Heaven is for Real

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Heaven is for Real

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Feb 27, 2012, 12:47 am

Heaven is for Real
Todd Buerpo
Summary: The book is about a man name Todd, a pastor, and his wife Sonja and mostly his son Colton. At a family vacation Colton and his sister get very sick, his sister gets better but Colton stays sick so they bring him to the hospital. At the first hospital the doctors dont know what is wrong with him so they try a different one. At the next one they decide that Coltons appendix is ruptured, something that the other hospital had rules out already. After going through two surgerys Colton can come home. When they return home Colton begins to make comments about seeing Jesus and what Jesus said to him. Colton tells his parents that while he was in surgery he went to Heaven for three minutes. He tells his parents he could see what they were doing while he was in surgery. He tells them what Jesus was wearing and what he looked like. He tells them that he saw other children in Heaven too and that everyone there had wings. Todd doesnt know whether he should believe his son or not, but the things he is saying are to important to ignore.

Mar 2, 2012, 11:15 pm

How would you feel if you were in Colton's case?

Mar 3, 2012, 11:22 pm

Loved this book so much! Everybody I know that has read the book loved it! Do you like it?

Mar 5, 2012, 12:45 am

I love this book! Its really comforting and reassuring. If i was in Coltons situation, i think it would freak me out a little bit. But he takes it so casually and is so comfortable with it which makes me think that it wouldnt be as "scary" as i would imagine it to be.

Mar 5, 2012, 12:59 am

Heaven is for Real
Todd Buerpo
Summary: Colton keeps telling his dad about the things that he sees in heaven. One of them is that he met his sister who died before she was born, he can describe what she looks like and tells Colton that she cant wait to meet their parents. The dad talks about how Colton always runs out into the street and how they are afraid he will get hit by a car. His dad explains to him what can happen if he runs into the middle of the street by showing him a dead animal on the road. Colton says he isnt worried because then he would get to go to heaven. He tells them about many more experiences that that he has. He often reminds his parent about how much Jesus loves children. He decribes what heaven looks like and what the throne looks like. He tells them conversations that he had with Papa, his sister and with God and the angels. His parents hear of a family whos daughter also had visions of God. They show colton a picture that she drew of Jesus and he Colton says that it looks just like him. They had shown him other pictures of Jesus before but this is the only one that he says actually looks like him.