
ConversazioniReading American Literature

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Feb 17, 2012, 8:52 am

Peter Benchley pgs 180-280: When the police go out into the ocean they spot an eiry shadow lurking in the water. They dont think anything of it but when the shadow attacks the boat from the bottom up and splits the boat in 2 they are tossed around like rag dolls. Only 1 man survived the attack of jaws all the rest were took off the boat and attacked by jaws. The last man alive took his harpoon and shot it at jaws in the head 3 times but it didnt fase the enormous creature at all. The last man alive took a propane tank and threw it in jaws mouth. When the shark bit down on the tank it blew up and exploded jaws into a million pieces. If i was in this situation i would do the same thing because i would want to live and that was one of the best things you could do at the time. GOOD THINKING!!

Feb 17, 2012, 2:55 pm

What would you do if you had to face a shark?