"A Long Long Sleep" By: Anna Sheehan

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"A Long Long Sleep" By: Anna Sheehan

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Mar 4, 2012, 12:02 pm

"A Long Long Sleep" pgs 100-201

After being asleep for 62 years Rose is finally woken up, but now she is in a new world, and everyone she had ever known is long gone and passed away. To make it even worse, her parents were well known and now she is being put in front of cameras. After starting school Rose has only two friends one that is incapable of speaking, and is scared of touching her, Otto. So her only way of communicating with him is messages on the computer. While her other friend Brenden, the one who found her only seem to feel like he needs to help her, not that he wants to.

My Opinion: I would find it horrible to wake up and find that your 62 years into the future you had always known. Let alone having people watch over you like hawks, when you just need some time to grieve for your friends and family. All her life she had been put to sleep only to have her parents wake her up after they were done with the vacations, or trips. She missed months and years of her life, all because her parents wanted to be there when she grew up, so they forced her into a deep sleep. I would run away, but it kind of seems as though she was brainwashed into thinking this was normal for a child, she never thought of it as wrong. I find that sad, its not the kind of life i would want to live.