"Twilight" Stephenie Meyer

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"Twilight" Stephenie Meyer

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Feb 13, 2012, 10:52 am

Stephenie Myer
Pages: 0-100
This book is the book that got me to start reading I like this book for many different reasons because it is really descriptive and you can picture the whole book. I started to read this book for the first time before the movie came out.
When Bella moves with her dad, she didn’t know if she would like it but it seems like she liked it pretty well. When she had to sit next to Edward and he acted like the way he acted she didn’t know what was wrong with her. She has always felt like an outcast already and he does this to her. Bella is confused when he then comes back after being gone for a week and talks to her and acts like nothing is wrong. But I would be to if I was in this situation.

Feb 17, 2012, 2:56 pm

What would you do in Bella's situation?