
ConversazioniBook Discussion : Hellburner by Clive Cussler and Mike Maden

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Apr 11, 2:29 pm

Hakobyan sought to start a war between Russia and NATO, WWIII, but was convinced it wouldn’t go nuclear. How likely is it that this wouldn’t go nuclear?

Apr 11, 4:33 pm

I think he’s probably relying on no one being stupid enough to hit that button in retaliation. I know in real-life we seem to be hovering on the brink of nuclear warfare - several countries rattling their sabres at one another or the rest of the world - but I think everyone is aware that once that genie is out of the bottle there’ll be no turning back. So, I think Hakobyan is probably safe, in this fictional setting, to be optimistic on this count.

Modificato: Apr 12, 8:15 am

I just don’t see how in a third world war that it doesn’t go nuclear. Wars quickly take on a life of their own and escalate out of control. This is why there are not NATO feet on the ground in any numbers from NATO forces in Ukraine.
Presumably people would do everything they could to avoid a nuclear war but I’m certainly not as hopeful as Hakobyan especially when you look at NATO’s article 5 on collective defence.

Apr 12, 10:25 am

I think they threaten a nuclear war but hopefully will not go further with their threats as they know a nuclear war would be the end of things.

Apr 12, 1:24 pm

>4 EadieB: I'm not so sure that they would not go ahead. Power hungry and greedy people like these might be just insane enough to do it.

Apr 12, 2:05 pm

>5 Maura49: I think I have the same low aspirations of those who wield the power as you Maura.

Apr 12, 3:33 pm

I think they believe all countries will be afraid of Mutual Assured Destruction, but I don't have confidence in the leaders to think the whole thing out.

Apr 13, 9:22 am

I hope the world leaders are brighter than they are proving to be today. >2 Sergeirocks: is correct. That is a genie that can't ever be put back in the bottle. it would be equivalent to cutting off your nose to spite your face.