Castaways - RP

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Castaways - RP

Apr 2, 11:26 am

The vacation of a lifetime, a three week transpacific cruise from Seattle, Washington in the United States to Sydney, Australia. Some saved up to pay for a luxurious vacation, others won free tickets, and then there were those who worked on the cruise. Nobody expected anything to go wrong. Who could have expected a sudden storm to push the ship off course, let alone for the ship to sink. With many passengers lost to the sea, some survived, stranded with no way to get home. With no way to call for help, or even knowing where they are, the castaways have to find a way to survive together for as long as it takes for them to be found. However in an unknown environment anything, or anyone, could be hidden in the shadows.

In this RP the characters will all have been on the ship and are now stranded on an unknown island. They will have to work together to survive whatever dangers there may be. Whether they get along or not, they are all anyone has.

I will watch through the RP, noting everything the characters do, even things like when/how they eat and drink water. I want to keep things realistic. Their primary focus is to survive and they will want to be rescued, but that doesn’t mean they can’t explore and see what mysteries the island holds. With this, there will be times that random chance comes into play with the roll of dice.

How the dice rolls work
There will be times that I may ask you to roll a single, or series of, dice. Especially when having a character explore the island.

Depending on the result of the roll, there may be a positive, negative, or neutral outcome. These may include, but are not limited to: finding a valuable resource, finding food, discovering a new area, receiving an injury, discovering a potential threat, etc. There may be times where a higher role helps, while a lower roll causes harm. However, the opposite may be true in some cases. Or there may be certain values that if rolled have a certain outcome, while other values have a neutral result.

In most situations, the dice rolls will be low stakes, but the risks can increase dependent on the circumstances. The odds of an extreme outcome are less, but will remain possible.

Characters will be injured, and may be killed, please understand that when you sign up. If something happens, respect my decision and my RP. You can pm me and we can discuss the issue like civilized individuals.
Drama in the RP is perfectly fine, just no drama or fights with your fellow RPers outside of the RP.
No cloning characters
Keep things realistic! Want your character to be an expert in something, explain it in their bio! I’ll let you do a lot, as long as you can give a realistic explanation or logical reasoning.
Stay true to your character. Think about how they would actually act in their situation.
If you make multiple characters, please try to keep even gender ratios.
Characters can be any age, however being extremely young or old can make things harder for the character.
If you want any help making characters, feel free to ask me, and feel free to plan characters with others!

Full Name | Nicknames if any | Gender | Age | Sexuality | FC (or appearance) | Height | Anything else important to the characters looks | Occupation | Why were they on the cruise, and who were they with | Background & Personality (Tell me who they are as a person, how they would react in different situations. Write about why they are who they are, how did they grow up, where do they live, etc. Tell me about their life. A good bio will help you better understand how they might act in some situations). | 2+ Strengths | 2+ Weaknesses | Fears | Any secrets they have that could be important? (Not necessary, but it’s good to keep in mind.) | Any plot lines in mind? (This just helps me to know if there’s something you have in mind so I can plan.) | Anything else important? | Do you understand that your character will be injured? (Characters will be injured even when the RP begins. Most characters will likely be injured at one point or another. Most of the time it will be based on the decisions made by your character and other characters.) | Do you understand that your character may become ill? (I will be watching for what/when your characters eat and drink. If you are not careful they can suffer from starvation, dehydration, infections, or effects from various toxins.) | Do you understand that your character can die? (Based on the decisions made by your character and other characters, it is possible that they may die. If you are making a decision that will lead to your character’s death, I will try to steer you into making a different choice. However that may not always be possible. Should there ever be a time death would be unavoidable (which is unlikely) I would let you know before they would die.) | Do you understand that random chance may cause either a positive or negative impact on your character? (This may include, but not limited to: Receiving an injury, finding a valuable resource, discovering a new area, etc. Most situations where this occurs will be low stakes, but keep in mind that extremes are possible.) | Finally, pick a number between 1 and 100 |

Apr 3, 3:36 am

(Tom Hanks???)

Apr 3, 6:59 am


Apr 3, 7:22 am

(The actor who played the main character in the movie “Castaways”)

Apr 3, 7:23 am

Ohhhhhh- no))

Apr 3, 7:23 am


Apr 3, 7:24 am

well maybe it is- ive never seen the movie-))

Apr 3, 7:25 am

(Well dont it sucks)

Apr 3, 7:26 am


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