Quaisior's Discards 2023


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Quaisior's Discards 2023

Nov 21, 2023, 8:28 pm

Hello again. I thought I'd make a small list of the books I've discarded this year. I usually try to do more but I've been busy with some house reorganization (which required a lot of sanding and staining of wooden crates and shelves), plus I'm working on a secret project that I've wanted to do for pretty much my whole life.

My discards:
The Steerswoman Series by Rosemary Kirstein (4 books)
The Harry Potter Series (7 books)
6 Andre Norton books
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang- Kate Wilhelm
Priestess of the White- Trudi Canavan
The Anything Box- Zenna Henderson
That's a total of 20 books, plus I also got rid of 4 science fiction and fantasy magazines.

Dic 31, 2023, 7:10 am

>1 Quaisior: good for you!

I used to love Andre Norton's books, have bought a few in anticipation of enjoyment. But now I can't get into them, will probably rehome them, unread, at some point in the near future.

Gen 10, 2:04 pm

>2 fuzzi: Thank you!

Yeah, I'm the same way, although I quite enjoyed her Moonsinger Series when I read it a few years ago. I'm keeping some of her books that I think my daughter might enjoy, but she's a lot like me and wants to read stories with girls and women as protagonists, so most of Norton's earlier work probably won't appeal to her.