Quaisior's discards 2021


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Quaisior's discards 2021

Lug 4, 2021, 1:34 pm

Hello, I don't think I've posted here before, although I've been around a while. I'm a book collector (as well as a doll collector, crafter, etc., so I have a lot of stuff!), but I've been in weed out mode for a few years now. I know I'm never going to get to read all of my books, so I'm passing along the ones that no longer interest me. I used to try to get rid of at least 50 books per year, but that barely made a dent, so now I try to get rid of 100 a year. Most of the used bookstores I went to have closed, so my major source of my book hoard is no longer there. I'm immunocompromised, so I'm still not going to bookstores, library sales, or to very many garage sales. The swap sites I use have slowed way down too, so I'm not bringing in nearly as many books as I used to. I actually have space here and there on my bookshelves now! I bought a cart this year from Amazon to use as a TBR cart and I put books to weed out on the cart as well. I first saw this idea on Youtube and simply had to buy a cart for myself. It has organized the falling over TBR and to-weed piles. I also put books I've read from series I haven't finished reading on it, so if I don't keep the series, I have all of the books together to post on Paperback Swap or BookMooch.

Anyway, I'm not going to post my whole list of books I've weeded out this year, but I will post (and update) the total. I have gotten rid of 48 books so far this year, plus a huge pile of science fiction and fantasy magazines, which I haven't counted yet.

Lug 4, 2021, 1:56 pm

We will cheer you on. Welcome!

Lug 4, 2021, 2:17 pm

Yes, welcome! Use your thread however it makes you feel more encouraged.