Huck Finn #1

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Huck Finn #1

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Mar 9, 2012, 9:22 am

Ok guys, here you go, the first paragraph response topic for "Huck Finn.":

1.) Should books containing objectionable language or content be banned from being read at school? Why or why not?
If the book is to be read in school, should the student be given the choice of whether or not to read it? (Assuming that yes, if they choose not to read it, an alternative assignment must be done instead)
What is/isn't ok to be included in a book read at in school? Who should be given the power to make these decisions?

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts!

Mar 9, 2012, 10:30 am

No, because it represents real life and everyone needs to grow the hell up. Yes, even though they should just get through it they do have rights. As long as it isn't like one of those "romantic novels" that women in their 40's read it should be fine.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:31 am

It depends on the book. If the book has a good lesson than it should be read at school but if it isnt a book that has a good lesson then it shouldnt be read at school. Also if the person that has to read the book is offended by the words used in it they shouldnt have to read the book.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:32 am

I think that books like Huck Finn shouldn't be banned from school. I think that every child needs to learn about what it was like for authors and people in the book back in the day. The way things were back then are so different than what they are today. They are enforcing so many new laws that if you did it back then it wouldn't matter. I think that the students should have a choice to read the book, however, because it may go against their religion. Their parents may not approve of what language is in the books or what the books are teaching/talking about. They could read an alternative book instead so that way they are still getting reading in, but learning something different.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:32 am

Books containing objectionable language should be allowed to be read at school, but only in highschool. In Highschool the students "should" be mature enough to read dialect that is not approprite. We should know enough that that was the way people talked back then. Though, it doesnt mean its appropriate for us to talk now. I think the student should have to read the book thats assigned, they just need to know enough not to use the language that is used in the book. I think its ok to have books that use language that is not used today, because we have to see what life was like back then. These books are famous in the past, so why not read them. I think the superintendent should choose if the books are appropriate enough.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:33 am

1.) In my opinion i dont think that books with offensive language should be banned from school because if the book has a good moral and hosts a strong belief and teaches kids something and shows good educational values that it shouldnt be banned. Especially because kids just need to be mature about it and have to remember that the time that this book came from that it wasnt considered rude at that time it is just simply how they talked. I think that if a book is assigned in class that the student should read it with the rest of the class because the book assigned probably has a literary element that is a good learning device and that is why the teacher picked that specific book. In my opinion there shouldnt matter what is included in a book depending on the time period it came from if it came from an older time where specific language was common and unknown that it was unacceptable. But if it was a book written from nowadays they shouldnt include bad language because we know better. And i think the schoolboard should have the power to make these discisions.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:34 am

I think that they should be banned from are schools, because it may be inapropriate to readers and presuade them in a different way. The students should be given a choice to read books like this, because it could be offensive to their culutral and or make them feel uncomfortable. That they should be assigned a different book in the same time peroid that can relate to American Literature and make's them feel comfortable. Everything is ok in a book it's just who is reading it and what makes them comfortable. The students should be able to make their own decisions and judge the book by there own perspective.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:35 am

I think not because a lot of students use those kinds of words anyway, you always hear them in public, but at the same time it is bad to be using those kind of languages. I think that the students should chose to read the book, because some students cant stand reading those books that have bad languages, but if they have to then you cant do anything about it and they're going to have to read it. It isnt okay to include in a book at school is that it has some languages. I think the English teacher should be the power to have the decision to read those kind of books.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:35 am

No, i think it's appropiate for the right ages. In high school, kids should be old enough to handle the words and language in the stories. Certain words are just used to get a point across and show expamples of how times were way back when. It helps with the setting.

No. I believe that all the kids in the class should have the same asignment and do the same work, rather than having seperate ones. I think that everyone in our 2nd hour class should be keeping up reading Huckleberry Finn and doing the blogs. If you give too many choices for assignments, kids may have a greater chance in falling behind. Keep everyone on the same page.

I think teachers and parents should be able to make these decisions. I wouldn't want books that show certain different beliefs(religoin ect.). Also, there shoouldn't be too much objectionable language. Some is okay, too much can be excessive and a distraction.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:35 am

1.)- i think not, Because kids will actually learn how the treated people and how un educated people werre back then. They also learn the grammer of the old days and how they treated black people. If they ban the language kids would think that it wasnt that bad when it really was.

I think they should be given a choice to read. Have the kids read the book they want too but have a certain amount of pages the book has to be, but let them read want they want too insted of having them read a book that they might not like at all.

I think that anything should be rea in schools. It will teach how they talk and how the grammer was back then and also it show how people acted. The author of the book should decide this because they are writing it so it there choice what to put in the book.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:36 am

A book containing objectionable language or content shouldn't be banned from school reading. They should have the choice to read the book, If they don't like the type of laugauge used then they just have to do the alternitve assignment. Some of these harsh books like these can really teach a lesson so i think it's good that we read a book like this to prove a point of how life was back then. It should be included in a book like i mentioned above because it will teach us to tell how life was like back in the olden days and how we shouldn't treat people like that. The power of reading this book in school or not should be the childs and the parents. But they have to know while everyone else does the reading they have to a alternative assignment.

Modificato: Mar 9, 2012, 10:45 am

offensive language we've all heard it yet if it were in a book it may be banned from school. even if all the kids talk as bad or worse than this. I believe we should just be able to read what we want, just like how we act and just not assign books with offensive language so kids that don't want to dont have to.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:37 am

No, i beleive you should beable to read what ever you want to in school. unless you think it is bad to read to a middle schooler. Yes, the student should have a choice to read it or not, because some of them might get offended or something but you should have to read a book of the teachers choice. When it is really bad about a bad life and really bad language, except most of us hear bad language daily so it pry wouldnt even matter if their was bad language.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:44 am

Books with objectionable language/content should not be banned from being read at school. People cannot tell others what books to read or not read. If a literature teacher does not want to read a certain book, but they cannot force a student to read it if it is against their values and/or morals.

If a teacher assigned a book in school, they should have and alternate reading assignment for people that chose to not read that book, but would read another book. Sometimes there is a circumstance in which someone does not want to read a book at all, they should pay for the consequences with a low grade.

Some things that are/aren't ok in a book read at school are; Confusing or interesting facts/thoughts, adventures, swear words, illiterate language. Some things that shouldn't be in books read at school are; some bad swear words, sexual content, and explicit pictures. The people that are responsible to pick which books are/aren't good books for the students to read are the teacher that is assigning the book, and the principal.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:45 am

I don't believe that the book should be banned because it may contain information that could relate to what they are learning. To be totally honest, obviously teenagers have heard that kind of language and may have spoke it already. Highschool is about learning and expanding your views, so why not learn about how people wrote in the past?
I don't think they should have a choice to read it or not, they should have to read it for educational purposes.
The only thing that shouldn't be in books at school is drugs. The people who decide this should be both the parents and the schoool board working together.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:48 am

i think people should be able to read whatever they want no matter the age. of course they should have a choice like i said read what you want. the language and the behavior. love blah.

Modificato: Mar 9, 2012, 10:50 am

No, because students need to know how life really was back in the time period the book is set in. Also, it's taking away from their education, and making them oblivious to how people acted in this world. Lastly, it shouldn't be banned because most people at public schools and private schools already know these inappropriate words; or will learn them later in life.

No, because it's an important part of American Literature, and it's included in the basics that every American needs to know. It could also be unfair to previous students who've went to that school whom didn't have to do the alternative assignment; which could have been easier. Furthermore, the student shouldn't be given the choice because most of them would probably choose not read the book, and in the end, not be aware of any of the great American authors' writings.

It's okay to have books that have discouraged words, such as what a African American is referred to as, but not okay to have any curse words, especially the one that starts with the letter f. Also, it would be alright to have characters in a relationship that aren't getting too close, but if they are then they shouldn't let students read the book because they could be opened to some very adult issues. I believe the person that should be given the power to make these decisions is the principle, because they know what their students can handle; maturity wise and intellectually.

Mar 9, 2012, 10:54 am

if other schools all all band the book the book should be baned from our shcool to. they should have a choice to read it because if they dont want to listen to the language of the book or they dont like the book. no because if the student dosnt want to read it they will just cheat to get through it instead of reading it

Mar 9, 2012, 2:27 pm

i think it depends if it offends the students or not and if they like the book because if they dont like it they wont read it or pay attention while talking about the book.

Mar 11, 2012, 7:26 pm

I think that it depends how bad the book is, if there is only a few bad words or bad things then it should be read. If the book is really offensive or has absolutely horrible language then it shouldn't be read in schools.

If the book is to be read in school. The student should have a choice in whether they want to read it or not, only if there is an alternative assignment. I think that most students grow up hearing bad words and are used to it, but others are not used to hearing those words and feel offended when they hear bad words.

If there are a few curse words i think the book would be okay to read in schools, because everybody hears curse words once in a while. But if there are a bunch of curse words like the F word or the B word then it shouldn't be allowed to be read. I think that the principle or the teacher should decide whether it should be read or not.

Mar 11, 2012, 7:35 pm

I do not think the book should be banned in school. I think it depends on how people rally take the information about the book and how they comprehend it. Yes the book may swear and curse against people who are a different color about us, but people have to remember that doesn't mean we have to curse or swear against people. I know we are only half way reading through the book, but maybe at the end of this book it could teach us a lesson now in modern times. I also think this book is very important when it comes to literature, because literature is basically a teaching to us about the different aspects of people and how they explained words or events back in the past.

Mar 11, 2012, 10:52 pm

I don't think a book should be banned from anyschool. A book is a thing to be shared and also it should expand everyones imagionation. I don't think kids should probably mock the books they read but reading the books with those words could make them understand how it hurt the other people (race) and should make others more mature. But if the perents really think it's that bad, but they know it's a assinment maybe they could read the book with the child and then maybe the perent could make it seem that the kids actions should not mock (copy) the characters in the book.

Mar 12, 2012, 1:00 am

I do not think the school should be able to ban books. The language in this book depicts the type of language that was used in this time period, and it is part of our learning to understand how dialect has changed over the years. I think if a student is offended by a book for a legit reason they should have the choice to read it or not, but in turn they would have to do another reading assignment.If a student wants to read a book they will read it even if the school has banned it from thier librarys.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:36 am

Kids should be old enough and mature enough to be able to handle the language in certain books. I think that if a school does decide to have kids read this book it should be required because its the schools choice to determine if this book is mean't to be read by the students at the school, not the students choice. If the school thinks this book would be a good book for the students to read they should. Its the teachers and school boards decision if they think students should read the story not the students. Adults know whats really best for students.

Mar 16, 2012, 10:41 am

i think that the book should be able to be read it school if the students are mature enough to read it and the language is how the book was writen in that time period

Mar 16, 2012, 10:49 am

No i don't think it should be banned from school because their just expressing themselves so what if they say bad things it's just a book it's not like the kids will get in trouble they should be able to read these things.

Mar 19, 2012, 6:14 pm

No it shouldn't be banned because the author's have freedom of speech and are aloud to write what they want and have people read it without making a big deal and it's not like they are purposely offending people. Yes the students should be given a choice to read it because some kids could have issue's reading or maybe just not even like the book and don't wanna read it. The kids should have a say in wether or not they want to read it.