The Help Kathryn Stockett

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The Help Kathryn Stockett

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Feb 26, 2012, 9:36 pm

The help is based upon black maides. This book describes and tells a story of a maid or maids that lived back then when they had to go to a house everyday and only get paid a few cents and clean, cook, wait on the kids, do everything and not even eat off the same table, or use the same bathroom. One of the main maids in this story is Aibileen. She is the basic narroter of the story as well. During these first 60 pages or so... Aibileen, has to deal with abuse of words from the white women saying how poorly that the maids work and how they need to build a seperate bathroom because colored people are not supposed to be using the white peoples toilets. Now in my opion this is completly unfair. Life shouldnt be this way just because your colored or a different race. Aibileen deals with this though she keeps this all built up inside, to herself. She over heres Mrs. Leeloft talk with the other mothers that have hired Aibileen and she has heard them complain. Aibileen has to just take in and keep working because they don't have any money. People wouldn't execpt the different race. The only thing they could do was work for people. And do everything for everyone else but themselves. Aibileen gets a call to Mrs. Cela's house. She has this mansion. And she expects that Aibileen gets treated like anyone else. She expects her to eat in the kitchen with them and use the same silver ware and be apart of the family basically. Mrs. Cela will not tell her husband about having a colored maid. Aibileen thinks thats a horrible idea and feels really uncomfortable working there she dosent want to one day get caught because he comes home early or somthing from work and she is cooking and cleaning. Aibileen accepts to working at her house though. Since Cela beleives she should be treated well every friday she gets like 70 dollars. A big upgrade then what she is normally getting. Cela is shocked that someone will actually work for her and not back out like the other maids did because the house is to big and it's to much work to clean.
I think about this more and more. And relating this back to our everyday life. We don't treat other people with a different race like this. We don't treat them like an ordinary person though. We used to have seperate busses for them or drinking fountains and or bathrooms or houses or schools. It was out of control. No body should be treated just because of the way that they were created.
I know basically all the words so far in this reading. The only hard part about reading a book like this is the connections you have to make because of the way they talk and there laungage. It's werid to think that all these maids have to keep everything built up inside them, like there feelings they cant have really a say in anything. We as non colored people have a say in everutjomg we are usually the ones who have to get the last words in. Where as back then you said something and you got slapped.
This book is not only amazing and so is the moive i watched but you are able to learn a total lessson from this. The moive seems to be more clear for me then the book. Now as usual the book has added more stronger vocab and other strong things to elaberate on the litttle things unlike a short moive has to do.
So far i like the movie better then the book. I havent gotten that far in the book though.
The book i love.
I hope that i can learn some lessons from this and no matter what goes on treat people like everyone else.
Don't pick one person out of the crowd to pick on like these people (maids) were treated.
Life wasent fair for these people and we don't want to start those things today and to leave people the odd ones out.

I hope the next hunderad pages will bring more information and more to learn (:

Mar 3, 2012, 11:29 pm

My grandma just brought this movie to our house! She said that it is really good! Why do you like the movie better then the book?

Mar 4, 2012, 8:13 pm

I so far like the moive better because it explains more.. But only so far!

Mar 4, 2012, 8:32 pm

Now, Skeeter has come into the story. This is the younger girl who got raised by the maid Constantine who was everything to Skeeter. Skeeter knew everthing about Constantine, EVERYTHING and when Constantine didn't tell Skeeter something skeeter would confront her and tell her to tell me whats bother you Constantine? Constantine was basically the second mother of Skeeter. She helped boost the self confidence of Skeeter when Skeeter's mother put her down Constantine noticed the tears and helped her know that Skeeter is amazing and she will have the best future in the world. Skeeter went to get a job interview and she did get the job as being a Newspaper editor. Later the years and days went by Skeeter asked secretly to interview the maids... She wanted to know what is was like to be treated like they are everyday and what they think about the whole idea of a 'Colored Bathroom'. Of coarse the maids were afraid to say anything they wouldn't be living if they break the news of how they feel and how they are treated and if they would tell Skeeter she is white and if anyone found out life would be over for the colored people. As bad as all of this sounds we treat people like that in the world today. We don't watch what we say we don't treat them like ordinary people and we don't see them as everyday people we see them as Colored. Or other people use some other terms. Like the N word that some people use today.
Life back then again was way different then it is today. I think it's horrible that we treat people different today... Like there from some other planet that didn't exist. Life should be the same for colored then it is for us. Thats what makes me mad is when people are racist.
Anyways, Some of the maids secretly slowly started to agree and answer the questions that Skeeter would devolp and it will soon be an article and how life should really change for them. It should be the same for them as it is for us. They should have to go to a different room to eat a different bathroom or different crappy worn down homes. No one should be treated that way. They never did anything to us so why should we go back and treat them poorly? My question is why we still have less respect for people today? Words hurt and no one relizes that. This book can relate to reality in so so so so so so so so so so many ways.
This book like i think i said before is such a life lesson. It touches the heart where as you think wow i never thought of that why do we treat people like that. The way they couldnt tell how they felt.
I think that this book should be an award winning, so should the moive. And even guys should watch this moive it just isnt a feel good girl moive its an everyone moive. It will change how you think about people.

Again, about Constantine the mother just fired the maid that Skeeter had for life Skeeter will never ever have the second mother that basically raised her. Skeeter didn't see her as a "maid" it was a mother. So far in the book Skeeter has sent out letters and searched every where for Constantine and still can't find her. She is hoping that she didn't die and no one told her because that meant she never got to say good bye to someone that raised her.

I would reccomend that we read this book as a school book or future years get to read this book in school because it would show a way of slaverly and how colored people were treated and how it has some what changed today but still there are parts where we don't treat them any better.

More to come next week!! (: