When a Friend Dies

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When a Friend Dies

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Mar 3, 2012, 11:46 pm

Marilyn E. Gootman, Ed.D.
When a friend dies everybody takes it a different way, but almost everybody asks the question,"If only..?" This is normal to have this thought. "It is a way of helping you feel some control in your life at a very out-of-control time." Also, many people feel guilty or feel like their friends suicide was their fault. However, it is not their fault. "If your friend died by suicide, it was your friend's decision, not yours. You are not responsible for that decision. You could not control your friend's thoughts or actions any more than someone else can control yours." Their choice was not because of you, and if you feel like it was your fault or if you are having a hard time dealing with the death then you should talk to a trusted adult, friend, or counselor. Even if you didn't know the person you may still feel sad and have some of the same symptoms that the persons good friends are having. This is normal, but you have to learn to deal with it. Exercise, find a way to relax yourself, talk to a trusted adult, and eat healthy. It also says that drinking a glass of warm milk will help.

I like this book because it helped me deal with the loss of Andy. It offers many ideas, and it tells stories about other peoples losses. Before i read the book I felt like some of the things i was feeling weren't normal, but when i read the book i realized that it happens to everybody. I recommend this book to somebody that is dealing with the loss of a loved one, or even if you heard about something on the news and it makes you sad. This book will offer ideas and let you know how other people feel.