Starting on the TBR pile...

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Starting on the TBR pile...

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

Nov 25, 2007, 2:27 am

I just brought home a bunch of books I'd stored at my mom's house, thereby increasing the number of TBR books in my apartment. I'm really thinking I should start on them and/or get rid of them. But first I have to get through the four library books I'm in the middle of. Once that's done, I'll probably start on The Mote in God's Eye or The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes.

As of this moment, there are 204,573 unread books on LT (compared to only 253,334 read books). Come on people, we can do better!

So, what will you read next from your TBR pile?

Nov 25, 2007, 4:05 am

my next three in my TBR pile are: Christ The Lord Out of Egypt by Anne Rice, Fault Lines by Anna Salter, and The Short Forever by Stuart Woods.