Huck Finn #5

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Huck Finn #5

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Mar 15, 2012, 1:08 pm

Reminder: you need to take the point of view of 5 DIFFERENT PEOPLE. State briefly what each character would think about the following question, and why they would think that.

Question: Should Huck have told the Grangerfords about Sophia's plan to run off with Harney Sheppardson sooner?

Mar 16, 2012, 10:46 am

no, cause they will just follow or go after her and all of that stuff and try to hunt her and find her

Mar 16, 2012, 10:50 am

no, because i think that he will just follow and try other stuff.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:51 am

I think that Huck should of told them. They would of eventually found out about the plan and they would be very angry. They are still gonna be very angry but then at least this way they can stop it before its too late.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:51 am

Huck- he should have done something to stop it but not tell all the families. It would just make the fued worse.

Jim- Jim should stay out of most of the problems, just stick with Huck. He doesn't need to get into any more trouble and get himself turned in.

Buck- Buck is involved with alot of the activites going on between the fued. He isn't affraid to hurt others in the other family. If he would have known what was happening he would have made it worse and hurt them. he should have had Huck stay out.

Pap Sheppardsons- Huck shouldn't have told him. He would be getting into alot more trouble with the other family. He is very protective.

Granderfords- Huck didn't tell them sooner. If he would have, they probably would have jkept Sofia safer. They did not know, but Huck should have just taken care of it all himself.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:51 am

I think Huck did the right thing by not telling the Grangerfords about sophia leaving because if Huck would have told them then he would have gotten between the two families and then he could have been the one that they were trying to kill.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:54 am

Huck: i shouldnt have let sophie get that far away before i told the Grangerfords

Jim: Huck should have told them sooner she may never come back.

Sophie: GOSH DARNIT HUCK FINN! should have waited longer im gonna gets caught

Harney: well looks like im am absolutly EEEEFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEDDDDDD

Mr.Grangerford: SOPHIE WENT WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mar 16, 2012, 10:59 am

That is up to huck. I think he did the right thing because if Huck would have told them he could have gotten in a big conflict between the two families then he could die because they might try to kill him.

Mar 16, 2012, 11:01 am

huck should have taken the note out or wright a 1 to make it 1230 so sophia wouldn't of got away

Mar 16, 2012, 11:03 am

Huck: i should have told her family that she was being suspicious earlier.

Jim: Come on child, think about other people, of course you should've

Buck: What the heck, Huck absolutely should have told

Grangerfords: he is lucky that he is gone, he should have told us right away

Sheppardsons: i think that it was good that he didn't tell.

Modificato: Mar 17, 2012, 10:06 am

Jim: Yes, it would have been the right thing to do because you don't want any poor ol' family worrying about their daughter's safety.

Huck: I really wish I would have told the Grangerfords about Sophia's plan to just go run off with Harney Shepardson; afterall they've treated me so nice and Sophia should be in the safety of her family, somewhere she doesn't have to worry about that Harney Shepardson being abusive!

Pap: What you did was right Huck, I'm proud of you. No lady should be confined in her family, but should be able to make her own decisions on if she wants to go have a fling with a guy.

Buck: Come on Huck! What was that for? You should have told me right then and there! If you did, maybe I would have been able to avoid any fights with the Shepardsons and I wouldn't be worrying sick about Sophia!

Widow Douglas: I taught you better then this Huck! You know very well that you should have told the Grangerfords because they treated you so nicely when you stayed and that no young lady should be running off with a man that causes her family pain!

Mar 18, 2012, 11:24 am

Pap: Great job son! Look at all the trouble you caused, you started a huge fight. I wish i would have been there.

WIdow: I thought that in the time you lived with me, I had actually tought you something. What you did was very wrong. Many people got hurt. You should have told.

Buck: In a way I can see why you didnt tell, but I sure wish you had. I had no idea my sister would do this to us. Its just as much her fault as yours...

Jim: What you did was wrong child. But I can see why you didn't tell, things are different here. You should have just talked to the Grangerfords, they would have been able to handle the problem.

Grangerfords: Our family takes you in, and this is how you treat us boy! If you had told us, this problem could have been handled in a better way. I can't believe you did this, after all we did for you.

Mar 18, 2012, 9:53 pm

Pap: Son, I am proud of you, You knew that was going to start a bigger fight so you kept quiet. Thank you. You were actually using your brain.
Huck: I really should have told the truth. I don't want to start a fight though. I really am better off not saying anything. Just let them figure it out on there own
Jim: Boy, you is smart. Good work. You knew better then to say a word about that.
Grangerfords: This is what your going to do to us??? Your not going to tell us the truth?? Are you kidding me boy? What kinda child you think you are!??!!
Sophia: Thanks for saving me Boy means alot to me

Mar 18, 2012, 11:19 pm

Duke- I think he would have wanted Huck to tell them, because Harney Sheppardson to get into trouble instead of themselves or someone else.

Dauphin- I also think that Dauphin wanted the same thing to happen to Harney Sheppardson. Duke and Dauphion I thin were thinking the same thing.

Jim- He probably really wouldn't care because it doesn't concern him.

Huck- He didn't want that to happen to Sophia, because he cares about her to much to see her get hurt.

Pap- he probably would have been happy for Huck for all of the trouble he has caused.

Mar 19, 2012, 6:38 pm

yes because they would of found out anyway and Huck would have to keep piling on lies to cover up.

Mar 20, 2012, 12:38 pm

Huck- he shouldnt have let them get very far before he told them.
Jim - Huck should have told them right when he figured it out that they where leaving.
Buck- i think i understand why you didnt tell us, if i was in your shoes i pry would have done the same thing, i just cant beleive my sister would do this to us.
Pap- if he was their it would have been way worse then it really was because he was a crazy drunk.
Granderfords- Huck didn't tell them sooner. If he would have, they probably would have kept Sophia safer. They did not know, but Huck should have just taken care of it all himself.

Mar 21, 2012, 6:00 pm

Huck-yes, because his is doing the same thing with Jim and Huck seeme to like it.
Jim- no decause he wouldent want them to end up getting caught then they would bolth get in alot of trouble.
pap- he would like that because of how much trouble that would have caused for everybody.
Granderfords-they would have probibly thought that Huck gave her the idea
buck- it would be the right thing to do but he wouldent want her to get into any trouble

Mar 21, 2012, 8:00 pm

Jim: We never should have gotten off the raft in the first place. We could have been caught!

Huck: I feel bad that I didnt say anything to anyone sooner. I should have told them before she even left.

Grangerfords: Huck you should have told us sooner, expecially after all that weve done for you!

Buck: Huck, you should have told me at least.

Tom: Huck you should have just gone with her! It would have been an awesome adventure, and love story!

Mar 22, 2012, 10:39 am

yes he should of told them because the family would of got mad and something could of happened to her.

Mar 22, 2012, 10:46 am

Jim: I think they should've cause it was aganist there rights, cause of there familys.

Tom: No let it turn out to be an adventure for the couple.

Pap: Huck should stay away from them and try not to get caught up in other peoples buisness.

Judge: He should've told me what was happening so i could have stop this maddness.

Sid: I think he should have told the grangerfords about the plan so he could slove the problem.

Mar 22, 2012, 5:29 pm

Huck: Yes. I should have told her parents because then no one would have gotten hurt.
Jim: No. We should let them run away and be free like i want to be.
Tom: No. Let them love and run away. Let's make plans to get money out of the family.
Buck: Yes. You should have told me, i thought we were friends. I died because you didn't tell nobody.
Pap: No. You shouldn't get in other people's buissness and try to be all smart like you know something.