Heaven is for Real

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Heaven is for Real

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Feb 18, 2012, 9:48 pm

Heaven is for Real
Todd Burpo
In the small town of Imperial, Nebraska, Todd Burpo is having a tough time in life. Todd is a pastor, and he has a lot of faith in God. I think he started to test it a little bit though after he broke his leg and his ankle, had kidney stones, and was told he had breast cancer all in a small amount of time. He found out later that the cancer the doctors thought they found dissapeared. The next month when the cast was gone, and the kidney stones were no longer there, he desided he needed a break. Todd went to Greeley, Colorado to a church district board meeting. While he was at the board meeting, back home Colton felt sick. He felt freezing but he had sweat running down his forehead. They thought the trip would get canceled for sure, but Colton felt better the next morning. After the board meeting Todd was at, the family went to the Crawl-A-See-Um, out to eat, and then back to the hotel. At the hotel, Colton and his sister Cassie got really sick. They were throwing up constantly and couldn't keep food or anything down. While he was away at this meeting, back home his son, Colton, was very sick. Come to find out Colton had a ruptured appendix and needed emergency surgery. Colton wasn't doing so good, and they didn't know if he was going to make it. His dad started to get really upset with God, and asking God why he would do that to him. As time went on, Colton got better and was finally released from the hospital. The Burpo family had some huge payments from all the surgeries and wasn't sure how they were going to pay them off. As Todd and Sonja were discussing the bills, Colton came in the room. He told his father, "Dad, Jesus used Dr. O'Holleran to help fix me, you need to pay him." His dad just shook it off and thought he must now like the doctor. But this was only one of the many things Colton said that was about Jesus. A couple of weeks later Todd was preparing for a funeral and Colton asked him, "Did the man have jesus in his heart?" His dad told him that he doesn't know because he didn't know the man very well. Then Colton got worried and said," He had to have Jesus in his heart! He had to know Jesus or he can't get into heaven." This caught him by suprise, he just thought that Colton's Sunday school teacher was doing a good job. Colton didn't stop at that though, one day the family was taking a trip and his dad joked about turning to go to a hospital and Colton told them that the angels sang to him when he was in the hospital. After that Colton told many stories of him being in the hospital, from who he met in heaven, to the colors and animals he saw, and even what Jesus looked like.

This book is one of the best books i have ever read! There is never a boring part in this book! Hearing about all the different things in heaven makes my faith so much stronger! The things Colton says about his visits to heaven are all similar to what the bible says about heaven. I recommend this book to everybody, because I think everybody should know about God! Reading this book has helped me accept the fact that Andy is gone too. I can now accept the fact that he is no longer on earth but he is in an AMAZING place in Heaven. There is no need to worry because God is taking good care of him. The theme to this book is that, Heaven IS Real!

Feb 26, 2012, 11:34 pm

Heaven is for real
Todd Burpo
Colton continues telling his parents about things that he saw up in Heaven. Colton's father likes to ask him a bunch of questions about Heaven to see if he is lying or not, but when he realizes that he isn't lying he asks him more questions to find out what Heaven is really like. One of the questions that his dad asks him is, "Colton, which side of God's throne was Jesus sitting on?" and Colton replied, "Well, pretend like you're in God's throne. Jesus sat right there."he said, pointing to my right side. That is exactly what the bible says to. That Jesus sits at the right hand of God the father almighty. Colton always expresses the fact that God loves his children, and one day when there is a rainbow outside, but it never rained for there to be a rainbow. His mother, Sonja, calls him over too look at it. Colton tells her, "I prayed for that yesterday." They are shocked that he said that but yet Colton has been saying many weird things like that. Colton's dad called him downstairs one day to show him a picture of the way he remembered Pop looking and Colton didn't reognize the picture, but Colton had told his dad that he saw Pop in Heaven. Colton said, "Dad, nobody's old in heaven, and nobody wears glasses." That statement got his dad thinking about what Pop did look like then, if he didn't look like himself. He called his mom and asked for a picture of Pop when he was younger. When he received the picture in the mail he showed it to Colton and Colton automatically recognized him. Another strange thing that Colton tells his dad is that he could see his dad fighting in a war when he is dead. He said that there is going to be a war between Heaven and hell. He says that everybody in Heaven will fight accept for the moms and the kids, but all of the men will fight. Colton tells his dad that he doesn't have to worry though because Heaven wins in the end. The family decides to tell their story for all to hear. When they tell their story at their church and in different places somebody heared about their story and emailed Colton's dad a story about a girl named Akiane. She grew up in an atheist house, so she never heard about God. At the age of four she started telling her mom about her visits to heaven and at the age of six she started drawing pictures that were inspirations from above. They were amazing paintings of what Jesus looked like and other things. Colton's father had asked him many times while looking at pictures of Jesus if that is what he looked like, and every time there was something wrong with the pictures. Until he saw Akiane's picture. When he was asked by his dad if that was the picture Colton said, "This one's right."

This book is an amazing book and i recommend it to anyone, because everybody should know about God. When you read this book it gets you thinking about Heaven a lot more, and it really makes you question things. Everybody has their own opinion, but i think that Heaven is real, and i believe what Colton says in this book is true. This book was by far one of my favorite books and i think everybody should read it at least once! Again, the theme to this book is that Heaven IS real!