Gately's former navy M.P.

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Gately's former navy M.P.

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Lug 31, 2012, 1:01 pm

This is driving me crazy and I'm hoping you can help.

I was reading Infinite Jest late at night, and then later I fell asleep and I don't know if I dreamed this connection up or not!

I seem to recall one of the random sort of connections where one character (possibly Fackelmann?) is mentioned as the only time he had to eliminate anyone's map was some guy who kept track of how many Heinekens he had drank in a notebook. This would be consistent with the books constant overlap between characters and seemingly different worlds, but looking back I can't find where I read it or who it was in reference to! Help!

Lug 31, 2012, 3:35 pm

Gately's mom's boyfriend was the one who kept track of the number of Heinekens he drank, and if memory serves correctly, he had been a USN M.P.