The PRetty Committee Strikes Back

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The PRetty Committee Strikes Back

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Feb 24, 2012, 11:04 am

Anna Willems
The book starts off with Claire and her best friend, Layne, in CLaire's new bedroom. Claire is argueing with Layne because she won't tell the real truthful facts about why Claire's boyfriend Cam really broke up with her.
Claire tried making her boyfriend jealous and want her more by kissing another guy that is friends with Cam, although she thought it was for the right reasons. Cam saw this and broke up with Claire right away. Now Claire is waiting to hear back from her exboyfriend, cam.

Word Work-
Xerox Machine: a fancy printer that is being used by the girls in the clique. They are using it to print off fancy looking flyers to hand out.

Well-coiffied: meeaning highly concerned about outward appearences. The mothers of the girls that attend the OCD all girls school and very wealthy and coiffied. They are only concerned about their outward looks and the appearance of others around them.