Are we too inclusive?


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Are we too inclusive?

Questa conversazione è attualmente segnalata come "addormentata"—l'ultimo messaggio è più vecchio di 90 giorni. Puoi rianimarla postando una risposta.

1nisha Primo messaggio
Ago 26, 2006, 1:33 am

Hello everyone!
Thank you for joining this group. I look forward to some really stimulating discussions.
However, before we get into those discussions, I have a question -- when I wrote up the description for this group, I tried to be very inclusive. Have I gone overboard? Are we trying to cover too much ground? Should we narrow our focus to just Victorian Britain? Or are we doing just fine? Please share your thoughts and suggestions.

Ago 26, 2006, 5:40 am

Questo messaggio è stato cancellato dall'autore.

Ago 26, 2006, 11:22 am

I think the group is absolutely perfect as is. Victorian America is just as much fun to read about and discuss as Victorian Britain!