Links for works

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Links for works

Nov 15, 2023, 9:42 am

Not sure this is the best place to discuss this, but maybe it is since I can't see a good and consistent place to include a link for a work.

Recently I've gotten into a sprawling BBC radio drama that isn't consistently available on one platform. Some of the earlier installments are too old and are scattered around - variously on Soundcloud, BBC Sounds, and You Tube. So I'd like to include links to where I have found episodes. Other than in the description, I can't see a place to put them. We have the ability to add links to an Author page, but how about doing something similar for works? Yes there are the usual platforms in the Quick Links section - but that's a menu of things we cannot add to with any ease, and that is dependent on a user displaying the venue we add (I seems that way based on my use and preferences). It's also pretty intimidating to actually use.

Ultimately I'd like something as quick and easy to use as the Author links, but for works. My specific use case is audio, but it doesn't need to be limited to that if the standard Quick Links don't automatically pull up a link (most seem broken or useless anyway which is why my list is so short). I know as a user, it would be fantastic to have a list of where I can find a certain thing really fast and in one consistent place. Especially if finding things is tricky - the heavy lifting only has to be done once (theoretically). Make sense?


Modificato: Nov 15, 2023, 9:49 am

Would the Comments section work for you?

Modificato: Nov 15, 2023, 9:53 am

That's not visible to you, right? I want the links handy for anyone as part of the main work page.

Modificato: Nov 15, 2023, 9:55 am

I guess that is true? The comments are only visible for your particular copy? Not sure. So you want something that can be added at the work level.

Nov 15, 2023, 9:57 am

Yup. Maybe up here in this area -

Nov 15, 2023, 10:03 am

It occurs to me that this should port over to the Series page as well. Here's the series I'm currently working on -

Tracking down all the places where the audio is available is taking me some time and there's no reason anyone else should have to do it if I can find a place to add links that everyone can see.

Modificato: Nov 15, 2023, 10:21 am

>1 Bookmarque: So this is reading like a follow on to the request to add a spot to connect Errata for books.

>3 Bookmarque: Incorrect. Comments are visible to all users, but as they are specific to the book, you have to find them by digging through a user's catalog to find them.
PRIVATE comments are only visible to the single member.

Modificato: Nov 15, 2023, 10:40 am

Clearly, comments, whether widely visible or not, isn't what I'm after. Not following the errata conversation, but it may have parallels. Except that this is not specific to an edition or copy, but to the work itself.

Nov 15, 2023, 1:35 pm

Other possible places to put the information (not endorsing any of these, just brainstorming):
- put all the works on a list and put the link in the "explain your choice" field for each work
- Disambiguation notice CK field
- note all the works with their links in a Talk thread and use touchstones to link to the work pages*
- Member book description
- haiku description field (must write the link in the form of a haiku)
- A wiki page

On the series page you could add all of the individual links, or a link to a wiki page that has all of the links with more context.

*I think this is my favorite of these options. Simple and no one else can remove it like the CK/description fields. If I were looking to get access to a work I would definitely check out the Conversations for it, but I'm not sure if everyone else would.

Nov 15, 2023, 5:10 pm

All good points for sure. Just looking for something that doesn't hijack another thing if I don't have to.

Nov 25, 2023, 11:58 am

Ok. So it seems this is going nowhere. Not shocked.

Someone mentioned using a list and it's something I've considered, but I can't find a comprehensive place that sets out exactly how lists work and how much control I will have over a list that has items added by more than just me. Judging from one other list I created, but that has been added to by others, those additions are there forever unless (presumably) the person who added it removes it. Can anyone clarify this?

I bring it up because I'd like to create a list based on tags, however I don't know if that will automatically suck in ever single thing tagged that way or if it will be based on only mine. Does anyone know how this behavior works?

And lastly, if the tag is just wrong for the item, is there any way I can remove it?

I guess I could try a test list, but since we can't then delete them it seems like a waste of time and space. Should I just give up and let it go? My altruism is dying on the vine.

Modificato: Nov 25, 2023, 2:27 pm

>11 Bookmarque: You can restrict a list so that only you can add works to it. Other people can vote those items up or down but can't add or remove works. You can remove works from the list but only if they have no votes.

If you choose not to restrict your list, so that anyone can add works, works can only be removed from the list as long if they have no votes.

If you create a list based on a tag (possibly other criteria, but I've only ever done tags) all of the works with that tag will be pulled in, not just the ones where you have tagged them that way. They will be pulled in as having no votes, so you can remove any that no one has voted on yet. More works can be added to the list regardless of whether they have that tag or not.

Nov 25, 2023, 2:43 pm

>12 norabelle414: Thanks a ton for that. It answers a lot of what I needed to know and alas, I think it's too much work for me to bother with so little control. My ideas are to build/house information and resources for the community, but it seems there isn't a good way to do it at the moment. If I could build a list with a set group of items from my catalog (there are 80 right now) I'd do that, but I think I have to add them separately so that's a no go, too. Bummer. Could have been fun and possibly beneficial.

Dic 7, 2023, 1:36 pm

Side related comment. I have used the comments area for hyperlinks that I wanted to share with the public.

(As mentioned above this being easily viewable by other LibraryThing users is not the smoothest currently.)

However this is extremely helpful if you have a TinyCat public catalogue for users. (At a previous position I set up a TinyCat catalogue for a small corporate lending library. The hyperlink worked great here.)

Dic 7, 2023, 5:10 pm

Yeah, I would like this to be associated with the work page rather than buried in my catalog somewhere. Interesting about the Tiny Cat effect though and how much better it worked in that application.

Dic 9, 2023, 2:13 pm

>13 Bookmarque: Circling back to mention that there's now a feature to add a lot of works to a list at once: