
ConversazioniBook Discussion : Hellburner by Clive Cussler and Mike Maden

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Apr 11, 2:28 pm

What did you initially think Santos was going to do when he drew his gun and headed towards the lower decks?

Apr 11, 4:15 pm

This one threw me a bit. I assumed there was maybe something, or someone, aboard they didn’t want found and, thus, had to be disposed of. But there was also the fact that Santos “flashed a smile in the face of fate.” They surely weren’t thinking of self-destruct…? 😧

Modificato: Apr 12, 8:06 am

I wondered if they were trafficking people and were going down below to kill them. At no time did I think kill-everyone and self-destruct.

Apr 12, 9:57 am

I thought they were scuttling the boat and killing everyone.

Apr 12, 3:25 pm

I thought they were going to kill themselves. They mentioned their families could be in danger if what they were doing was found out.