Request: Author Enhancement in TinyCat


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Request: Author Enhancement in TinyCat

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Gen 23, 2020, 3:08 pm

I've been wanting to ask for this for a while, but recently ran into two concrete examples that I thought would make the request more concrete. In TinyCat, thinking about our patrons, I often wish there were easier access to information on the author as there is for all of us working in LT. But my patrons don't use LT, and wouldn't know how to get there and back, especially following the link from the book to the author's common knowledge page.

The simple version would be to have (probably in the "more" section of the detail page) a link to the author's LT page, as there is a link to the LT work page, where the patron could view more information about the author, see the author's tag cloud, and full list of books on LT. There the inquisitive patron could explore.

The more complex version would be to have TC scrape some basic information from the LT common knowledge for the author and present on TC.

It could appear in a header when a search is done (key word search with an author name match, or an author search) for the author's name or maybe in the detail page like descriptions and reviews.

Here are two pics of how some academic libraries do it, both are reference entries into the catalog and searchable as records, which since we're paying for TC based on number of records, and the records are in a communal environment seems less desirable, though I have run into a library on LT that cataloged at least some of it's authors as catalog records:

UCSB has an author reference entry that brings in data from Encyclopedia of Global Religions (for my example) and the Library of Congress Subject Headings (but I'm imagining our Tags, our the LT tag cloud).

UNM uses Wikipedia to provide a link to the Wikipedia page and a partial biographical description pulled from Wikipedia.


Screen shot UCSB
Screen shot UNM

Gen 26, 2020, 10:31 pm

I like you idea; but your examples are like apples to oranges with LT.

Both of your examples are Primo libraries and the data is coming from something called Primo Central Index (PCI). PCI is a "mega index" (for lack of a better term) of a lot of sources including wikipedia. If you look at your first example, the source of the reference entry is Gale Virtual Reference Library (GVRL). There's a lot of money, time, and legal work behind those that one example.

Gen 27, 2020, 9:51 am

>2 lesmel: Just wanted to show how some other libraries have implemented it and that they think their patrons have an interest. For the LT my thought is it could be implemented here with LT trove of author data by linking to or scraping data from the LT author pages and presenting it like reviews, series and other things that port over to TC.

Gen 27, 2020, 10:07 am

But TinyCat was created because libraries felt that their patrons wanted an easy, simple user interface without all the extra information LT has to offer. Those who want the full LT information can easily move to the work page and from there to the author page. Or they can look up Wikipedia on their device with an easy copy/paste.