea either. At school, she meets Guy A, who is everyone's dream guy, handsome, smart, perfect. But he has a girlfriend who isn't too fond of Girl A talking to her boyfriend. Then there's Guy B who is at first appearing to be a jerk, messing around with Girl A all the time. Girl A thinks she wants to be with Guy A, and everyone agrees she should get closer to him, especially after he breaks up with his girlfriend. But what about when her and Guy B start to get close, and it's clear that he likes her. Which should she go with? The dream boy, or the polite gentlemen?

Apr 13, 11:23 pm

Nearly one hundred years ago an invisible murderer swept across the nation killing all those in its wake. It cared not of your skin, gender or age it’s only cared to burn your body from the inside out. It was a plague that snatched children from parent’s tight holds and lovers from firmly clasped hands with no remorse. It took ten years for the virus to run its course and die out before the nation could rebuild the number that they once had before the plague came. To ensure that they would become the once prosperous nation they once were the remaining leaders created a set of new laws that bind their citizens to bettering the entire nation.
When each citizen reaches the prime age of eighteen they are contracted in marriage to another individual who will heritability benefit the growth of the country. The female’s after being paired would travel on Contract Day to their husband’s birth city to live with him in a home that was provide to the couple by the government. The male’s would stay in their birth city but, move out of their parent’s home and into a home that was provided to them. In some cases, the couple was transported to another state where they were more needed.

Each couple would then produce at least four children and if they were to produce more the government would compensate them for their bountifulness. If a couple could not produce the quota, they were subjected to punishment by the government. This punishment varied from each person but, they were typically never heard from again. If a spouse dies, a new one would be assign to the widow and the family would be relocated, if their quota has not already been met. It was rare but, not unheard of for such a thing to happen.

In the year 2133 it is time for Muse A to meet their spouse Muse B on Contract Day. As soon as they sign their contracts they will receive a packet on their spouse, information on their vocation, keys to their new home and a if they are a female a ticket for the train to their new home town. All the classes and schooling they’ve taken has led up to this day. Now, all that’s left is to actually meet and begin their lives.

Modificato: Apr 13, 11:29 pm

A girl is attacked and raped at a party. To try and overcome it, her and her best friend try to find out who did it but turns out it him all along

Modificato: Apr 13, 11:40 pm

More ideas:

Mob Leader x Police Officer
Rock Star X Florist
Pirate X FormerRivalWhoIsNowPrisoner
Nerd X Popular
Damaged Swimmer X Cursed Mermaid (Or Merman)
Insecure Guy X Caring Girl (Could be FxF, MxM, & FxM)
Prince X Blind Girl (or boy)
Vampire X New Girl (or Boy)
Reckless Guy (or girl) X Responsible Girl (or boy)
Prince X Servant
Teacher X Student
Vampire Master X Slave
Kidnapper X Victim
Cliche Loser X Popular
Werewolf X Vampire
Hero X Villain
Bully X Student
Ghost X Living
Master X Slave
Prince X Princess
Murderer X Victim
Demon X Werewolf
CEO X Assistant
Demon X Angel
Fallen Angel X Witch
Medical Examiner X Police Officer
Rich X Poor
Guard X Prisoner
Serial Killer X Detective
Demon Hunter X Demon
Scientist X Test Subject
Army Soldier X Boyfriend
Witch X Magic Geek
Villain X Villain
Detective X Framed Murderer
Undercover Cop X Mafia Boss
Celebrity X #1 Fan
Bodyguard X Flirty Celebrity
Cowboy X Cityboy
Asylum Patient X Therapist
Pro Icescater X Newbie
Sugar Daddy X Sugarbaby
Foreign X Local
Drummer X Singer
Youtuber X Fan
Punk X Pastel
Cop X Robber
Gamer X Gamer
Dragon X Tamer

Apr 13, 11:32 pm

a mxm, between a closet case bully and a recently outted guy. The bullying was of course hardcore physical; pushing, shoving, punching. As well as name calling and the crappy part is before all this the outted guy crushed on his bully. One day, to throw his tormentor off his game, he flirts with him expecting the beating of a lifetime and instead sees his tormentor flee. Why? Because the closet case couldn't come to terms with the fact he wasn't into his girlfriend and secretly envied the other for his ability to come out.

Apr 13, 11:44 pm

A young girl's parents have recently passed away. She wants to go live with her grandmother, but the grandmother lives on the other side of the forest. The girl is sent to live with her uncle, who is constantly drunk. The girl endures two months of abuse from him before running away into the forest, hoping to find her grandmother. As night falls, she finds herself completely lost, and hunted by wolves. The guardian of the forest, a boy about her age, finds the girl running from the wolves, and saves her from them. He takes her to his home to care for her, and they slowly fall in love.

Apr 13, 11:45 pm

The genders in this one can be switched A great war between two kingdoms has just ended. To end the war, the kingdom Lorinea gave the Aurorian kingdom a group of their maids and servants to work in their palace. One of those gifts is a young and timid girl who has been taught her whole life to obey, no matter what. She is assigned to be the maid of the prince, who is quite rude to the Lorineans. The girl is not his first Lorineans maid, but all have requested to have a different job. But because of her upbringing, the girl endures the princes teasing. The prince eventually soften towards the girl after learning more about her, and the two fall in love.

Modificato: Apr 13, 11:46 pm

For the past 500 years, vampires and humans have lived in peace with one another. The majority of the vampire population drinks animal blood, but there are some human who donate their blood to vampires who shall receive an allotted amount each time they request human blood. However, there are still vampires who are unwilling to give up the old ways of having drones. The simpler vampires merely ask that the drone is voluntary, but members of a vampire coven often offer a large sum of money to the drone's family in return for basically the possession of the drone. Muse A's family has fallen upon hard times, and more often that not, they do not have enough food to feed everyone. A, young and healthy, decides to go against their family's wishes, and sneaks out to pay a visit to Muse B's estate. B is a vampire, a high member of the prestigious Sangui Coven. Their previous drone has recently grown ill, and is no longer of use, so he has been released. B gladly takes A as a new drone, treating them well but with a certain coldness. However, through attending Coven balls together and merely spending time in the sprawling estate with one another, the two find themselves drawn to each other.

Apr 13, 11:47 pm

In a ruined kingdom, it's hard to know who to trust. Muse A is the leader of a group of bandits. Their goal is to recover the stolen artifacts that destroyed the kingdom and hide them, preventing anyone from causing this much destruction again. Muse B is an adventurer, and the child of the old king and queen. They are traveling the land, hoping to find the artifacts and restore peace to the land. When Muse A and Muse B meet, they are fighting over the staff that controls every artifact. Without it, none of the magic can be harnessed. However, the man who originally caused the destruction is after the staff as well, to secure his control. Muse A and Muse B find themselves forced to work together to survive and keep the staff out of the man's hands.

Apr 14, 12:07 am

It's the year 2057 and the third world war has begun, Russia and Europe against America and the UK. Thousands of Americans were taken to Russian concentration camps, including the young daughter of an American army commander. Despite being treated poorly in the camp, Girl A does not lose hope because she is certain her father will come and get her. A young new Russian Soldier A is assigned to watch over the people in Girl A's barrack and he does his job with enthusiasm, until Girl A begins opening his eyes to the real horrors that go on inside the camp. The two, despite desperately denying it, slowly begin falling for each other, but their love is star-crossed and doomed to get them killed. But now that the Russian's have began killing those in camps, Soldier A is determined to get Girl A out and back to America. Meanwhile, her father is doing everything in her power to get his daughter back.

Apr 14, 12:09 am

A new plague swept across the world, turning everyone into flesh-craving beasts. Well, everyone but the few rich and powerful that were escorted into safe bunkers deep underground - and a few who managed to sneak into the bunker. Now that the failsafe doors have opened again, a month after the plague, the survivors now have to survive in this new apocalyptic world.
The story focuses mainly on Guy A, who was in the bunker, and Girl A, who managed to survive outside the bunker.

Apr 14, 12:09 am

Girl A has the perfect life, or so it seems anyway. With having the schools star quarter back as her boyfriend how can it be anything but perfect. There's only one thing, it's not exactly as perfect as it seems. The first few months were fine, but it quickly went downhill and turned into an abusive relationship. Girl A hides it, determined to keep it a secret as he has many threats hanging over her head.
Guy A has been watching from a distance, he is considered the ' heartless bad boy' of the school. However he is not as heartless as he may seem, coming from an abusive home he knows how things are.
One day Guy A and Girl A are paired up for a school project. After a while of working Guy A decides to mention what he has noticed. But how will Girl A react, will things change, and if so will it be for the better, or will things go horribly wrong.

Apr 14, 12:11 am

Gender bender rp. There was accident that causes guy a to turn in to a girl. His/ her roommate/ best friend girl a helps him/her with getting use to his/her new body and the trouble that comes with it.

Apr 14, 12:11 am

Gender bend rp, in a world where only girls can use magic a guy finally is able only thing is he was raised as a girl and sent to one of the top magic schools to learn. There are two types of magic users in this world casters and knights. The school always pairs a caster with a knight as to balance their short and long-range magic types

Apr 14, 12:13 am

A young woman/man (21-24) is a pickpocket to provide for her/his three year old daughter. She/he tries to steal from a rich man/woman (24-28) but he/she catches her/her. Instead of taking her/him to the authorities, he/she offers her/his and her/his daughter a home and a job working as a maid on his/her estate

Apr 14, 12:14 am

A man (24-28) has a (2-4) daughter/son and is looking for a babysitter to watch her/him as he goes out on dates. The woman-babysitter (21-24) starts to care for the child as she watches her/him and in the process, all so falls in love with his/her father. (hide spoiler)

Apr 14, 12:15 am

A pregnant girl (21-24) has lost her boyfriend to a motorcycle accident. She is four months along and never got a chance to tell him. Her ex's older brother or best friend (24-28) promises her he will take care of her. So, he does. They fall in love and take care of the child together.

Apr 14, 12:15 am

A man (24-28) is a tattoo artist in the local shop. He tattoos a man with a shy timid girlfriend (21-24). The girl is abused by her boyfriend. Later on, the girlfriend comes in by herself for a tattoo. He notices bandages on her back but doesn't say anything. We go from there.

Apr 14, 12:16 am

A's Mom married B's Dad and now they are moving into a new house together. A never liked B because it always seemed like As mom liked B better than him when in reality it was just because B didn't like the idea of getting a new mom. B also hated his dad for many reasons he didn't wish to tell, things that could get his father thrown into Jail. B also likes to keep quiet. Doesnt talk because his dad threatened him that if he spoke about what happened the same would happen to him. So talking was something he didn't do at all. As the days went on A kept on being mean to B for a couple of days until he noticed something was wrong with B. The scars on his arms and legs. A half accidentally walked into B's room when he was changing.

((We can go from there. On how A reacts to B's scars and what not))

Apr 14, 12:18 am

(A) is the child of a bar owner, a place notorious for its high number of gang-affiliated patrons. When there is a raid in the bar (A)'s father is arrested for multiple counts of possession, intent to distribute, gang affliction, distribution to minors, and attempted murder, all of which he pleads not guilty. While (A) is not sure if he is telling the truth or not, (A) must still gather money for his lawyer, as all their accounts have been frozen.

(B) knows what happens in Brooklyn, nothing gets done without (B) knowing. At this point (B) is the only one (A) can turn to. What they must do is risky and is grounds for jail time. Is it worth the risk?
(The gender(s) of the main characters are undecided.)

Apr 14, 12:18 am

Girl (could be vampire or human) is taken by a guy (werewolf, wizard, etc) after being told that they are solemates. She wants to get away from him so he holds her in a seclusive manor away from everyone. She hides and keeps herself away from him. He is very arrogant and used to getting what he wants but is kind enough. Over time, he begins to care for her and tries to take care of her. The girl gradually starts to like him.

this is not a right away love at first sight so I'd like to get into it after awhile like the plot suggests.

Apr 14, 12:19 am

After the Mass Destruction War, half of the human race was blown to smithereens by an unidentified machine that came from outside the atmosphere. After that the machine didnt return and since then the rest of the human race did everything in their power to figure out what happened and set up every defense possible to stop it from happening again. A large group of scientists and experts found out exactly what happened and traced the machine back to an ancient race of aliens. They set up satellites around the aliens' planet to listen and spy on the strange creatures. They learned that they were planning to over throw the human race and that was just the Mass Destruction was just the first attack of many. The human race then prepared their finest soldiers and also trained many more recruits. They created powerful mech-suits designed to fit the certain soldier it was accustomed to perfectly. Each mech-suit has it's own speciality given to it by the soldier. The mech-suits are designed to attack and destroy what ever the alien race throws at them, but will it be enough when they attack or will the rest of the human race crumple under the power of the aliens?
Okay so for this one I was thinking the setting would be at some big facility where all the soldiers are trained and where the mech-suits are held. One of our characters would be a high ranking officer (guy or girl) put in charge of training a bunch of new recruits and the other character would be one of those recruits (guy or girl) and he/she is kind of a screw up and goofs around too much and falls in love with the high ranking officer, but the officer hates he/she because the officer thinks that since he/she is a recruit that they shouldn't be together, but the officer secretly is in love with the recruit but never tells he/she. Then on the recruits very first battle, the officer gets shot and the recruit saves and protects the officer, and ranks up to an officer as well because of his/her heroic act the general confesses her/his love for the recruit when he /she becomes her/his rank. (Confusing with all the he/she's haha I know) the plot is way longer than that but I'm not typing the whole thing out haha

Apr 14, 12:20 am

So this assassin guy/girl gets a contract to go kill this girl's/guy's dad. It just so happens that the girl/guy sees the whole thing happen. The assassin's face is covered and what-not so the girl/guy never actually sees him/her. It just so happens that the assassin sees how devastated he/she is by this and he/she shows up to the funeral to pay his/her respects and to see the girl/guy. He/she quits his/her job as an assassin because of what he/she did to the girl's/guy's life after he/she killed her/his dad. He/she then gets chased by his/her ex-team mates because he/she quit when they're not allowed to. He/she gets to know the girl/guy a lot better, but hides his/her feeling for her/him really well. One day she/he gets captured by the assassin's ex-team mates and the assassin chases after them, saves her/him and then we can figure out more stuff after that :)

Apr 14, 12:21 am

It's going to be set like twenty years after the infection started and there was a sanctuary built called Mercy and there's a pretty high population of survivors there. One day a guard (guy or girl) is on patrol and he/she sees a girl/guy stealing from the makeshift marketplace they have in Mercy. So, the guard confronts the guy/girl and the guy/girl listens to the guard as he/she takes him/her to the jail in Mercy, but right before they make it there the thief attacks the guard, causing more guards to appear and surround the scene. The thief realizes escape is nowhere, he/she knows he'll/she'll be punished big time. The chief guard shows up and makes a deal with the thief that if he/she goes outside of Mercy with the guard that caught him/her to and abandon pharmacy to get medical supplies for Mercy's hospital, he'll/she'll get out of a punishment. Of course, the thief says yes and goes with the guard. While at the pharmacy,they're attacked by infected and the thief saves the guard, earning her/his trusts and they hideout waiting for the infected to leave the area. While hiding they get to know each other a bit more and head back to Mercy were they're greeted at the gates by the chief guard. The chief doesn't live up to his part of the deal and tells the thief that he/she needs to go to jail, but the thief refuses and runs. The guard runs after him/her, not really thinking, but not they're stuck out in a zombie infested world with no food and two guns with the guards from Mercy chasing after them. We'll figure out what to do from there.

Apr 14, 12:22 am

Scientific Expirement: A mysterious girl ends up in a tiny town where she attends the local high school. The popular guy in school is forced to show her around and some how they end up going out on a date together. While on the date, the girl sees someone and rushes out, but the guy follows and he learns that she is on the run from scientists that held her captive and mutated her.

Apr 14, 12:22 am

A girl decides to go for a midnight stroll to the woods. But to go to relax instead she found someone that she would have never imagined, a (vampire, werewolf, shape shifter, etc.). As she tries to run for help he must capture her and keep her hidden to save his secret. The girl who is frightened and can’t think right tries to do something. But while the days go by he thinks he has changed, he starts to feel something for her. But how can he show it if she is scared form him.

Apr 14, 12:29 am

Learning All About Love
Guy A is an arrogant bad boy band member who believes he knows everything in love. But all he really knows is lust. Girl A is an innocent girl who soon comes along and proves him wrong.

Apr 14, 12:30 am

Girl A and Guy A were childhood sweethearts. Girl A wasn't all that confident, her parents, unhappy with their marriage. Guy A, had a dying mother, but a positive outlook on life. The two gave each other what the other needed. That was until they were separated. Guy A's mother died, leaving him to move out to his aunt's, and never to see his dear friend Girl A again.

Girl A grew, and eventually got into the college of her dreams. Making friends was hard, that is until she met Girl B (her roommate) along with Guy B (her classmate). Together the three became a wonderful team. One day, however, Girl B insists that Girl A and Guy B come with her to the movies. Neither knew that Girl B was bringing her new boyfriend.

As they arrive, Girl A is stunned to find that Girl B is dating her childhood sweetheart Guy A. The two are overwhelmed to see one another, and neither has changed. But will the two be able to resist their emotions? Or will others get in the way?

Apr 14, 12:31 am

His Redemption Is Her Love
A demon wants redemption and has approached God. He requested redemption but was denied. The demon proposed an offer. If he could get a woman to fall in love with him, God would accept him back in Heaven. God agreed and the demon went down to earth to live a human life, trying to love someone. For one hundred years he tried but had no success. Near the point of giving up, the demon enrolled himself into a private college. Their he finds the woman he's looking for.

Apr 14, 12:31 am

Secret Love Triangle
Guy A (18-22) is gay and in love with his twin sister's, Girl A, boyfriend, Guy B, but never says anything. Guy B (22-25) is secretly bi. Eventually, Guy B has a fallout with Girl A (18-22) and they break up. Guy B keeps going back to their house but not for Girl A but for Guy A.

Apr 14, 12:32 am

Is Love Stalking You?
Girl A (16-22) is in love with her best friend, Guy A (17-23), but he doesn't know and has a girlfriend. His girlfriend, Girl B, somehow found out and hates her, making her do stuff so she won't tell Guy A. Later, Girl A starts being stalked. A few months into it, her stalker takes her and beats her up, leaving her for dead.

Apr 14, 12:32 am

She's Mine, Not Your's
Guy A (24-28) is a rich man and marries a woman, Girl A (20-24) he doesn't love. After almost a year of never consummating the marriage, Girl A has an affair with Guy B. When Guy A finds out, he is enraged. Guy A loses it and his anger turns into love. Leading Guy A and Girl A into a passionate marriage

Apr 14, 12:33 am

Best Friends Forever, Right?
Girl A and Guy A are best friends. Have been that way since they were in diapers. But suddenly they are torn apart when Guy A's mother dies, taking him away to his uncle's. Girl A has no idea where he is and they don't keep in contact. A few years pass and Girl A is best friends with Girl B and Guy B. Girl B thinks that Girl A and Guy B should try dating. So they go on a double date with Girl A and Guy B. Plus Girl B and her new boyfriend, Guy A.

Apr 14, 12:34 am

Her Guardian Angel
Guy A is a fallen angel. He has been charged with Girl A, a human, to bring her to Guy B. Who believes that she is his vampire mate. Guy A kidnaps Girl A and takes her away but it's not long before he learns of what vampires have done to her family in the past. Guy A then starts wondering if he should take her to Guy B.

Apr 14, 12:36 am

Home Town Terror
Guy A (24-28) is returning from the army after being in the Secret Ops for 6-10 years {depending on his age}. Girl A (22-26) was his high school sweetheart that he left for the army when he graduated highschool. Guy A thought he had come back to his home town to relax and take a break from the chaos of fighting. He was wrong. Girl A's sister disappeared three years ago and she's been putting her nose in places that it doesn't belong. Guy A says he will keep her safe but not find her sister. Or will he?

Apr 14, 12:36 am

Money Doesn't Make You
Guy A (21-25) is not your average college student. He's the son of a famous wrestler and has a lot of money in his trust fund. But no one knows that. People don't know he has money coming out the ground and more than any college kid could want. Girl A (19-22) is at college by scholarship. Otherwise, she wouldn't be there. After a run in with Guy A, they meet again and start hanging out. But when Guy A's father finds out, he doesn't approve. Guy A has slowly fallen in love with Girl A and is willing to give it all up for her. If she would let him.

Apr 14, 12:37 am

Girl A and Girl B have been bestfriends through all of high school, they share everything. Everything except for a guy...that is until now.

Guy A is a bartender at a very popular bar in New York, has been for a few years now, as well as he has been single for a few years now.

Girl A and B just moved to New York together and go to the bar and they both find Guy A very attractive as well as him finding them attractive. So Guy A asks them both out and they are hesitant at first, never doing anything like it before, but soon agree and the three of them soon get in a relationship together.


-Ok w/ mature scenes

Modificato: Apr 14, 12:38 am

Guy A is a closet gay in a strict Christian school who once secretly kissed another boy. His nemesis, a student from that same school, recorded the two and posted the video on YouTube, one that quickly spread across the school and soon everyone, including his parents, saw the video. Embarrassed, depressed and disowned by his parents, Guy A attempts suicide, but is stopped by Guy B, the popular jock from a neighboring school. Feeling sorry for Guy A, he takes him in without knowing about the video. But as the two grow to become best friends and Guy A develops feelings for his savior, Guy B sees the video. Guy A, who is once again embarrassed runs away and attempts suicide yet again, but Guy B, who also secretly developed feelings, does everything in his power to find him.

-I would like to be Guy A

Apr 14, 12:39 am

Despite My Problems
Guy A (22-28) has been struggling with both his family and sexuality. Guy A was previously married to a woman and had twins (2) but he realized he liked men more than women. They divorced and he was given custody of the children. But has had a hard time with his family believing his ex-wife should have the children. Guy A rarely interacted with other men in a forward to a relationship but Guy B made him want more.
Guy B (22-28) is bad boy. He has had a lot of lovers but only kept one for a serious amount of time. That one broke his heart and left him a cold distant person. He believed he couldn't love again and that no one could love him. But then Guy B meets Guy A and things change.

Apr 14, 12:40 am

Running for her life and the sake of the company she works for, Girl A desperately tries to keep her necklace safe. With the work of her and her science comany, they have found a way to manipulate time with a necklace. A watch is in the necklace and when the time is changed on the watch, forward or backward, the holder will travel to that specific time.
A spy company recently learned that time travel was possible through a piece of jewelry that the science company had created, but they don't know what specific piece of jewelry has made this possible. Guy A's mission is to capture the head of the science company, hold her hostage and find out the information he needs as get that jewelry. When Girl A is finally captured, she stays strong not sharing anything with him.
Guy A recognizes the girl as soon as he has her in a secure location. The two were best friends when they were very young, and had fallen in love. Guy A was forced away from her to join the spy company at the age of 6 for training. Girl A however, doesn't recognize him. She simply sees him as an evil human being trying to steal her hard work.
Girl A is stripped of her jewelry and is trapped, but when Guy A realizes his feelings for her have sparked back up, he begins to have conflicted feelings... Let her go and risk losing his job, or keep her here and keep her safe?

Apr 14, 12:40 am


In a world where wizards and witches were a common thing, Diaval was amongst the most infamous wizards of all. He was rumored to be the strongest of all, but he was also said to be cocky and arrogant. And while he was very strong, he was also selfless, only didn't know how to show that part of him.

Persephone, a beautiful young girl, was also a witch, but she was one born out of black magic and therefore always hid her true identity until one day, she made a pact with a demon that ate her heart and made her a cold, uncaring person.

As coincidence would have it, Diaval and Persephone one day met and a powerful witch laid a curse on the two - if they get farther than 40 feet from each other, they would both die immediately. But despite the two not being able to stand each other at first, they slowly grow fond of each other.

Will Persephone be able to show the real Diaval to the world? And will Diaval thaw Persephone's frozen mask?

Apr 14, 12:43 am

Guy one was engaged to Girl One. One night, as he was coming home while riding on his motorcycle, Guy one was hit and killed. The next week Girl one finds out she's pregnant. Guy one's brother, Guy two, feels responsible and begins to take care of her. How far will their unspoken feelings go

Apr 14, 12:44 am

Girl A and Guy A used to go out. But two years ago Guy A broke it off and left Girl A, thinking he wasn't what she needed.
Now Guy A is getting married to a girl whom he met shortly after leaving Girl A. Everything seems to be moving along perfectly.
Meanwhile, Girl A has found herself in the middle of an abusive relationship that she can't seem to find her way out of. Even worse, it's with Guy A's fiancé's brother.
So, what happens when Guy A and Girl A meet up again while setting up for his quickly approaching wedding. Will the wedding go on, or will it be a complete disaster?

Apr 14, 12:46 am

It's the 21st century and a demon is roaming the streets in search of a women who will love him.

Six hundred years ago, a demon(20-28) went to God for a request. He wanted redemption and to be accreted back into heaven. But God said no. The demon, desperate for this, proposes a compromise. If he could make woman fall in love with him, God would let him back into heaven. God agreed and sent the demon down to earth in search of his love. Now, six hundred years later, the demon enrolls in a high school in hopes of finally finding someone.

Kristi is a poor seventeen year old girl that works hard to take care of her ailing mother and twin five year old siblings. They depend on her to pay the bills and keep food on the table all while saving up for college and finishing highschool. Kristi had met and gone out with several men but they all ended desperately when they found out she was next to broke. Kristi has officially sworn off men but there's something about the new guy in school that draws her to him.

Apr 14, 12:48 am

Muse A is a thief who steals in the middle of the night and hides away in a cove, traveling through ports on his boat with his small crew to sell. One night, they come across a rather large house, and, believing it to be filled with riches, sneak inside. Instead, they find it is an orphanage, and run into Muse B. Muse B has just gotten a younger orphan to stop thinking there were monsters in the shadows, so when they come upon the thieves, they promptly scold them for frightening a child. Startled, the thieves run out. They all soon forget about this encounter, but Muse A finds themselves drawn back to the orphanage more than once upon occasion. Muse B doesn't recognize the constant visitor they are slowly falling in love with- but what happens when secrets are revealed?

Apr 14, 12:50 am

Girl A is notoriously known for her reluctance to go out with anybody. Been in college two years already but the new transfer had arrived.
Guy A gets in with the popular crowd quickly. After a few months, the others in his group make a bet. If he could get Girl A to sleep with him in two months, the rest of them would take a month of celibacy. But as things progress and he gets closer to Girl A, does he really care about the bet?

Apr 14, 12:52 am

In the small town of Rock Point, Arizona, population 874, a mysterious girl appears with stolen clothes, frightened eyes, and a registration for the local high school. When she steps into the front office, her schedule is handed to a classmate of hers, the popular guy. He is instructed to show her around to her classes for the day, but he can tell something is off with her, so he's determined to figure out exactly who she is. The guy slowly starts to form a crush on the girl throughout the day and asks her out on a date. Reluctantly, she says yes and they meet up later that night.

When they're out on their date, the girl seems distracted and anxious and her behavior only gets worse when she sees a man watching her. Quickly, she rushes out on the date, but the guy follows her and sees that she's scared, but doesn't question. He invites her to stay at his place if she feels unsafe and she accepts his offer, not knowing what else to do.

They get to his house safely, but only after an hour there's a knock on the door and it's the same man that was watching the girl on their date. Quickly, the go out the back door and drive away, but they are followed by the man in his car. Eventually, they lose him and keep driving, but they grow tired and hungry so they stop at a hotel in the middle of nowhere.

There at the hotel, the girl tells the guy everything. She escaped from a laboratory after being experimented on for years, and now the scientists are trying to get her back. The guy hears her out but doesn't believe her until she shows him proof, so she does. When he realizes what she's saying is true, he swears to protect her and promises that she'll never go back to the laboratory again.

Apr 14, 12:53 am

Girl A gets into trouble(crimes) and gets two options, go to prison or camp. She chooses to go to camp, thinking that couldn't be too bad. GirlA soon finds out that the camp is in the middle of a dry, super hot desert and is told every day that every day they have to dig a 5ft hole. And the longer it takes, the longer they have to be out in the heat. Girl A is given a tent, which she has to share with 6 other people. And of them is Guy A, who is told that his Girl A's mentor. Guy A is supposed to show rows around the camp and is supposed to also stick around her to make sure she does everything right. Which GuyA finds very annoying. GirlA and GuyA butt heads every second, they can't stand each other for a while. But after a couple of weeks, they get to where they are good friends. But is it should friendship now or much more?

Apr 14, 12:55 am

Girl A has been kidnapped by Guy A, not out of vengeance or for ransom. But because he thinks he is in love with Girl A delusional and believes that the only way that they can be together is if he keeps Girl A locked up in his basement. Girl A unable to escape or call for help. As Guy A falls deeper into his delusions, he tries to convince Girl A that he is in love with her and that Girl A is the one being irrational. At the same time, Girl A must try to convince Guy A to let her go, or at least let Guy A's guard down just long enough for Girl A to make a run for it. Can Girl A make a break for it and get away? Will Guy A react violently if he finds Girl A trying to run?

Apr 14, 12:59 am

Girl was engaged to be married when her fiancé is killed in a motorcycle accident. She then finds out she's pregnant. Her fiancé's brother is at the funeral, meets her, and then offers a marriage of convenience. She agrees, grudgingly, and they are married. Will they find true love in the end?

Apr 14, 12:59 am

Guy A has been running from his past. He has been to seven schools in the last two years and somehow it always seems to catch up to him, then he is on the run again. Because of this he refuses to even try and make friends and such, it's easier to leave if there are no ties left behind. Now, at a new school, he intends to keep on with this tradition. But Girl A has other plans. She's friendly, charasmatic, and won't take 'no' for an answer. To say she is persistent would be an understatement. The two could not be a more odd pair. So what happens when they start to get close? Will Guy A fall victim to his past again? And what if Girl A is hiding something herself? Will it all end in disaster?

Apr 14, 1:00 am

Guy A has been moved from foster home to foster home since he was 9 years old. No one wants to deal with his issues. And who could blame them, he is a bit rude and odd, but who wouldn't be after witnessing your own father murdering your mother right before your eyes. Now, at the age of seventeen he is in foster home number twenty six. He figures that things will go as usual and in a few months he will be moving yet again. But what he doesn't expect is that this family is different. They have taken in another child years before with a 'troubled past' such as Guy A's, Girl A. Now Girl A is a perfect, well rounded girl, or so it seems anyway. But she sneaks around a lot. Guy A knows she has to be hiding something, but what? Will he find out? And if so what will happen?

Apr 14, 1:02 am

Muse A and Muse B come from the different sides of the tracks… literally, They are from competing Mob families and there is a turf war going on in the city both their parents rule. Muse A grew up with everything handed to them, trying to remain completely unaware of the world their family forced on them. Muse B, is being trained to take over, after one night in a club however, everything starts to change, they meet one another. Both are oblivious to who the other is, but as their feelings grow deeper for each other, the more dangerous it becomes, and the more blurred the choice gets. Is blood actually thicker then water.

Apr 14, 1:02 am

Muse A adores Muse B more than anyone or anything else. she loves him with all of her being. and when he leaves her alone she isn’t able to function. she is a puppet and he, her master. Muse B is manipulative. he has never told Muse A that he loves her, even though Muse A has said it countless times. he does care for her, however. he’s protective and hates the idea of anyone ever seeing her. or anyone ever touching her. he keeps her inside away from anyone else. his reasons for always keeping her inside being “no one deserves to see you”. and if she does question him he’ll raise his voice to frightening levels until she submits and obeys without question. he always apologizes afterward though. and she always forgives him. muse A feels that she is never good enough for him. whenever she doesn’t do something right and he points it out she gets overly emotional and tires herself from trying to get it right. trying to make everything perfect. BECAUSE SHE WANTS HIM TO BE HAPPY. AND SHE WANTS TO FINALLY HEAR HIM SAY HE LOVES HER.

Apr 14, 1:06 am

Bull Rider's Little Angel

Guy A (24-27) left his girlfriend three years ago to chase his dreams of being a bull rider. Girl A (21-24) tried to contact him for the first four months until she gave up. Guy A finally comes back but he's in for the shock of his life. Girl A has a daughter. His daughter.

Apr 14, 1:07 am

Muse A is the only child of a wealthy lord and land owner. She was born mostly blind, her eyes a milky white. Her father forces her to wear a covering over them at all times as suitors come to win her hand. Muse B is the squire of the lead suitor and knows this man plans to wed Muse A and lock her away while he takes mistresses. Muse B falls for Muse A and begins to sneak her out, showing her attention that she’s never had. Muse B knows he cannot win her hand but hopes to win her heart. Muse B hopes even if she marries his master that they can still be together.

Apr 14, 1:08 am

Muse A is an attractive, self centered, popular jerk in high school. Everyone knows him and everyone admires him. He asked out one of the worst looking girls in school to a dance as a joke. While at the dance, he meets Muse B, a hard working, humble girl with a drug addicted father. Muse A and Muse B talk and have almost an instant connection which is broken when Muse A makes fun of the girl he asked to the dance as a joke. The girl ends up being a witch and puts a curse on him taking away his looks and giving him a year to find someone to fall in love with him or he would be beastly forever. Muse A looks themseleves in isolation with only their maid and tutor as company. As a past time, they watch Muse B walk home every night in secret until one day, Muse B’s dad gets into trouble and Muse B’s life is threatened. Muse A makes a deal with Muse B’s dad that includes Muse B living with Muse A for protection. At first, Muse B is reluctant to talk to Muse A who buys gift after gift, keeping his face hidden. But as Muse B starts to realize that Muse A is more good than bad, a romance starts to blossom despite Muse A’s cursed face. Will Muse A get Muse B to say ‘I love you’ before the year is up?

Apr 14, 1:09 am

Muse A and B are both good, honest, righteous and respectable people. They have it all. Friends, family, wealth, good looks. They are good friends, and have been ever since childhood. But as they say, only the good die young, and the two friends died in their early twenties after a horrific car crash.

When the two awoke, they were no longer on earth, nor were they anywhere they expected to be. They were in the Garden of Light, and under God’s protection. He admired the two for their nobility and other good traits they held. Muse A was happy to be here in the Garden of Light, though Muse B was not. Muse B did not like the idea of being in such a place, fearing it would be the only place they would be in for all eternity.

After some time, Muse A came to see what Muse B had already known, that they did not have freedom. And after not too long, God even took away their freedom in the Garden of Light. They were always under watch, no privacy to them selves.

This is when they began to turn against God, and through their hate towards him, they became corrupt. Their righteousness began to fade away, as did most of their good traits. And both fell into a horrible depression. Then the two made a pact. They decided to kill one another and end their misery. So they did.

But they did not plan on being reincarnated. They came back to Earth, with all their memories of their past life and their time spent in the Garden of Light. And this time they lived their lives sinfully.

Apr 14, 1:09 am

Muse A, Coming to a strange city, catered to religion of a “Prophet”, they alone bear the initials of Muse B on their Right Hand, is marked as the “False Shepard” After a endless search for Muse B, while killing their way to get to Muse B, Muse A watches Muse B figuring out that Muse B was always constantly watched in all hours of the day. Upon seeing Muse B Opening the Tears. Muse A finally confronts Muse B saying they’ll take them to Paris, but really is using that excuse to repay the debt he owes. Upon hearing the Songbird’s Lullaby, Muse A and Muse B escape barely, due to Muse B being sheltered, upon seeing Muse A kill a innocent, Muse B shuts down, upon seeing a “ghost” like figure Muse B explains that the reason why their nose is bleeding is due to “remembering something in their pass life before they died”

Upon Muse A, hearing this news Muse A, experiences these symptoms and remembers everything about the debt by travelling through various of doors, and the life that Muse A and B would havehad before being taken away to repay the debt(Cause no matter what Muse A always gave up Muse B), with Muse A guilt ringing upon their heart. Muse A see’s the different versions of Muse B standing before them ready to have them let go of their debt (in which is Muse A regret)

Apr 14, 1:10 am

Muse A kept playing the piano only first to play melodys that were sad and dreary

Muse A never was able to talk, unable to speak they communicate through the piano. in a way to keep himself from being lonely as the piano was their only company. Till one day, Muse B falls from the window in their skylight surviving the fall, Muse A comforts Muse B by playing their piano as Muse B is unable to remmeber anything happened prior to falling through the window, but still unsurely accepts the song as it brought them happiness

Muse A and B notice after the song has finished, a small plant life grows from the piano. Muse A wanting to help Muse B back out from this trap continues to quickly play their piano feeding life to it as it is their wish to help Muse B in regaining the memories.

Muse B climbing up the tree and escaping together, Muse A stays behind, shaking their head knowing that Muse B was never alive to begin with, and that when Muse B could finally ascend to heaven and be at peace.

Apr 14, 1:10 am

Muse A and Muse B attended a boarding school together, in which they had no idea of their reason for being there. Eventually they learned that they were created for their original, to once the time came donate all their vital organs to. Muse A and B managed to get their way through the school depending on eachother as best friends. However, muse A had feelings for Muse B which she though was mutual until another came into the sum. Now ten years later muse A and muse B have parted ways. Muse B giving his second donation of his life and Muse A working as a midwife. When she hears of his second donation and soon to be in for a third the two rekindle their love, and try to convince a council to allow them some time to be together, which gets denied. How do they get through this denial, and will they be able to think of something to get them away so they can be together for longer than they are destined? (less) "

Apr 14, 1:13 am

The Book Thief AU:

Muse A is a 11 year old kid living in Nazi Germany. They are sent away along with their little brother to a foster family while their mother is taken for being a communist. Unfortunately, their brother dies on the trip and they are forced to go live with their new family alone. Confused and afraid, Muse A has no idea what to do. On the first day of school, Muse A meets Muse B, their next door neighbor who comes to walk them to school. It is clear on the first that that Muse A has no idea how to read. So, they are taught by their new father and supported by Muse B who quickly becomes a best friend. But things don’t stay happy for long when Muse A’s family hides a Jew in their basement. On top of that, Muse A and Muse B start stealing food from farms in order to beat the war ration plaguing Germany. And secretly, Muse A is stealing books from the mayor’s house. As years pass, Muse A and Muse B start develop feelings for each other. But can they really be together during the worst war in German history plus Muse A’s secret guest in the basement?

Apr 14, 1:14 am

A new disease is affecting the human race by killing all the males infected, females infected only give birth to girls. Scientists have been working night and day to find a cure but the only one that they found to work was to change all remaining human males into females. Guy A and Girl A had been best friends since they were little. When Guy A heard of the cure he hesitated, he wanted to live but to lose his manhood, Girl A convinced him to go through it, she didn’t want to lose her friend.

Apr 14, 1:20 am

I'll Miss You

Guy 1 and Guy 2 have been great friends for a couple of years now. There had been a moment at school when Guy 2 got bullied all the time and Guy 1 had had enough of it. He stepped in, stopping it, and since then they have been good friends. The only problem was that Guy 2 had feelings for Guy 1 and Guy 1 just so happened to be leaving for the army for 7 years. It's 4 years later and Guy 1 shows up at Guy 2's apartment in a wheelchair because his legs were shot and ruined.

Apr 14, 1:21 am

What A Meeting

Guy A is from an adoptive family and so is Girl A. They both have problems and that helps them to connect when they meet each other at a bar. Afterwards they continue to talk and get closer to each other, until they're in love. But when they meet each other's parents, they learn something they'd never thought. They're twins

Apr 14, 1:23 am

Despite My Problems

¡This is a MxM! Guy A (22-28) has been struggling with both his family and sexuality. Guy A was previously married to a woman and had twins (2) but he realized he liked men more than women. They divorced and he was given custody of the children. But has had a hard time with his family believing his ex-wife should have the children. Guy A rarely interacted with other men in a forward to a relationship but Guy B made him want more.

Guy B (22-28) is bad boy. He has had a lot of lovers but only kept one for a serious amount of time. That one broke his heart and left him a cold distant person. He believed he couldn't love again and that no one could love him. But then Guy B meets Guy A and things change.

Apr 14, 1:24 am

Don't Leave Me... Please.

Guy A and Girl A have been best friends forever. Their mothers are convinced they were friends since the moment they met. Girl A and Guy A doing all kinds of things together, stupid stunts and homework included. Suddenly, the world falls apart. Girl A is struck with a deadly disease that could kill her at any moment. Guy A's father is wrongly convicted of a crime he didn't commit and is sent to jail. Guy A hangs around Girl A every moment and watches as his friend dies. His heart is slowly breaking as he realizes, the entire time, he had been in love with her.

She doesn't die.

Apr 14, 1:27 am

Ever since humanity found out that supernatural beings are indeed real, the world has been in complete chaos. Humans feared the supernatural. Wanting to learn their secrets and use them as their own weapons, they started hunting down and capturing or killing the supernatural to test on.

Girl A Is a special supernatural being, she is a hybrid, meaning she is immune to more common weaknesses of beings of a single breed.
Guy A was born into a supernatural family with no supernatural abilities of his own. He now lives amungst humans.
Girl B and Guy B are twins, born to human hunters. At a young age their parents were killed while on a hunt. Guy B drifted to the more peaceful side, sympathizing with the paranormals. Girl A on the other hand blamed them for her parents death and started training to be a hunter. Now she is known as one of the best.

Apr 14, 1:30 am

Guy A was forced from the only home he had ever known two years ago when his family was placed in the witness protection program. Now he lives in a new town, Has a new house, new friends, new look, and new identity. It has been a chance for him to reinvent himself and now, everything is perfect. That is until girl A moves into town. She used to be his best friend, back when he was a different person, litterally. Now she is just a reminder of his old life, one that he needs to forget.
But what happens when their English teacher assigns them as partners to write eachothers biography and things get seriously personal. Will girl A figure out who guy A really is, will everything come crumbling down?

Apr 14, 1:34 am

I Love you

Muse A just lost her one true love in a horrible car crash on his way to work. Now as a widow she tries to go forward with her life. A couple of days after her husband's death she wakes up to the smell of someone cooking in the kitchen, and she is shocked to find it was her husband. She didn't believe it at first but soon thought this was her second chance to be with her love.

Well, this all be a dream or is she really getting a second chance with him?

Apr 14, 1:39 am

Best Friends.
This guy and girl have been best friends since they were little kids. Their moms were best friends after all. Unfortunately, the girl's mom died during childbirth. The guy's mom helped raise her since her father kind of went downhill. He became a major alcoholic, and even abusive at times. The girl hides it well though, so well that her best friend doesn't even know about it.

Apr 14, 1:41 am

'Never Wish For Something You'll Regret'

Guy A moves into a new house and is on an adventure, he's seen every room, every wall and everything yet there's one room that has always been locked. Soon he breaks in it one night and finds a world he wish he never found, as he walks into the room he sees the walls covered in white snow and trees yet it seems like it's snowing. On each wall is a person with black wings wearing black clothes, 1 girl and one male yet when he goes into the room, the door locks and he opens the world, wishing he never did go into that room.
Girl A - Dark Angel
Girl B - Human Best Friend
Guy A - Human Boy
Guy B - Dark Angel

Apr 14, 1:43 am

'Hot Like Me'

There's the popular girl and there's the good boy, the popular girl has everything when the good boy has not much, raised up in a rich family yet he hates to show it off unlike the popular girl. Soon the two are partnered up for a project and the girl turns the good boy into someone he's not.
Girl A - Popular Girl
Girl B - Popular Girl's friend
Guy A - Good Boy
Guy B - Good Boy's friend

Apr 14, 1:43 am

'Only Human...'

There's the boyfriend and girlfriend and the girlfriends best friend, the best friend is in love with the girl yet the boyfriend hates his guts and refuses to let them see each other, saying the best friend is a 'bad influence' yet when the girl runs away and moves in with her best friend she realises she has feelings for him too.
Girl A - Girlfriend
Girl B - Boyfriend's new girlfriend
Guy A - Boyfriend
Guy B - Best friend

Apr 14, 1:44 am

'Romeo Save Me!'

Boy meets Girl, Girl falls in love with Boy yet Boy is a bad boy. They meet in a club and fall in love straight away but their families hate each other and refuse to let the two stay together. Their friends help to get them together and soon the families realise it's true love.
Girl A - Girl
Girl B - Girl A's best friend
Guy A - Boy
Guy B - Boy's friend

Apr 14, 1:44 am

'Remember the name...'

Nephilim meets angel ((A nephilim is half demon half angel)) the nephilim is the last on the world and hides in the human world as they look just like humans till they change forms. Soon the world is at war with the demons, angels on human sides and the nephilim is in the middle. Soon the nephilim meets an fallen angel who is also in the middle of the fight ((A fallen angel is like an Nephilim)) and soon the two fight beside each others side.
Girl A - Fallen Angel
Girl B - Fallen Angel
Guy A - Nephilim
Guy B - Nephilim

Apr 14, 1:44 am

'My Prince Charming is a Princess'

There's a boy who has never been on a date, never had their kiss and always get bullied, till a new girl comes to school and helps them through the pain soon realising he is in love with her he tries his best to hide it but can't.
Girl A - New Girl
Girl B - Popular Girl
Guy A - Popular Girl's boyfriend
Guy B - Boy

Apr 14, 1:44 am

'I'm in love with my best friend's boyfriend'

Girl A has a boyfriend yet Girl B wants him. Girl A and B have been friends since they were 3 and never hide secrets or anything yet when Girl A finds out about Girl B's crush she hates her, the boyfriend leaving her for Girl B but Guy B soon falls for Girl B, leaving her in a muddle between Guy A and Guy B
Girl A: Best friend
Girl B: Best friend to A
Guy A: boyfriend
Guy B: New boyfriend

Apr 14, 1:45 am

'I'm in love with my best friend'

Girl A and Guy A have been friends ever since, Guy A is dating Girl B who don't even love him yet he don't even know but Girl A does, she tries proving it to him but he never listens to hear till he realises she's in love with him.
Girl A: Best friend
Girl B: Girlfriend
Guy A: Best friend
Guy B: In love with Girl B

Modificato: Apr 14, 1:45 am

'I'm in love with a Demon Hunter'

((If you've seen Supernatural then you will like this one)) Dean and Sam are on the road again, fighting demons and having one-night stands yet soon they spot two girls on the side of the road and let them in, getting to know the girls more they realise their feelings yet they need to teach the girls how to be Demon Hunters before hell takes over.
Girl A: Dean's crush
Girl B: Sam's crush
Guy A: Dean
Guy B: Sam

Apr 14, 1:45 am

'Life In My Stomach'

Girl in an abusive relationship yet she doesn't know how to leave, soon she moves in with her best friend who helps her through her struggles but when a new boy turns up at their girl she falls in love with him straight away. Soon him and her hook up yet she soon realises she's pregnant with his child, she tries her best to hide it but soon her best friend 'accidently' tells him. He disappears for a while and comes back when the baby is close to coming but soon he realised her ex boyfriend will kill him if he found out.
Girl A: Girl in abusive relationship
Girl B: Best friend
Guy A: New guy
Guy B: Boyfriend

Apr 14, 1:46 am

'A silent scream...'

Girl A's parents were killed in a car crash, she gets bullied at school and struggles through depression. Soon her best friend Guy B helps her through it and realises he's in love with her. Girl B wants Guy A yet Guy A needs to help his sister and her best friend but realised he wants her too. He soon ignores his sister wanting Girl B even more.
Girl A: Depressed Girl
Girl B: New girlfriend
Guy A: Sister's brother
Guy B: Best friend

Apr 14, 1:47 am

'Cause Baby We Got Bad Blood'

Muse A and Muse B have been dating for long yet they always have fights and soon break up, as soon as Muse A meets Muse C, she falls in love with him straight away yet Muse B can't stop his feelings for her, soon he meets Muse D who helps him through the struggle of the relationship and soon falls in love with her.

Apr 14, 1:47 am

'Monster, How Should I Feel?'

((This is based on my favourite song)) Muse A is in love with Muse B yet is scared of him because he calls himself a 'Monster' he is a bad boy yet every relationship he had always ends badly because of him. He never thought he would see the day he would fall in love with Muse A yet is scared that he will hurt her. Soon Muse C and D((they're friends)) helps him through it yet when he sees the pain she's been going through he goes crazy.

Apr 14, 1:48 am

Anna is happy in Atlanta. She has a loyal best friend and a crush on her coworker at the movie theater, who is just starting to return her attention. So she's less than thrilled when her father decides to send her to a boarding school in Paris for her senior year. But despite not speaking of word of French, Anna meets some cool new people, including the smart, charming and handsome Étienne St. Clair, who quickly becomes her best friend. Unfortunately, he's taken.

Apr 14, 1:51 am

Girl A is the town freak. No one likes her. Everyone thinks she's a freak, and strange. The only people who show her any kindness, are a couple at a used book shop and the children who live there, whom she often tells stories too. When she was sixteen, her parents died in a tragic car accident. The authorities allowed her to live alone, since she was perfectly capable, but the town completely shut her out. Girl A manages a job at the local used bookstore, where an elderly couple pays her heavily, knowing that she needs the money to be able to live on her own. Her parents always told her stories of the Guardians, who protected the children, and those stories always stayed with her.
One day, the infamous Jack Frost is having fun with his winters abilities, and stops to listen in on the stories being told to the small children, by none other than Girl A. Curiously, he follows her home. When he comes in through the window, Girl A is shocked, as well as Jack, that she can see her, and that he's even there. It's like all her dreams came true. After awhile, Girl A friend finds a home in Jack, and never wants to leave his side.

Apr 14, 1:53 am

'My Happy Little Pill... Take Me Away'

((this will have a lot of drug using and other things)) Girl A and Girl B move into a new town, just two best friends looking for a place to runaway too. Soon they meet Guy A and B who are drug dealers, the boys try and drag the girls into trouble yet the girls always bail out. Soon they're at a party and things happen as everyone takes a new pill called 'Happy Little Pill' soon the girls felt different and fall in love with the boys yet ever since they took the pills they been on the run, but from who?

Apr 14, 1:53 am

'I Don't Look For Trouble But Trouble Looks For Me!'

Girl A is the bad girl while Girl B is her sister who just hides in the shadows. Soon Guy A brings a new friend ((Guy B)) and Girl A falls in love with him yet Girl B knows that she will just turn him bad so she tries warning him but falls in love with him.
Girl A: Bad Girl
Girl B: Sister
Guy A: Popular Boy
Guy B: New Guy

Apr 14, 1:58 am

Person A and Person B are both in prison, each one for something rather mild, as in no killings done. They end up being cell mates, right away feeling attracted towards one another. But in a rough environment like prison, it wasn't very smart to let people know you were homosexual. So, they kept the secret of liking one another to themselves for a time, instead focusing on being friends. But it seems neither of them could hold off as Person A ends up kissing Person B one night. Person A is sure their cellmate would be horrified, however Person B accepts it. They begin to date, sharing everything that happened in their past with one another and promise to find each other again once they get out.

Person A is the first to be let out, since they've been in there longer. They leave all their information with Person B, so they can find them again. However, when Person B is let out 2 months later, Person A does not live at the location they said they were going to be at. Person B was devastated and returns their home, which isn't much. Skip 2 years and Person A has become better, no longer breaking any sort of law. They go to a bar one day with some friends and meets who? Person B, who can't say they same on the conditions they are in. In fact, they've gotten worse since the horrible mistake that happened with Person A.

They get into a fight and Person A explains there was a family problem and he needed to move ASAP. They tried to find Person B for so long, but to no avail. No finally have met each other for so long, Person A is horrified of how Person B is doing. They haven't seen to have gotten better at all! Person A fully devotes themselves to helping Person B, taking care of them even though Person B doesn't want it, even getting them off the hook for close calls. With one of them finally getting better, but the other falling deeper and deeper into trouble, how will these two end up?

Apr 14, 2:00 am


Apr 14, 2:01 am


Apr 14, 2:01 am

0 o 0

Apr 14, 2:02 am

Moving On

Muse A was born in a tiny town in Utah. It was hard growing up in the rural, conservative town, especially after everyone found out he was gay. His family didn't even give him a chance to pack a bag before he left. He made his way to New York and created a name for himself in the music industry, topping the charts several times. When Muse A's Father dies in a car crash that puts his mother in a coma, he comes home to take care of his 7 siblings. Muse B is a writer from a big city, trying to find his new story. He comes to the town in order to find inspiration , but he ends up finding Muse A.

Apr 14, 2:02 am

Apr 14, 2:03 am

Muse A has always looked out after her twin sister and they were pretty much inseparable since birth; they always had the same classes and the same friends. They haven't had a great childhood, as their mother died when they were being born and their father is an abusive drunk. Muse A has always been the one to protect muse B from their father. Muse A came out to her sister when they were both 14, but they have kept it a secret between the two of them since then. The two of them made friends with Muse B when they were all 12 and they have all become very close, though Muse A and B have a closer bond than the sister and Muse B. The sister knows that Muse A has a crush on Muse B and tells her to go for it, but Muse A is too nervous to go for it. One night, Muse A's father beats her twin sister until she has a seizure, but he won't let Muse A call and ambulance. Muse A carries her sister to the hospital, but in the end, she is too late to save her twin and her father is put in jail on murder charges. Muse A has no one to go to and no one to call except Muse B.

Apr 14, 2:04 am

Muse A and Muse B were in a car crash together when they were 16. Everyone else in the car died in the crash except Muse A & B, who were in the front seats. They were madly in love and had just gotten done at a party and they were both drunk. Muse B was driving the car, and his family ripped him out of the school and moved him five states away. He was ashamed and never contacted Muse A again. Muse A got a severe brain injury which causes him pain, seizures, fainting spells, dizziness and many other things. Muse B Works as a paramedic in the town Muse A just moved to and one day Muse A has a seizure and Muse B is the one to bring him in to the hospital. Muse B feels instant attraction for him all over again and tries to make it up to Muse A.

Apr 14, 2:04 am

how the fuck-

Apr 14, 2:04 am

Just Don't Stop Talking

Muse A & B have been friends since they were very young, they practically have become brother and sister. Neither of them have very good home lives; Muse B, the boy, grew up in a more well off area, but his parents were always on him all the time to be perfect. He knew Muse A, the girl, grew up in a poor area and that her father was all she had and he was a violent person. They spent a lot of time at the lake or just nowhere, but they always found time for one another. When Muse B's parents catch him coming home drunk one night, they send him away to a military school far away, they don't even let him say goodbye or explain himself to muse A. This was two years ago and the two haven't spoken since. During the mean time, something terrible has happened to Muse A, but she hasn't told anyone. Muse B gets kicked out of the school for getting caught smoking too many times and he hurries to make his way back to the small Maine town to find Muse A. She tries to hide it, but he knows something is really wrong and he tries to figure out what.

Apr 14, 2:05 am

Muse A and B have been best friends since they were very young, almost like brothers. They grew up as next door neighbors, but Muse A was always crashing at Muse B's place. Everyone in town knows that Muse A's dad has always beat the crap out of him and his siblings. One day about two years ago, Muse A just stopped talking to muse B, and Muse B could never figure out why. Muse B came out to everyone in his family and in the town, right as Muse A came back to town. That night he shows up on Muse B's front porch, silent and distant, but needing a place to stay again. Muse B keeps trying to get Muse A to open up, but will he ever know what happened to Muse A?

Modificato: Apr 15, 7:32 pm

In the USA at New York City, it started out as an normal day like any other with everyone doing their own business, having an good time and being with their families but what was suppose to be an nornal day turned out to the start of something worse as unforseen natural disasters appear to happen worldwide with volcanos eruptings, high level eathquakes, storms, hurricans and tornadoes causing extreme damage before the ground cracks and from within the earth a vortex appears from which hordes of monstrous creatures and demons surge out of the vortex leaded by the devil or Satan and start attacking and killing everything as hell is unleashed onto the mortal world. Its been 2 years and several months since hell was unleashed and it doesnt seem to be getting any better as survivors are forced into small groups to stay alive and try to make it to an underground base where the army is rumored to be gathering helpers and fighting back against the creatures and demons.

Guy A is one of the survivors who are still alive and is near the entrance of the base when he is attacked by demons and fights back though he is injured and nearly overwhelmed when an small group of soldiers, among them being Girl A, come and fight against the demons as well, the group beating them and saving Guy A though not before he is knocked unconscious. When he is conscious 3 days later he finds himself within the army base and being attended by Girl A who he finds out is the daughter of the leader of the army who Guy A ends up meeting later one and as both spend time with each other the two begin forming an bond with each other when Guy A finds out that while he was unconscious demon activity have become more frequent as well as even more demons appearing out of the vortex and that the demons are becoming more bolder as they start attacking the base as well as desperate to get in though no one knows why but what the others as well as Girl A don't know is that Guy A isn't exactly human due to a deal he made with the Devil a long time ago to save his sister in exchange for Guy A's soul and is actually the host of a spirit of vengenace called the Ghost Rider, an incarnation of Zarathos himself who was once an Angel of Justice sent to protect man until he was tricked by the Devil into Hell, where he was corrupted and driven insane. His mission of protecting the innocent turned into punishing the guilty; as a result, he became the Devil's Spirit of Vengeance.

1. Mature
2. BxB, GxG, GxB

Modificato: Apr 14, 2:14 am

Muse (A) is a vampire and has lived a really really long life. So, A decided to try and act normal. A took on the job of a teacher and has learned to control their need to feed until Muse (B). B drives A crazy in so many different ways but B has problems of their own. B's step dad is a wolf who killed their mother but no one knows. So, B was thrown at him and he had to take care of B but they were too beautiful/handsome and wouldn't be with him because B was too young. So he decided to break B. When B hit 10 years old, he punished B and fed B his blood until A lived off of it and got addicted.

AB meet and A noticed everything about B, how B never ate and always refused dinner dates or anything that was remotely close. Then, their relationship slowly shifted and A starts finding out about all the sexual punishments B had to go through.

Modificato: Apr 14, 2:16 am

Guy A is the typical bad boy. Girl A is just a normal senior in school, popular. Guy A and Girl A had always had a thing for each other but Girl A's brother, Guy B had warned Guy A off because he knew he wasn't a good guy, despite them being best friends. Girl A and Girl B are best friends but Girl B doesn't know about the crush Guy B has had on her since she came into their lives. So, Guy A and Girl B try dating to get their friends jealous so they'd finally make a move or so they'd think they moved on so they could move on, too. But what happens when the past and the present collide?

Modificato: Apr 14, 2:17 am

Girl A is the hottest bad girl in the tiniest almost non-existant town where everyone knows each other. Scarred by her past and her bullies, she decides to show them the person they bullied. A few months before she leaves for college, she finds a man. Her ex-best friends father. She needed the money and she needed to ruin her ex-best friends life. So she seduced him. Then for months and months, she slept with him and he gave her money and paid for her living state and everything then it was time to move.

New York was always where most rich people lived and addicted to the amount of money her body could get her, she stays the prostitute she's been for the last year. That's where she meets Guy A, New York's richest man. He gives her his card to call but she met Guy B before she could. Guy B is just the typical 20 year old guy. He has a family and all he wants now is someone by his side. He thought he might've found that when he almost ran over the most beautiful girl he'd every known, Girl A. They spend weeks together, Girl A pretending not to be a prostitute. Then she wanted to go back to Guy A so she drops the bomb on Guy B only to find out Guy B is Guy A's chauffeur.

Apr 14, 2:17 am

Guy A is a father to the sweetest angel on earth but he also needs to take care of his businesses and companies. He puts an ad online that he wants a nanny. Some people applied and then when he found the right nanny, he gave her his address to come by. The little time he had, he found himself watching the nanny, Girl A. He fell in love with her gracefulness and he fell in love more with the way she treated his little girl but would Girl A feel the same towards him?

Apr 14, 2:18 am

Guy A needs anger management. He can't control it. It controls him. All his feelings do. He cuts in public and everyone is terrified of him. He's thought to be crazy and maybe he is but he needed to let the evil inside him out and the only way he could do that is by seeing blood. His own or someone elses. Killing was easy for him. His club lives off of killing and death. He was loyal.

Yes, everyone was terrified of him but not Girl A. She'd had her own rough life. Her over controlling parents who didn't care about her and the things he did were nothing compared to what she'd seen but she only needed one thing. She was now working for the bar his club compound was but now, she needed something. She needed to get through to him. She needed to get close but how?

Apr 14, 2:20 am

Guy A grew up as a vampire to both his parents, who were also vampires. He was thought how to get his blood from humans, even if it meant to kill them. He's known to be the guy who should stay away from at school, his cold look enough to scare you away. But a new girl comes to school and their partnered up for class. He doesn't like her not her personalty at, and the worst part was he has to take her to his place to work. His parents tell him to make her his next victim but something changes. He doesn't have the heart to bite her and whats worse was he starts to like her. But he's a vampire and she's his meal?

Apr 14, 2:24 am

"We must get rid of her. She is not fit for the throne!"

Girl A is said to take the throne as Queen, since her mothers passing just months ago. Since her father passed in the war, she is to step up to the plate and take on the responsibility of the kingdom. All seems well but there is a dark corner of the kingdom that no one knows about...

There is a rebellion. Girl A's father was murdered, while at war. It wasn't an accident. It happened for a reason. This group of people didn't want the family of Girl A to rule. The late Queen was poisoned by this rebellion, and plan to attack Girl A next.

Guy A, currently a member of the rebellion is a part of the team that is sent to kill the rising highness but he is having second thoughts. Why is he doing this? Sure, he may be one of the poorer people in the kingdom, but it isn't the majesty at fault. It's due to simply circumstance.

Luckily, his face isn't well known in the rebellion, and has a change of plans.

In the middle of the night, just hours before the planned attack, Guy A sneaks into the castle and kidnaps the Princess in her sleep, inducing her with a harmless drug. He then takes her to a safe place where she won't be found, deciding to protect her.

The next morning, Girl A wakes in a cabin in the woods, waking to see Guy A pacing at the end of her slumber.

Apr 14, 2:25 am

girl a has always been the lonely type, quiet and reserved. of course, she had her circle of friends, but she really didn't talk to anybody outside of it. she's incredibly shy, she can barely talk to anybody without tensing up. and girl b, she's a bit insecure about herself. she is in girl a's group of friends, and has always like girl a. but when she finally comes out to her, girl a denies her, and girl b is heartbroken. but girl a, easily starts realizing her feelings for the other girl, but is afraid to go out with her.

Apr 14, 2:26 am

It all began, centuries ago, in Romania with an ancient race — the Moroi. Gentle, noble, magical, each could control one of the four elements — fire, earth, water or air. The peaceful race lived in secret harmony with the humans, but some Moroi went to far, draining the human during feeding, an evil act that transformed the Moroi into a soulless and immortal beast — a Strigoi, the bad vampires of all your legends and nightmares.

The Strigoi numbers grew and the tried to destroy the delicate Moroi. But a third race emerged — the Dhampir. The offspring of Moroi and human mating, these natural warriors fought back and found ways to make the immortal Strigoi, mortal.

The three vampire races have survived for centuries and their battles rage still to this day with the Moroi society alternating their leaders from twelve royal families. They secretly built a school, deep in the American state of Montana, to protect and raise their offspring, St. Vladimir's Academy.

Apr 14, 2:26 am

Girl A married young she loves the man who she calls her husband, but she doesn't realize the secrets of him. She married a serial killer she is a detective hunting the serial killer down. Guy A is the serial killer he lurks around marrying his victims and killing them earning their inheritance and so much more. Girl B is Girl A's sister and doesn't at all trust Guy A she though is mentally ill with a severe multiple personalities disorder which makes her vulnerable. Guy B is Girl B's doctor and Guy A's partner to target the victims and examine all of them.

Apr 14, 2:27 am

Guy A: His mom died in a car crash when he was younger. His dad is the CEO of some big music company. Since his dad is always working, he was always ignored. As he grew up he started to get into some habits. Like drinking and getting himself into trouble just to get his father's attention.

Guy B: He is a 23-year-old adult who is extremely successful in whatever he does. He got married at a young age but found his wife in bed with another man. Now he is divorced and he has a harder edge. He has some trust issues and doesn't like to talk to too many people.

One night Guy A decided to go to the bar with his fake ID and do some drinking and dancing. ((he is 19)) Guy B was going out for a drink or two by himself to release some stress. Guy A ordered a drink then went to go dance and came back. He drank his drink and found later on that someone had drugged it. He went to the bathroom because he wasn't feeling so good and some guy pulled away and towards the back of the bar. Guy B just so happens to notice the teen being unwilling taken by this guy. Does he step in and stop the guy from taking the drugged boy or does he just ignore it?

Apr 14, 2:29 am

Two years ago guy A was in a car accident that resulted in his at the time girlfriend being killed and him walking away unscathed. He has made peace with the incident, but ever since then he has refused to get involved with anyone, convinced that anyone who would get close to him would end up getting hurt somehow.
One day girl A shows up out of nowhere and takes an inexplicable interest in him. The pair soon becomes friends, as guy A sees no harm in that. But as time goes on their relationship grows more complex, and guy A realizes that despite his best efforts, he is falling for girl A romantically.
Will guy A finally find the courage to move on completely from his past, or will things crumble down?

Apr 14, 2:31 am

She's the new girl at school. At once she was happy, friendly and a bubbly person. But now she keeps her distance from people. She has a problem, a secret. After all it was the reason she had to switch school. She has the ability to read people's mind, in other words clairvoyance. It just came to her when she turned sixteen. She doesn't know how to control it. The worst part is, she can't get help. Luckily she was able to hide it from her new school, except when this one guy gets dared to sleep with her by his friends, things turns upside down and secrets are exposed.

Apr 14, 2:32 am


Two siblings son and daughter of two well-known Scientists that are known of creating a serum. That can make people immortal turn them young and healthy forever healing any wounds. A group of people a gang actually. Is wanting that serum that they know comes with a challenge to receive it. The head of the group women not really know has secrets of her own that want the serum. She sends a boy the younger daughter knows to spy on the parents and date the daughter getting information about the serum. After a year with enough information, they have collected the head lady sends the boy and some Hench men to get the family and collect the serum. Though the daughter and son go on the run with the serum in hand under their parents orders.....it turns into a wild goose chase and will they serum fall into the wrong hands????

Parents (Short Amount of Time)
Girl Sibling
Boy Sibling
Girl Protector
Guy Protector
Girl Leader of Gang
Guy Leader of Gang (One that gets to know the girl sibling to get the serum.)
Evil Gang (Doesn't matter how many people are in it)

Notes: All Characters are in or older then 20. This is based on College for the siblings and protectors. I really want to try to make this long-lasting with many twists! More characters can be added if some are killed off that's fine and it can go from reality into fantasy into any other genre!:)

Apr 14, 2:33 am

I will always save you-

Many years after the Apocalypse humanity is slowly starting over. After all the destruction to the earth there are now three zones- The Green zone which the richest and most powerful have taken root in. In the zone the air is still fresh, plants still grow and animals are able to survive. The water is even good enough to drink without boiling first. The Yellow zone, where all other humans reside, the air is heavily polluted and many die each day from the poison in the air but humans are still able to survive. Few animals or plants are able to survive there and the zone is full of murder, cannibalism and hardship but the humans residing there are learning to survive. The Red Zone, there are no plants or animals in fact nothing can seem to survive there except for a special breed of humans, born and breed to be stronger than the rest. The people there have grown very tribal, returning to their roots in order to survive. They live in tents, ride specially bred horses and survive by capturing people in the Yellow Zone and eating them. They are full blown cannibals and the biggest threat to the people living in the Yellow Zone. Two sisters who have grown up smack dab in the middle of the Apocalypse are the best survivors in the Yellow zone, they are born killers and do whatever is needed to live another day caring only for each other. One day the older of the two is captured by the Red zone cannibals and taken away. The younger sister knows she only has a few days to survive in that zone if the cannibals don’t eat her first. So she begs whatever god there may be in the sky to watch over her sister and does the impossible. She is going to sneak into the Green zone where there are rumors of a genius who has developed pills that can help you to survive in the Red zone without becoming a weak mostly dead zombie. Her plan is to find the man, steal the pills and rescue her sister. What she never expected was to show up at his doorstep and have him agree to go with her.

Apr 14, 2:35 am

Love at first Bite?

In the modern day and age Werewolf packs have learned to survive undetected. Two rival packs reside on land with a border running right down the middle. No elder is old enough to remember why the two packs are always at war and at this point neither of them cares. Many moons ago there was a truce between the two, stating that enough innocent blood had been shed over their rivalry and that when the two pack leaders children reached of age they would be married in hopes that it would bring peace between the two packs. The day had finally come when the children had reached eighteen and having never even see each other they are to meet today, spend a month getting to know one another before they are wed and finally uniting the packs together forever.
Some history- One pack resides in the woods living much like their tribal ancestors did, they live off the land and everything they possess has been grown or made by someone in the tribe. They are very spiritual, worshipping the wolves in the woods believing they are their ancestors. The other pack has grown with the day and age, embracing technology and all its wonders. They live in the community; go to school with normal children, the adults go to PTA meetings and have normal jobs and such.

I don’t want this one to be double since we are already going to be role-playing a handful of pack members each. This role-play can also be played as MxM FxF or FxM. It’s up to your preference.

Apr 14, 2:36 am

We take the abnormal, unique and beaten down-

This one is pretty self-explanatory really. It is a boarding school for those who have unique powers. The school not only teaches them to control their powers, blend in with the real world but also teaches the basic school things…like trigonometry (bleh). It’s just an idea I have always wanted to role-play and never really got the chance. I would like to do doubles; a male and female each person. So yea….

Apr 14, 2:37 am

Insanity is not Beautiful-

A young girl grows up with everything she could ever want or need. Her parents love her more than life itself and give her everything a growing girl could need. That is what made it so obvious when her mother stopped smiling so much, stopped chasing the young girl around and playing dolls. Not two years later when the young girl was barely six her mother passed away from Ovarian Cancer and the wonderful life the girl has known disappeared like smoke. She was left broken hearted, with a father who was only a ghost of the charismatic man he used to be. When she young girl was just starting eighth grade she once more noticed a difference in her father although this time it was for the better. He started to smile, tell his daughter that he loved her and no one could be happier than she. It wasn’t long before she met the women who had changed her father’s life and for a while everything seemed magical again. The girl promised to never see her father sad again so she suffered silently when the women’s children picked on her, when the locked her in the closet for hours on end. She smiled politely at the women even when she sneered at her behind her father’s back insisting that she was more loved now than the little girl. She carried her head tall when she threw the flower petals down the aisle and agreed when her father said everything was going to be alright now. She suffered for a year before she was awoken by the horrible news. Her father had died in an airplane crash on his way home from a business meeting. After that the abuse only intensifies and when her step-mother decides she is tired of the girl she has her locked up in an insane asylum, telling the doctors the bruises and cuts on the girl’s body are from her trying to kill herself. The girl isn’t even in there a week when she meets three people who would become her best friends. She is just starting to enjoy her life when she hears rumors of the patients taken to the basement floor and never returning. Of men and women who return from a simple psych analyses who don’t even remember their own names. When the day comes that she is to go down to the basement she decides to escape with her three friends. Can they get away safely though and are they prepared to be on the run for the rest of their lives?

Each of us role-playing a gender to make it fair. I also want to start the role play with the girl just coming to the asylum.

Apr 14, 2:39 am

The Supernatural is Natural to me-

When a small town Sherriff gets in over his head with a series of murders in which the victims seem to have all the blood sucked out of them. He almost reaches the end of his days when he comes up against something that his .45 bullets just won’t kill when out of nowhere he is saved by the town outcast. A young woman who settled down in the town on night nearly five years ago and has hardly been seen ever since she kills the man with a single shot through the heart with a wooden stake. It is then that she reveals all the things that go bump in the night are real, and her job is to rid the world of the dangerous ones. When the Vampire clan hears of their brother getting killed they come to the town hell bent on destroying it. Can the Sherriff learn to trust this slightly odd and always drunk woman before it is too late? Can the two join together and save the town from a whole clan of vampires?

Apr 14, 2:40 am

Guy 1 has just started making a band with his friends. Only problem is that they dont have a singer. Guy 2, the new kid, just so happens to have the voice they want, the voice they need. But guy 1 doesnt know about guy 2s singing until one day after school, guy 1 went to pick up his guitar from the band room and in the next room over, the choir room, guy 2 was practicing for an audition. Guy 1 hears him and walks in. When 2 was done 1 tried to ask him to join the band but 2 panicki and quickly runs off without an answer. Guy 2 has major stage fright and anxiety issues and guy 1 finds out and tries to help him by convincing him to join the band.


Apr 14, 2:43 am

Muse A - A fallen Angel with no memory of ever being an angel
Muse B - Demon who was sent to kill Muse A

After the demon had followed the angel around for awhile, trying to find the perfect moment to attack, he was unable to. Something in him was stopping him. After he cornered him in an alley and he saw just how confused and afraid the angel was, he disappeared. He didn’t leave the angel, though. After his boss had found out about him sparing the angel, he was going to kill him too. The demon fled and found the angel. He is trying to convince the angel to let him protect him. They are constantly hiding and running from the other demons that are sent to kill the two of them. In the meantime, the angel is trying to figure out if he believes this ‘demon’ and tries to get his memories back.

Apr 14, 2:44 am

Guy a has been turned into a girl do to a gender changing disease, as a result his family desires he should attend the same school that his mother went to as a child, only thing is that it's an all girls school deep in the mountains. There he/ she meets her roommate girl a.

Apr 14, 2:46 am

" ᑌᔕᕮ Tᕼᕮ ᔕᒪᕮᕮᐯᕮᔕ Oᑎ ᗰY ᔕᗯᕮᗩTᕮᖇ ,
ᒪᕮTᔕ ᕼᗩᐯᕮ ᗩᑎ ᗩᗪᐯᕮᑎTᑌᖇᕮ . "

Girl A is just your average college girl. Smart, sweet and adventurous, with a tinge of rebellion and independence. It's summer, and she goes to sandy California as a get away trip with her friends. They all rent a small beach cottage, the white little home standing by the awaiting sea side. While there she runs into the mysterious, cocky Stiles Stilinski lives alone by himself in a little beach home beside where the friends are staying. Girl A is surprisingly pulled in, despise his cold and distant demeanor. But one night when her friends are all out, and she's on the beach alone, the two get to know each other and fall hopelessly in love. But as the summer ends, what will happen to this relationship? Will Girl A stay, or will she run away from his past, which dauntingly seems to now follow her as well as him?

Apr 14, 2:47 am

Muse A works for a top secret agency. She is sent to California for an undercover mission to scout out Jose Alonzo. Jose Alonzo is a man who is wanted all over the US and is planning to blow California up. She has to make her way up to food chain and gain his trust before She can take him down. But on her way up she meets Muse B a boy who is the nephew of Jose.

Muse B is Jose's nephew and Jose only trusts him. But when Muse B is forced to work with Muse A to plan attacks what happens when Muse B start to fall for Muse A? And what happens when Muse B finds out who Muse A really is. Will Muse B change for the greater good? Or will he take advantage of Muse A?

Apr 14, 2:49 am

In My Arms
" Perhaps you should stay, just until you go?"
" Of course, I'd love to hold you in my arms for a little longer,"

Muse A has been asked to join the Marine Corps, and of course he took the offer, since he has been wanting to join the Marine Corps for a while now, but something is holding him back, something he loves very much. Muse B, has been offered to have his book published, and has been told to fly to Florida for a month, but something has been holding him back, something he loves. Muse A and Muse B have been going out forever, ever since high school, and they love each other so much that they'd do anything for each other.

It's a week before they're wedding that they tell each other about the offers, and it turns out Muse A leaves just a week after they're wedding, so Muse A decided to make his stay in ( City, State ) the best for Muse B.

- MxM
- Sex through PM (If u want)
- Activity
- Patience

Apr 14, 2:51 am

Guy A and Guy B use to be the greatest of friends, but one night when Guy B was walking home from work he was taken. No one has been able to find him.

Now years later Guy A (20 years old) has become very wealthy because he had started a business that kicked off right away. A couple of his friends dragged him along to some secret slave auction. Guy A despised the idea of offering off people as slaves. After sitting bored and anfry through most of it the last guy caught his attention. A guy which he recognized as Guy B. Not even thinking about he decided that he was getting him out of there. Does Guy B recognize Guy A when he buys him? How will guy B react when he finds out?

Apr 14, 2:51 am

Muse A goes on a trip to New York for a school trip. But things take an unexpected turn when a war breaks out during the trip. Muse A looses her classmates and she is forced to fight back against everything that has happened.

Muse B is a boy who has lived in New York with his family and was planning to leave for collage. But when all hell breaks loose he has no choice to kill to survive. Later on he meets Muse A. Will they figure out how to survive together or will they turn on each other.

Apr 14, 2:54 am

(Fantasy and sexual rp, so pm only!) Girl A is on the run from Girl B. Girl B knows that Girl A knows her secret. Girl A is about to give out Girl B's secret when she catches her. (There are several different ways to go with this. Only I know the secret, we can do a chase scene, a fight scene, and the secret getting out.)

(Note: I am not usually descriptive but I can. Characters will be updated, status, and picture updates, eg: if your girl gets scratched, you can find a picture of a scratched arm, and such.)

Apr 14, 2:56 am

In the small kingdom of Qemmadour there lives a royal family with great power. The queen has the gift to manipulate weather patterns. The king possesses superhuman strength. The youngest, a daughter, has the gift to heal others. The eldest, a son, is an illusionist who can make things appear different than what they are. The middle child, Girl A, seems to have missed out on this gene of great power.
Girl A is misplaced in her own family. Even the simple guards have more power than her. She is not fit to be royal, how can she be when she merely has the skills of a peasant?
Guy A is a prisoner, sentenced to execution after a ploy to steal the palaces prized possession (An enchanted sword) went terribly wrong. Guy A has made countless attempts to excape and return to his wandering theif life, but all have failed.
One day Girl A accidentally stumbles upon the information that she could gain the power she desires if she were to reach the cave of Vrapis. The problem is getting there, the trip would be dangerous and long and with Girl A having hardly ever stepped a foot out of the palace the feat seemed impossible.
Desperate, she secretly enlists the help of Guy A, promising his life/freedom in return for his help getting to Vrapis.

Apr 14, 2:57 am

Girl A is kind, sweet, and determined; Guy A is cocky, a smart ass, and arrogant. Girl A is traveling around different parts of Europe for a year before she has to be married off to some rich man, Guy A is a spoiled rich playboy who wants to have one last freedom before being married off to some crazy American Girl. One night in Italy Girl A and Guy A meet each other with some friends completely having a bad impression of each other they refuse to exchange numbers. But what they don’t know is that they’re arranged to marry each other during the summer. Can these two total opposites handle marrying each other to keep their parents happy? Will they last long? Or will their secrets destroy their relationship and each other?

Girl A- Choose
Guy A- Choose
This can be turned into doubles!
Can be done on PM or Thread

Apr 14, 2:58 am

Girl A has lived in the same town her whole life, went to the same school, and been around the same boring people. Her life is alright, but its all the same old things and she's always wanted something new, something spontaneous, something dangerous. She finally gets that the beginning of her junior year of high school when Guy A, who is a senior in high school moves into town, Guy A is the exact opposite of safe. He's as dangerous as it gets. He moved to town because he had gotten into too much trouble in his old town and had a really bad rep for getting into fights. He came here to start fresh. When he gets to town he stays to himself, tries to at least, but when he meets girl A, who lives just down the road from him he's kind of captivated by her, she's really innocent and sweet, but speaks for herself, and isn't like anyone else he ever met, but he's afraid to get close to her because he doesn't want to hurt her. Guy A has a group of guys after him, they don't know where he went or where he is, he even changed his name when he left town. And all the fights he got into in his old town they weren't his fault, he didn't start most of them, but he ended all of them, he's really hard to beat and that's what these guys hate about him, but he's hoping that he's lost them, but you can never be too safe, and once him and Girl A get very close it makes it dangerous for her as well. Which the two have a few rough patches, especially once she finds out that he had lied to her about why he moved and tells her the real reason, as well as lying about his name.

Then there's Girl B, who is Girl A's best friend. Girl B is a senior in high school, and she's kinda the opposite of Girl A, but that just makes them even better friends. Girl B is very out going and strives to do well. But her family doesn't have very much money so she is very worried about what she's gonna do with her future, how she's going to be able to go to college, but she refuses to take any help from anyone. But then she meets Guy B. He's one of the sweetest guys she's ever met, and everything about him is just perfect. But then she finds out that he's rich, like really rich. Which makes her take a step back. Guy B isn't like the rest of his family. The rest of his family is very stuck up and obnoxious, and let their money get to their heads, but Guy B isn't like that and he proves that to Girl B so she doesn't let it get to her either and she looks past that, but once they are in a relationship, guy B is always buying her little things, which she's fine with, she thinks its cute. But as it gets closer and closer to graduation Girl B realizes that she just can't afford college and Guy B really wants to help her, but will she let him? And his whole family already disapproves of him being with her.

-Okay with cursing
-can add some mild humor into writing at times
-Mature scenes can either be skipped and/or taken to pm.
-This is doubles

Apr 14, 2:59 am

Muse A has big plans for her future. She is going to get a job as a lawyer or doctor, make lots of money, marry a smart and funny man like herself that will support the marriage. She is going to have kids that will grow up to be just as successful as her. The end.

But is it?

Everything goes down the drain for Muse A when her mother dies and her father them moves to a small town to 'get some fresh air.' Muse A knows her father wants to get away from the memories of his beloved wife, and it starts affecting him. He starts spending more time at bars and coming home later. Muse A is just waiting for the day when he doesn't come back.
She's dealing with her own quiet grief, stuck in a new small town school where everybody knows everybody. She's the odd one out and everybody knows it. Muse A keeps to herself and works as diligently as possible, and can't help but catch the notice of Muse B. Muse B is the most popular guy in school, quarterback of the football team, all honors classes, and has tons of admirers. Every girl thinks he's a heartthrob and he knows it. Muse B is smart and a bit flirtatious, but he's not interested in any girl but Muse A. Something about her is different, a kind of quiet fire that he can sense. She rejects his attempts to get closer to her, but he knows he's found the one. Muse A thinks Muse B is just another flirt looking for attention, which he is, in a way. But Muse B's desire for Muse A eventually catches up to her...

Apr 14, 3:00 am

Its Homecoming. Its a night for young love. Going into new territories. But its not a night for manipulation, cheating, bribing, and vampires.

Girl A is not a vampire, but used to be in a relationship with guy A who is a vampire, and they were together for a few months, and during those few months she meets Guy B, who is also a vampire, and shortly after their meeting Girl A and Guy A break up.

When Girl A meats Guy B, its sort of an instant spark for both of them. But Girl A is a little shy with her feelings, even though her personality is the exact opposite. Guy B though, made a couple of moves on her, but nothing too big, but they were never serious.

As homecoming draws near though, Girl A has hopes of Guy B asking her, but only to discover he had already made arrangements to attend with Girl B who is a vampire as well and has never gotten along with Girl A, and Girl A knew that Girl B was using compulsion on him and that she was only doing it to get at her.

Instead of sitting around and crying about it though, Girl A takes action. She agrees to go with her next door neighbor Guy C who isn't a vampire, nor does he know the species exists. But he is the quarterback for the football team,

Guy A goes to the dance alone, but ends up reuniting with his ex girlfriend, Girl C, who isn't a vampire and he finds her outside crying because the guy who she left Guy A for just dumped her. And Guy A isn't one to keep a grudge, and he never really got over her so he comforts her.

While at the dance Girl B can tell that Girl A is irritated by her and Guy B being together and that just drives her to do more so she then takes him to a room down the hall, where they have relations. But as they are leaving the room Girl A opens the door, looking for him, but not expecting what she found.

Girl A blows up, and shoves girl B against the wall. But stops when she hears the speakers go on with an announcement saying that there is a terrible storm and all the students would have to stay in the school for the night. And man would that be one heck of a night, and of course this night was only the start...

Apr 14, 3:01 am

Girl A has been in a Relationship with Guy A for about two months. Guy A thinks that he's its love. But one night Girl A goes to Guy A's apartment which he shares with Guy B, his room mate. And Guy B is a complete ass and sleeps around a lot. So when she goes to the apartment Guy A isn't home. And She's pissed about him lying to her about a job offer that he got in a different country. But Guy B just so happens to be home and they start talking and then they get romantic with one another so then they start seeing each other secretly while she's still with Guy A. But then Guy B gets pissed about it later on and makes her choose, which she chooses guy B. And they are both kind of the sleeping around type usually so they work out great together and then they get married after about a year and happily ever after. But then there's Guy B's friend, Guy C. who is kind of isolated, he just went through a breakup so he's not feeling so great. But he goes over to Guy B's house just after he started the relation ship with Girl A and turns out Guy B's sister Girl B is also there. Which she has a similar personality to Guy C so it starts a friendship which leads into more.

Apr 14, 3:01 am

A group of three friends rent a beach house the summer they graduate high school. Its a very big house so they were surprised they got it for such a cheap price. Well, the reason it was so cheap because it was double rented, and another group of four friends rented the house for the same reason, it was the summer after they graduated as well. So these seven teens end up sharing the beach house together for the whole summer.

For characters there would be Guy A, Guy B, Guy C, Guy D, Girl A, Girl B

And I was thinking Guy A, Girl A, and Girl B go together. And then the rest of the guys go together. And for the romance I was thinking when they first go there Guy A and Girl A are together but then once they are there Girl A cheats on Guy A with Guy B. And then Girl B will get into a relationship with Guy C, but later on Guy A and Girl B get together after she breaks it off with Guy C. Which really angers Girl A more than anyone since they were bestfriends and her and Guy A were in a very committed relationship for years, which tears apart the friendship for a while.

Apr 14, 3:03 am

"I came here to find myself. Find meaning. Embrace life. But what I found was so much more."

Girl A is the quiet, shy type. Most think She's innocent, which she is. She's lived in the same town her whole life with her mother, father, and brother, but has always craved something new. When she finishes her senior year of high school, her grandmother who lives in Alabama invites her to stay with her for a few months, maybe even a year, just to relax and try to figure out what she wants to do with her life.

When she gets there its wonderful, its so peaceful, and life is simple there, she's with family she hasn't seen in years, like her Aunt, and her two cousins who live just next door, both are boys, one who is only five, and the other who is the same age as her, which she spends a lot of time with both of them at her Aunts house. Which after two days of being there, she's in her Aunt's back yard with her cousins, just talking, when Guy A who lives on the other side of her cousin's house and is apparently good friends with her older cousin walks over and introduces himself to her. And They start talking. And Guy A is a very sweet guy and just tries to welcome her, and he starts spending time with her, and a heavy passion grows between the two and they connect on a very deep level.

Apr 14, 3:06 am

This school is filled with lies, tricks, blackmail, but love seems to squeeze through the cracks at times.

Girl A is in her Junior has been in the same town her whole life, as well as going to the same school her whole life. She fits in pretty well, with her group of friends that is. She has Her best friend Girl B who is always there for her, as well as the rest of the group that mainly consisted of guys. Girl B has a boyfriend. But Girl A doesn't, which she isn't interested with any of the guys at the school, and she's never been a girl that most guys find very interesting.

Guy A suddenly enrolls into the school, and the first person he meets? Girl A. The two of them end up having pretty much every class together by chance. They start hanging out, they swap numbers and all that and talk. And then on Friday night, after only a week of him being at the school and Girl B along with her boyfriend Guy B who is the captain of the football team invite Girl A and Guy A over for a movie night and just a hang out night, Girl B sensing something between her friend and the new boy and they all hang out and Girl A and Guy A can't hold it back any more, well mainly Guy A, he was way obvious with his feelings. So then they get together that night in a way and they're romance progressive extremely and they are completely in love. But Guy A is also a hot head, which he never lashes out on Girl A, but he becomes protective over her, so no one dares try to hurt her, and this is a change for Girl A, its amazing to have a guy so sweet that cares about her so much. But she also has a strong personality as well, so they get into fights sometimes, and with his anger its hard, but they always pull through.



-Mature scenes can be Pm and/or Skipped

-Okay with cursing.

-Its not doubles (sorry) The story will mainly revolve around Girl A and Guy A but there will be side romances and stories such as Girl B and Guy B.

Apr 14, 3:09 am

Step-Siblings. Sort of like how our characters end up as step-siblings, but as they get to know each other, one of the characters starts developing a crush on the other while the other one doesn't know if he/she can deal with their step-brother/sister's feelings while fighting with their own.

Apr 14, 3:09 am

Kidnapping. Our characters have been chatting on a website for a while now and finally decided that they want to meet in person. When they arrive at their destination, they realized that their feelings for the other character have changesd, but the other character gets upset, so he/she kidnaps the girl/boy.

Apr 14, 3:09 am

Best friends. Our characters have been best friends for sometime and the girl/boy starts leaving little anomonyous love notes in the other characters guitar case. Soon, they find that they have falling in love with each other.

Apr 14, 3:11 am

The virginity game

Muse A is your typical virgin. She knows nothing about seduction or how to get a boy to bed. When she tries she fails, making a complete fool of herself. Muse B is Mr. Popular, king of the school. He can get every girl he wants { And is definitely not a virgin }. He's had almost every girl in the school. What happens when Muse A is elected as a contestant for the virginity game? The virginity game is an age-old tradition at this high school. Basically, there is a virgin girl for each of the three most popular boys and vice versa for the most popular girls. The virginity taker has from the start of the year when the candidates are elected to the end of the year to take the virgin's virginity.

1. Descriptive. No one liners (PLEASE)
2. Active but you don't need to be on every second.
3. Either take mature scenes to PM or skip.

Apr 14, 3:11 am

The next Generation (Hogwarts)

It's 2016 and all of the film's characters have gotten married and had children. Tara Malfoy, daughter of Draco Malfoy. We all know that Draco got with Astoria Greengrass. But what happened when Draco had an affair with a metamorphmagus? And they get pregnant? At the same time as Astoria gets pregnant with Scorpius? Luckily, Draco managed to pull off the stunt of fooling Astoria into thinking she was having twins.. Somehow. Now Tara and Scorpius are in their 4th year at Hogwarts. Tara is a metamorphmagus, Draco said she just inhereted a jean. Now let's move on to Albus. Albus Severus Potter. Tara's best friend and long term crush. She knew him since she was in nappies. They would always play together and mess around. It's time for Hogwarts to once again host the TriWizard tournament, that means having another Yulle Ball. Yulle Ball = Dancing = Having a date. Tara is praying for Albus to ask her. Does he?

1. Be active at least at the weekend if you can
2. Mature scenes taken to PM or skipped.

Apr 14, 3:13 am

How did we end up here?

This is based off How did we end up here? By 5 seconds of summer

Muse A is at a party. She walked in and someone asked for her name so she simply replied with "Trouble". She bumped into Muse B, and she said she liked his Cobain shirt. They got a little (a lot) drunk and he walked her home since he was the slightest bit more sober. They ended up sleeping together and when muse B woke up, then watching her sleeping figure he wondered how he got a girl like this. They went out to start together to get to know each other better. He said he was a 6 and she was a 10. His friends told him to lock her down before she figured him out but all she did was show him love and kiss him, saying "I'm here to stay."

1. Mature scenes taken to PM or skipped.
2. Be active at least at the weekend if you can

Modificato: Apr 14, 3:17 am

Good Boy x Emotional(emo) Boy
Muse A, a lonely, depressed, suicidal boy who has been raped, kidnapped, beaten, burned, electrocuted and so on, he's lived a hard and dark past. Muse B, has been living the perfect life, he has food on the table, a family, a roof to live under, clothes on his back and so on. Muse A has not been doing good in school, and to make his life worse, Muse B a kid from school is moving into the house next door. Muse B doesn't want to move out of the house he grew up in, but when he realizes that he's moving into the house next door to his obsession, Muse A. Summer comes along and Muse B tries to hang out with Muse A, but Muse A's father doesn't want him hanging out with Muse B, Muse A doesn't say anything to try and get his father to let him. Muse B tries and tries to hang out with Muse A, but only ends up talking to him at church and talking on the phone, in which Muse B had given Muse A his phone number and all. Muse A and Muse B develop a physical relationship, causing Muse A and Muse B to sneak out and sneak off to places where they make love and such. Muse A gets beaten every day he goes home, his father doesn't know about the little rendezvous that Muse A and Muse B take and such thing. Blah blah blah, we can continue from there

Apr 14, 3:19 am

Muse A’s life has been perfect for him. He is doing great in all of his classes, has never gotten into any trouble in his life and plans on going to a private art school next year for his senior year of high school. That is until Muse B comes along. Muse B is your typical bad boy, drives a motorcycle, is always late to school or skips and often gets himself into trouble no matter what he does. They have both been living completely separate lives until one day Muse A had gotten into the crosspaths of Muse B and the kid he was bullying. Muse A had, had enough of him bullying other kids and decided to stand up for them. Which he realised was a horrible mistake because Muse B had grown some sort of obsession over Muse A. Muse B started to annoy him and pick on him instead of any of the other kids. Until one day Muse A and B were together working on a project( Muse B insisted that they be partners for this (project) and Muse A needed to shut up him up, so he kissed him... (we can go from there)

Apr 14, 3:19 am

It's the end of the world as we know it...

One day everything was normal. Then they came, too quickly for us to retaliate. They hit every major city worldwide, knocking out all power, and taking down nearly every leader. They rounded us up into camps, where they experiment on us and use us as slaves, telling us they're creating a better world. Better for them, perhaps...

Girl A has a mission. Her father, a scientist, has found the aliens' weakness, and she has to get the information from their safehouse in California to one of the only military bases left in Texas. However, she can't make the journey alone.

Guy A was in the special forces, but had come home on leave when the attack happened. He's made his way as a loner since then, constantly moving to avoid getting caught. When a girl approaches him saying there's a military base still functioning, it almost seems to good to be true. But, not having much to lose, he agrees to help her.

Apr 14, 3:21 am

Muse A is a singer/Band member, along with her best friend Muse C, they're band is called Make it Pop.
Muse B is a male singer/band member, along with his best friend Muse D, they're band is called Don't Stop.

Muse A and Muse C are offered a chance to appear on the Ellen Show, Muse B and Muse D are also offered a chance to appear on the Ellen show. Because they both were offered and they both said yes, the two duet bands came onto stage and met each other officially, now like all duet bands, they started on YouTube as Youtubers, doing covers and such. Muse A and Muse C have a YouTube channel that has rocketed through the roofs, they are super famous, as well as Muse B and Muse D. When both bands approach each other on stage, Muse A and Muse B fall in love at once, as well as Muse C and Muse D. After the show, Muse B asks Muse A out and Muse C asks Muse D out, Muse A and Muse D of course say yes to the ones that asked them out.

We can continue from there.

Apr 14, 3:22 am

My man

Muse A and B are the twin daughters of the head of a massive record label. They are an extremely famous double act with millions of fans around the globe. The two of them are best friends as well as sisters and are also best friend with the band 5 Seconds of summer. Everyone can see that Muse A and Calum Hood, the bassist in 5sos, are the prefect couple and it is the same for Muse B and (5sos crush). But, what happens when a scandal is released when Muse A and (your crush) are saw walking out of a club together? What happens when it was all blown out of proportion, when all he was doing was driving home an extremely drunk muse A?

Then, what happens when Muse B sees , and decides to get back at her twin by kissing Calum out of the blue? How will Muse A react?

Apr 14, 3:24 am

It’s all fun and games until someone falls in love.

Muse A and B were both actors who were cast to play a loving gay couple, which they seemed to play very well, so well that their fans began to believe they were actually together. Muse A and B didn’t really talk much outside of shooting and acting though. During a live broadcast Muse B decided it would be funny to kiss Muse A as a joke. Muse A didn’t think it was funny though, because he actually liked him and Muse B thought it was just some funny joke. After that Muse A didn’t act the same around Muse B, and B kept trying to get him to open about about why he was mad at him. One day after shooting, Muse A was tired and stressed out that he just blew up on Muse B, yelling at him about everything and the only way to get him to shut up was for Muse B to kiss Muse A.

Apr 14, 3:24 am

Muse A is in the middle of his college years and he has been doing alright. He had a small job and he had a small apartment of his own. Muse B was a fallen angel. He was kicked out of heaven because he had fallen (no pun intend) for a human, this human being Muse A. Once he was down on the ground he made it his mission to find Muse A become friends, possibly more. One night on his way home from work, Muse A was confronted by a group of guys who jumped him. Beating him up, stealing his stuff and then leaving him knocked out there. That’s when Muse B found him and took him back home, and then managed to get all of Muse As stuff back before he woke up. Muse A was glad yet frightened by the man before him. Will they become friends and more? Or will Muse A push him away?

Apr 14, 3:27 am

{ Best Friends turned lovers }

Muse A and Muse B are best friends, they have been since the start, they been hanging out with each other since they were in diapers, they're parents are best friends, they're parents parents are best friends. Muse A and Muse B are hanging out with they're friends at a small party, they end up playing Truth or Dare, Muse B is dared to kiss Muse A, and being the guy he is, he kisses Muse A. Muse A is left to wonder about his sexuality, Muse B is left to become obessed with his best friend, one night, Muse B sleeps over, they hang out, talk about things, and many other things. Muse B suddenly touches Muse A in a inappropriate place, making a simple noise escape Muse As lips. This leads to them having sex, afterwards, they are just laying there, Muse B ends up asking Muse A out, and Muse A says yes. but what happens when Muse A's ex comes back and tries to get back together with Muse A? Will Muse A take his ex back? Or will he stay with his best friend/now lover?

Apr 14, 3:27 am

Girl A is a popular Youtuber who loves bands and everything related to music. When she travels to a concert to video with her favorite band, 5 Seconds of Summer, she can't help but find herself very attracted to her favorite member – Luke Hemmings. She and Luke start hanging out, and she becomes best friends with the guys, when they all ask her to start touring with them and to run their YouTube channel. Girl A gladly agrees, but still can't push her feelings away for Luke even though he seems so distant through it all.

Apr 14, 3:28 am

{ Definition of Teachers Pet }

Muse B hasn't been in a relationship for a long time, he's been having one night stands with lots of men, in whom he really wished he didn't. Muse A is an average junior, who is in two of Muse B's classes, he just got out of a physical relationship with his ex boyfriend and he needs a distraction. Muse B has had his eye on Muse A forever, and when Muse A was with his boyfriend, Muse B couldn't do a thing about his need for the boy. Muse A has been failing lately at ( teachers desired class they teach ), and Muse B has to keep Muse A after school so that Muse A can catch up. What happens when one thing leads to another? What happens when it starts to escalate into more? Will they be caught? Will Muse B tell someone about his relationship with Muse A?

{ Requirements}

- MxM
- activity
- Sex! There will be sex involved, this will be private messaged
- Grammar, Punctuation, Vocabulary, Capitalization

Apr 14, 3:29 am

He's a slayer and she's a vampire. His mission is to move to a new town were he'll be staying at his cousin's for the job he was given to take care of, which is to kill a vampire. He didn't know who this vampire was, if it was a girl or boy, or how they look. All he knows was he had to get rid of it. He makes friends with this girl in his school and they get closer and closer during his stay. But what will he do when he finds out she his target?

Apr 14, 3:29 am

{ Fluffy Love }

Muse A, a boy whom has been crushing on his best friend, for like ever now and has yet to even tell his friend that he has a crush on him or anything, and lately it has been bothering him. Muse B, a boy whom has been crushing on his best friend as well, is having a hard time trying to not flirt with his best friend, but it's utterly hopeless. Muse A loves it when Muse B is flirty and touchy with him, it only makes him feel special, he and Muse B are always flirty and touchy, making they're friends and family think they are dating, when clearly they aren't. One day they are just sitting on Muse A's couch, talking with Muse As family about the Super Bowl as well as watching it, Muse B makes Muse A laugh, and Muse B forgets everything and kisses Muse A square on the mouth, making Muse A surprised and Muse As family in shock. Muse A kisses back of course, until Muse B pulls apart, Muse A is in shock though, he doesn't tell Muse B to leave, and Muse B doesn't want to anyways. Muse B comes over one night for a sleepover, this is where Muse B asks Muse A out, and Muse A says yes.

{ Requirements}

- MxM
- Sex is pmed
- Swearing should be allowed
- Grammar, Vocabulary, Punctuation, Capitalization, Spelling

Apr 14, 3:31 am

After the scarring event of his trip to Jurassic World, Gray Mitchell returned to the states, graduated from high school, and continued on to become a archaeologist. When Girl A comes to him to tell him about a new growing problem on Isla Nublar, he willingly joins, in hopes that the world will forever be rid of the dangerous dinosaurs plaguing the island. But once they reach the island, they find the unexpected. Unknowingly, Dr. Henry Wu had created another egg of the breed Indomnius Rex, which after Jurassic World closed, hatched upon the island. It later on mated with the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and laid more eggs. With that, only one of the offspring remained, after devouring its brothers and sisters. After destroying any form of transportation to leave the island, Gray Mitchell and Girl A are stuck with their team on the island, and await this new breed of dinosaur...

r e q u i r m e n t s
× please be active :)

Apr 14, 3:32 am

Muse A and Muse B are gladiators fighting for the King of (enter what country, land, fantasy place whatever you think of here). Muse A has been training all their life, and has learned to be a cold hearted bastard. He wants to get out of this and after one more battle he will be able to get his freedom. Muse B was captured and sent to be a gladiator, so he is training now. He is a shy timid creature, with the mind of a boy in the body of a man. He does not understand what is going on, just wants to make friends. He is scared and alone. Easy prey for Muse A, right? As they are paired off together. And each gladiator is trained for two weeks before their fight. They all train in a huge arena for training only, but not together, though they can see everyone training and watch their opponents. Anyways, Muse B seeks out Muse A whenever they see Muse A, and a kind of relationship comes from the interactions.

Apr 14, 3:34 am

{ Our Hopeless Marriage}

Muse A and Muse B have been married for about three years now, both fathering a baby girl, they both are just happy to be together, celebrating their 3rd anniversary, they send their baby girl to Muse A's mothers, and they spend their anniversary is spent in a cabin in the side of a mountain. Muse B plans to make their marriage legalized since they couldn't get married three years ago by law, but he plans to surprise Muse A with a surprise wedding. What will happen when Muse A sees this? Will Muse A say yes again?

{ Requirements}

- MxM
- One of us can be the baby when needed
- One of us can be the mother when needed
- Grammar, Vocabulary, Capitalization, Spelling, Punctuation
- Sex is pmed
- Swearing should be allowed

Apr 14, 3:34 am

Muse A is born into this new life he does not understand. For a while he questions his own identity and who he is. The only clear thing in his life is Muse B, the only answer on a complete blank slate. The only person who was there after his entire memory was wiped. What he doesn't know is he's a clone. Made after the recent demise of Muse B's spouse. Now he has to adjust to life while doing his best not to ask questions. After all he's happy as he is- right?

Apr 14, 3:35 am

Muse A is young and naïve, always looking for trouble. They finally find it with Muse B, an older, cooler type that they encounter somewhere they have no business being with their fake ID. Muse B is attracted to Muse A on a physical level, but once Muse A’s age reveals itself, Muse B lays down the harsh truth: they’re not interested in anything beyond a one-night stand and they’re not what Muse A needs (and vice versa). Reluctant to let the opportunity to be with Muse B slip away, Muse A convinces Muse B to take them home. Lust clouds Muse B’s judgment and they let Muse A spend the night. In the heat of the moment, when the chemistry is so obviously there, Muse B says all the things Muse A wants to hear. Once it’s all over, however, Muse B’s attitude toward Muse A hasn’t changed–but Muse A doesn’t believe it’s a hopeless cause. Much to Muse B’s dismay, Muse A starts coming around to their place, hanging with their friends, and finding little ways to push into their life in the hopes of showing Muse B how good they’d be together despite their difference in age. Muse B insists that their relationship will never be; yet Muse B can’t help sending mixed signals when they continue to fall into bed with Muse A.

Apr 14, 3:37 am

Muse A owns a flower shop next to the cozy cafe where Muse B works as a barista. Despite seeing Muse B every morning and having pleasant chats with them when they go to the cafe to order coffee, Muse A is too shy to tell Muse B about the romantic feelings they’ve been harboring for them for the last few months. One day, Muse B heads into the flower shop and places an order for a beautiful bouquet to be sent to a ‘special someone’. Muse A is terribly jealous, wishing that Muse B would show such interest in them, so they impulsively put a nasty message in the blank card and sign it with Muse B’s name before sending the delivery out. Muse B storms into the shop after the flowers have been delivered, demanding to know why Muse A sent such a terrible note to their mother, whom the flower order was intended. Now Muse A must explain themselves and confess how they really feel and hope that Muse B will forgive them/feel the same.

Apr 14, 3:37 am

Muse A is psyched to show Muse B the cool magic trick they just learned, despite Muse B’s insistence that they have somewhere to be. Muse A promises it’ll only take a minute. They handcuff themselves to Muse B and tap the cuffs and say the magic words, and the cuffs stay cuffed. Muse A has to tag along on Muse B’s blind date.

Apr 14, 3:38 am

Muse A and Muse B are two halves of an A-list celebrity couple. Together, they have millions of adoring fans and millions of dollars to spend on whatever they could possibly desire. Despite the occasional tabloid article, Muse A and Muse B seem to be living a Hollywood love story, complete with cozy rendezvous in VIP sections of the hottest nightclubs, romantic dinners at the chef’s table in the trendiest restaurants, and affectionate touches on the red carpet at public appearances. Being as famous as they are, Muse A and Muse B are mobbed by paparazzi everywhere they go. Outside of their glamorous, gated home, the star couple can’t get a moment of privacy. But that’s perfectly alright with them because the truth is that Muse A and Muse B are together strictly for publicity. Behind closed doors, Muse A and Muse B are absolutely miserable. What they didn't know they needed was Muse C a young pianist who's a few years out of college and young and lively, teaching both of them to seek a little more adventure and appreciate the small moments. (MxMxM)

Apr 14, 3:41 am

In a world classified by omegas and alphas Muse A tries to break away from federal law. Ever since he presented as an omega at the age of sixteen he hasn't looked forwards to finding his mate. He doesn't want his life dictated by someone else, and he certainly doesn't want to be a domesticated and stay-at-home man. Of course nothing could've prepared him for the future and having not just one but two alphas.

Apr 14, 3:41 am

Best Friends
*** and ^^^ grew up next door to each other, best friends, inseparable. They thought they were going to be friends forever until *** has to move away. They called and texted and email but gradually, it became less and less until they had stopped talking to each other. Years passed and *** had to move back, right into their old house, next door to ^^^. The two friends reunite but will they've grown up, they have different lives, lives that the other doesn't have a place in. They try to rebuild their friendship but there's an obvious attraction between the two of them. Can they just keep it a friendship or will something more happen?

Apr 14, 3:42 am

Singer and Fan
*** is a huge fan of the band ___. She has all the merchandise, knows all the songs and knows just about everything she can find out about all of the members. Never once did she think that she'd meet ^^^, the lead singer. And never once did she think that he'd be interested in her.

Apr 14, 3:42 am

Exchange and Change
___ is the average teenager: not part of the "in crowd," and has trouble making friends. When their sibling enrolls in the exchange program, ___ does not have high hopes for the process. ***, a happy-go-lucky type of person comes to ___'s house in the foreign exchange program, *** takes it as a personal project to try and get ___ out of their shell.

Apr 14, 3:43 am

{ Together Forever...now }

Muse A and Muse B have been childhood best friends, when Muse A was almost Sixteen and Muse B was eighteen, they had gotten together for a while, having sex here and there like they were bunnies or something. Muse B is straight though, he's straight, or so he thinks, when he reaches the age of twenty one, he leaves Muse A for some girl, it's a long time before Muse B visits, but that's only because Muse Bs mother is dying. Muse Bs mother says something quietly, of course it is heard though by Muse B, Muse A and Muse Bs sister, who has a crush on Muse A. Muse B stays in town for a while trying to get Muse A together with his sister, but Muse A doesn't, he tells Muse B that he is going to go to the circus with his mothers boyfriend, Muse B doesn't like that one bit and starts to get jealous. After a long while, Muse A is in the old home of Muse B with Muse Bs sister, it's only temporary, but what happens when a very wet Muse B comes through the door? What happens when Muse B kisses Muse A and Muse A kisses him back? (( It's loosely based on the movie North Sea Texas, if you haven't watched it go watch it, it's on Netflix where you can watch it for free if you have an account ))

{ Requirements}

- MxM
- We will start when hey are sixteen and Eighteen
- Sex will be pmed
- Grammar and stuff shall be used appropriately
- Activity please
- Tell me when your leaving and stuff.

Apr 14, 3:44 am

The U.S. had finally went through a civil war making them split the U.S. in half. People are forced to live in fear of the new government. "Death comes easy here." they say. But on one side of the wall it's rich and amazing. But on the other they have no food.

Muse A is a girl on one side of the wall where her life is a fight to eat and breath. That was until she found a glitch through passing through the wall. Once she passes it only takes about an hour before she is a wanted girl. But when Muse B finds her he takes her in and keeps her hidden until she is well fed.

Muse B is a boy who has the best life ever. He also watches the wall. Once he discovers a breach in the system he is sent to find out what it is. When he finds Muse A and takes her in until she is well fed. But he soon falls for Muse A making it harder to let her go.

Will this be the love that wins a war that they are still fighting? Or is it the love that only brings the beginning to the war?

Apr 14, 3:45 am

Guy A has noticed that Guy C has been changing a lot lately. He has become more secretive and is always put late at night and sometimes he doesnt come home until the morning. He always thought it was his job because he works at the hospital. One night when Guy A said he was going out to meet his sister. He was goin for a half hour because ut ended up getting canceled. When he got home there was a car in the drive way, besides Guy c's. Guy A went inside and found Guy C caught up in bed with Guy B. Guy B had no idea that Guy A was guy Cs boyfriend.

After that night Guy A broke it off with Guy C and moved out. Giy C has been trying to get back togethwr with him and Guy B called up Guy A to meet him somewhere to apologize. Guy A and Guy B become friends and possibly more but Guy A has a hard time trust in him.

Apr 14, 3:46 am

Muse A is getting married, but before they do they want to have closure with the one that got away. They go to Muse B's house without warning and tries to fix the awful way their relationship ended so their conscious can finally be clear. But in the 2 weeks the two spend together after the initial tension that melts away the old fire that never really went away rekindles. Will Muse A leave their fiancé or leave Muse B once again?

Modificato: Apr 14, 3:50 am

Muse A and Muse B were complete opposites. 'A' was the popular kid, dating their school's quarterback. B was just another one of those druggies that everyone thought was cold and mysterious. What no one knew was that they were suicidal. One day, A & B were partnered up to do a project and B told A to do all the work because they didn't care whether they failed or passed. A tried their best to include B in all the work but that never happened. Over the next few weeks, A & B started to fall in love with each other.

Months later, A broke up with the quarterback and started dating B. A year later, they had changed each other. B had gotten better, laid off the drugs, and stopped trying to find ways to hurt themselves. A began to ignore B, picking the stupidest fights and avoiding them whenever A could. One day, B walks into their best friend's place to find A and B's best friend getting it on. B goes home and kills himself.

*Mostly perfect grammar. (Capital letters, punctuation, etc.)I'm lenient with other things but lacking capital letters and punctuation is my pet peeve.
*Suggest ideas, don't throw it all on me
*We don't HAVE to comply with the plot because it's just basic, especially the ending.
*Really read what I'm typing.
*Should be okay with sensitive content. (Self-harm, suicide, etc.)
*I'm okay with the character having been sexually abused or assaulted but I don't want to roleplay it.
*I don't mind LGBT and you shouldn't either. (MxM or FxF)

Apr 14, 3:50 am

Guy A has had a very hard life, but the only one who has consistently been there for him is his long time best friend Guy B. Guy B is several years older than Guy A and lives in his own place, so when Guy A shows up at his doorstep needing a place to crash, Guy B lets him stay for as long as he wants. As they spend more time together, they grow closer and closer, but how long can they keep their desires hidden from one another?

Apr 14, 3:51 am

Girl A is troubled; she rarely shows up to class, she has an "attitude problem," she smokes and drinks and maybe more. Guy A is the general all american boy, or so it seems, he plays sports, makes good grades and has friends. Suddenly, Girl A is placed into Guy A's home as a foster kid. Guy A is immediately obsessed with the girl and thinks of her all the time. Girl A has grown harsh and wants nothing to do with Guy A at first. Her feelings do eventually soften to the boy.

Apr 14, 3:53 am

I Once Knew You:

Guy A was kidnapped when he was six years old when he was walking home from the nearby park with his friend. After ten years, he is found. He then learns that his parents have died; one overdose and one suicide. Since his parents are no longer around, he is placed in a group home. He runs away from home; sleeping on buses and wherever he can.

Guy B is a bit older, working as an EMT. When he is working one day, he is called to where Guy A has passed out; dehydrated, sleep deprived, and hungry. He vaguely remembers Guy A, but cannot place him. Guy B is so frustrated by not being able to place Guy A, he follows up with him at the hospital. As soon as he hears Guy A's laugh, he knows who he is immediately. The two of them were best friends as children, but Guy A can't remember it.

Guy B invites Guy A back to his place and Guy A can't exactly decline the offer. Guy B feels guilty about Guy A being kidnapped and makes it his mission to put Guy A back together; piece by piece.

Apr 14, 3:53 am

Muse A has just been diagnosed with cancer. They were told they had only 2 months left. Muse B is just another classmate but a little more fucked up. They're cold and calculating. They're addicted to drugs and drinking and anything that could wreck them in just the right way. One day, AB run into each other at the school's therapists office. A becomes intrigued and B pushed them away but somewhere along the way, AB fall in love.

About a month later, A is taken to the hospital and B has no idea why. A is reminded of their impending death, so they push B away and retreat into their own cocoon. B stumbles upon A's parents in the hospital and they talk. B finds out the truth and confronts A. They talk and B tries to convince them to live their last days until they can't. So will A listen or will they continue to be depressed?

Apr 14, 3:56 am

1. Muse A lives far away from civilization, preceding to live out his life in the peaceful surroundings of the woods. After all the animals give him far less problems then people ever did. He is certainly a recluse, but he is still known to make his way out to the centeral village everyone once and a while for things he may need. It is on a certain trip back home that he comes across two boys Muse B and C. They are badly injured and he has to fight against his inner need to just leave them on the road to die at the hands of the creatures who prowl the forest at night. This doesn't work out for him too well as Muse A suddenly finds himself bringing the two back to his cabin after their frantic request of not being brought back to the village.

2. Muse A and B have been best friends since a very young age. Two misfits they've been through it all together. At one point they even tried dating, but it didn't seem to work with just the two of them. Instead they chose to simply remain friends.
Working for and FBI agency and living together there doesn't seem to be much romance in either of their lives. One day Muse B gets the absurdly silly idea to set up an online dating profile for his friend. Before he can hand over the account a message pops up on his screen without really thinking he answers it. And before he can stop himself he's entires entirely full-blown conversations with Muse C. The only catch is that the younger guy believes himself to be talking to Muse A. When he suddenly asks for them to meet up in real life Muse B panics a bit. After deleting the account he tries to forget about Muse C. Of course, things never end up being that simple.

3. Muse A doesn't want to be in the system. Of course there isn't much choice when the system rules the government. Born as a Dom he's not all too please by the role. He doesn't want to be in charge of someone else and he certainly doesn't want to dictate another person lives. That and there's also the simple key factor that he would much rather submit. But certainly nobody wants to hear that. The only person he's managed to tell is his friend Muse B, a gentle and rough around the edges sort of guy. Muse B takes it in strides, showing his friend what it's like to be a submissive instead of what he's been genetically programmed for. At first the role reversal is odd, but it's pleasing.
Enter Muse C, a fellow Dom who's been matched in the system with Muse A for years. He's angered to learn that he's been put with Muse A. Instead of getting the sub he's wanted he's told he has to wait until the other reaches the proper age and then they can both get rematched.

4. Muse A is the dignified ruler of the Land of Anastasia. Long respected since birth his people believe he will be a great ruler. Months before he is to be married his mother sets him up for extra lessons where he is to learn more about politics and how to adress the public. Annoyed by the extra hours in his day being taken away from him he goes along with her anyways.
In his lessons he meets Muse B, except it isn't exactly a first time encounter. Friends at a young age it should be simply noted they had a falling out after Muse B was sent away when the two were found in a compromising situation. It is for this reason he finds it odd that his mother arranged the entire lesson. Walking out on his first hour of training he protests against returning.
Days later he finds Muse B in a similar compromising situation with Muse C, a servant of the castle. Will he turn the two in? No doubt condemning them to death. Will he pretend he never saw it? Or perhaps he'll do something else entirely.

Apr 14, 3:57 am

Muse A and Muse B are siblings from a homely family. Their parents are loving and in love and their lives are perfect. That is until their father dies in a car accident. Broke and in trouble, Muse A and Muse B are forced to travel with their mother to go live with grandparents they never knew existed. The catch? Their grandfather can’t know they exist so they have to live in the attic room like mice and hide. What their mother says will only be a few days in the attic turns into years. To make it worse, Muse A and Muse B’s grandmother, a religious spiteful woman, hates them for even being born and spouts tales of devil spawn and how they will both go to hell for things they never did. With no one else in the attic and Muse A and Muse B growing older as time passes, they start to develop feelings for each other. But they refuse to accept them considering that their related. But when Muse A and Muse B start getting mysteriously sick and their mother stops coming to visit, will they realize that they’re never leaving the attic? Will they run away and escape their horrible lives? And will their twisted love story come to live?

Apr 14, 3:57 am

Muse A and Muse B are high school students in love. They’ve been together for ___ years and plan to get married once they’re out of high school. That is until Muse A’s family goes on a road trip and get’s into a serious accident. Muse A’s family is killed and Muse A is left in a coma fighting for their life. Muse B finds out and rushes to Muse A’s side at the hospital refusing to leave. Muse A is having an out of body experience watching everything going on as their body is lying in the hospital. The only one who can see Muse A’s ghost is Muse B. Muse A is put in the care of their aunt who has to decide whether to keep Muse A in a coma or pull the plug. Will Muse B convince Muse A’s aunt to keep them alive? Will Muse A return to their body in time to wake up before everything is taken away?

Apr 14, 3:59 am

Girl A and Guy A are college dorm neighbors who can't stand eachother. Guy A is a popular bad boy type who is constantly either having girls or his equally obnoxious friends over.
Girl A is what most would wrongly define as part of the 'scene' community. Which is probably why many people, including guy A, poke fun at her appearance and music taste.
Being dorm neighbors, they have establish quite a rivalry due to the thin walls and often blare music at inconvenient times just to spite eachother.
Despite his rough exterior, guy A is secretly a genious. When Girl A starts failing a crutial class, she falls into the danger of loosing her scholarship.Her only hope is to ace the final. Guy A's parents have been on his back for a while about how he should quit being so childish and find himself a nice girl.
With the holidays coming up Guy A reluctantly divises a plan to get his parents off his back. He will help Girl A study for her final and in return she must accompany him home where they will pretend to be a couple. After the holidays they can go back to their outspoken rivalry.
But is it a plan destined for disaster? Will they be able to get along enough to make it convincing?

Apr 14, 4:00 am

Girl A has just been kidnapped. She is locked up in a tower for only her captor, Guy B, to see whenever he pleases. Guy B is the prince of the magic realm and his one duty was to marry his betrothed so he may one day rule. What B hadn't intended was for his men to capture a girl who was said to be in the rebellion against his father. B decided he was going to befriend A just to gain her trust and have her tell him about the rebellion. So he had her locked up in a tower for only him to see whenever he needed to pull some information from her.

Something else B hadn't intended? To spoil A. Well, that was partially intended but he hadn't intended the reason behind it. The sudden feelings that stirred inside him and ignited whenever he was around her. The sudden protectiveness to keep her up in the tower for her own safety once he realized that his father would kill her if he found out who she really was. She wasn't all that much part of the rebellion, that much he knew. But in all honesty, did B know A as much as he thought and claimed?

Apr 14, 4:02 am

Muse A lives in a foster home with her biological brother, she loves where she lives and she loves her brother, she also loves her two moms and her sister, and her other two brothers. Muse A however, is going through a rough patch, since it's just been a year since she has moved in with the family, at school she doesn't give a crap about anything, and her foster brother, the oldest one broke up with his girlfriend because he had feeling for her, her biological brother is on the brink of getting beaten up. What better way to lose stress and calm down then meeting possibly the hottest guy in your grade and school? Muse A meets Muse B, but not in the traditional, she met him when he first stared at her in English class, ever since then, they have grown closer, they have grown so close that they trust each other with things normal couples wouldn't trust anything. Muse A is invited to an party that Muse B is throwing, she finds out Muse Bs home is being foreclosured and he's having an little "get together" with his friends/the whole school. Muse A takes her foster sister along and everything is going great until Muse B gets super drunk and goes crazy, it takes Muse A's will power to get him to calm down, she finally gets him to calm down while he's in her arms. We can go from there.

Apr 14, 4:02 am

Muse B went overseas six years ago leaving Muse A behind. When Muse A and B were younger they were bestfriends. Their parents often were inviting the other over for dinner or breakfast. Muse B has returned home and Muse A was invited for the celebration by Muse B's mother. Muse A attends and when she sees Muse B her heart stops. He catches sight of Muse A and wanders over. They are both so shocked to see the other. Muse A asks for a dance like old times and Muse B bows with his hand out. Whilst Muse A and B dance, Muse A can't help the skipping of her heart beat when Muse B dances with her. The night ends but the effects linger. The rest is open.

Apr 14, 4:03 am

Muse A had been living with his mom his entire life. His father had left them once he found out that she was pregnant with him. They lived a pretty good life together. That was until She found out that she had cancer. They had caught it just in time though to get rid of most of it. Muse A was always protective over his mom sense then making sure she was feeling well all the time. His mom was keeping a secret from him though. She had gone back to the doctor and found out that she was getting worse. He didn't find out until it was too late to do anything about it. He always stayed home with her to help her out. He missed all the birthday parties and school dances. Except his junior prom. His mom insisted that he go. That was the night his mom ended up in the hospital in critical condition and she didn't make it through the night. Muse A didnt have any close relatives so they sent him to a foster home.

Muse B is another foster at the foster home with his own bad history ((if you want you can come up with something. I have nothing on my mind for him yet)). Muse B took immediate interest in the new kid. Muse A wanted nothing to do with him or the rest of the people in this house. Muse B wanted to change that. Wanted to help him get better and to stop him from moping around every where. Along the way, the more he helps him the more he feels for him.

Apr 14, 4:04 am

Muse A has just moved into an apartment building, and hasn't had the chance to put all their things away. They need to use the Wi-Fi to finish up some work on their laptop, and they search for anyone who is willing to give them their password. That is when they stumble upon Muse B, who was just in the middle of a spell gone wrong when Muse A knocked on the door...

Apr 14, 4:04 am

muse a lost her father/mother in a car accident caused by a drunk driver who didn’t stop cause he was afraid of the consequences. muse b isn’t a huge drinker, in fact, it had been his 21st birthday and he had gone out with some friends and he was a passenger in the car that killed muse a’s father. he hardly remembers the details of the night, and when muse b goes back to the hospital a week later to get his stitches removed, he meets muse a whom is very drunk after her father’s funeral. it only takes muse b a few minutes to connect the dots and realize that it was partially his fault but he still takes muse a out for dinner cause they have an amazing connection. the whole relationship is built on lies and you can be the one the decide how muse a finds out about muse b’s involvement.

Apr 14, 4:04 am

Muse B has always had problems with her health and as her best friend, Muse A stuck with her all the way. It was inevitable that their friendship developed into something more but when Muse B found out she had a rare form of cancer Muse B was wishing for Muse A not to stick around. The doctors said that she would have months to live and that it wouldn’t really be living. They did chemo to try and slow it down but nothing was helping. Muse A knew that the only way to save her would be to change her into a vampire. However, if Muse B became a vampire, she would be the enemy of Muse A and he or his pack may have to kill her. Life is all about choices an paths and no matter which path you choose, you’re screwed one way or another.

Apr 14, 4:05 am

Muse A is the fairy protector of a beautiful kingdom full of all types of supernatural creatures. Muse A has large majestic wings that drag behind them when they walk and allow them to fly and watch over their kingdom. They also have immense power, the most powerful fairy in the world. One day, Muse A’s wings are cut off by a once trusted friend who lived in the greedy and vengeful neighboring kingdom. In need of help, Muse A meets Muse B and saves their life. In return, Muse B indebts themselves to Muse A. Hurt and betrayed, Muse A turns evil and vengeful including casting a curse on the new king’s, who just happens to be the friend who betrayed her, daughter. Though Muse B doesn’t know the whole story of why Muse A is how they are, they always see more than what meets the eye. They slowly start to fall for Muse A knowing that Muse A might never love them and does not believe in true love. Muse A also has feelings for Muse B, but refuses to acknowledge them because true love does not exist in their eyes. Will Muse A finally let Muse B into their heart.

Apr 14, 4:05 am

Muse A belongs to a wealthy family that operates in an elite circle, and he’s known since birth that at age eighteen he’ll be engaged to some girl that his parents choose. Muse B is Muse A’s best friend, who comes from more humble origins; they met at boarding school, where Muse B is on scholarship.

Muse B finds his friend’s “Bachelor Bucket List” that contains a list of things that Muse A wants to do before he must get married and, with only a week before Muse A’s eighteenth birthday, Muse B convinces his friend to try to accomplish everything on the list.

From there, the two go on a crazy adventure that includes camping out all night, regrettable tattoos, night clubs, and anything else that Muse A wants to do before he’s forced into married. How can Muse A go through with the wedding after experiencing a taste of freedom? And how can Muse B let their best friend get married to someone else when they managed to cross the first and most important task off the list together?

Apr 14, 4:06 am

Muse A sits inside a small cage about the size of large dog crate. She has been in there since she coulf remember. The building she was in was one that illegally modified the genetics of children. Muse A has seen tons of children die and she is waiting for the day she too will die. One night Muse B finally breaks free from the hell hole. He only has enough time to save five others. Muse B chooses a set of twins, a girl with PTSD, a little baby, and Muse A. Now on the run Muse A and Muse B along with rest of their crew have to learn to thrive in the outside world. They also have a goal of destroying the institution that ruined their lives.

Apr 14, 4:06 am

Girl has just moved into an apartment complex with her sisters. she starts hanging out with bad people. Guy is a detective undercover who moves into the apartment complex to uncover a drug house. Guy starts hanging out with the bad crowd. Meets girl and falls for her.

Apr 14, 3:41 pm

Muse A and Muse B used to be best friends until Muse A moved away. Now, Muse A is a female captain of a Pirate ship, and Muse B is planning his escape from prison. When Muse B suddenly wakes up on Muse A's ship, he is surprised to find that it is his old best friend and, to no surprise, the one he wanted to marry once she was 18. Muse B wants to know how his old friend became so rugged, but she is reluctant to tell him. Will he be able to find out her past? Will his old love for her spark back up? Or will everything come crashing down?

Apr 14, 3:53 pm

The era is medieval, the world a fantasy world. Muse A is the Prince of the mainland, being groomed to be the King. His father is strict on the rules, he can make no mistakes. He, the Prince, is the most powerful shifter to be born. Shifters are those who have two forms, one human and then their Other form. The Prince is the most powerful one, not even the current king, his father, can beat him. He meets Muse B on an outing to hunt, who is one of the rarest and gentlest of the shifters. A unicorn shifter. Whose horn gives the one who wields it power, and whose heart gives the consumer their one wish their heart desires most. Of course, Muse A does not know this. Muse B is, well, an idiot, whose eyes shine bright with innocence. And a friendship forms, blooming to more. Then word gets out that there is a Unicorn shifter on the mainland, and Muse A is tasked with finding and killing the beast.

Apr 17, 5:27 pm

Person A is in a bad relationship with Person B. They fight and fight over and over, but they always make up for it in a kind of hot and sweaty way (you know what I'm talking about). Person B decides, after a particularly ugly fight, that they should break up. They do, and move on. Years later, person A is having a really bad anxiety attack about their current relationship. They see Person B on their old contact list, and they call them. Person B is currently married ((with or without child)). What happens??????

Apr 17, 5:29 pm

Muse A and Muse B made their reputation from early ages. They were crazy, madly in love, ruthless, cunning, and ambitious. How else could two like them have risen so quickly to the top? They were fearsome pirates of the air. Until Muse B was caught.

For five years, Muse B was imprisoned. During this time, Muse A's infamy grew even more. She became captain of the vessel they used to sail on, and everyone knew her name. She was elusive, and despite King Louis's many traps and schemes, he could never catch her.

Then, suddenly, although presumed dead, Muse B was released. The King made a deal, and now Muse B must regain the trust of Muse A, and turn her in.
But what could be so important, and worth betraying Muse A?

Modificato: Apr 17, 5:32 pm

( New Neighbors )

Tate and Violet were best friends, there was nothing in the world that could rip them apart, and they were more then welcome to let Muse A into their little friendship group. Muse A was the new kid in the neighborhood, she and her family moved into the house on the other side of where Tate lived. As she got to know both Tate and Violet, Muse A began to realize how possessive Tate was getting over her and Violet noticed too. Violet claimed that maybe Tate had gained feelings for Muse A, whom claimed that wasn't true, however...she didn't realize how wrong she was. Tate began to make sure that no guy ever asked Muse A out, he made sure girls kept their manners in check when they were around her, he made sure Muse A's new friends were always their for her. One day she witnessed Tate beating up some guy who had supposedly called her a slut and tried passing a rumor that they hooked up. It was then that Muse A realized Violet was right...Tate Langdon had feelings for her.


— MxF (or can do MxM or FxF)
— Add details, emotions, drama, Horror and romance
— Please be active :)
— Sex or anything like that is done in pm

Apr 17, 5:34 pm

Love Another

"I've wasted my nights
You turned out the lights
Now I'm paralyzed
Still stuck in that time
When we called it love
But even the sun sets in paradise,"

When Muse A was around Fifteen years old, he was starting to questions his sexuality after he saw his best friend naked and got aroused in some sort of way. He began experimenting with said friend and they begun to have a small little sexual relationship that didn't involve anything but that. Muse B was around thirteen years old at the time and he was damn sure that he was gay, he didn't like girls in any sort of way except in a friend way. He was in love with Muse A, and you could guess that he was pretty darn happy when he got with Muse A, sexually or not. Muse A wasn't sure if he was gay or bisexual or what, so he left town when he was Eighteen without saying goodbye to Muse B. Muse A experimented a few more times, both with girls and guys, and after he realized what he was/who he was, he decided to visit home to see his family and Muse B. However, Muse B was in another relationship with a guy that really really loved him, Muse A was furious and confronted Muse B about this. we can go from there.


— MxM, I would like to be Muse B
— Good grammar, vocabulary, punctuation and spelling
— Sex is pm'd, swearing is fine with me
— This RP will be done in a thread

Apr 17, 5:35 pm

Girl A is from a conservative family. She never had any doubts as a child about where her life would end up. She'd get a steady job, get married to a man with a steady job, raise lots of children in their suburban neighborhood, and be happy.
She never actually thought about what she wanted.

Until her family had to move because of her dad's work. Girl A's life was turned upside-down. Across the country from all of her friends, in a seedy high school where no one shared the beliefs she grew up with, Girl A had to figure out a whole new way of life.

That's how she met Girl B.
Girl B was the cool girl in school. Carefree, she lead her group of friends, the troublemakers at school. Girl B was never the type to settle down with a boyfriend or girlfriend, and never the type to follow rules. Girl A caught her eye, and Girl B brought her into her friend group, showing her how to be one of the 'cool kids', eventually even seducing her.

Girl A never imagined she'd grow feelings for another girl, but she did with Girl B. unfortunately, the feelings weren't mutual. Girl B didn't believe in love. Where will they go from here?

-This is obviously a pretty mature RP, so I'd like to do it in PM
-Have good grammar
-Plot isn't set in stone. I'm open to changes
-PM me if interested

Apr 17, 5:37 pm

Muse A and Muse B made their reputation from early ages. They were crazy, madly in love, ruthless, cunning, and ambitious. How else could two like them have risen so quickly to the top? They were fearsome pirates of the air. Until Muse B was caught. For eight years, Muse B was imprisoned. During this time, Muse A's infamy grew even more. She became captain of the vessel they used to sail on, and everyone knew her name. She was elusive, and despite King Louis's many traps and schemes, he could never catch her. Then, suddenly, although presumed dead, Muse B escapes. They join together and now Muse B wishes to take over the kingdom and kill the king who imprisoned him. He has changed immensely, his mind had been broken and now has turned into a mad man. Muse A now must choose to help her love in his crazy plans or stand up against him, go so far as to help the king to do so. -A Steampunk or Pirate Story

Apr 17, 5:37 pm

In the small town of Brookfield, there is a serial killer. No one knows how many folks he's killed but it has to be at least in the 20s. Muse A and B are going to their senior graduation party, held by the golden boy of the entire town, Daryl Reed. As they have it going on, Daryl disappeared and soon a lot more people are gone until their are only about five of you left. Daryl reappears, covered in blood and only tells you. ´Run, You have 20 minutes.´ and now everyone must survive from this psycho-maniac with the silver tongue. -A Horror Story.

Apr 17, 5:41 pm

>353 Owltherian: Inter resting 2 Inter resting.

Apr 17, 5:43 pm

This tale is one from the wild, wild, west. Muse B comes into the town of Retribution, a gun for hire, He is known for his dead eye and cowboy charm. He is hear on contract to kill a rapist name Jebediah Lane. Muse A is a bartender in the saloon of this dirty old town. She is the usual type, flirty but ironed will. She begins to fall for Muse B as he does his investigations of the town. Muse B notices her and He convinces her to help out as a informant of the town. As they get to know each other, Muse B also falls in love with her. Together the two must hunt down the villain and figure themselves out. -A Wild West Story

Apr 17, 5:43 pm

Zombies. Walkers. The Living Dead. We all knew what these creatures were in tales of old, but we never knew they would be like this. They are smart, able to blend themselves with the general public. They grow in numbers. Muse B is a scientist working on the cure for this terrible disease. He knows that it's only a matter of time before the zombies find him and his team. Muse A is a zombie, but she is not like the others. She is in control her spells of rage induced hunger and can eat human food. She has been captured by the scientists, hoping to use her to make the cure. Muse B is assigned to be Muse A´s caretaker. They bond, either through friendship or romance and Muse B must either continue his work to save everyone or save this person who will surely die if he doesn´t. -A Zombie Story

Modificato: Apr 17, 5:44 pm

A tale for the modern day. Muse A works inside The Southern Mission, a diner inside a large city, she created the place when she moved from the south and works as a waitress there. Muse B is blind, and has a pattern he follows everyday, a part of it is to go into the diner and getting the same thing, A piece of toast, black coffee, and 2 peices of bacon. Muse B works as in radio as a member of a talk show. Muse B and A have grown in friendship over the years, and Muse B always had feelings for Muse A but thought she would never go for him.. One day Muse B doesn't show up and Muse A begins to freak out, She must now find this man she knows so well -A Proper Romance Story.

Apr 17, 5:45 pm

Welcome to the Roarin’ 20s. Muse A is the wife to a very powerful head to a mafia family, The Puzio Family to be exact. They run the drugs in the large city of Fargo. She is not happy with him but stays because she fears for her life, but does have others she flings with. Muse B was a mechanic from down south who came up north to give a better life for him and his daughter, Jessie. He is a joker and loves to hear out people's problems. Muse A meets B when She comes in to get her fancy car in to get a tune up. They both fall for each other hard and Don Puzio does not like that one bit, he begins to start terrorizing his family and he will only stop if Muse A goes back to her husband. So she has a choice. -The Mafia Story

Apr 17, 5:46 pm

Tough Love

Muse A is the young boss of a Mafia clan under whom several mafia familes work for. He is hot XD, arrogant and can make any girl swoon but he is kind of psycho, you know. He has the habit of believing that everyone is against him because he has the most power. He can track out the people who are disloyal to him and on the 27th day of each month, he kills that person himself in front of everyone in his council.

Muse B is the a daugther of one of the mafia families who works for Muse A. They know each other as she is in the council too. Though she has taken the life of crime and omerta, she is fed up of the killings. She has always been kind of different. She wants a life of her own.

One day Muse A kills Muse B's best friend as she had been planning to finish him with another clan and hell breaks loose. Muse B starts hating him and wants to take revenge but at some point both are attracted to each other.

Apr 17, 5:47 pm

A Stranger Comes to Town

Lilington; A small agricultural town with more farm animals than people. This is the type of town where you only live if you were born here, and most families have lived here for generations. In this type of town, anything out of the ordinary would be quickly noticed. However, secrets and shameful events are quickly covered up.

Muse A has lived here most of his/her life, moving in when his/her parents died. Everyone around town knows muse A, but many of the dark things that happened to him/her once they moved to the town have been buried. Muse A has accepted this is where they will stay despite having lots of talent and being very smart.

Muse B is unknown to the people of this town and therefore is assumed to be dangerous. He is more withdrawn and not open to discussing his past or where he came from. He does however, bring his toddler brother with him when he moved here.

The grandparents of Muse A have warned him/her repeatedly not to get involved with Muse B, but when Muse B starts working at the local hardware store, the two see each other often. They seem to feel a pull towards one another, but the community is determined to keep them apart.

I am open to this being MxF or MxM
I am also willing to be either character
I would prefer to do this RP in PM
Mature themes will be brought up, so please don't start this plot with me if you are not okay with that.

Apr 17, 5:48 pm

>359 Moicah: If your interested we can always rp it :3 ofc that's if you want to

Apr 17, 5:50 pm

A Nightmare in a Dream

It was supposed to be simple. The four of them had been hanging out and getting in trouble together for most of their lives. Sure, there had been some drama here and there, but never anything too crazy. The plan sounded great; a two week long camping/hiking trip into the remote forest. It was nearing the end of their high school lives, the winter of their senior year.

All of them have different plans for what to do after high school, but they all care for one another dearly. Muse A and B have been hiding a secret from the other two, but it is soon discovered that they have been sleeping together. Feeling lied to, the other two head out to be on their own for a while when a snowstorm comes.

Upon the end of the storm, Muse A & B go looking for their life long friends only to discover they are no longer alive. Devastated and without a clue of where they are or how to get help, the two of them must fight to survive and work through the guilt they feel over losing their best friends.

- This can be any combination MxM, FxM, or FxF
- Just be willing to work with me to figure out the background of the other two characters and how they all fit together.
- If you are not okay with mature content, please don't start an RP with me. This plot is by nature dealing with mature subjects.

Apr 17, 6:06 pm

Lost and Found

Muse A & B were always together; they were on the same sports team, went to the same elementary school, and slept over at each other's houses all the time. They lived on the same street and many people assumed they were siblings when they saw them around town. Both of them seemed to have the perfect life; a stable home and middle-class houses. All of this came crashing down when Muse A was abducted from the woods down the road from their homes. The memory of that day has haunted Muse B ever since it happened. After years of thinking his best friend was dead, Muse B had tried to move on, but was sucked back into it when he was alerted to the fact Muse A had been recovered. Many things have changed since the abduction, including both Muses.


I would prefer this to be MxM
If you are going to RP with me, you must be okay with mature topics, as it is essential to the storyline.

Apr 17, 6:12 pm

The first night after Cadence moves into her fantastic new New york apartment, she realizes she's gaining an intimate knowledge of her new neighbor's nocturnal adventures. Thanks to paper-thin walls and the guy's athletic prowess, she can hear not just his bed banging against the wall but the ecstatic response of what seems (as loud night after loud night goes by) like an endless parade of women. And since Cadence is currently on a self-imposed dating hiatus, and her neighbor is clearly lethally attractive to women, she finds her fantasies keep her awake even longer than the noise. So when the wallbanging threatens to literally bounce her out of bed, Cadence, clad in sexual frustration and a pink baby-doll nightie, confronts Elias Nixon, her heard-but-never-seen neighbor. The tension between them is as thick as the walls are thin, and the results just as mixed. Suddenly, Cadence is finding she may have discovered a whole new definition of neighborly...

Apr 17, 6:12 pm

Muse a, the fallen, fell because they became infatuated with what it meant to be a mortal- free will. once fallen, muse a finds that humanity isn’t the picture of perfect freedom that they had expected it to be and now they have to live their life struggling with being a bit more than mortal in a mortal world while also trying to earn back their wings.
muse b, a part-time worker and full time student, doesn’t have much time in their life for anything more than work and school, but when a hauntingly beautiful but ragged individual, muse a, shows up on their doorstep one night with blood on their shirt and a plead for help on their lips, both muse a and muse b learn that the mortal world isn’t all that safe for anyone involved with the angelic.

Apr 17, 6:12 pm

Muse a is your typical freshman in college trying to get used to things. muse b is a well known frat/sorority junior in college. one night, muse a’s roommate drags them out to the party hosted by muse b’s house. obviously muse a is uncomfortable and muse b notices and instantly walks over towards them thinking they’ll be an easy fuck, but what muse b doesn’t realize is that they really end up liking muse a??

Apr 17, 6:14 pm

"This is something to be very intrigued about, I tell you. The finishing chore is hiding the evidence," are the words produced by a rich man that needs not a penny and plans to become the Govorner of the state and destroy all. He lives off of a wicked reality, one that is sickening to society. This man's name is Ricardo. His fiancee, Nora, despises his persona. The way he talks and acts, the way he plans not to start a family, he's practically against her entire beliefs in life. Nora only wants to marry him to please her adoptive parents, the scoundrels that force her into a life she doesn't truly want. A man in a trench coat and brown leather tophat shows up at Nora's door. He says he'll bring her into a fantasy life, one that "will uphold the future or anything" she wants. Should she trust this handsome man?

*Possibly but not really sexual- only in PM if so.

Modificato: Apr 17, 6:21 pm

Only A Job

Male (or Female) & Female (or Male) | Mature | Romance & Drama

Muse A is a military veteran looking for a private-sector job in security. When he is hired by a rich and powerful family to take care of their daughter, he thinks he will be charged with keeping her safe. Instead, he quickly learns that his job is to make sure she follows the rules- and there are a lot of rules. The longer he spends with Muse B, the more he realizes she is a captor in her own family; trapped and unable to get out. Muse B is on a rebellious streak; breaking the rules, sneaking out, etc. As Muse A does their best to do his job, he starts to fall for her, and she starts to fall for him.


❊ Subject Matter: This will be a mature RP. I will expect you to be able to write about mature and sometimes graphic subject matter. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not start this RP with me.

❊ Availability: I will not be on all the time (at night mostly). When I am on, though, I will be focused on our RP, so don't give up on me if I am gone for a day or two.

Plot Specific Preferences:

❊ Age Range & Power Dynamics: If possible, I would like for Muse A to be a little older than Muse B. I would like for Muse B to be in their late teens, and Muse A to be in their early twenties.

Apr 17, 6:26 pm


Muse A & B intend to only know one another for one night; a no-strings-attached night of pleasure and fun. After their night, they don't think they will ever see one another again. The next week, the pair finds out that they will be seeing each other much more often- because their parents are getting married. The attraction is too strong, however, and they carry on in secret.

Apr 17, 6:27 pm

Checkmate Charlie

Muse A is a new transfer and looking to escape the studious good-girl image she built over her academic existence. She discovers a number etched into the desk promising her that escape with a phone number and the words 'Checkmate Charlie' Out of curiosity she starts a correspondence with this unknown entity. She agrees to his terms and conditions and begins completing tasks given to her. Starting off small by tagging her name into school equipment and gradually climbing to more destructive behavior. Stealing answer sheets, back-talking teachers and even picking a fight with the popular kids.

When does she stop? Where does she draw the line and just who is Checkmate Charlie?
What if she challenges him? Could he be as dangerous as her classmates say?

Apr 17, 6:28 pm


Male & Male | Mature | Romance

Muse A & B met over the summer when they were both backpacking in Europe. After meeting up, they traveled together for a while, but soon enough Muse A had to go back home. The pair promised to stay in touch, but they never ended up being able to.

Five years have passed and both are now out of college and living their own lives. Muse B moves to a new town and is surprised to find Muse A lives there. Muse B is still the adventurous and carefree person they were on the trip, but Muse A is tied down with their life.


❊ Subject Matter: This will be a mature RP. I will expect you to be able to write about mature and sometimes graphic subject matter. If you are not comfortable with this, please do not start this RP with me.

❊ Availability: I will not be on all the time. When I am on, though, I will be focused on our RP, so don't give up on me if I am gone for a day or two.

Apr 17, 6:31 pm

Person A and Person B have been best friends forever, having been roommates in the adoption center they were in together, A was a bit shier while B was like an older sibling type of character to the very timid child. They were inseparable for years and once high school hit, they began to date after A got adopted and B was able to be taken in by their grandmother, though they ended up going to a boarding school together anyway and, also, roommates. Things were great, they were so in love. Until something went wrong. They got into a fight, just a silly thing that turned into a huge deal. It ended with Person B going out to a party, getting drunk and sleeping with someone. When they came back to the room the next day, they continued to argue with Person A, ending by saying they had cheated on them and they were breaking up with them. Person A needed to move schools after that and things were left bad between the two of them.

Half a year passed and Person A was trying to move on, having a new relationship while Person B had resorted to just sleeping around with anything that moved. They have a secret though, they contracted AIDS from the person they slept with, which was why they couldn't get back together with Person A, the only person they've ever loved. The two of them still talk, but it's not the same as it was before. A forgave B long ago and wants to get them back, but B won't because they are so scared of giving it to Person A. During a joint class trip to Washington D.C however, the two are forced to spend a long time with one another, which makes it hard for Person B to hide what they have from them. It's hard for Person A to cause all they want to do is touch and be with Person B and they can't. An accident causes Person B to be sent to the hospital during the trip however and their secret is revealed to Person A. How will they react? Will they still want to be with B despite this? And if they are, when it actually comes down to it, will it still be comfortable? Will Person B become too paranoid about giving this disease to Peron A?

*I do want this to be MxM.
*I can play either character.
*I need someone who isn't easily triggered by topics such as suicide, rape, drug use, alcohol, self-harm, and mature scenes since my RPs often include those types of things.
*I want someone who will add to the plot, you know, suggest where to move to next or if they have an idea in mind, tell me. I'm usually very flexible and will be pretty open to any idea or suggestion that's given to me (:

Apr 17, 6:32 pm

A new girl starts at a school. She plays out as a shy person but she isn't really shy. She just has bit secret that she can't tell anyone. Her first day when she put her feets inside the school all the boys falls for her and she fast got popular. But inseted of using the popularity she try to get away from it. One boy notice that she is hiding something. He is trying to find out what it is. He decided to become her friend but falls for her. She is falling for him aswell...

Apr 17, 6:32 pm

The monsters is all around. They look like normal and act like normal. But the humans don't see. A girl notice one day when a guy do something that humans don't do. She wants to find out more and follow him when he don't see...
And we can do an twist that the girl have some kind of power that she never knew about until she find out some how

Apr 17, 7:16 pm

A homeless girl steals food from a store. A guy (that has everything she don't) sees her and walks after her. He try to help her. But she is mean to him. Only because she don't trust him

Apr 17, 7:16 pm

A guy that flirts with all the good looking girls he sees. One day a girl moves in. She had been warned by the other girls how he flirts and sleeps with all the girls and after that leaves them like nothing ever happened. But when he meet the girl he acauly falls for the girl. He is trying to get her but she isn't sure if she should trust him or not. Even if she has feelings for him aswell

Apr 17, 7:17 pm

A medieval RP. A princess gets kidnapped by a pirate (the captain) the pirate is mean to the princess and do whatever he likes. But as time went he started to get real feelings for her. He becomes nicer and nicer. But he doesn't want to let her go. He didn't know what she would do. Instead, he starts to become nice to her. But not in front of his men.

Apr 17, 7:17 pm

The guy is the owner of a business and the girl is his assistant. They hit it off pretty well and try to keep their relationship professional in the office. But how would things end up if she got pregnant?

Apr 17, 7:19 pm


Plot Synopsis:

Muse A and his family is in the witness protection program, but their cover is blown. This leads to Muse A running away and ending up in a desperate situation. Muse B, a neighbor of Muse A who happens to be a cop, had become friends with Muse A over the past few months. A few days after Muse A's family is killed, he receives a phone call from the boy asking for help, but he makes him promise to not let anyone know.

The Longer Explanation:
He wasn't supposed to survive the attack, no one was. The only reason he was able to escape was due to the distraction the police caused when they forced their way in. But he didn't trust the police; not after being found the first time. So he ran and kept running until he had nothing left.

Muse A was born into a lower ranking family in a mafia, but after his older sister was killed, his father turned state's witness. With a new identity, new almost everything, he moved with his family to a quiet suburban town. Somewhere they thought they would be safe. Muse A still didn't trust anyone, but he was starting to adjust to the new school and new life. There was even a new person in his life. Someone a little older than himself, but not too much older. A young cop that lived in the neighborhood. The pair had an odd relationship, hanging out frequently, but never defining their relationship.

It turns out, however, that the government didn't do a good enough job hiding the family's new identity. Members of this Mafia find the family and kill everyone but Muse A when a gunfight breaks out. It wasn't their intention, because they wanted to question the father to know what he knew. Instead, they try to pull the information from Muse A. In the chaos that followed the police breaking in the front door, Muse A is able to escape.

Now on the run, Muse A trusts no one and stops at nothing to get far far away. The thought that he should call his friend nagged at him, but he decided it was too risky. It isn't until Muse A isn't sure he can keep going that he makes the phone call to Muse B.

Not reporting the situation is against the rules for Muse B, but he genuinely cares for the scared boy. How long will he be willing to hide the friend and will they be safe?


➾ I would like to play Muse A

➾ I wrote this as a MxM romance

➾ Be comfortable with graphic topics including but not limited to; violence, sexual tones, discussion of drugs, etc.

➾ My post length varies depending on where the plot is, who I am RPing with, etc. I can range from one to two paragraphs per post to one to two sentences

➾ I don't expect you to be on 24/7, and I hope you don't expect me to be on all the time either. We all have lives, but I try to be on.

Apr 17, 7:21 pm

Ever since a child, Boy A was the quiet kid who liked to draw, the weird kid with a strange imagination and an imaginary friend. Whenever he felt sad, scared, or lonely, Boy B was there (imaginary friend). But as years passed, Boy A forgot about this imaginary friend and as is now in his high school years but one day runs into a jewelry shop with a strange woman inside who offers him a pendant for his girlfriend. Boy A takes the pendant who was originally for his girlfriend who the next day strangely dumped him.

Now having the pendant all for himself he has no one else to give it too, but for the first few days of having it in his house he feels a strange presence when suddenly and out of nowhere, Boy A finds out that the pendant makes people who you have wanted to see come to life.... and to his surprise, his imaginary friends from childhood becomes a reality.

Apr 17, 7:23 pm

Guy A has had a crush on Guy B since middle school, but never wanted to let anyone know he was gay, instead resorting to picking on him with all his other friends. And once middle school ended and Guy B moved away, things returned to normal. Until senior year of high school, when he finds out his roommate is the guy that he's tried to block feelings from for years. Guy B is different now as well, much more manly and asserts himself better than before, yet still an outcast of sorts. And Guy A's feelings have not changed and after a couple of nights stuck in the same room as him, his feelings spew out of him without any warning. Guy B, having just came out of a long term relationship, decides to give it a shot.

The two become a friends with benefits type, not really communicating with one another outside of their room, but they do find they get along decently well with one another, though Guy A knows Guy B is still holding onto his ex who decides to keep on showing his ugly head. Guy C also knows Guy A, since A, B and C all went to middle school together. He's Guy B's ex and he wasn't the kindest during the end of their relationship. He's a very jealous person and was also abusive, psychically and emotionally towards Guy B. Mind you, none of it was ever intentional, C happens to be hot-headed, however that doesn't change the fact that it left a scar on Guy B and, after learning a bit of what B went through through a friend of B's, A wonders whether he should continue his current relationship with Guy B. So, what will happen? Will A hold onto B or let him go? Will C steal B back for himself? Will B be able to forget what happened to him in his previous relationship and actually make it official with A? And will A ever come out of the closet? Let's figure it out together shall we ;)

One thing that I would like to add to this plot is to involve vampires and werewolves to it. Like Guy B would be a werewolf and the reason the two become closer in the first place is he saves Guy A from a vampire/lone werewolf. Of course, this is optional to add in (:

*I want this RP to be MxM.
*I would like to play the role of Guy B and Guy C.
*I need some detail please!
*I need someone who isn't easily triggered by topics such as rape, suicide, drug use, abuse, depression and sexual content for my RP's very often include these themes.

Apr 17, 7:23 pm

Muse A thinks they have a stalker. Ever since they partied in an abandoned building with friends, they keep catching a glimpse of someone/something in their peripheral vision. Unbeknownst to them, they brought an entity home with them. Muse B is (Malevolent?) demon or lost soul that has found an escape from their prison by latching onto the soul of Muse A which allows them (if ghost) occasional solidarity. Will Muse A be able to escape this and live a normal life or will they fall for a paranormal being?

Cursing and violence is welcomed
Pms preferred

Apr 17, 7:40 pm

Person A and Person B have been friends for a really long time, always having done everything together. They never got into a relationship, though many people thought that they always shoulder have been in one or always thought they were. But no, they were just best friends, nothing more. Person C is someone who isn't very fond of Person A and Person A isn't fond of them. Person C did something to A a few years ago that damaged him. Person C continues to try and make Person A's life harder. Person B knows of what Person C did and once he does something even worse to both A and B, B decides to take some action. He starts to visit his mothers home to figure out why C is the way they are, wanting to help him some way. Once Person C gets back from the detention center they got sent to for what they have done to A and B. B starts to try and talk more to Person C, tries to understand why they are the way they are. Person B discovers that Person C had a hard time growing up, their family wasn't very kind at all so they would resort to acting out and pushing people away to get the attention they craved. And Person C is annoyed with Person A because they have such an easy life. Person B, understanding this a bit more, tries their best to get into Person C's life, but they seem uninterested. However, after Person B saves Person C from imminent death when they are attacked, will Person C finally start to open up? And if they do, will they be able to stay just friends or something more? And what about Person A? How will they feel with this betrayal from their best friend trying to befriend their enemy?

One person plays A and C, the other plays B.
*I want this RP to be MxM.
*I would like to play the role of Person B.
*I need some detail!
*I need someone who isn't easily triggered by topics such as rape, suicide, drug use, abuse, depression and sexual content for my RP's very often include these themes.

Apr 17, 7:43 pm

Person A and Person B have been friends for a long time, practically ever since they were born. They would always go over one another's houses for sleepovers and play with each other on the playground. The only difference between them was that Person A was willing to talk to other people while Person B stayed as far away from them as possible. Person A was the only one that Person B needed in their life, so that was their only friend. Once Middle school hit, they both began to have feelings for one another, though neither of them said anything about it and tried to act as if nothing was wrong. However, once High school began, they could no longer hold it in and Person A ended up confessing. Of course, Person B accepted their feelings because they had the same, and they began to date. These two were like the missing part for each other, the other half. But what about when one makes a horrible mistake?

One night at a party, Person A is unable to go because of family issues, but they still want Person B to go with one of their few friends. Even though Person B hates parties, they decided to go. However, someone slipped something in their drink and they end up sleeping with someone, Person C, due to intoxication. It's the talk of the school the new day, though Person A doesn't believe a word of it. However, when someone shows them a picture, they are completely heartbroken. They rush to Person A's house, who is still trying to recover from what they don't remember, and break up with them. For the first time that they can ever remember, they are split up. But can one truly live without a part of themselves?

Possible Things to Happen in the Plot:
*Person C, the one that Person B slept with, could end up pregnant (which would of course have to make this RP either MxF or MxM) and tells them about it. Person B, having a soft spot for children, doesn't want Person C to give it up. So, Person C has the child, nearly as soon as they do, they abandon Person B with that child, not wanting their life to be ruined. And the plot would continue from their with Person A figuring out that Person B has a child.

*A few years could pass with Person A and Person B finishing high school and either in college or onto a career. However, they meet one day in a local bar, one of them being in a relationship with someone new. (for Person A, Person D and for Person B, possible Person C, who they cheated on Person A with?) They talk with one another since what has happened occurred long ago and Person A forgives Person B. However, they begin to see one another again, their old friendship and all coming back to them and whichever one has a new relationship finds it hard to stay with the person they are currently with.

*I want this RP to be MxM.
*I would like to play the role of Person A.

Apr 20, 9:31 pm

Why do i have so many ideasssss

Modificato: Apr 20, 9:33 pm

I dont- i dont know

Apr 20, 9:33 pm


Mag 9, 1:42 pm

Mob Leader x Police Officer
Rock Star X Florist
Pirate X FormerRivalWhoIsNowPrisoner
Nerd X Popular
Damaged Swimmer X Cursed Mermaid (Or Merman)
Insecure Guy X Caring Girl (Could be FxF, MxM, & FxM)
Prince X Blind Girl (or boy)
Vampire X New Girl (or Boy)
Reckless Guy (or girl) X Responsible Girl (or boy)
Prince X Servant
Teacher X Student
Vampire Master X Slave
Kidnapper X Victim
Cliche Loser X Popular
Werewolf X Vampire
Hero X Villain
Bully X Student
Ghost X Living
Master X Slave
Prince X Princess
Murderer X Victim
Demon X Werewolf
CEO X Assistant
Demon X Angel
Fallen Angel X Witch
Medical Examiner X Police Officer
Rich X Poor
Guard X Prisoner
Serial Killer X Detective
Demon Hunter X Demon
Scientist X Test Subject
Army Soldier X Boyfriend
Witch X Magic Geek
Villain X Villain
Detective X Framed Murderer
Undercover Cop X Mafia Boss
Celebrity X #1 Fan
Bodyguard X Flirty Celebrity
Cowboy X Cityboy
Asylum Patient X Therapist
Pro Icescater X Newbie
Sugar Daddy X Sugarbaby
Foreign X Local
Drummer X Singer
Youtuber X Fan
Punk X Pastel
Cop X Robber
Gamer X Gamer
Dragon X Tamer
Bartender X Local Drunk
Assassin X Pirate
Human X Forest Fairy
Senior x Freshman
Friend X Friend
Single Dad X Nanny and maybe an ex-boyfriend if we wanna make it even more fluffy and cute as MxMxM
Terminally Ill Patient X Nurse
Stepbrother X Stepbrother
Rebel Student X Nerd
Track Member X Football Member
Rebel Student X Nerd
Track Member X Football Member
Photography Major X Painting Major
Student Aid X Student
Random Student X Random Student
Superhero Sidekick X Super Villain Sidekick
Guardian Angel X Their Charge
Royal X Servant
Best friends.
Werewolf X Werewolf from enemy pack/human/shifter
Fallen Angel X Angel/Human/Something else.
Musician X Photographer
Alpha Male X Omega Male in an Alpha Dominated Society, Omegas being rare and often hidden and mistreated.
Famous Male/Female X Homeless Male/Female
Coach X Player
Step-Parent X Step-Child
Parent X Child's Best Friend
Wolf X Human
Demon Hunter X Human
Vampire Hunter X Vampire
ghost boy X ghost girl
bad boy X innocent girl
bad girl X innocent boy
Abusive relationship
New girl X bad girl
Popular girl X nerd girl
Mistress X Slave
Brother X Brother
Jock X Suicidal Boy
Church Girl X Player
Abused Girl X Good Boy
Rebel X Princess
Stepsisters (self-explanatory)
Pirate X Stowaway
Good Boy X Emotional(emo) Boy
Marine Corps Officer X Big City Author
Band Member X Band Member
Band Member X Fan
Familiar X Warlock
Superhero X Superhero
Sidekick X Sidekick
Siren X Human
Human X Faerie
Killer X Target
Thief X General
Murderer X Princess
Alien X Human
Wealthy Family's Daughter X Foster Kid
Childhood friends to lovers
Dancer X Billionaire
Flirty X Uptight
Painter X Buyer
Furry X Furry
Princess/Prince X Shapeshifter
Kitsune princess/prince X enemy kingdom prince/princess

Mag 17, 7:56 am

I like all my ideas :)

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