Thomas Mawhinney

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Thomas Mawhinney

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Nov 23, 2007, 10:16 pm

I just read English Oak And Spanish Gold By Thomas A.H. Mawhinney. I found it to be a very enjoyable book about pirates, gold, sword and dagger play. It is not as blood thirsty as Frank Yerby's The Golden Hawk or as full of sea going jargon as the Hornblower books; but I believe it is a worthy read for any one from Jr.High age on. Mawhinney did not write many books, but if there all like this one I will try to find and read the rest. Also I just found a first edition copy of Captain Blood by Rafael Sabatini. I have been searching for this book since being told about it in this group. Thank you! This will be my first read of the new year.

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