Box out

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Box out

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Modificato: Feb 28, 2012, 3:57 pm

Box out by John Coy
this book is about a boy that plays Jv basketball and got moved up to varsity. He is with a hole diffrent team and he is only in 10th grade. So he has alot of pressure on him. Before every game the team prays. Its not a single person prayer its a group prayer. The prayer is lead by coach. They pray for good luck on there game. They also look at the prayer as a motivation. The team is very close to eachother and they work together VERY good. The team record had won half there games and lost half there games. This book conects to me cause i play basketball. No i dont play varsity but jv practices with the group. This 10th grade boy handles his situation as getting moved up very well. He isn't cocky or anything. He just seems like a very good kid who has a good head.
(review on book basically)
The only black kid (darius) was the leading offensive player, He quit during half time of liam's first game, Darius felt dissed by the couch. The teen is secure in his Catholic faith, but fears he'll lose playing time, at least, if he rocks the coach's boat. Using the Internet to investigate and then press the separation of church and state, he indeed suffers the wrath of his coach, administration, and former teammates, so that he, too, quits the team. He and Darius are recruited to toughen up the varsity girls' team as they make their run at State. Coached by the art teacher who runs practices akin to a yoga workout and assigns poetry as well as scrimmages is a welcome change for Liam, who makes serious strides both on and off the court. The message that one must choose one's own road is certainly worthy, and the combination of basketball action, Liam's thoughtful responses to off-court issues, and the involvement-and final game-between the boys and girls will appeal to many hoops fans.

This was a great book i loved reading it. Also anyone looking to read a fast book i would suggest this its alot of pages but it goes by very fast and is pretty insperational.

Mar 2, 2012, 11:14 pm

Can you relate to any of the characters?