24 girls in 7 days by, Alex Bradley

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24 girls in 7 days by, Alex Bradley

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Feb 20, 2012, 8:28 pm

Pages 1-100
This story is about a guy named Jack Grammer. Jack has two best friends and their names are Percy and Natalie. They have been best friends since day one. They are all seniors at City High. It is spring time and prom is rolling around. Jack has never been good with the ladies. He kissed one girl at an airport one time and that was it. He is very shy and never knows what to talk about when he is with a girl. He gets very awkward when he is faced with a girl he likes. His friends try to help him get a date for prom after he gets rejected by Pamela Brown, a girl he has liked since the beginning of high school. Jack doesn't know right away, but his friends post an ad in the school newspaper stating that if any girl wanted to go to prom with Jack that they should contact him with her information. When Jack finally realizes what they did, he gets very angry at his friends. He doesn't wanna go through with the fact that he needs help from his friends to get a date. He thinks the idea is dumb, until Percy tells him 149 girls responded to the ad. Jack couldn't believe that many girls would wanna go with him! His friends decide they need to make the list shorter because they only have 7 days until prom. They decide to do 24 girls in 7 days because it would be easiest. Jack still thinks it's a bad idea, but the girls who responded are actually cute. The dates he goes on, however, are awkward for him since he doesn't say anything hardly. One date they lit illegal fireworks off a bridge in the park. Another date they sneak in to the country club and get drunk and go swimming. One of the very first girls came to his house and they sat on the roof outside of his house and she jumped off! He wasn't sure what was wrong with some of these girls, but he was actually having fun with what his friends did for him.
This story could pretty much describe any typical teenagers life in high school. It's not always easy to ask a girl out on a date or to prom. You get rejected and you get upset, but it's a part of life. The part of his friends putting his wanting a date for prom in the school newspaper could happen too. You get humiliated sometimes but stuff happens and you just live through it and move on.

Feb 27, 2012, 5:30 pm

Pages 100-210
The book goes on with Jack getting emails from girls and him responding and going on dates with all of them. He still likes this girl "Fancypants" that keeps emailing him, but he doesn't know who she is. He wants to take her to prom but she will never tell him who she is whenever he asks. He finds out that one of the girls he went on a date with just used him to make her ex boyfriend jealous. Jack tells Natalie that he needs help with the girls and with kissing so she decides to help him, even though she has a boyfriend. Things between them get awkward after that, but they eventually get over it. The girls get more and more dramatic as prom rolls around and the closer prom gets, the more they wanna go with Jack. Jack gets overwhelmed and wants to stop, but he wants to find somebody to go with, so he sticks to it.