The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Mark Twain

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The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Mark Twain

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Mar 5, 2012, 12:55 am

Chapters 1-2
At the beginning of the book, Huck says that Mark mostly told the truth in all of his stories but sometimes
"stretched" the truth. You learn about the Widow who takes care of Huck and she seems like a crazy lady. The Widow freaks out at Huck for everything and seems like a mean person. When Huck talks about the "bad place" with the Widow and her sister, he says he would want to go there for a change of scenery. No offense to the ladies but with all of their nagging and whining i would too. In the next chapter, Huck sneaks out of the house and meets up with Tom. You learn that Jim likes to stretch the truth. If you like a book with adventure you would like this book. The only down fall is that it is very hard to understand because of the language they use.