Homeschooling in the Pandemic: Experiences

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Homeschooling in the Pandemic: Experiences

Mar 20, 2020, 2:27 pm

Many students are adjusting to home learning because of school closures for the coronavirus. Does anyone want to talk about it?

Does your home library help?
Mar 24, 2020, 8:41 am

Well, I have not seen much change in my daily life with this pandemic, but one of the reasons would be all the things to do and all the books out there to read, there is no time to worry about dying I guess? lol.

Mag 19, 2020, 8:18 am

My home library definitely helps, since my curriculum used mostly classic literary works, many of which are already in my collection.

Mag 19, 2020, 5:33 pm

Today we've referenced a 1980s encyclopedia, a workbook for math, a gardening book (to prepare for a project), a scientific coloring book, two art instruction books, and whatever my student brought into my room to discuss while I was half asleep in bed first thing this morning. (She might've been asking for details about insect physiology.)

None of this was online. Our public libraries remain closed for safety reasons.

I am feeling grateful for our physical book collections through this pandemic.

>3 BobbiannMarkle: nice!

>2 yeah, I've downloaded years worth of ebooks for personal reading. We now have a selection of children's ebooks in fiction and nonfiction for when weather alerts sound. We've already had to read in the bathtub with a weather radio playing this season, and instead of being scared, my child asked to make the tub a permanent reading nook!

So I'm grateful for all the book distractions.

Ago 1, 2020, 6:48 am

That is a great idea to make your safe place your reading nook, so they already have memories of feeling safe and cozy instead of being scared. Whenever I have kids pack an emergency kit, like if they get lost camping, we include at least one toy and preferably a loud one, so we can find them. In a place with safety hazards, a reading kit would be ideal in your bunker, safe room, etc.

Gen 26, 2021, 3:45 pm

How's everyone doing?

Modificato: Feb 17, 2023, 5:47 pm

Random reminder: Back up your valued digital files frequently!