Huck Finn #4

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Huck Finn #4

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Mar 15, 2012, 1:07 pm

Choose a character to "be" from any ONE chapter (Chapters 17-22). Take on the point of view of that character and write a "diary" entry that tells the reader:
1.) a summary of the events of your chosen chapter
2.) Your hopes and dreams (predictions) of what's going to happen to you in the near future.

Remember, you are writing AS the character! "I did this, I am going to do that..."

Mar 16, 2012, 10:43 am


well we's ben flotin dawn dis riva fo a whiles and hucks ben just rude ta me ben playin tricks on me an foolin 'round. One day tho i's gunna gets me a wife an kids saves up lots of money fo them.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:44 am

Character: The king and Dauphin
In chapter 22, Huck and Jim are two guys with us. In this chapter they figure out that we are lying to Jim and Huck about who we are. We are performing in the circus and earning all the money we need. Huck is disturbed by watching the man in danger riding on the horse.
I hope to get all the money i need and to get away.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:45 am


Hucks being mean to me by playing tricks on me. But one day im going to work for some money and im going to buy my wife and kids back and we are going to be a happy family.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:49 am

(Huck Chapter 17)
I am just arriving to the Grangerfords. They are very welcoming of me, even though they are kind of acting suspicious. They are telling me stories of their neighbors and how they are in a fued with them. They don't know how the fued started, but all they know is two of their kids died last year.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:49 am

huck plays tricks on him and he doesnt like it then, hes gunna work for some money then show him that hes gunna get his kids and wife back.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:56 am

The King In chapter 19

I was in the town running a revival for a week and then i got run out of town. I met a young fellow on the river bank that had people runnign after him also, so I got in to his skiff. We were running from the people that were after us and found two people with a wigwam on their raft. We went up to them and asked if we could come aboard, and they let us. We told our stories and then i got a bright idea, i told them that i was the late Dauphin, Louis the Seventeenth. I wanted them to wait on me hand and foot, whatever i wanted, and they did. I hope that i can get a job and find money so that i am rich again.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:57 am

i would choose chapter 15 when huck fools Jim. Jim what are you doing wake up! I just dozed off huck. No wake up right now. Hey how did you find me! there was fog. We whooped and then i found u. OR maybe it was a dream. You know jim i think that something bad is gonna happen soon. i can feel it.

Modificato: Mar 16, 2012, 11:00 am

Huck-Chapter 20

Dauphin just won't listen to me. Iwant him to put the show in another town so we can get money from different audiences, but he won't budge. I see Jim trying to teach Duke how to speak French, but it isn't working out to well. The only thing that would save Duke from being captured would be him speaking French. In the future this willn't happen because of the learning experience Duke has.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:59 am

Huck Finn
1.) I was surrounded by dogs, with only a locked house before me to get into. Someone asked my name so I told them and they let me in. It turned out a family lived there, and they took me in. They were always fighting with this other family. When their daughter ran away with the other families son, they fought and most of the family died. The Granderford families workers told me where to find Jim, and we ran away. While we were riding along, we heard something coming through the woods, it was two men getting chased by people and dogs, so we let them come with us. The two man that came in the boat made up stories of them being a king and a duke. But i wasnt dumb enough to believe them. The duke and King went and disturbed towns and tricking them into giving them money.
2.) I hope to get away and not have to go back and live with my Pap or Miss Watson. I want to be a better person, but I just wasnt raised to be that way. I am confused as to what to do about Jim, but I really want to help him.

Mar 16, 2012, 11:01 am


I like to play tricks on Jim. I think that these tricks are mean. He will never leaave me i help him get through the day and not get sold. I think that its fair we have a little fun. I think that he will always be my friend. I hope to never lose Jim.

Modificato: Mar 16, 2012, 11:03 am


Today I was chased by some dog, interigated and then treated right what a day it has been. I was chase today by a man named george and his dogs, after they got me and he called the dogs off they were suspious that i was someone who they dont like, spying on them or something. Thankfully they came to the conclusion that was i wasnt a so called shepardson they were gonna kill me. After i got to know these new people (the grangerfords) they became really nice too me feeding me and giving me clean clothes. I could really get use to this life still and they said i could stay with them.

I am curious though of these so called shepardsons. I hope tomorrow things aren't as crazy as they were today.

Modificato: Mar 16, 2012, 3:01 pm

Huckleberry Finn: Chapter 17
I just got done abandoning the raft when I arrived on the shore near the Grangerford's property. Then I heard barking and I was hoping dearly to myself that they wouldn't have their dogs attack me. Then suddenly, one of the men of the Grangerford's peaked through the gate and told me to approach slowly. When they realized I wasn't an enemy they brought me to their home. I was hoping I could stay for the night, and then run off and find Jim somewhere in the morning. It was good place to stay overall; they gave me food and I was able to talk to a boy around my age. Later on, I'll probably figure out a way to find Jim through the niggers here; but for now, I think i'll enjoy hanging around.

Mar 20, 2012, 12:32 pm

Today I woke up and we where at Col. Grangerford's house, man was he a gentalman. Someday i would really like to be like him. His family was so good to me and Jim, I felt like they could have been my parents. But they fed us and made sure we had some food for on the way and sent us on our way.

Mar 21, 2012, 5:52 pm

Jim when him and Huck find the house on the side of the river. Jim finds a dead person in the house but dosnt let Huck see because it is his dad so he wouldent get scaired.

That Jin is going to tell Huck that it was his dad that was in the house and Huck is going to want to go back and see his dad for the last time.

Mar 21, 2012, 7:51 pm

I think Hucks been lying to me lately. Hes been acting strange around me ever since the fog incident with the raft. I dont ask him about it anymore though because after all he is a free white boy who can turn me in whenever he wants to. Huck likes to take alot of risks with the people that we meet, like the king and the duke. I dont like to risk getting caught but i dont want to say anything to Huck about it and make him mad.

Mar 22, 2012, 10:31 am


Why is huck being mean to me, recentely he has played lots of tricks on me, but one day im going to save me some money and buy my wife and kids back and live together in a nice house.

Mar 22, 2012, 10:50 am

well wevs ben flotin dawn dis he'r riva fo a od dang long whiles n hucks jus ben nastie ta me ben playin tricks on mes an foolin 'roun.but One day im goings ta gets me a job n saves me up some money ta buy da wife n kids bac n if dare ownes won sel Is jus goens to fin mes an abolitionis o 2 ta steals dem away fors me n den wes can gets up noths wer a nigger cn live fre.

Mar 22, 2012, 5:24 pm

We has been on this here river floatin down towar' this town that goin to give me some freedom. Huck has been a good friend but he gots to playing tricks on my sometimes. I am hopin to get my wife and childs from whoever has them. I wanna buy 'em back.