Take a trip to Riddles Island in the post-gender year 2111

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Take a trip to Riddles Island in the post-gender year 2111

Modificato: Dic 1, 2021, 3:47 pm

Try something completely different -- after a long journey to write and publish -- "Riddles Island" by Jan E. Pat that's me will take you some interesting places. 50 free e-copies available until Dec. 30 here on Library Thing.
Here's a sketch of what to expect.
Rory and Dylan face challenges and difficult decisions in the year 2111 on Riddles Island, an idyllic self-sufficient island in the Casco Bay near Maine. The non-binary Ridlets live in a child- and technology-free community. They use gender-neutral pronouns e=s/he, mer=him/her and other Newspeak borrowed from 1984 to eliminate gender-based identification.
Their citadel is one of many villages established after the collapse of governments and international corporations and climate change. The story takes place against the backdrop of inventive energy and technology use, food, sex, fashion, genetic engineering, reproduction, ethnicity, education, and crises of climate and fresh drinking water.
The characters nurture hope, safety and purpose in their small environmentally conscious community, sheltered from off-island chaos. They travel to various citadels that create and sustain meaningful life in the future, which is riddled with seeds planted today. Despite the difficulties, the characters do more than survive. They work together to thrive amid the planet’s non-rules and new reality.
This visionary tale belongs on a shelf with 1984, Brave New World, The Giver, and Octavia Butler’s books of cautionary tales. It's hard to assign to one genre.
I look forward to hearing responses from readers. It's not an ordinary book. If you need to print out the short list of Newspeak, it's available at https://riddlesisland.wordpress.com