So how are we going to proceed w/Infinite Jest exactly, come New Year's?

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So how are we going to proceed w/Infinite Jest exactly, come New Year's?

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Modificato: Dic 10, 2012, 1:01 pm

Here's my plan:

If you have some familiarity w/tomcatMurr's or A_musing's reading threads in Le Salon, or with Club Read's congenial threads, where members essentially itemize their reads and talk at various lengths about them, hopping from one thread to another, then you know how well that works, and what kind of serious-fun atmosphere I'm hoping for here.

Here's the thread, to cite a great specific example, that Infinite Jest alumnus, stellar Sibyx, kept earlier this year when she read the book for the first time:

Even if you're a little bashful about keeping a public reading journal, where literally dozens of (if we're lucky) people will read your inmost thoughts regarding this big book, then I really really recommend you at least keep a private journal. Reading w/out writing about what you've read is like eating w/out having tasted what you ate. So get tasting!

I'm not much into the idea of "teaching" Infinite Jest insomuch as I am of sharing Infinite Jest. As a fan among fellow fans. Not as some faux-scholar. If you're looking for something more hardcore than that, say a curriculum or syllabus replete with comprehensive structural blueprints and character charts and in-depth exegetical analysis of the novel's archetypes and leitmotivs, then Sister, Brother, bless you; I'm sure there must be a class for you at your local uni. Or! ... Elegant Complexity: A Study of David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest is the IJ-reading-assistant of your dreams.

And but so for now be thinking of what you'll title your reading thread when we begin in a few weeks. I'm leaning toward "Infinitely, w/Enrique," but that may change.

Dic 10, 2012, 3:36 pm

" Reading w/out writing about what you've read is like eating w/out having tasted what you ate." So, so true, Rique! I really need to get into the habit of doing that. Perhaps this IJ read will help me turn over a new leaf in keeping a reading journal.

Dic 10, 2012, 4:40 pm

Wow, I never write, just read read read. My harp teacher already told me to keep a practicing journal and that is going nowhere slow. I feel like a recalcitrant student...

Dic 10, 2012, 6:02 pm

There no plan like no plan, but a start dates good and we have that: New Years day it is. What a way to recover from a hangover.

My book has not arrived yet and so I don't know how long it will take me to read, but once it does I will open my thread with a reading plan, which of course I won't keep to. Way to go. AS for a title toying with bas-in-jest.

AS for reading without jotting or at least scrawling all over the book - unthinkable.

Modificato: Dic 10, 2012, 6:26 pm

Anna, between your harp teacher's instructions (feel free to obey them please) and my promised continual harping at you about writing whenever I get the chance, may you soon be rid of this insidious recalcitrance of yours.

You too, bubbalicious! Don't make me start your own reading threads for you. You listen to bas 'n jest! Or at least promise you'll hang out on mine or somebody else's thread from time to time.

My goal is to comment on the book -- minimum -- at least once a week. You've been warned. And I'm planning, since I'm a slow reader, a minimum of 28 weeks for the process (one week per chapter), but I might take the entire year, considering I could easily get burnt out on the book every so often and need to take breaks to recharge as I focus on other things.

Dic 13, 2012, 7:32 pm

I like the idea and will set up a reading thread when I begin.

Gen 3, 2013, 9:39 pm

I can't write.

I like to watch.