how lucky you can be

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how lucky you can be

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Gen 29, 2012, 2:51 pm

The book that i am reading is called how lucky you can be. It is very interesting because of the events that happen in this mans life. Now this man is not any man he coaches for a division one school and he coaches basketball. He gets into a really bad car accsident and almost dies because he lost both his legs and lost alot of blood. As the story goes on it tells how stron he is and what his new life is like. He can't coach basketball anymore but he still oves to go and watch his team play. To this day he is still oving and still supports his basketball team and will never forget them.

I think this book really shows how much you should value life because you only get one oppurtunity to live and i think you should take full advantage of it. This book really shows the true importance of life and talent. It is a God given talent so i would not waste it. This boook also shows how to be strong when something tragic happens in peoples life. You would have to look at all the other people in the world and see how bad there lives are. I thin kpeople should also give themselves a second chance because there is always someone out there who cares for you even if you do not know them or have not met them yet.