aulsmith strategies for discarding


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aulsmith strategies for discarding

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Set 1, 2015, 11:50 am

We need to downsize and we've been discarding books for over a year now. I'm not going to list them here. I'm having enough trouble getting them moved from Your Library to Discarded so we know how many books we have left.

I will share some strategies for deciding what to discard and where it should go.

First I noticed that Martha Jeanne's first line of attack was books/authors that were popular in their time but their time is many decades ago. We keep these because we feel guilty that we didn't read them at the time, but that's a ridiculous reason for keep a book. People are writing more books every day that we'd rather be reading.

Set 1, 2015, 12:01 pm

These are books I bought 30-40 years ago, and read at the time, may even have liked. But they probably aren't worth reading today.

Some weren't that great then.

Some are so outdated that they are painful to look at.

I am not the young woman who read them anymore either. I have different issues (not hoping to soon marry and start a family. I have grandsons now) and also in some areas now need more advanced books than the primers I needed then.

Also, back then every book in English was precious and my library was counted in dozens rather than thousands. Even if I wasn't enthusiastic, it made sense to keep the books in case someone else might want it someday. It's a lot easier to get the books now, and I can afford them a lot more. What is difficult is finding space for them.

Set 1, 2015, 12:56 pm

>2 MarthaJeanne: Just to clarify: the "we" I meant was aul and smith, not you and me. We just hang on to things forever, thinking we'll get to them soon, and then suddenly it's 50 years later.

I had a fondness for J. A. T. Robinson's Redating the New Testament back in the day, but he was a moderate in a sea of liberals, certainly drowned by now.

Set 1, 2015, 3:05 pm

>3 aulsmith: I understood that. A few of the books in the second group I haven't read. All the more reason for getting rid of them if I have had them on the shelves that long, moved them that many times, and twice entered them into databases, and still never read them.

Set 2, 2015, 10:36 am

MarthaJeanne in the other thread was talking about painful decisions, and I encountered one today.

I've had This Bridge Called My Back on my desk ready for discard for over a week and I kept avoiding it. This morning I realized why. I was in Albany when Kitchen Table Press (its publisher) moved here. They had a lot of copies of This Bridge (it sold very well for a small press item) and my copy makes me think of all the labor and love that went into producing it, making it hard to get rid of.

But the fact is, I read a few poems and they aren't the type of poetry I like. I have women poets of color who I do enjoy falling off my TBR shelf. Now is not the time for souvenirs of the heyday of small presses. I need to concentrate on books still worth reading.