~The Clan of Anubis RP~

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~The Clan of Anubis RP~

Modificato: Mar 10, 10:34 pm

~Hello weary traveler~ welcome to the Clan of Anubis, will you join in our journey?
The Clan of Anubis is a semi-realistic African wild dog pack thriving in the vast landscapes of the African Savannah. Led by an experienced alpha pair, the clan exhibits a tightly-knit social structure. The pack's dynamics are influenced by the wisdom of their leaders, who guide the members in hunting, raising pups, and defending their territory.

Main Roles~
Alpha Pair (OPEN) and (CLOSED)
Serve as the wise and experienced leaders of the pack. They make crucial decisions, guide the pack in hunting strategies, and ensure the overall well-being of the members.

Lead Hunter(OPEN)
A skilled and agile wild dog, taking on the crucial role of the lead hunter. Coordinates with other hunters to track and capture prey efficiently. Strategic thinking and swift movements are essential for the pack's survival and sustenance.

Nurturer (CLOSED) (may make more spots)
The compassionate nurturer of the pack, responsible for caring for the young pups and injured or sick members. Ensures the well-being of the entire pack by fostering a sense of familial bonds and providing support during challenging times.

Scout and Sentinel (OPEN) and (OPEN)
The keen-eyed scout and sentinel, constantly vigilant for potential threats. Surveys the surrounding areas, alerts the pack to approaching dangers and helps strategize during territorial disputes. Sharp instincts contribute to the pack's safety.

Pup Mentor (OPEN) (may make more spots)
Takes on the role of the pup mentor, educating and guiding the young members of the pack. Imparts essential survival skills teaches hunting techniques, and fosters a sense of camaraderie among the pups, preparing them for their future roles within the Clan of Anubis.

Pups(OPEN)(OPEN)(OPEN)OPEN)(OPEN)(OPEN) Only 6 pups allowed. (may make more spots)
A playful and curious pup, always eager to explore the world around. RP members taking on this role can embody the innocence and energy of youth, engaging in playful interactions with others, learning essential survival skills from the Pup Mentor, and occasionally getting into harmless mischief.

Hunters' Guild,
A group of skilled hunters who work together to devise and execute hunting strategies. RP members can join the Hunters' Guild, collaborating to enhance the efficiency of the pack's food gathering. This role allows for teamwork, coordination, and creative problem-solving during hunts.

OTHER~ Ask to be in an unlisted role. I may say yes.

Pups 0 to 1. Juvies 1 to 2. Adults 2 to 14. Elders 14 to 20. Dead past 25.
~~~~~~~~SIGN UP SHEET~~~~~~~~

~Name~Age 0 to 20~Wanted Role~Description of personality and looks~3 skills~Codeword~

Treat fellow RP members with respect both in and out of character. Avoid offensive language, discrimination, and inappropriate behavior. Maintain a positive and inclusive atmosphere.


Strive for consistency in your character's actions, behaviors, and storylines. This helps maintain a cohesive and immersive narrative for everyone involved.

Keep open lines of communication with other RP members. Discuss major plot points,
character developments, and potential conflicts to ensure everyone is on the same page.

Character Limitations:

Be mindful of your character's abilities and limitations. Avoid god-modding (making your character invincible or all-powerful) to ensure a balanced and fair RP environment.

Stay In-Theme:

Stick to the established theme and setting of the RP. This ensures a cohesive and immersive experience for all participants.
Role Assignment:

Clearly define and respect each character's role within the pack or storyline. This helps avoid confusion and promotes a more structured and engaging RP.

Contribute actively to the storyline. Encourage creativity and collaborative storytelling, allowing all members to play a meaningful role in shaping the narrative.

No Metagaming:

Avoid using out-of-character knowledge to influence in-character decisions. Characters should make choices based on what they would realistically know and understand within the context of the RP.

Conflict Resolution:

Address conflicts maturely and considerately. If issues arise, discuss them privately with the involved parties or involve me if necessary.
Code Word: Rhino

~~~~~~~~~THANK YOU~~~~~~~~~~~

Deep in the heart of the African savannah, a mystical pack of African wild dogs roams the
vast landscapes. Known as the Clan of Anubis, they derive their name from the ancient
Egyptian god is associated with the afterlife, symbolizing both death and regeneration. Legend has it that Anubis, impressed by the resilience and unity of a particular wild dog pack, bestowed upon them his name as a symbol of protection. This mystical connection with Anubis is believed to grant the pack a heightened sense of intuition and an otherworldly bond that unites them in times of peril. The alpha pair, bear the responsibility
of leading the Clan of Anubis. It is said that their ancestors were chosen by Anubis himself, passing down the divine connection through generations. One, with her wisdom,
and One, with his strength, form a formidable leadership that guides the pack through the
challenges of the untamed wilderness. The Clan of Anubis has claimed a territory rich in diverse ecosystems. From open grasslands to dense woodlands, the pack has learned to adapt and thrive. The spirit of cooperation is deeply ingrained in their culture, with
each member contributing their unique skills to ensure the pack's prosperity. The Clan of Anubis reveres Anubis as their primary deity, believing that he personally selected them to
safeguard the delicate balance of life and death in the natural world. Anubis is not only seen as the guardian of the afterlife but also as the protector of the pack in their daily struggles. Rituals are held to honor Anubis, seeking his guidance in times of decision-making and protection against external threats. The wild dogs of the Clan see Bastet as a
maternal figure, associated with home and protection. The pack looks to Bastet for blessings on their dens and the nurturing of their young pups. Ceremonies involve offerings to Bastet during the birthing season, ensuring the well-being and fertility of the pack. Role of Seth: In the ancient history of the Clan of Anubis, Seth is regarded as a mythical figure associated with change, challenges, and the dynamics of power. Seth is neither wholly good nor evil in their culture but is seen as a force that tests the resilience and adaptability of the pack. Members may interpret challenges within the pack as trials set by Seth. Overcoming these challenges is seen as a way to prove the Clan's strength and Rhinoadaptability. It's a reminder that, like Seth, change is a constant force that shapes their destiny. Thoth's influence is evident in the pack's emphasis on intelligence and problem-solving. Members of the Clan of Anubis attribute their strategic thinking and keen instincts to the guidance of Thoth. A "Festival of Insight" is held annually, during which the pack reflects on their experiences and shares knowledge to strengthen their communal bond. Horus, as the god overseeing the sky, is invoked for successful hunts and favorable weather conditions. The pack believes that by honoring Horus, they receive his blessings in the form of clear skies for hunting and protection from natural disasters. The Clan of Anubis celebrates "Wings of Horus Day" to acknowledge and seek the god's favor. Sobek's influence is especially crucial during periods of water scarcity. The Clan of Anubis conducts ceremonies by water sources, offering tokens of gratitude to Sobek for ensuring a steady supply of water. Sobek is considered the guardian of life-giving waters, and the pack believes that by respecting him, they ensure the survival of their species.

Anubis, the Guardian:
Symbolic Offerings:
The pack gathers around a sacred stone, placing items like bones, feathers, or colorful stones as symbolic offerings to Anubis. These represent the life force and experiences of the pack, offered in gratitude for protection and guidance. Bastet, the Maternal Guardian:

Birthing Ceremony:

During the birthing season, the pack conducts a special ceremony near the dens. They offer small sculptures or drawings representing the young pups and express gratitude to Bastet for fertility, protection, and a healthy next generation.

Thoth, the Wisdom Keeper:

Writing Rituals:

Members engage in a ceremonial "writing" session where they carve or mark symbols onto soft materials. This act symbolizes the preservation of knowledge and the passing down of wisdom within the pack, acknowledging Thoth's influence on their intelligence. Horus, the Sky's Blessing: Feather Ritual: The pack collects feathers from birds of prey and places them on a ceremonial altar. This gesture symbolizes the pack's appreciation for Horus' blessing on their hunts and a connection to the sky. The feathers are later used as adornments during
special events.

Sobek, the Guardian of Waters:
Water Offering:
The Clan gathers at a water source, and each member pours a small amount of water into the river or pond. This act symbolizes their acknowledgment of Sobek's role in providing essential water for survival, and their commitment to preserving this precious resource. When a pack member in the Clan of Anubis passes away, it is a significant event that has both practical and ceremonial implications. The response to a member's death is a blend of the pack's social structure, their beliefs in the divine, and their inherent connection to the natural order.
Here's what might happen:

Mourning Ceremony:

The pack gathers to mourn the loss of their fellow
member. They may emit mournful howls, a way of expressing grief and acknowledging the departed soul. The alpha pair may lead the ceremony to pay respects to the deceased.

Burial Rituals:

The body of the deceased pack member is treated with great care. The pack may engage in a burial ritual, digging a shallow grave and placing the body inside. Symbolic items, such as leaves, flowers, or stones, may be added as offerings to guide the spirit on its journey to the afterlife.

Howling Vigil:

The pack may hold a night-time vigil, during which they howl in unison to honor the departed soul. This communal activity helps reinforce the bonds within the pack and expresses solidarity in the face of loss.

Spiritual Communion:

During the vigil or in the days following the death, the pack may engage in rituals to commune with their chosen deities, especially Anubis. They might offer symbolic items or conduct a ceremony to seek guidance for the departed soul's safe passage to the afterlife.

Pup Education:

If the deceased was a member with knowledge or skills valuable to the pack, the Pup Mentor may incorporate stories about the departed individual into her teachings. This ensures that the wisdom and experiences of the deceased continue to influence the pack.

Period of Reflection:

The Clan of Anubis may observe a period of reflection, during which normal activities are toned down. This allows the pack to collectively process the loss and adjust to the changed dynamics within their social structure.

Memorial Markings:

Members of the pack might create markings or symbols near the burial site to commemorate the departed. These symbols serve as a lasting tribute
and a reminder of the impact the individual had on the pack.

How the Anubis clan represents annoyance:
Grrk: A quick, low growl expressing irritation or annoyance.
Howf: A short, sharp howl denoting disdain or frustration.
Snrk: A brief, snarling sound used to convey mild displeasure.
Yipz: A series of high-pitched yips expressing impatience or annoyance.
Bark: A simple but assertive bark used to signify disapproval or irritation.
Grrl: A combination of a growl and a low grumble, indicating frustration.
Whmp: A subdued, whimpering sound denoting disappointment or resignation.
Hwlt: A short, intense howl expressing defiance or challenge.

Mating Season:

Similar to many animals, the Clan of Anubis has a designated mating season during May.
During this time, pack members engaging in courtship, regardless of gender or pairing, may display specific behaviors such as playful interactions, vocalizations, and physical
gestures. These actions serve as signals of interest and readiness for mating.

Respect for Privacy:

Given the pack's close-knit and familial structure, there may be an unspoken understanding and respect for the privacy of mating pairs. Members might give each other space during these times, allowing for the natural behaviors associated with reproduction. The Clan of Anubis understands the need for privacy during the mating season. Whether it's a queer pair or a heterosexual pair, all mating individuals are afforded space and respect during this time, emphasizing the importance of personal boundaries.

Pup Rearing:

The birth and rearing of pups could be a communal effort within the pack. All members may contribute to the care and protection of the young, emphasizing the importance of the entire pack in ensuring the survival of the next generation. Queer pairs, like any other mating pairs may share responsibilities related to preparing a den, gathering resources, and contributing to the overall well-being of the pack. The recognition of shared responsibilities emphasizes the importance of each individual, regardless of their pairing.

Queer pairs may engage in discussions about parenting responsibilities and contributions to the next generation. The pack emphasizes that effective parenting extends beyond traditional gender roles, reinforcing a sense of equality in the rearing of pups. The Clan of Anubis, is inclusive and supportive, acknowledging and respecting all mating pairs, and fostering a sense of community and cooperation. Other pack members may contribute to the preparation for new arrivals, showcasing a collective effort during the mating season.

Role of Elders:

Elders within the pack may play a role in guiding younger members through the rituals and behaviors associated with mating. Their wisdom and experience contribute to the pack's understanding of these natural processes.

In the Clan of Anubis, where unity and cooperation are valued, the presence of abusive relationships would likely be met with concern and a collective effort to address the issue. The pack's strong social bonds and commitment to each other's well-being would play a crucial role in responding to abusive relationships.

Pack members are attuned to the behaviors within the community. Any signs of aggression, mistreatment, or coercion within a relationship would be observed and noticed by the rest of the pack. The Clan of Anubis may hold communal discussions to address concerns related to abusive relationships. Open communication allows pack members to express their observations and feelings, fostering a collective understanding of the situation. Elders or respected members of the pack may take on roles as mediators or interveners. They would approach the individuals involved in the abusive relationship, seeking to understand the dynamics and work towards a resolution that ensures the safety and well-being of all members.

If a member is identified as a victim of abuse, the pack would rally around them, offering emotional support and assistance. The victim may be encouraged to share their experiences and steps would be taken to protect them from further harm. The pack may collectively establish and reinforce boundaries that ensure the safety and well-being of all members. This includes emphasizing the unacceptability of abusive behavior and the need for open communication to address issues. In extreme cases where mediation and intervention prove ineffective, the clan may consider exile as a last resort. This would involve separating individuals involved in an abusive relationship from the pack to protect the community as a whole.

The Clan remains vigilant and monitors the situation, ensuring that the well-being of all members is prioritized. Ongoing support and check-ins may be implemented to maintain a healthy and safe pack environment.In situations of crisis, where an individual may be at risk, the Clan takes immediate action. This could involve increased support, vigilance, and, if necessary, isolation of potential dangers to ensure the safety of the pack.

How your dog might look:

Interwoven with earthy tones, the Clan members boast muted pastel patches on their coats. These subtle hues include soft pinks, blues, and greens. Some members may exhibit a subtle ombre effect on their fur, with colors gently transitioning from one shade to another. This adds a touch of elegance to their coat patterns, making each individual's appearance distinctive. The edges and tips of the large, rounded ears feature delicate pastel shades, creating a charming contrast against the earthy colors. These accents contribute to the expressive nature of the Clan members' ears. The white-tipped bushy tails are adorned with muted pastel accents, enhancing their visual appeal. These subtle
colors may extend in gradient patterns along the length of the tail. Facial markings and patterns on the muzzles include subtle pastel highlights.

Ritual Scarring:

The Clan members use sharp stones or other natural materials to carve markings into their fur. The process is deliberate and careful, emphasizing the significance of each mark. Body carving is often associated with ceremonial occasions, such as the changing of seasons,
important life events, or communal celebrations. The pack may gather to witness and participate in these rituals.

Rules on how your dog may look:
Natural Earth Tones: The primary coat colors of Clan members should reflect natural earth tones, such as tawny, black, white, brown, and gray.
Distinctive Mosaic Patterns: Each member must have a distinctive mosaic pattern of irregular patches and spots on their coat. The patches contribute to the individual identity of each dog within the Clan.
Muted Pastel Accents: Muted pastel colors can be incorporated into the coat, including soft pinks, blues, and greens. These pastel accents should be subtle and harmonize with the earthy tones.
Large, Rounded Ears: All members must have large, rounded ears. The edges and tips of the ears may display additional pastel accents.
Bushy Tails with White Tips: Bushy tails are a requirement, and each tail should have a white tip. The tails may also feature muted pastel accents in gradient patterns.
Symbolic Carvings: Carvings into the fur are allowed, especially during ceremonial occasions. The carvings should have symbolic designs and may be enhanced with natural pigments in muted pastel shades.
Lean and Agile Build: Members must have a lean and agile build, reflecting their prowess in hunting and their adaptability to various terrains.
Individual Facial Markings: Each member should have individual facial markings, including distinctive patterns on their muzzles. These markings contribute to their unique identities.

Rules and regulation on behaviors:
Respect for Alpha Pair: All members must show respect to the alpha pair. Disrespectful behavior towards the leaders is not tolerated.
Communal Cooperation: Cooperation in communal activities, such as hunts and pup rearing, is mandatory. Each member is expected to contribute to the well-being and survival of the pack.
Moderation in Snarkiness: Snarky and sarcastic behaviors are allowed in moderation. While the pack values humor and wit, excessive snarkiness that undermines pack cohesion or hurts others is discouraged.
Territorial Respect: Members must respect the Clan's territorial boundaries. Intruding into the territories of other packs without cause is strictly forbidden.
Guidance from Elders: Elders hold a respected role in the pack. Members are expected to seek guidance and wisdom from the elders, acknowledging their experience.
Playful Interactions: Playful interactions, including teasing and playful banter, are encouraged. This contributes to the bonding and social cohesion of the pack.
Responsibility for Pups: All pack members share the responsibility for the care and protection of the pups.
Harsh or disrespectful behavior towards the younger members is not tolerated.
Adaptability in Hunting: Members are expected to adapt their hunting strategies to the changing environment. Flexibility and innovation in hunting techniques are encouraged.
Ceremonial Participation: Participation in ceremonial events, including body carvings and rituals, is encouraged. These events strengthen the cultural fabric of the Clan.
Conflict Resolution: Disputes between pack members should be resolved through communication and, if necessary, mediated by elders.
Individual Expression: Members are allowed individual expression, including personal markings and adaptations to their appearance, as long as these expressions do not compromise the unity of the pack.
Resource Sharing: Food resources should be shared equitably. Aggressive behavior during feeding is discouraged, and the pack emphasizes cooperation and fair distribution.
Sarcastic and Snarky Behaviors in Moderation: Sarcastic and snarky behaviors are allowed in moderation. While the pack values humor, excessive sarcasm that disrupts harmony or causes harm is discouraged.
Dominance Challenges: Fighting for dominance within the pack is allowed. Members may engage in challenges to establish their rank or contest leadership positions. These challenges should be ritualistic and non-lethal in most circumstances.
Alpha Authority: Challenges to the alpha pair's authority are highly regulated. Such challenges must be motivated by extreme circumstances, and even then, the well-being of the pack remains a priority.
Non-Lethal Confrontations: Members are expected to engage in non-lethal confrontations during dominance challenges. Severe injuries or death resulting from internal disputes are considered detrimental to the overall strength and survival of the pack.
Mediation for Disputes: Elders or respected members of the pack may mediate disputes arising from dominance challenges. The goal is to ensure that conflicts are resolved with minimal harm and that the hierarchy remains stable.
Extreme Measures in Extreme Circumstances: Killing another member is allowed only in the most extreme circumstances, such as a direct threat to the survival of the entire pack. This measure is considered a last resort, and individuals resorting to such extreme actions must justify their actions to the pack.
Submission Signals: Displaying submission signals during confrontations is encouraged. Members are expected to recognize and respect these signals, preventing unnecessary escalation of conflicts.
Avoidance of Aggression in Everyday Interactions: Aggression outside of dominance challenges should be avoided in everyday interactions. Members are encouraged to resolve conflicts through communication, understanding, and compromise.
Ceremonial Rivalries: During ceremonial events or celebrations, simulated rivalries may be permitted for entertainment purposes. These are symbolic and meant to strengthen bonds rather than escalate into genuine conflicts.
Punishment for Unjustified Aggression: Members who engage in unjustified aggression, especially resulting in harm to another pack member, may face punishment. This could include temporary isolation or loss of certain privileges within the pack.
Unity Emphasis: The Clan places a strong emphasis on unity and cooperation. Aggressive behaviors that disrupt pack harmony or endanger the well-being of the community are strongly discouraged.

Accepted ocs:
~Storm~15~Alpha~Dark black with short dark orange patches.~Tired, sarcastic, lonely, & honest~hunting, peace-making, & running ~Rhino~ Me

Acacia~Age 7 ~Nurturer~Brown/Black colored tons of white spots her ear has a hole in it~Great with children, herbal remedies, makes her lullabies ~Rhino~ Kwitty

~Chike ~2~pup~He is very curious, kind, and has a low attention span~ A light brown pup w/ a darker brown fluffy tail. ~playing, swimming, & stalking~Rhino~ Me

Feb 19, 11:24 am

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Feb 19, 11:25 am


Feb 19, 11:26 am

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Feb 19, 11:27 am

(kk, there is an alpha pair so there can be two)

Feb 19, 11:27 am

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Feb 19, 11:28 am

(kk, i'll make an oc)

Feb 19, 11:35 am

Storm was stalking a rabbit, an exhausted look on her face.

Feb 19, 11:37 am

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Feb 19, 11:38 am

Storm pounced, collapsing as the rabbit sprinted away.

Modificato: Feb 19, 11:39 am

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Feb 19, 11:41 am

The rabbit screeched, trying to get away.

Storm huffed, "Oh...thanks Feral"

Feb 19, 11:43 am

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Feb 19, 11:46 am

"Well you did, it would have gotten away" Storm said, biting down on the rabbits neck.

Feb 19, 11:47 am

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Feb 19, 11:49 am

Storm smiled, "Time to bring this back to the pack, it will make a great lunch for the elders"

Feb 19, 11:50 am

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Feb 19, 11:52 am

"We can put that on top of the prey pile, or should we put it in the medicine area?"

Feb 19, 11:54 am

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Feb 19, 11:55 am

"Yeah, thats a great idea, then we can add some feathers!"

Feb 19, 11:55 am

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Feb 19, 11:58 am

"Yeah, i'll hunt a bird for the feathers"

Feb 19, 11:59 am

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Feb 19, 12:05 pm

"Okay" Storm barked, running further into the desert.

Feb 19, 12:06 pm

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Feb 19, 12:08 pm

Storm, a few minutes later got back, her maw full of feathers.

Feb 19, 12:09 pm

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Feb 19, 12:10 pm

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Feb 19, 12:12 pm

Storm nodded, "Feralll- stop being weird- come on"

Feb 19, 12:14 pm

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Feb 19, 12:16 pm

Storm smiled, walking in and putting the feathers down.

Feb 19, 12:25 pm

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Feb 19, 12:27 pm

(its fine)

"What the-" Storm muttered, a little scared.

Feb 19, 12:37 pm

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Feb 19, 12:43 pm

"Where did it go?!"

Feb 19, 12:44 pm

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Feb 19, 12:46 pm

Storm bowed, shaking a little.

Feb 19, 12:48 pm

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Feb 19, 12:51 pm

Storm kept shaking muttering, "T-Thank you Anubis"

Feb 19, 12:52 pm

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Feb 19, 12:53 pm

Storm sat up, "We are the alpha pair now"

Feb 19, 12:54 pm

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Feb 19, 12:57 pm


Storm barked, "Feral?!"

Feb 19, 12:57 pm

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Feb 19, 12:59 pm

Storm smiled, "If you dont respond i will get the pups to annoy you"

Feb 19, 1:01 pm

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Feb 19, 1:02 pm

Storm laughed, running towards the pups, yelling "Go annoy Feral pups!"

Feb 19, 1:04 pm

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Feb 19, 1:09 pm

One of the pups yelped, "STORM! HE'S BLEEDING!"

Feb 19, 1:10 pm

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Feb 19, 1:15 pm

Storm ran over, a piece of cobweb in her maw.

Feb 19, 1:15 pm

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Feb 19, 1:17 pm

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Feb 19, 1:33 pm


Feb 19, 1:40 pm

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Mar 8, 5:31 pm

*cries in i actually liked this one*))

Mar 10, 9:27 pm

Imma be the nurturer)

Mar 10, 9:28 pm


Mar 10, 9:30 pm

IDK what to put for my oc cause i couldn't find the oc sign up))

Mar 10, 9:32 pm

~Name~Age 0 to 20~Wanted Role~Description of personality and looks~3 skills~Codeword~ is the sign up ))

Modificato: Mar 10, 9:42 pm

Acacia~Age 7 ~Nurturer~Brown/Black colored tons of white spots her ear has a hole in it~Great with children, herbal remedies, makes her lullabies ~Rhino~ ))

Mar 10, 9:39 pm

the codeword is Rhino))

Mar 10, 9:43 pm


Mar 10, 9:44 pm

yw, u are accepted :3))

Mar 10, 9:45 pm

Storm was walking back to the camp, a very small rabbit hanging from her maw.

Mar 10, 9:45 pm

*Acacia looks at her*

Mar 10, 9:47 pm

"Hello Acacia" Storm barked through the fluff of the rabbit, and she had a tired look on her face.

Mar 10, 10:03 pm

"Are you okay storm"*Acacia looks at her*

Mar 10, 10:05 pm

"Yeah, just a little tired" Storm barked, setting the prey down in the very small prey pile.

Mar 10, 10:12 pm

'Okay let me know if you need help with anything'*she smiles*

Mar 10, 10:13 pm

"I will" She barked, walking towards her den, the blistering heat hitting her pelt.

Mar 10, 10:17 pm

"poor thing'*she sighs*

Mar 10, 10:17 pm

*She walks back towards her den with a flower in her mouth*

Mar 10, 10:19 pm

She laid down, sighing from relief away from the sun.

Mar 10, 10:26 pm

*she looked towards the corner where the children that she wants to go*

Mar 10, 10:28 pm

(she starts to daydream about her and storm)

Mar 10, 10:28 pm

ima make a pup rq))

Mar 10, 10:28 pm


Mar 10, 10:33 pm

~Chike ~2~pup~He is very curious, kind, and has a low attention span~ A light brown pup w/ a darker brown fluffy tail. ~playing, swimming, & stalking~Rhino~ Self-accept))

Mar 10, 10:35 pm

Storm fell asleep, trying to cool down.

Chike ran around, grabbing a small piece of prey.

Mar 10, 10:36 pm

"Acacia whispered to her self)"I wish she loved me too"

Mar 10, 10:39 pm

*gasp* drama)) Storm got up, unable to fall asleep.

Chike was eating the prey, which made the prey pile even smaller than before.

Mar 10, 10:39 pm


Mar 10, 10:40 pm

*Acacia walked to the watering hole/pond for a drink*

Mar 10, 10:41 pm


Storm walked over to her, smiling, "I guess i will have to hunt more, the prey pile is really low"

Mar 10, 11:02 pm

"Would you like help it could be a date...I mean hangout for us"*she smiles showing teeth*

Mar 10, 11:04 pm

(In her mind:Oh why did i say that stupid stupid stupid)

Mar 10, 11:13 pm

"Sure, i would love some help, we can even get a little bit of bigger prey too" Storm barked, grinning now.

Mar 10, 11:16 pm

*Acacia Barked happily*"Okay lets head out"

Mar 10, 11:19 pm

Storm nodded, taking a quick drink of water.

Mar 10, 11:24 pm

*She starts walking forward* "where are we gonna hunt" ((Totally didn't start rping our old rps)

Mar 10, 11:36 pm

"Hmm i was thinking possibly around the sphinx"

Mar 10, 11:40 pm

"Okay sounds good" She starts walking along side her.

Mar 10, 11:55 pm

Storm smiled, "I hope there are maybe some rabbits, or even some rats"

Mar 10, 11:59 pm

OOOh,she exclaims as long as we don't run into lions I'm chill

Mar 11, 12:03 am

"Yeah, they will kill us in a heartbeat"

Mar 11, 12:04 am

we would be screwed,She laughs nervously

Mar 11, 12:09 am

Storm nodded, rushing towards the spynx, although her movements were labored.

Mar 11, 12:23 am

*Acacia follows behind*

Mar 11, 1:04 am

A rabbit hopped quickly across the land, minding its own business.

Mar 11, 1:13 am

you gonna go after it,she whispers

Mar 11, 1:17 am

Storm nodded, suddenly pelting across the area after the rabbit.

Mar 11, 1:38 am

*Acacia follows*

Mar 11, 1:41 am

She suddenly collapsed from exhaustion, the rabbit jumping into a tunnel.

Mar 11, 1:44 am

"dang it"

Mar 11, 1:47 am

Storm growled, "Liondung!"

Mar 11, 10:08 am

"We'll get the next one"

Mar 11, 10:09 am

"Maybe- but my stupid legs wont move accordingly to where i want to go"

Mar 11, 10:10 am

"I can help more"*she grinns*

Mar 11, 10:11 am

"That would be great, and i will try my best to help"

Mar 11, 11:58 am

(She sees a rabbit sprint by)

Mar 11, 12:00 pm

"Theres a rabbit!"

Mar 11, 9:53 pm

*She sprints after the rabbit*

Mar 12, 8:23 pm

The rabbit noticed, rushing towards a small hole.

Mar 12, 8:32 pm

"Dang it...We need food"*she huffs(she dosen't feel like she can take care of Storm)

Mar 12, 8:45 pm

Storm got up, exhausted as she tried running the last little bit between the rabbit and the hole.

Modificato: Mar 12, 8:49 pm

*She smells an injured rabbit* "I think their might be an injured rabbit"

Mar 12, 8:49 pm

"That will be great, but we dont want an infected one"

Mar 12, 8:58 pm

"Yea that would turn out stomachs inside out"*She laughs at her own joke*

Mar 12, 9:03 pm

"Thats true"

Mar 12, 9:04 pm

*She follows the scent until she hears an injured rabbits call for help*

Mar 12, 9:06 pm

Storm licked her maw, ready to pounce.

Mar 12, 9:07 pm

"You go"*she whispers*

Mar 12, 9:09 pm

Storm nodded, wiggling closer before pouncing.

Mar 12, 9:10 pm

*She watches her soar to get the rabbit in love with her every move*

Mar 12, 9:11 pm

She landed on the rabbit, biting its neck sniffing it. "Its not infected thankfully"

Mar 12, 9:14 pm

"Good lets take it back"*she smiles*

Mar 12, 9:15 pm

Storm nodded, picking it up. (I gtg for the night- sorry I said i didn't have homework)

Mar 16, 7:14 pm

*They had back to the den*

Mar 16, 7:16 pm

"Well, um- what shall we do now?"

Mar 16, 7:20 pm

"I'm going to go gather herbs for medicine and other stuff you can just keep watch"*They smile*

Mar 16, 7:20 pm

"Okay then" Storm barked, lying down in her den.

Mar 16, 7:22 pm

"Bye bye"*she says*

Mar 16, 7:36 pm


Mar 16, 10:08 pm

(She goes to collect herbs and stumbles upon storms favorite flowers)"I must bring these back"

Mar 16, 10:09 pm

Storm had fallen asleep, mumbling a few things.

Mar 17, 11:07 am

*She walks in and leaves the flowers for her*

Mar 17, 11:18 am

She woke up a few minutes later, noticing the flowers.

Mar 17, 11:25 am

*She hurries out*

Mar 17, 12:00 pm

"My favorite flowers....i wonder who knew-"

Mar 17, 12:03 pm

*she stares at the ceiling*

Mar 17, 12:12 pm

"You ok?"

Mar 17, 12:16 pm

"Yeah who are those flowers from"

Mar 17, 12:16 pm

"Yeah who... who are those flowers from"

Mar 17, 12:25 pm

"Im not sure- there were here when i woke up"

Mar 17, 1:21 pm

"OOOh cool"*she chuckles*

Mar 17, 1:24 pm

Storm grinned, getting up and put the flowers behind her ears.

Mar 17, 1:24 pm

"You look so pretty"

Mar 17, 1:25 pm

"Thank you"

Mar 17, 1:26 pm

"Maybe you should figure out who gave those to you"

Mar 17, 1:28 pm

"Yeah, maybe it was one of the gods or something"

Mar 17, 1:31 pm

"Nahhhh did you smell them maybe they smell like someone"

Mar 17, 1:32 pm

Storm nodded, "Maybe..." before she sniffed one of the flowers.

Mar 17, 1:34 pm

*She starts humming her song*

Mar 17, 1:35 pm

"Wait- it smells like you!"

Mar 17, 1:42 pm


Mar 17, 1:42 pm

*She dashes out of the house*

Mar 17, 8:34 pm


Mar 18, 4:45 pm

*She hides in the flower grove*

Mar 18, 4:55 pm

"Hey! Waittt!"

Mar 18, 5:50 pm

*She hides in a bush*

Mar 18, 5:51 pm

"Come back!"

Mar 18, 10:35 pm

"I'll just stay here till the end of my life"*she whispers*

Mar 18, 10:36 pm

Storm turned around, her ears and tail low.

Mar 18, 10:41 pm

*she listens for the sound of paws on the ground as she peers her head up*

Mar 18, 10:42 pm

Storm padded back towards camp, her tail & ears low.

Mar 18, 10:46 pm

*She starts trotting under the trunk of a bushwillow*

Mar 18, 10:47 pm

She sighed, lying under the sphynx.

Mar 18, 10:50 pm

"I should go back i don't want her to be upset"

Mar 18, 10:56 pm

Storm laid under the sphynx for hours, not moving even an inch.

Mar 19, 12:33 am

*she heads over to the sphynx*"im so sorry"

Mar 19, 12:34 am

"I was out hiding under a bushwillow"

Mar 19, 12:35 am

Storm still hadn't moved or said anything and her pelt was screaming hot. (like way too hot to touch hot)

Mar 19, 12:40 am

"Storm"*she shrieks*

Mar 19, 12:41 am

She groaned softly, "Ughhh"

Mar 19, 12:49 am


Mar 19, 11:23 am

Storm gasped a little, dehydrated and tired.

Mar 19, 2:49 pm

*she runs over and puts her on their back*"come on were gonna go get water"

Mar 19, 2:55 pm

Storm nodded, close to passing out again.

Mar 19, 2:56 pm

*she sprints over to the stream*

Mar 19, 2:56 pm

"Come on get some water"*she nudges her*

Mar 19, 2:58 pm

Storm laid down, siping at the water.

Mar 21, 6:39 pm

Are you okay,She says
I'm so sorry for leaving you i just...

Mar 21, 6:59 pm

"Im okay now...still extremely tired"

Mar 21, 7:49 pm

That's good better than passing out , she says trying to lighten the mood

Mar 21, 8:09 pm

"True" she barked, visably exhausted.

Mar 21, 8:11 pm

*she nudged her* come on lets go

Mar 21, 9:29 pm

"Okay....it may take me a little"

Mar 21, 9:40 pm

"I'll date..i mean wait for you"

Mar 21, 9:56 pm

"Heh, alright"

Mar 21, 10:00 pm

"sorrrry i didn't mean it like that"

Mar 21, 10:05 pm

"Its fine" she barked, very quietly adding 'love'

Mar 21, 10:10 pm

Lets head back
she suggests cause it's getting darker

Mar 21, 10:20 pm

"yeah, it is"

Mar 21, 10:25 pm

*They walk back to the den*

Mar 21, 10:36 pm

"Well time to sleep"

Mar 21, 11:48 pm

"yeah"*she plops over*

Mar 21, 11:49 pm

Storm curled up, soon snoring.

Mar 22, 12:00 am

(It's morning and the sun shines on them through we opening of The den

Mar 22, 12:01 am

Storm yawned, getting up. "Ugh- im still tireddd"

Mar 22, 12:02 am

Sleep in then it'll be no problem i know how to take care of things :3

Mar 22, 12:06 am

"Oh...okay then"

Mar 22, 12:07 am

She smiles

Mar 22, 12:11 am


Mar 22, 9:44 am

"No problem"*she nuzzles storm*

Mar 22, 10:53 am

Storm nuzzled her back, curling up into a ball again.

Mar 22, 12:14 pm

I'll be heading out now *she says confident in her ability to take care of things*

Mar 22, 1:02 pm


Mar 22, 8:45 pm

"baii baii"*she walks away*

Mar 22, 8:50 pm

"Bai..." she barked falling asleep.

Mar 22, 9:17 pm

*She walked off in the field to take care of things*

Mar 22, 9:18 pm

The pup sprinted after her, trying to stay hidden.

Mar 22, 9:25 pm

*she collect herbs and flowers for storm*

Mar 22, 9:26 pm

He kept hidden, grinning.

Mar 22, 9:29 pm

*She saw a rabbit in the meadow*

Mar 22, 9:30 pm

"Someone has a crush" he said quietly, sneaking back to camp.

Mar 22, 9:34 pm

*She turns back*"HUH"

Mar 22, 9:45 pm

He was gone, the grass moving a little.

Mar 22, 9:49 pm

(She see's the rabbit again)

Mar 22, 10:43 pm

He chuckled, rushing to Storm's den.

Mar 22, 10:44 pm

*she jumps and pounces on the rabbit*

Mar 22, 10:58 pm

Storm was peacefully sleeping, snoring softly.

Mar 22, 11:37 pm

*she found a wildebeest calve and she pounced on it and grabbed it by the neck*

Modificato: Mar 22, 11:39 pm

He barked "Storm! i found someone has a crush on youuuu!"

Mar 22, 11:41 pm

*she drags in back to the den*

Mar 22, 11:43 pm

He barked, "Acacia has a crush on you!"

Storm mumbled, "Wait- huh?"

Mar 23, 12:08 am

"H...hey guess i'm home"

Mar 23, 12:21 am

Storm got up, "Hello Acacia"

Mar 25, 12:01 pm

Heyyyyyy how are things *She huffs*

Mar 25, 12:09 pm

"Well little Chike told me you have a crush on someone"

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