Two-Faced Promises- RP

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Two-Faced Promises- RP

Modificato: Mar 18, 3:55 pm

Welcome to Two-Faced Promises!!

Table Of contents:
Sign up Form
RP Link

In a town, where everything outside it is a complete mystery, it seems innocent and a safe haven. But every year, a sacrifice is made to the beast that lurks deep in the ruins of the town. If a sacrifice is not made, the beast will devour all of the town's food and burn everything in sight, leaving only charred remains of what was once there and petrified people. They learned that the hard way. Many people have tried to kill and get rid of the beast, but all of failed. Will you, brave traveler, be the one to finally rid of the horrible beast? Or will you end up in the ruins it hides in on the day of the sacrifice?

⨁⨁⨁ Sign up Form


No Power-Playing
Ask the owner of the character before getting into a romantic relationship
Hate the character, not the person.
You can only have up to three characters
Your character will be removed if you are inactive in the studio for over three months


Have fun Rping!

Shadow | 23 | male | Bi | Blonde hair, violet eyes & wears shorts & a polo | Fast & smart | short & pretty weak | Fighter, loyal, trustworthy, fierce, caring | Shadow

Evory | 16 | Demi-Girl | Neptunic | She has a wolf cut she wears really Goblincore/Fairycore/Grunge clothes, She's a poet even though she does not think so she has 100 siblings if you count plants she lives in a small house with her brother Ethan she plays the ukelele | Poetic and kind | An Otherthinker and has social anxiety | Sweet, Compassionate, Outgoing(when her social anxiety doesn't kick in) | Kwitty

Ethan | 19 | Male | Demisexual | He has Fluffy hair matching his sister he wears masc grunge normally wears his favorite pair of cargo pants clothes and eyeliner he is single currently and he hates turtles cause one bit him when he was younger, He's been taking care of Evory since he was 16 he had to get a job to take care of her after he and she ran away when she was 13 and he was 16 at the time they've lived like this for 3 years and he's always supported her | He is strong and can protect his sister well | Makes decisions and judges situations to quickly | Bitchy at times, Caring, Grumpy | Kwitty again

Indigo Foster | 21 | female | Pansexual | Has long black hair, has blonde tips, triple piercings on both ears, has an eyebrow piercing, wears black crop tops and black shorts with fishnet stockings, wears two-inch high shoes, has a sleeved tattoo on left arm | Advantages: can fight/throw with knives far | Disadvantages: sometimes misses when throwing knives | Sweet, caring, serious at some points of time, playful, fierce, helpful, protective, sacrificial of self(meaning would sacrifice herself to someone to protect a friend or love one) | crush: Shadow | Gabby

Mar 12, 4:14 pm

Shadow // 23 // male // Bisexual // Blonde hair, violet eyes and wears shorts and a polo //Fast and smart // short and pretty weak //Fighter, loyal, trustworthy, fierce, caring//

Mar 12, 8:29 pm

ooooh- accepted))

Mar 12, 8:42 pm

Evory//16//Demi-Girl//Neptunic//She has a wolf cut she wears really Goblincore/Fairycore/Grunge clothes,She's a poet even though she does not think so she has 100 sibling if you count plants she lives in a small house with her brother Ethan she plays the ukele //Poetic and kind//An Otherthinker and has social anxiety //Sweet,Compassionate,Out going(when her social axienty dosen't kick in) //

Mar 12, 8:43 pm

Oooh- accepted))

Mar 12, 8:45 pm

May i make her brother a charater))

Mar 12, 8:46 pm

sure lol the max u can have is 3 oc's))

Mar 12, 8:50 pm


Mar 12, 8:57 pm

Ethan//19//Male//Demi-sexual //He has Fluffy hair matching With his sister he wears masc grunge he normally wears his favorite pair of cargo pants clothes and eyeliner he is single currently and he hates turtles cause one bit him when he was younger,He's been taking care of Evory since he was 16 he had to get a job to take care of her after he and her ran away when she was 13 and he was 16 at the time they've lived like this for 3 years and he's always supported her //He is strong and can protect his sister well //Makes decisions and judges situations to quickly//B*tchy at times,Caring,Grumpy//

Mar 12, 8:58 pm

accepted as well))

Mar 12, 9:00 pm

Okay i'll start)

Mar 12, 9:04 pm

i dont have an oc yet))

Mar 12, 9:05 pm


Mar 17, 1:58 pm

>12 Owltherian: MAKKKE ONEE))

Modificato: Mar 18, 4:12 pm

Omori Meadows | 18 | Genderfluid | ? | Black haired teen w/ pale skin & whom mostly wears black jeans & a white hoodie | Advantages (will put later) | Disadvantages (will put later) | Loving, Fast-talking, Discriminating, Argumentative, & Nervous.

Modificato: Mar 18, 7:08 am

( can I join?)

If so, here's my bio: Indigo Foster//21//female//Pansexual//Has long black hair, has blonde tips, triple piercings on both ears, has an eyebrow piercing, wears black crop tops and black shorts with fishnet stockings, wears two inch high shoes, has a sleeved tattoo on left arm//Advantages: can fight/throw with knives far //Disadvantages: sometimes misses when throwing knives//Sweet, caring, serious at some points of time, playful, fierce, helpful, protective, sacrificial of self(meaning would sacrifice herself to someone to protect a friend or love one)//

(If I could add an other, could I put a crush?)

Mar 18, 12:31 pm


Mar 18, 12:58 pm

(Yay!! Could I put my crush down or is there none?)

Mar 18, 1:54 pm

mhm, u can put ur crush down))

Mar 18, 2:16 pm

(The crush is Shadow... if that's ok with him?)

Mar 18, 2:17 pm

We will have to wait till he is online again :3))

Mar 18, 2:18 pm

(Okie!!! :P)

Mar 18, 3:54 pm

I'm fine with it))

Mar 18, 3:55 pm

alrighty then!))

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